Control Your Synths With Quick Controls | Cubase Secrets with Dom

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hello everyone in this video i'm going to show you how you can set up mid-remote to control your sims for real-time control and for performance let's get started [Music] with cubase 12 and the new media remote now we're able to control pretty much any plugin in cubase set up our favorite assignments our favorite controls two controllers that transmit cc messages and have them be recalled every single time we load this specific plugin so of course this is extremely useful when it comes to synthesizers and what i'm going to do today is i'm going to show you how you can start setting up your synths inside cubase so that you have the most useful parameters at your fingertips so the first thing that you need to do is decide which controller you want to use for controlling your sims and what i'm going to show you is how i've set up a controller that doesn't come with a pre-made script in cubase 12. so if i open my midi remote here you can see i have my monogram cc here this is a controller that transmits cc messages and as you can see here what i've done is i've assigned this knobs to transmit cc messages that control the quick controls in cubase because what we're going to do is we're going to use the quick controls to control the most important parameters of our sims so once you've done this all you need to do is load up your synth in my case i'm using retrolog but i'm going to show you how you can use it for third-party plugins as well and what you need to do is click on this qc button right here now once we click on this we will reveal the quick controls most of the times these will be pre-assigned to something but for this tutorial i'm going to show you how you can start assigning them from scratch so what i've done is i've hit reset here so we can do this together so these knobs correspond to these eight controllers that i've assigned to my quick controls so let's say i want to get retrolog ready for real-time control for production for performance for all these things so let me show you how quickly we can come up with a great template what i'm going to do here is i'm going to click learn and the first parameter that i want to assign is of course the filter so i'm going to just move the filter a little bit and this parameter is now assigned to my quick control one i'm going to move on to the next one and i'm going to assign this to resonance the third one i'm going to assign to my envelope amount the fourth one to my attack then my decay sustain and release and the last one i'm going to assign to one parameter that i know i'm always using when i'm using retrolog and this is the distortion so now that i've assigned all this i can just disengage learn this is very important and now i can control all of these with my quick controls right here so if i start playing i have control over the filter the resonance [Music] envelope amount and now i can tweak the attack decay sustain and release [Music] and if i want to tweak my distortion as well i can go here to my distortion which is quick control 8. and i can start controlling all those useful parameters they're right there at my fingertips now the great thing is every time i load retrolog from now on i will have this pre-mapped so i don't have to do this every single time and this is the beauty of the quick controls in cubase 12 in conjunction with the midi remote you set them up once and you're good to go so for example right here i have patch up and patch up has very different controls because it's a different synth it's a granular synthesizer so now if i start playing so in this case i'm going to open quick controls and you can see that they're already pre-assigned but we have two layers for patch up so you might want to change some assignments maybe you want to go here and instead of having the attack for the amplitude envelope i can have the format for example and for this one same thing maybe we can change the spreads for the spectral oscillator so you can really shape the controls for each synth that you're using [Music] and this also works with third-party plugins as well for example in this case i have model 84 by softube and i've pre-mapped this and i'm trying to be consistent with the controls i'm assigning for my sims so again i have the same exact structure my filter resonance envelope [Music] attack decay sustain release and for this one i have the chorus mode for quick control 8. [Music] so as you can see midi controlling cubase makes controlling your sims a breeze it's so easy everything is laid down for you so you can immediately load a scene start controlling and have fun you can really enjoy producing rather than figuring out where every control is i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you found it useful and i'll see you the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 13,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Music production, Cubase 12, MIDI remote, Control plugins, Control synthesizer, Music production synthesizer, Cc messages, Quick controls Cubase quick controls, Retrologue, cubase daw, cubase production, dom sigalas, cubase workflow
Id: GbypqpdtOFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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