How to send a PDF for eSignature with Foxit PDF Editor

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Streamline eSigning workflows and eliminate the painful process of printing, signing, scanning, and emailing signed contracts. Foxit PDF Editor's integration with Foxit eSign, enables secure, digital esign workflows in only a few minutes. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to send your agreements for eSignature without leaving Foxit PDF Editor. First, open the document you want to get electronically signed with Foxit PDF Editor. This is a service contract that needs to be signed by a customer. Go to the Foxit eSign tab and select "Request Signature". Your document now gets uploaded to Foxit eSign. Foxit PDF Editor opens a new tab named "Request Signature", where you are represented with the Foxit eSign UI. Here you have the option to add more documents. If you don't want that, click "Next" to get to the next step "Add Signers". We want to send the invitation in a sequential signing order, meaning a party will get the invitation right after the previous party has signed the contract. Check the box next to "Enforce Signing Sequence" to "Yes" to enable this option. Add the signers' email addresses once the sender option is set up. First, add yours, followed by the other party's email address. If an email is already registered on the platform, it will show up as an option. If not, you need to add it as a new signer by clicking "Add new". Now that you have added all the recipients' email addresses, let's set up their roles. Foxit eSign, by default, will set up all recipients to "Fill Out Fields and Sign". However, there are other role options to choose from. I will keep "Fill Out Fields and Sign". Click over "Save and next" to go to the next step "Prepare Document". Here, you can add signature fields, data entry fields, and advanced fields to complete the document. Start by selecting the first recipient from the top-left dropdown menu and choose "Signature Field". Then, drag, and drop it to where you want the first person to sign. Repeat the same process for the second signer. Go to the next step by clicking over "Send". You can now adjust your email invitation and once you're ready, hit the "Send" button. Since you are the first one in the signing sequence, you are requested to sign the contract before it gets sent to the co-signer. Click "Next" to start the signing process. Apply your eSignature, and click "Finish" when you're done. You can see the envelope timeline in the panel on the right-hand side. Another way to check the status is to click on “Document Status” under the Foxit eSign tab. Once all signers have completed the signature process, they will receive an email with the signed contract. And now it’s your turn — Edit and esign documents right within Foxit PDF Editor.
Channel: Foxit
Views: 16,042
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Keywords: How to send PDFs for eSign in Foxit PDF editor, sending pdfs for esign, How to share PDfs for esign in Foxit PDF Editor, esigning in Foxit eSign, send for esign, esign, sign documents online, sign contract online, esigning contracts, electronic signature, how to send pdf file for signature, electronic signature pdf, electronic signature app, pdf signature validation, pdf signature, how to send a pdf for signature, signature in pdf file, request esign, esignature, how to sign pdf
Id: 9V9vBeZJklM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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