How to Scale Your Business Using OKRs | Vishen Lakhiani

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[Music] yesterday when I was walking around at the Bollywood party did you guys notice that big wall where everybody wrote my vision is my vision is my vision is and if you if you read the visions that were there all of those visions were really about serving humanity like I didn't see anything anyone who wrote like my vision is to make a million bucks in the next one month now there's nothing wrong with that but what I saw is that a lot of people wrote my vision is to spread happiness around the world my vision is to open us to awaken consciousness my vision is to create a healthier world my vision is to transform parenting fantastic but all of that is way too fluffy how many personal growth people or cultures or companies or humanity plus businesses do you hear who have great intentions but fail on execution and because they fail on execution these great intentions these beautiful visions don't actually come true in the world what if what if we could adopt ideas from companies like Intel from companies like Google companies that are incredibly great at execution and apply these two visions that actually transform the planet now the people in this room are transformers you guys I don't mean like robots that turn into cars I mean you guys are people who are awakening the planet you guys run humanity plus businesses and there are some major entrepreneurs in this room there guys here who have started multiple Silicon Valley companies did a woman here who have sold a company recently for a hundred million now what if we could adopt these execute execution ideas from great companies like Intel and Google so that whatever is your current dream or your next dream you could like execute it with with deliberate speed so we're gonna talk about how to magnify your personal and business vision with okay ours now okay our stand for objective and key results and I'm gonna give you an idea of why we want to do this because these are the big questions that emerge within us when we start hearing the message of having a bold vision great Elon Musk has a bold vision men like Larry Page of Google has a bold vision but when we try doing it often these these barriers come up the first is how do we get bold with our ideas without appearing fluffy okay great you want to create conscious parenting in the world awesome what's your next step sometimes the visions are so bold that the next step isn't immediately obvious and therefore it becomes fluffy fluffy visions aren't gonna get you investors they aren't gonna get people joining your team so how do we be bold without being fluffy the second how do we avoid the dark side of bold visions which is where you're so singularly obsessed with that vision that the rest of your life breaks down third how do you make your peers your teammates if you run the company how do you make your team understand your vision so many entrepreneurs have this mistake the visions are in their head and I was there as well but the team doesn't see the vision because they haven't made it clear to the team any if you listened to the recent mine valley podcast episode with Cameron Harrell right incredible episode now he spoke about this he spoke about how so many business leaders so many entrepreneurs have a vision that is clear to them and they just assume that it's clear to everyone else it isn't and so there's a lot of unnecessary work happening in a company which is not focused towards the vision another question is how do I ensure I'm working on the right thing for the vision okay so you want to raise the level of consciousness in parenting across the world great applause what are you supposed to be doing this week and that's a big gap that many of us have so there's this gap between the bold vision and what the hell do I do today that prevents us from truly bringing our gifts to the world okay are so designed to bridge that gap in a very effective session so what I'm doing is I'm combining lots of ideas from these books all of these books have something in common they talk about bold visions and the power of vision but they also go into execution so measure what matters is the definitive book on okay ours take a picture of this or write this down because I strongly recommend you read book powerful by Patti McCord she was the woman who wrote the culture deck for Netflix and she talks about how this concept of creating bold visions that that make people feel powerful is the way that automatically creates healthy company culture forget perks forget terms like them like empowerment if you give people bold visions to pursue you let them exercise their power and they become more loyal to their organization this is why as I mentioned earlier SpaceX is considered the number one company in Silicon Valley for engineers to work for the contest is bold vision if you're working for SpaceX holy you are powerful you're making mankind and interplanetary species great people want missions like that number the third book is called in the Plex it's a great story of Google and how Google formed as a company Google is a beautifully unique company because they are they they they created the Google search engine but now Google as a company has evolved into alphabet a larger company and alphabet is looking at everything from providing free internet across the world to self-driving cars to contact lenses that help that that help you detect diabetes it's incredible the stuff that they are pursuing and in the Plex gives you a peek behind the mind of Larry Page and Larry Page popularized okay ours so okay are started at Intel it moved to Google and Larry Page added his own version of of leadership - okay ours and that's what we're gonna be talking about finally vivid vision that's by Cameron Harold Cameron Harrell is a phenomenal CEO he's known as the CEO whisperer so if you wanna read the book for sure but if you wanna hear Cameron Harrell go into vivid visions as a form of leadership as a tool to align your vision in your head with your team listen to the recent episode with Cameron Harrell and the mind valley podcast now this training applies whether you are a CEO founder team leader or team member ceos raise your hand please awesome lots of CEOs in the room fantastic founders raise your hand awesome lots of company team leaders raise your hand this means you are working for a company but you're leading a team awesome you're gonna find this so useful team members raise your hand any team members okay so if has tends to be a very high level crowd so there's a lot of people at the higher levels of organizations which is why this presentation is gonna be so relevant to you so the art and science of okay ours okay ours are not just a science there's an art to it as well a philosophical art which is why I love this model so much and do you guys recognize Andrea Gibbs so andreas and a Fester she came to a fest in Sardinia and Andrea is one of the top people at Intel she won the Intel Achievement Award for being one of their point one percent employee she was one she was part of the team of ten people that invented the smart television so Andre I invited me to come to Intel I got a tour of this incredible company and a lot of respect to Intel the book on ok ours came from Intel see that guy with the fancy 60s mustache there Andy Grove he was an amazing CEO he made the cover of Time magazine and he turned Intel into one of the most recognizable companies of in the world he helped create the Information Age and he did it with this concept called ok are so I was really proud to be able to visit Intel see how this company works and to understand how ok ours emerge from Intel and then what happened is it seeped into Google because an X Intel leader by the name of John John dour had left Intel started and in that a VC company he was one of the early investors in Google and he introduced ok ours to Google John dour also wrote the book measure what matters the definitive guide on ok are so I strongly recommend if you like this presentation and you want to go super deep read that book too now ok us help create a long-term vision with a short-term direction so you have a long-term vision but now you know what you need to work on today and therefore you are so much more efficient and you're able to execute in this vision in baby steps that eventually predictably get you there so here's a quick definition okay so long term typically we think of it as strategic goal setting it's about knowing where you're going short term is about everyday tasks and projects it's about doing the right thing versus being busy one of the biggest things I notice when I sometimes sit down with people in mine Valley who complained that they did they are busy and and firstly this this is a common thing it's often it's because either the failure came from my part or from the manager who was reporting to me there wasn't a clear vision of where we are going and so people were doing random things that were not aligned but when we switched to the okay our model alignment happens and what suddenly happens is people now know the right thing to do so it's about doing the right thing versus being busy and okay our trickle down to every single person in our company so it starts with the top it goes down to different divisions it goes down to every single individual every single individual has their okay ours now okay ours were popularized in Google Google used okay ours to basically become one of the greatest companies in the world and okay ours like they're designed in such a way where they are aspirational truly aspirational but they let you know what you need to do directly today to get to that aspirational okay are there's a story about Google in the book in the Plex that shares this concept so basically Google acquired YouTube and the team at Google got together and they came up with a big goal for YouTube it was almost like a 10-year goal and that goal was someday we are gonna stream 1 billion hours of programming on YouTube in a single 24-hour span that is an OK R so it's an objective a primary objective now did they achieve that in that first year nope they failed in the second year they failed in the third year they failed in the fourth year but in year 7 they actually hit 1 billion hour streamed but you see that goal that vision drove the team to focus like a laser on everything every little scientific tweak that was needed on you you to make it the dominant TV platform in the world they figured out how to scale up their service so they could deliver a billion hours they figured out how to write the right algorithms so that people wouldn't watch a video and bail they would stay on YouTube they figured out how to translate YouTube to different languages because to get to a billion hours it's not just about the US but about the entire world that single objective trickle down to everybody in YouTube and they became one of the most successful technological innovations in our world and so Google really popularized this okay our concept so it was invented by Andy Grove popularized by Google and it's different from management by objectives anybody here heard of MBOs management by objectives okay so it's very different for management by objectives we might go into the differences later but now let's go into how do we go from your bold vision to your execution okay now the first thing is if you're running a company CEOs founders or if you're running a team you start with an aspirational core purpose so a lot of people confuse mission vision core purpose Cameron Harrell says it very simply he says forget mission forget vision they all people toss around those words and people have different definitions focus on just one why do you do what you do call that your core purpose that's your mission and your vision all bundled into one why are you doing what you're doing so if you look I took this photo yesterday you can see that a lot of people here wrote down my vision is to increase the energy vibration my vision is to help people who help people grow my vision is to give my energy freely to those who need it my vision is to love the people my vision is to unify humanity by crossing cultural barriers fantastic but if that is really your vision and that's really important to you how are you gonna execute on it so our vision used to be fluffy our vision at MindValley our core a core purpose used to be to help spread enlightened ideas awesome I could start a blog and start blogging and great I'm spreading enlightened ideas big can deal that was a mistake I had that for about 10 years and I wish a good mentor had sat me down and said vision vision you're going about this all wrong and like shook me till I adopted okay off you'll probably be double the size we are right now but this is our core purpose right now to create the biggest rise in human consciousness our species has ever experienced by 2038 through the transformation of spirituality politics education work in parenting really specific from that I know I have 20 years so you know pressure that we literally are talking about creating the biggest rise in human transformation right simply setting up a blog isn't gonna do that the biggest rice n that we're looking at these five pillars which means I got to start figuring out how to reform global politics how to reform global spirituality how to reform education and work and parenting and start finding the right people and the right experts but it's still only a core purpose it doesn't tell me what I need to do today so there's another step and that second step is you break your core purpose down into aspirational objectives now in the course of this presentation I'm gonna give you time to go deep and then emerge with your core purpose but before we get there so I hope you guys have your journals I want to break down the process for you so you see the next and next the next step okay so you have this big core purpose now you break it down to aspirational objectives now aspirational means to to inspire people to get people excited about their work here is how we break down our core purpose which is this into an aspirational objective so I'm actually openly sharing mine values business plan with you feel free to take what you want feel free to emulate it because look if we want to create the biggest rise in global consciousness we need allies you see anything here you like and you want to solve this for us go ahead make it part of your company's mission because we win together okay so we break it down into five primary objectives and the objectives are this number one scale to a billion users thus far they've been less than ten companies the world that have gotten a billion users Facebook Instagram whatsapp all owned by Zuckerberg are three of those companies YouTube is another one we want to scale to a billion users number two we want to create a platform to accelerate human transformation number three we want to make organizations which we define as schools and companies into an oasis of wellness because today work extracts from us work makes a sicker we want to change that we want to create a global tribe of changemakers by the way that has to do with you and fifth we want to turn mine valley into a love marker love mark is a but a particular type of brand that has such a a a resonance with its customers that people are tattooing it on their skin so we're gonna go deeper because these five things are aspirational but again they don't really tell you if you're on the right track they don't really tell you what to do today however what they do is they help us they help us break up a grand a grand core purpose into five steps ok so now we go deeper you take those five objectives and you break it down into measurable key results this is really the essence of ok our core purpose leads to objective leads to key result so let's look at scale to a billion people debt itself is too fluffy but when we break it down into these five key results that we are aiming to hit by 2038 it now becomes crystal clear we need a billion user accounts on the system we need to reach 200 monthly active users in a given month that's huge linkedin has a hundred and forty million we want to hit 200 million we want to grow from three languages to a hundred languages we want to grow our reach from five million to 500 million and we want to attain 50 million paying students annually who bring in five billion in revenue so you see now it's super specific it's bold its ambitious we have no idea how to get there but that's the point your job isn't to look at where you are right now and then figure out based on my knowledge based on what I have right now I should be here that's a way of setting goals rather you got a look at where you could be set that as the goal and then trust that intuition that the right people that the right opportunities come to you that you're going to study you're gonna learn you're gonna develop the skills the connections you're gonna work your freakin ass off but you're gonna get to that goal you do not need to know the how you simply at this point need to know the why and the what the how is gonna come with the right okay ours so we have these five goals and we have some idea on how to get to 1 billion users for example we are launching an app platform that allows us to create world-class apps in every category we want faster than the competition so that's one of our house but ultimately the thing that pushes us forward is scaling to a billion users being the same size as a company like YouTube or Facebook but for transformation okay now here's another example create a platform to accelerate human transformation it's a primary objective but it's fluffy until you break it down and we break it down into these three things so attain quest completion rates from 60% to 80% maintain an NPS of 70 develop a data-driven dynamic curriculum for upgrading the human experience now we break it down and we define this to our engineers so as long as I engineer so it may be unclear to you but as long as that engineers know what we mean by data-driven dynamic curriculum to upgrade the human experience we can move in the right path so you're gonna go through the same process you're gonna start with a core purpose you're gonna break it down into five objectives primary objectives you're gonna further break it down into key results now let's look at number three make organizations and oasis of wellness it sounds fluffy until you add the two key results we want MindValley to be embedded in 100 national schooling systems and number two we want to be in every fortune 500 company in the world okay now what you do is as you break it down you will line this across all your teams so you have your company-wide ok ours and that is what your leadership team what your founding team is obsessed with but you break it down into individual teams so mine Valley's ok ours give a direction to everybody in our core team but we take those five elements and we break them down further for individual teams so for example our global create a global tribe of changemakers that particular OKR which is okay are number four which is really the act of creating change makers here through events like mine Valley University City campus and a pass we take that and we break that down further and we have a team that's dedicated directly to that a global campus Division so they have their okay ours now let's and I'll show you what those look like so create a global tribe of changemakers is broken out into these four steps so what it means is connect three hundred thousand students globally this includes these are people like you retain ninety nine percent of our members each year by making the MindValley community an essential part of lives turn members and to changemakers you can see that we haven't figured out how to measure that yet so we put measurable to be set develop a mine Valley campus in ten thousand cities with a hundred and twenty thousand events annually including talks meetups and masterminds that's coming mind Valley is gonna be in ten thousand different cities good news is when you hop in that plane and fly back know that within a few years there will be MindValley meetups in your hometown and we're gonna be working with you to bring it there so these become four really powerful key results that the Global Campus team is working on now how does that now translate to someone's day-to-day responsibilities so we take the Global Campus team which is a which is a merger of actually four different teams let's look at Miriam's role right so you have the Global Campus Division now that is broken into authors campus events membership with a leader in charge of each Miriam kadhi Laura Agatha and now you look at authors and that's further broken down into Miriam's okay are so you see you don't have one set of all chaos for the company you have company-wide this breaks down into teams and this breaks down into an individual okay are so for authors it looks like this now you can see how what's becoming day-to-day the 20-year goal is broken down into a one-year goal key results for Jan 1st 2020 and that's broken down into key results for Jan 1st 2019 which is what Miriam has to execute in the next 60 days so you can see she has to sign 10 new quest authors super measurable super specific she has to move mine valley into two new mega knishes one will be parenting we've already decided we have to get 25 authors on a podcast 24 authors filmed for mentorship and for 2019 she know she has to complete a parenting deal and bring on 7 new podcast authors it's super super super specific imagine if everybody in your company had this level of clarity now you get to focus like a laser on what truly matters knowing that what you focus on moves upwards to a team okay are moves upwards to a company or kr and directly contributes to your core purpose everybody get this you guys excited to go further remember the snapping thing okay so here's how okay our scalp teams right communication hub everyone has transparent visibility into everyone's contribution and impact so all our okay ours we use a web platform called seven geese seven geese calm it lets you put everybody's okay ours on one giant engine and everybody can see everyone else's okay ours this philosophy actually started at Google I was talking to a friend of mine who works at Google he opened up his Google app internally for employees and he said who do you know at Google and I mentioned the name and instantly he's able to look at and show me what exactly they are working on right so everyone can see everyone else's ok ours now when you know someone's ok ours as a leader you can coach team leads can coach their team members on how to best contribute to business success coaching is very important Google did a study and they found that the best leaders the quality that made them best leaders is that they were coaches they were coaching people and helping educate people to get better third value alignment focus everybody can see how their contributions are valued and aligned to each other and the cool thing about this is every now and then as you do yes you will realize that there are certain people on a team who are doing jobs which are no longer needed when you have okrs as a philosophy you can eliminate those tasks it doesn't mean eliminating the person you would simply move them onto a role that is more aligned with the core purpose everyone get this and number for collaboration cross-functional team collaboration now is brought to light and opportunities are highlighted teams now can see when they have when they are contributing to a OKR that's across multiple teams and they can collaborate better so even event like AFS is actually not put on by one team you have Laura who is running our events team but there are three or four other teams which are collaborating on FS in unique ways and everybody can see that alignment this is how we're able to execute on incredibly complex projects such as the 30 day university which is essentially a vest but spanning one entire month 4,100 people now this is what happens when you bring in okrs these are the big benefits and a lot of these come from measure what matters first focus and commit everybody now has focus everybody commits to their goals so that focus and that commitment make you a more efficient organization number two alignment this is the best part everyone is aligned to everyone else this is a really beautiful example from the book measure what matters right so what you're seeing over here is an example of an okay are from a team that's looking to win the Superbowl so the primary objective is win Super Bowl and that is the head coach's primary objective and he has three key results the first one is passing attack a mass as 300-plus yards per game the second one is defense allows fewer than 17 points per game and the third one is special team units ranked in top three in punt return coverage now you don't have to know American football I have no freakin idea what that means I wish Americans who wrote books would pick a game that's more friendly to the rest of the world like basketball or tennis Oh monopoly so now you have these three key results right now the head coach knows that he needs three people on his team to pursue each of these key results and notice the head coach's key result becomes the objective of each of the three people on his team so he hires an offensive coach whose objective is really the same as head coach key result number one generate 300 yards per game passing attack and that gets broken down into three steps can you guys see the elegance in this okay does everybody get this process okay so immediately you see a beauty here if you are leading a team and you know what your three objectives are now the people on your team each of them are working on one objective and they further take that and they break it down into three now nasha what matters John dower says you always pick between three and five that's the sweet spot if you go through fewer than three maybe you need to push yourself to think of a third one if you go more than five you've missed the point you're lacking focus three to five is the sweet spot okay so this way you're now creating teams which are super aligned like ridiculously super aligned then everybody knows what their goals are so let's look at the defensive coach he's working on the head coaches okay are to which his defense allows fewer than 17 points per game now the defensive coach takes that makes that his objective sticks it in this wall or somewhere and breaks it down into his three key results allow fewer than 100 rushing yards per game increased number of seeks to three plus per game develop a Pro Bowl cornerback whatever the hell that means right and now he can execute on that and maybe he might raise his hand and say hey I need a person working on my key result number three because I'm I'm otherwise I'm gonna miss the mark and that's acceptable to this is how healthy teams get built now now the the next tip is you want to stretch for amazing this was a very important thing introduced by Larry Page so Larry is the founder of Google a lot of people think that Google was started by Larry Page and Sergey Brin but if you read the book in the Plex what it says is that Larry Page was really the primary founder Sergey Brin was a great supporter but Larry Page was that visionary Larry Page and I went to the same University the University of Michigan we both went to the same computer engineering school and he was about four years more senior than me so he never crossed paths but Larry Page in in the book in the Plex speaks about how he learned to dream big it was a course a summer program he took at Michigan called leadership I took that same summer program when I was 19 years old so I know what he's talking about it's a summer program that creates leaders who dream really big and Larry Page credits leadership with changing the way he thinks about the world I went through the same program and I can tell you it also gave me that that concept of big vision now Larry Page enacted this rule in Google in all of your okrs 50% of your okrs must be so so bold that you don't know if you're gonna succeed so it looks like this there are two types of okrs committed and aspirational in Google 50% of ok ours must be aspirational an aspirational means these ok ours are so big so forward-thinking that you have a 50% chance of failure we adopted the same thing in mind valley so let's first talk about the difference because you're gonna do this when you write down your company or chaos this is how you have a realistic business plan but you're also pushing and stretching to do what might be massively big goals that are gonna inspire and and capture the imagination of people so committed objectives are tied to Google's metrics product releases booking hiring customers managers set them at the company level employees at the department level in general these committed objectives such as sales and revenue goals are to be achieved in full within a set time period those are committed objectives in mind valley a committed adept objective is run a fast valley generate X number of tech it's X number of Revenue X NPS score that's it it's a committed objective the team knows that they do this every year and these are the objectives that they have to hit however if we were just doing a fest every year we eventually as a company would stagnate we wouldn't be growing so we set an aspirational objective and that is mine Valley University City campus so this is an aspirational objective they reflect bigger picture higher risk more future tilting ideas they originate from any tier and aim to mobilize the entire organization by definition they are challenging to achieve failures at an average rate of 40% a part of Google's territory so Google actually fails on 40% of its aspirational objective I mean you'll remember Google Wave if it failed Google social network Google+ totally failed but at the same time Google gave us Gmail Google gave us YouTube right if you are afraid to fail you aren't gonna make radical innovation when we started MindValley University City campus Laura and khadi who were collaborating with me to bring the sport this was a crazy idea and there was a strong possibility of failure you know and actually in mine Valley I can tell you it's around the same statistic roughly 40% of our crazy ideas fail but if we weren't taking that risk to create crazy ideas knowing that it's acceptable to fail we wouldn't be innovating and that's a really important lesson so you want aspirational objectives in the mix 50% of your ok ours must be aspirational that's how we are able to create mine Valley City campus that's how we're able to create these really bold things like the quest app because failure becomes acceptable failure becomes safe in the company ok us make failure safe and as we go deeper you're gonna see why now the final thing is track for accountability how do you track a person's movement towards an OK R because you want to create an organization that's accountable so this is what it looks like this is a sample tracking sheet from measure what matters right so an important thing about okay ours how do you make failure safe do not tie okay ours to compensation or bonuses you completely separate them you see as soon as you tell your people that you're okay are that they are bonus or their comp is tied to their okay are what are they gonna do they're gonna set achievable goals you're gonna create pressure and so even at Google and Intel you're okay ours are not tied to your comp because they want people to stretch they want people to risk and failure shouldn't mean that you get demoted or that your salary gets cut you want to make failure safe so a really fascinating concept of okay are and this is how it's so different from the older school management by objective is that your people rate themselves you do not grade them they grade themselves on how they achieve their okay our so let's look at this example right so let's say you have four different salespeople and all of them had an okay are to bring in ten new customers this month now you can see all of them have graded themselves and they've written a self-assessment in the progress bar one person hits seventy percent which means he brought in seven customers one hit a hundred percent which means ten customers one hit eighty percent one hit ninety percent and they grade themselves on a scale of zero to one now notice look at the first line the guy who brought in ten new customers sorry the guy whose goal was to bring in ten new customers but he only brought in seven or seventy percent he gave himself 0.9 score and he explained why due to a slump in the market the okiya was significantly tougher to achieved than I thought a seven new customers represent an exceptionally good effort and outcome so he gave himself a point nine right and you allowing people to do that now look at the guy who actually hit a hundred percent that's row number two you would think he'd give himself a 1.0 but no he gave himself a point seven and he said when I reached the objective only eight weeks into the quarter I realized I'd set the okay are too low he was giving himself a lower score because he realized he had set a goal that was too small that's a brilliant person you want people like that number three bringing you ten new customers he hit 80% so he brought in how many eight he gave himself a point six and unusually low score and what he said is when I signed eight new customers it was more luck than hard work one customer brought in five other behind her beautifully honest look at the final guy he hit 90 percent so he brought in nine customers he only gave himself a point five do I manage to land nine new customers I discovered seven would bring in little revenue again honesty see when you give people the opportunity to self assess if they lie they are lying to themselves because they are grading themselves and so they be they're more honest they are willing to take risks because they know that they are being rewarded for their overall character by the ability to dream big knowing that sometimes when you dream big you I never to be gonna fail and knowing that their salary isn't gonna be docked their bonus isn't gonna be taking taken away you're making failure safe does everybody get this now let me ask you a question look at that if you could hire one of these four people who would you hire one two three or four anyone who would hire person number one person number two person number three person number four so again okay so there is no right answer but notice the majority of people said they would hire person number two and so you can see that even if you are the founder or the CEO you still get a sense of how people are doing right and so it doesn't mean that because people are self-scoring themselves that you have no way of figuring out who are your potential future leaders now here's how to get started so we're gonna take you to an exercise where you're gonna discover your core purpose then you're gonna write the overall objective then you're gonna go into the key result this is what goes into a great ok are so so stretch targets that work for you 70% or more 70% of more means met expectations so when you set an objective for example one of our objectives is be in a hundred schooling systems as long as we hit 70% which is us which is 70 schooling systems that's considered a green the 70% rule comes google google says in in to the employees you don't have to hit a hundred percent as long as you hit 70 percent you give yourself a point seven and that's considered a green light if it's below if it's between 0.5 and 0.7 it might be a yellow light if it's if it's below 0.5 it's a red light okay so 70 percent is already considered healthy so again you're not forcing people to directly hit the goal you're forcing people to get as close as they can if you ask them to directly hit a goal you hijack the creative process because now people have to start figuring out they data's not getting obsessed with data science and research to figure out what that exact goal would be when the world is so unpredictable so you make it 70 percent every objective has a corresponding key result okay so you guys get this there's a baseline measurement to move away from or towards so what this means is sometimes you're okay ours are not about hitting a particular number it's about moving away from something so maybe you have a 20 percent refund rate on your product you want to move away from that to a 5 percent refund rate that becomes an objective and finally things that you can measure maybe revenue growth performance quality or engagement these are all 5 great things to measure about any business process now let's go back to the mind valley or chaos and let's use this as an example look at number 2 create a platform to accelerate human transformation ok so this breaks down into these four measurable key results and this becomes the guiding pose for our team that's filming authors our team that's building technology and our team that is designing programs all of these teams are collaborating to create to hit those numbers now notice they are there were 4 ok ours there the magic is really 3 to 5 so when you do this exercise you want to pick between 3 to 5 do not go beyond 5 you'd have to merge one or cannot remove one and do not go below three it means you want pushing yourself to really go deeper now here's an example of how to write down your okrs so you can see the difference between week average and strong ok let's look at the first one right Winley in d5 hundred key result increase lap speed key result reduced pitstop time you can see why that's weak because you could reduce pitstop time by making people do a shoddy job and what if your race car driver is is going around a bend and a tire flies off because at the pitstop someone forgot to add an extra crew screw because they were looking at reducing pitstop time so that is a weak set of okrs because they are not holistic so you go to number to win the Indy 500 increase average lap speed by 2% you see that super specific reduce average pitstop time by one second again super specific but you go for to the strong list and you add key results that also take into account quality so you see reduce pitstop errors by 50% not just reduced pitstop time by one second reduce speed and reduce errors now there's no risk of your racecar driver going around that bend and having that tire fly out because you've created wholistic okay ours everybody got this so you're gonna look at not just targets but not just measures of targets or quantity but measures of quality so defining your core purpose let's go with let's start here this is the mind valley core purpose to create the biggest rise in human consciousness our species has ever experienced by twenty to thirty eight through the transformation of spirituality politics education work and parenting now what I I want you to do is to is to actually work with me and define your core purpose and then we're gonna focus on executing towards your core purpose with okay ours okay so I want you all right now to take out your journal I want you to start thinking about your core purpose why is it that you do what you do why does your company exist why do you exist what is that core purpose try to put it down in one line and don't worry if it seems fluffy at first because later we're going to go into objectives and key results and we're gonna give it more more tangibility we're gonna give it more straw sure but right now I'm gonna give you five minutes because most of you have already thought about your core purpose I simply want you to reflect on what you've learned right now and see if there's anything else you want to add to that core purpose to make it more tangible so you can put your pens down now and I'd love to have some micronus in the room would anybody like to share what they wrote down as their core purpose hello I wrote down my core my core purpose is to heal the world via music via love via money via hope and I also worked on my mission cuz I trying to make sure that they were linked I guess my mission is to inspire people to live life on purpose pursue their dreams and achieve financial freedom okay so if you pull up Cameron Harold's advice you don't need a core purpose and a mission just merge it into one otherwise it gets confusing Cameron Harold actually says that we often confuse our team by having a core purpose a vision a mission fricking just merge it all together into one okay and I want to tell you that I can get us into CPS so let's talk about CPS Chicago Oh fantastic thank you so that's a really good core purpose because if you add it your mission to it you can see it's giving it a little bit more more like like solidity right another example my name is David and I put sorry where are you David I can't oh there you are David Wichman and I put two combined virtual reality and transformational tools together to assist humanity and teach breathing meditation and healing in immersive environments that's the new Cygnus compassion that's beautiful generate next go on hello I'm Matthew I run a health club in Melbourne and my core purpose is to evolve our beautiful space for people to flourish in their true nature okay evolve a beautiful space of people to flourish in true nature in their true nature in their true nature okay so that one I would say you need to make it a little bit more definitive you need to define a couple of things there now here's why this is important one of the biggest secrets to getting people to join your company to getting allies to getting the right business partners according to Cameron Harrell is to get clear on that core purpose and then be public about it but if your core purpose is only something that you understand like when you set nature do you mean human nature or like environmental nature it's not clear if your core purpose is only something that you understand you can't make it public if you go to the mind valley website careers MindValley comm you'll see that we're very open about our core purpose and when you are open about it people who align with it can now submit a resume they can decide if they want to partner with you in our case authors who are aligned with it know whether they want to work with us or not work with us so yes hi I'm here great we are in solar energy so this is what I wrote Connect investor capital with human talent ultimately aiming and managing global resources with respect and gratitude okay that that's good I think it can get better and we're going to explore how we can make it better later but that that is a good first step next so and my core purpose is to co-create communities that are in balance with nature by upgrading the global business culture scape and investing in the infrastructure that supports our well-being okay fluffy because when you say infrastructure that supports our well-being what are you talking about are you talking about physical spaces are you talking about medical infrastructure yeah I was I was having some challenges because I have an immediate next step that I know I'm built right I'm just launching this business now so I know over the next year's like what are the programs that I'm launching but the business changes in three to five years in my mind right where there's physical infrastructure in three to five years and within the next three that's awesome now you're getting clear and now we have the same problem when we said create the biggest rise in human consciousness by 2038 some people were like well what what exactly do you mean by human consciousness so we had to define it and get more specific right it means transforming education transforming work transforming spirituality transforming parenting and then if you go into the key results it explains how how that that happens so sometimes by adding a little bone layers to it you make it more concrete but a good a good try core purpose should be something that the world can understand so you're not using internal business language your language unique to you you have to use language that people understand and you can make it a little bit longer you can you can add points like we did we consciousness raising consciousness means transforming these particular levels of human society let's take one last one sorry Simon froze Angeles so I got a Nokia hello yes and okay are from my business is to be a key contributor to humanity's interplanetary travel with the American Martian space program by 2025 phenomenal that's very clear now you can see anyone who is fascinated by that knows that they want to ally with you right so that's clear now thank you let's go on to some rules for for okay so what you did was to call purpose next from the core purpose we're going to break it down into okay ours so these are some of the key rules for okay ours that John dower and and I took John Dowers ideas and I added some of my own and some from some other thought leaders and these are the rules for okrs I want you to pay attention to so when you go into the next step of the exercise which is taking core purpose and turning it into okay ours these are the things you want to pay attention the first is less is more what's the magic number three to five right second measurable with no debate what this means is when you go down to your key results anybody should be able to conclude whether that key result is successful or not so you won't say improve the quality of a customer service how do you know like how do you measure that but you can say improve the quality of a customer service so a nice reply agent score goes up from 83% to 97% that's directly measurable don't get obsessed by how you measure it as long as you can measure a dimension of customer service you can move towards the game now third self scoring with 0.7% green so let's look at that earlier example right you want to go from 83% customer score to 97% customer score that is what that's 14 points increase now if you have a 12 point increase that's 7 that's within 70% your team still gets the green light so this is the the model that Google uses sometimes if you you there's no way to get super specific because you don't know what global situations or what exponential technological change the world is so unpredictable right now but as long as you can get 70% of the way there it's a green light so you can look back at this example and you can see that in this in this table which I showed you earlier you can see that the different people in your team are scoring themselves from 0 to 1.0 and as long as they are getting 70 percent of the way there they are giving themselves a green light but even if they got a red light it doesn't mean that they are a failure it doesn't mean that you sacked them right because you're looking at a self-assessment someone who sets a really bold goal may end up with with a score of 0.2 because the gold was bold but those people are the innovators you need in an organization to take you to new levels now this one is really interesting 50 50 up and down here's what this means right so let's say I'm setting ok ours with um with with khadi who runs mine Valley University City campus kadhi are you in the room right now stand up kadhi if you're here okay she's not but let's say I was setting all chaos with kadhi who runs mine value niversity City campus right 50% of the ok RS come from the top which means comes from me because she reports to me 50% comes from her and her team 50/50 the okay our shouldn't all come from the bottom because then you have misalignment and they shouldn't all come from the top because then you don't have buy-in so we call this the 50/50 rule it's just a rough measure 50% top 50% down now number 5 means stay flexible things are always going to change you may set ok ours for a year and in quarter one you realize that that particular app isn't going to be successful what do you do well you scrap it and you move on to something else ok ours require you to stay flexible companies like Google are lean and flexible six teams a line so here's how we do that right every team they create their ok ours on Google Docs and we stick it into a shared Google Drive folder so there's no it's free anybody can use this everyone everyone every individual can see every team's ok are there's one simple okay our folder for the entire company there's a Google Doc for a company-wide ok ours a Google Doc for a global campus a Google Doc for a quest app a Google Doc for technology every team can see each other's Google Docs and everybody has common access which means Jason from one team can look at another team's Google Doc and go hey you know I'm questioning this and he can highlight it and leave a little comment and another person from the team can go and reply to that comment within your first day at MindValley as long as you have a mind email address you can access all our google docs on ok ours and you can actually add a comment and question something or or seek clarification on something this forces everybody including myself to be accountable so this morning I was looking at one of our ok our Docs and I saw that Jason Campbell whom he met yesterday had written a comment questioning something phenomenal my job is to resolve that and all of this is free if you're using Google Docs how many of you here use Google Docs right Google didn't just give us ok us they accidentally gave us one of the best ways to manage them which is Google Docs if you want to fancy a solution what we use is and e7 geese is an HR solution that actually allows all the companies to see not just the team or chaos but the individual okay ours now number seven is think big and dare to fail remember the 50% structural half of your okay ours should be so aspirational that there's a 50% chance of failure so half of mine valleys ok ours we actually know that it's a coin flip we may win we may lose but it gives us permission to play big number eight okay ours are a tool not a weapon and what this means is you cannot use okay ours to punish people to take away a bonus to promote okay ours are not designed for that okay is designed to be a tool for clarity for alignment for getting your company to pursue ball things not a weapon for controlling people and number nine okay ours have to be holistic so remember one of the questions we face this how do we present prevent singular obsession with a goal how do we prevent becoming like Elon Musk incredibly obsessed with a goal to the point where our own help might break down well one of the things we do at mine valley is we create a holistic type of okay our every individual should have five okay ours three to five but at least one of them has to be a personal goal related to their transformation so for example in my executive team my CHR Oh Ezekiel one of his okay ours is too so he's a mixed martial arts fighter so one of his okay ass relates to mixed martial arts I'll sue who is my product manager she has a ok are related to holotropic breathwork kshitij who is here at AFS he's a CRO chief revenue officer he has an okay are related to completing his EMBA program my okay are is training for the Spartan Race so all of us have an okay art that's directly related to our transformation if you do not do this what happens is you create unhealthy obsession with pure business aspects at the expense of humaneness at the expense of your body your mind your help and that can create Nass dysfunction studies now show that health in a company health well-being mindfulness has some of the highest correlations with people actually achieving sustainable results if you watch the recent impact Theory interview that appeared yesterday actually on impact theory but on Bill you so tom bill you brought me back on impact theory and we debated tom bill you believes in hustle I think hustle is I think balance flow structure is how you attain success so we disagreed there respectfully but I think a big problem with business today is this this idea that it's all about hard work it's about busting your your your butt on a hundred and twenty hours a week of work to me that creates extreme dysfunction and so I tell people who join mine Valley look if you have to work more than 50 hours on your job you're probably too stupid to work here and they get the message and everyone we actually invest a crazy amount of time ensuring that they are achieving they're helpful so for example the average man that joins mine Valley in the first year will lose about five kilograms and by year two is often like has a serious gym like like a serious gym practice or as training for a Spartan Race the same happens to many woman and the reason is because healthy people create healthy cultures and healthy cultures are going to help you achieve your goal better so who holistic okay ours are really important now the final one is does it help you structure does your OPR help you understand how to organize your company how to organize divisions when we started doing okay now something really interesting happened we realized that certain divisions and teams in the company did not have to exist we eliminated those teams and got everyone different jobs we also found out that certain teams had to be broken apart because they're okay ours were too different so for example when we had a customer support team duo chaos we realized that we needed to break them into two teams one team focused on support one team focused on customer experience because the okay ours were very different and the skills needed in the leaders were different so okay ours will actually help you create a more scientific organized structured system for your business you know who to hire who you need to move to a different location what departments you need to break apart or merge it really is a beautiful system okay so these are the rules I want you to remember now you've created your your core purpose now you want to take your core purpose and define a set of primary objectives three to five primary objectives to help you get to your core purpose now what goes and a good primary objective here are a couple of tips okay in the objective you want to add the reason why you do what you do every day you want to challenge you want to challenge yourself to stretch your capabilities you want to align to a parent objective here's an example of good objectives versus bad objectives okay so a good objective is launch an awesome Minimum Viable Product app or objective is double users because what if you're doubling from five to ten that's insignificant a good objective is close around of financing for over 1 million a poor objective is sales numbers are up 40% because you can push sales numbers up but what if that's also causing a drop in quality so you need that balance another poor objective is raise a Series A or five million what the hell does that does that mean anyway so you want to be able to to make sure that your objectives actually mean something here are some tips for objectives take just three to five more can lead to overextended teams avoid expressions that don't push for new achievement so a mistake people make is keep hiring as an objective a maintain customer support scores at 50% maintain market product position that's BS don't do that because it leads to stagnation rather than growth third use expressions that convey endpoints and states example climb the mountain eat five pies ship feature why as long as you've defined what feature y is and finally use tangible objectives and unambiguous terms it should be obvious to an observer whether or not an objective has been achieved and most importantly 50 percent stretch so you want to make sure that 50 percent of your objectives are Scholz okay so you've set your core purpose now you're gonna go from core purpose to objective now remember your five objectives as I shared with you four MindValley don't have to be measurable yeah you are simply setting up five ways you're taking your core purpose and breaking it down into greater definition so our core purpose raise the consciousness of humanity our first objective is hit 1 billion users on a platform a second objective is build the world's most transform strength transformational learning platform a third objective is is is something along the lines of Quetta tribe of changemakers so we are getting it more specific from these objectives you're gonna go deeper into the measureable key results but we'll do that later right now you're simply going from a core purpose and identifying your five primary objectives these are the objectives that will align the entire company and if you work for a company in a particular division you're gonna do this for your division and I guarantee you this is gonna make you such a freakin powerful leader ok you guys ready and I want you to look at your core purpose and now ask yourself what are three to five objectives I can hit and you're gonna choose a timeline that that's meaningful for you no less than three years no more than twenty three to twenty the reason we picked three to 20 Bill Gates once said all of us have a tendency to overestimate what we can do in one year and underestimate what we can do in three so pick three to twenty years what are five three to five objectives you can hit that will help you attain your core purpose I see you okay so mine is an online travel booking site and my core purpose is to create a shot a strong shift in human consciousness through transformative travel experiences in the areas of crystal growth spirituality 11 relationships entrepreneurship cultural immersion and contribution and music wellness festivals and a couple of my okay ours are to create a user friendly tech platform to book transformative travel experiences and flights to accelerate human transformation okay so that works and Evan you're next okay our to scale to 100 million users okay that works so great so I like it so the first one talks about quality user experience right and later when you go to the key results you're gonna define how to measure user experience and your second one is scaled to 100 million users that's phenomenal and later when you go to key results you're gonna define what is a user and what are some stepping stones to get you there so those are perfect examples congratulations please give her a round of applause in here next okay Jeremy Blount name of my company is stitches for life the purpose of our company is to create a global ripple of unity by teaching and inspiring people to transform their lives through personal development in spirituality psychological emotional and emotional healing two of my okrs or create a platform of holistic personal development and to create local learning environments globally okay so create local learning environments globally can you define that better basically is to duplicate what the company is in other places I see so so it just needs some clarity okay and again remember what you're creating now is your list of three to five primary object tips you don't have to add immeasurable yet right but you still want to make sure that it's easy to understand because your staff has to understand this your partners have to understand this a great principle of okay ours is to make it public some of you might remember that Elon Musk wrote two really fascinating blog posts and it was called and this was for Tesla and what he was really doing was making his okrs public he didn't call them okay ours the post was called Tesla world domination plan and Tesla world domination plan part 2 right and he basically broke down Tesla's plan to to move mankind to alternative fuel and he wrote down step by step what he was intending to do he was gonna start with a high-end sports car to make electric cars cool and sexy again then he's gonna gradually drop the price then he's gonna create a battery factory then he's gonna drop the price of batteries then he's gonna let other people copy the battery technology so other car companies could incorporate those batteries he literally broke it down and why do you think Tesla right now has this hugely some people say inflated stock because people are buying into his vision so even on the stock market because they so loved the vision they are aligned with the vision because it's okay ours a public now Tesla is being rewarded by the attention of the world so this is why you want to make sure that these five primary objectives right are so easy to understand and if you can make them aspirational make them aspirational like one of us is turn work into an oasis of well turn turn organizations into an oasis of wellness now when we put that on our website we will actually explain what this means is to make work a phenomenon where you actually get healthier in the companies that are fueled by MindValley so you can expand but you want to make them really really really easy to understand and aspirational they should excite the world if possible anyone else yeah I actually had to rewrite mine but the core purpose would be to transform our culture of individualism and encourage collaboration on a personal level to remove isolation and this connection okay that's great that's great now that was your call purpose that was cool okay now what are the one or two objectives that you need to hit to get you there so I want to grow personal empathy and I want to change the culture of individualism okay those are too vague if I can be honest because you said you want to grow personal empathy but that's not specific enough how are you growing personal empathy because you can do that for one person and hey is it mission accomplished how are you how would you grow personal empathy how can you make that more tangible I guess I could ask add on a larger scale some specification of what it means to have empathy you could you could develop a platform for training people on empathy you could develop a school with X number of students on devoted to empathy you could bring together the world's leading scientists on empathy right so there are many ways you can make it a little bit more tangible but if you just say grow personal empathy it's hard to understand what particular focus you're going through right so remember an OK R is not a big hairy audacious goal like Microsoft's a big hairy audacious goal was put a desk top to put a computer on every desktop Google's big hairy audacious goal is is give human beings access to all the world's information that's a big hairy audacious call that's not in ok are right and ok R has to be something that's a little bit more concrete you're you're taking your core purpose and your core purpose your core purpose can be related to your be Haag your big hairy audacious goal but your ok are your primary objectives have to be the three to five things that you need to pull off in the next three to twenty years to get you to that core purpose so it has to be a little bit more tangible like ours is really tangible get a billion people onto our platform build the best learning technology in the world so that is a lot more tangible we know we're not saying build the best learning in the world we are saying learning technology so we know what field we are playing in so you just want to add a little bit more like solidity to that everyone clear on this okay next question hello Tarek I'm in the recruiting and talent industry our purpose the name of my company's higher vibe and our core purpose is to transform work culture to honor the human spirit and innovation by 2030 through our transformational talent recruiting service I like that very well would it thank you you want to be the ultimate source of conscious we want to be able to mister source for hiring conscious self-aware okay so that is core purpose or objective that's okay so as far as key objectives unleash 1000 inspired candidates into fulfilling work by 2020 where their values and genius is honored awesome that's super clear next train when each train 100 HR leaders in the higher vibe way okay and deliver 100 beautiful hiring experiencing using next-generation technology such as AI and Alexa okay perfect perfect so now you're getting you're getting a little bit more clearer right let's go back to your first primary objective so so observe how it breaks down go go to your first primary objective unleash 100 inspire candidates into fulfilling work okay so at least 100 inspired candidates into fulfilling work so that's the first primary objective right now when tarik goes to the key results he has to make that really measurable and the key results so release 1000 inspired candidates how many years are you giving yourself for that three years okay that's great now in our case what we do is when we do the key results we're looking one year ahead so you might break that down into multiple key results and you're gonna do this later the first key result must be in year one deadline Jan 1st 2020 place 200 inspired leaders and then the second key result might lead to a definition what do you mean by an inspired leader so maybe it might be develop a road map or a programming guide to define and train inspired leadership a third one might be write a book on what it means to be an inspired leader you're breaking it down okay tell me that objective again say it in your words unleash 1000 inspired candidates it's a fulfilling work by 2020 where their values and genius are honor awesome awesome so another key result there might be bring on 100 companies onto the platform who are seeking candidates and then another one might be define a way to identify the right companies who provide fulfilling work okay so so you're gonna break that down further and so your team knows exactly what they need to do one year from now now we take it further we will then go go go there and we will create a quarterly set of key results so you can follow whatever methodology we you like I like the quarterly sets of results but can you guys see how Taric score purpose becomes an objective becomes key results everybody about that I'm not saying it's easy and I bet you still have questions that's why we have put information out on our podcast I'm recommending a book list to you but if you can nail this guy's you can really accelerate execution in your business let's get one more example micronus okay I'm Gary Romanick and it's a software company and our core purpose would improve upon the value of presentations or no matter the attendee or the presenter through functionality and innovation okay ours would be become synonymous with presentations no matter the content or the objective and launch fund and launch our of our educational foundation for support of disadvantaged children globally okay awesome awesome launch and say that last one again launch in front of fund and launched okay of the educational foundation to support disadvantaged children globally perfect okay so that's a really good objective now in the next exercise and this time you're gonna get twenty minutes you're gonna pick one or two of your objectives so however many you can get to and you're gonna break that down into three to five key results so I want to do an example here tell me your name again your your winner Gary I want to do an example here but Gary so you want to launch an educational foundation right what would be a key result for this next one year so that you know you're on the right path to launching this educational foundation it'd be the platform to be have the platform successful enough to be able to fund it for so we'd have the cash flow to be able to support the foundation okay that's fake what is the platform what is the cash flow would you have a cash flow target for this year yes okay what is the cash flow target cash flow target for or 2019 is 2.5 million perfect okay so now is that per per annum up a month per annum but animal okay your year-end run rate got it so you have the you have the primary objective and what you're doing next is you're adding a measurable key result attained 2.5 million in annual cash flow so we can fund this and we can fund initiative X okay do you guys get that because what you're gonna do now is you're gonna take your objective and you're gonna create measurable key results now thank you Gary you can sit down now to give you an example I wanna just openly share my okay ours for myself as an author because I want you to know this doesn't just apply if you have a company so I have a company but also on my own I'm an author published by penguin Random House and so I have a team and they run the okrs provision as an author so these are what those okay ours look like so you can see the first one is create vision lock eonni sprang as one of the most recognizable in personal growth space number two hit four million followers on social media so these are like these are basically like three year okay ours number three make vision desirable partner co-creator and personal growth and space number four launched a penguin book for company culture that's the book I have coming out with penguin so those are four okrs now let's look at how those break down so these four are really the four primary objectives but each of these would break down to a key result so we're gonna look at the social media one right and that is hit four million followers let's see how that breaks down into a key result cuz you're gonna do the same exercise okay so remember hit four million followers on Facebook is a good objective for an author it means I have visibility for my book but how do we get there this is the next slide so four million followers on social media this is what my team has to focus on for Jan first twenty twenty and then Jan 1st 2019 you can see by Jan 1st 2020 we want to be at 2 million 1 million and then we break it down further two million Facebook 1 million Instagram 1 million YouTube for the podcast again we are super specific hit 3 million downloads in the podcast with top performing episodes featuring vision and not an event talk now saying 1 million YouTube followers is super measurable because YouTube has a subscribe button if people are clicking subscribe that's a follower right now notice how we go from jan 1st 2020 to jan 1st 2019 we set the goal for 2019 this year we want to have 800 K followers across social media we want to plan though you see number 3 plan the YT series show efficient we want to start planning the youtube series show that I'm launching however that I can tell you is a lousy key result because you should never add plan because I mean you can sit down for one hour scribble a bunch of stuff on a journal and say hey I finished planning so even sometimes in our okrs we make mistakes number two you have consistent posting on medium LinkedIn and YouTube that would be weak except that we add a 2x a week minimum so now there's definition and number four hit a total of 1 million downloads in the podcast and have vision content repurposed in every platform that has one floor with it it doesn't define every platform see a key result must be non-debatable is every platform Instagram Facebook in YouTube doesn't include Twitter does it include medium what exactly do we mean by every platform it's not 100% non-debatable so we would have to add in brackets what we mean by every platform do you guys get this so if you're an author this would be an example of how you would give direction to your social media team so your social media team now knows exactly what they need to do and in fact this is a pretty good set of key results that you could use for any company if you're leveraging social media so again feel free to copy it and and if you become one of my fan or followers awesome you help me get there so this is what you're gonna do next you're going to take a big objectives such as hit 4 million followers on social media and break it down into key result now here are some tips for developing your key results determine around 3 to 5 that's number one number two your key results must Express measurable milestones which I've achieved will directly advance the objective number 3 key results should describe outcomes not activities if the OKR includes words like consult help analyze participate they are describing activities instead describe the impact of these activities example publish customer service satisfaction levels by March 7 rather then assess customer service satisfaction and number for measurable milestones should include evidence of completion and this evidence should be available credible easily discoverable what this means is that your team should be able to see how they are doing so they should be able to go to your YouTube account and see the number of followers you've gotten or maybe you're using google analytics and they can see log in and they can see how many visitors they are getting to the website the evidence must be there for everyone to see so here's an example of what it looks like when you put it all together let's say you have an objective that says customers consistently find our products useful as an objective alone that doesn't mean squat unless you also add key result one two and three which would be eighty percent of customers consistently find a product useful true whatever survey mechanism you are using 50% of new users return after two weeks now see you're starting to define useful and three churn rate which means customers leaving you is under 2% this quarter so you see how something that is aspirational customers consistently find our products useful still has to be broken down into non-debatable key results but just supremely measurable everybody got that this is your next step so I'm gonna give you 20 minutes to pick one or two or three objectives and we're gonna go deeper in them actually sorry I'm gonna give you ten minutes and then we're gonna come back and share and remember this is an exercise that you are gonna go have to go deeper in on your own if you want to go far with this so I'll also assign some homework for you okay so ten minutes go ahead pick one or two objectives and break them down into anywhere from three to five key results each and I'll keep that example up for your use so now if you've done this exercise right you should have and please some greater clarity on your core purpose followed by objectives to help you get there followed by greater clarity on the key results to drive towards these objectives I'm gonna put up that slide feel free to take a photo that's a really good checklist that you can run so take a photo of that and I want you to just run what you wrote down against that checklist when you have time over lunch okay now we're gonna do some sharing micron is get ready and if you can now share an objective and one or two key results towards that objective raise your hand micronus go ahead and pick the people you um so my purpose is to unify humanity by crossing cultural barriers with art music and one of my okay ours was three to five staff that helped alleviate all the things I have to do and so I can be an artist to create content to unify humanity and like I deleted that to a manager to handle strategic strategic mission aligned partnership to manage a team of people who support social media content creation and distribution a quote general who respects the sacred integrity of our artistry but also has business development skills to scale impact media and content creation team who release one newsletter every high stakes so so I'm glad you brought that up today you brought that example up so that's that actually works pretty well you have an objective which is to grow the team by three people right and then you broke each of those roles down into an individual cube result that's fantastic you can do that one of the other ways you can do it is to to figure out what is the end goal like why do you want this three people what are they hoping to get you towards and then make that the objective instead and so your hiring is simply just something that corresponds to your key results so you may be some my my critique there's that you may be chasing a mean skull rather than the end goal what if you don't need these three people what if there's a software that will take that would replace one of these roles right or what if there is one person who's just super freaking genius so again you may be looking to means rather than looking towards the end goal and this is why if you're setting an objective you want to think at least three years ahead you see this is not this this will immediately fail the three years ahead test because you could hire those people in one year and if it's taking you three years to hire those people then something is wrong with your hiring strategy so I would say that you are thinking right you're planning but this is more a sub set of objectives for whoever is in your HR division but it wouldn't be one of your your company-wide objectives make sense thank you okay next hello where are you oh there you are so my name is Moe and I have an e-commerce makeup company organic and my objective is a customer satisfaction rating of 90 percent and a lower return rate and my subsets are 90% with a five-star aggregate among follow-up emails so all 90% of follow-up emails will have a phenomenal will have a return rate of less than 3% across all of our sales platform optional and 60% of returning customers after 60 days great that's a fantastic example it's super clear super measurable right and it's something that that is is a slightly longer term goal it's probably not gonna take you one year maybe you will so sometimes you can set a key result for three years and hey if you achieve it in one year that's great but you don't want to set your primary objective to be something that's achievable too soon because then it means you're not stretching yourself enough cool next stand up please I'm and so my core objective core purpose sorry was to improve our customers health by create anis education and exciting healthy food so my objectives one of my key objectives was to be listed in every review in Singapore as number one for the top healthy restaurants and breakdown of that is adding for editors a month - our PR mailing list sending one information updates and email er once a month to do one tasting session invite quarterly to the mailing list and to grow to over 5,000 followers on our Instagram account by 2019 phenomenal those are really good key results but your objective did have one thing that I would question you said every publication how would your team know what is classified under every publication right so you may need to get clearer there but otherwise you did that perfectly you had your primary objective and you broke that down into four measureable key results which will give clarity to your team awesome job thank you please applause next no I hi my name is jihad so my core purpose is to forward the world of peace and unity by ending religious by ending religious wars and conflicts okay that's a massive core purpose the objective the first objective main accurate i see is by spreading spiritual enlightenment to the mainstream and liberating people from religious dogma okay and the way i see that is through creating program that tells stories of religions that can really awaken people to this to the to the essence of spirituality that is behind them got it so that's your first key result correct a platform to create stories or religion better how do you measure it so remember a key result as it saves over there has to be numerically measured so a program that is online that is accessible by millions of people that becomes a mainstream classic to teach people about these specific topics of religion and spirituality okay so it's an online program it's a bad key result I'm just being honest here if you want to create an online program to elevate people's religious views to the next level that's doable but but you said accessible by a million people the problem is a million people can access it doesn't mean they're actually going to be watching it you want to measure the number of users and then is this free or people paying you for it right so you could say 1 million users paying $10 a month with an 80 percent completion rate you have to get that specific otherwise you you won't know if you're winning III haven't got right so you want to get more specific it's a noble goal now the other thing is if you said you want to end religious wars is that really too big an an an objective because because that's changing the course of human history right and if you want to do that you probably can't settle for a million people you'd probably need five billion people on that I truly believe so because I come from the Middle East where I see that every day it's where I grew up but I also was lucky enough to be to be liberated from that and it's so much in my heart to feel it's possible to end and it is our duty to do so completely agree completely agree but if your objective becomes if your objective becomes too big you create a credibility gap okay and you cannot suggest that ending religious wars will come with this one platform even if you got five billion people on that platform are you a hundred percent sure that that would prevent future religious wars so the problem that may be happening there is that you may be confusing your big hairy audacious goal with the the the primary objective right so you may need to take a step down a bit and that step down could be train a million people on worldcentric religion that's the objective that's the company-wide objective one a key result for that might be get a million users on platform X by this date ensure an 80 percent completion rate from the users who stopped the program measure the the true self assessment score our users will centric tendencies towards the spiritual beliefs you got to break it down a little bit more to be tangible okay but it's a noble goal please give your heart around of a point next so my objective is to formalize our standard in psychometric testing as the framework for AI and human beings could you say that again so we develop psychometric testing okay as a psychological framework for the cyber kinetic integration of human beings and AI so we would like to formalize that as the standard and so okay so there's your core purpose no that's our objective okay and then the first thing is have no idea what that means so your objective has to be remembered design your objectives so the public can understand what what it is well it's just sit the standing psychometric testing so at the mind we're overhauling basically machine understanding of a profile of a human being okay so notice even the way you're explaining it to me you're hesitating and their thumbs and their pauses and I'm meeting this as compassionate criticism but you need to get crystal clear the public doesn't know what psychometric testing is some of the public may not even know what a is you're getting too complex it's it's very different to say what you're saying versus say having an objective that says get a billion users on to the platform it's easy to understand so let's just explain it now in your own words but my advice to you is you gotta go maybe work with someone who's a writer and get it more more structured so explain it now in your own words as the objective okay but what if our objective is not external honest obviously it's attacked it is the finalization of technology yeah so at the moment we've developed the daya technology which is just basically a deception analyst reasoning engine okay you still completely lost me so what I want to urge you to do what I want you to urge you to do is maybe at this af-s sit down with a few people run them through your objectives and ask them do you understand this and then as you get the feedback tweak it and tweak it and tweak it till it becomes something that's really crystal clear and don't worry what you are experiencing is something that a lot of visionaries have because when you're such a visionary especially if you're working in such as AI you will see things that other people don't even understand are happening in the world but the downside of that is sometimes it's harder to explain so what I'd say is let's not go into the key results because if we don't fully understand the objective the key results are relevant but right now what I want you to work on is to find people here whom you connect with and ask them that ask them if they truly understand what you're writing down so you can make it crystal clear is that cool well there's any writers in the room who would thanks what's your name Aaron Cargill anybody who can help her Aaron feel free to go up to him and we'll take one more example over here so I wrote so I'm starting with the core purpose of to elevate humanity to a mental and physical well-being by getting people to embody and align their inner and outer lives through somatic intelligence bodywork impacting wellness performance and satisfaction and families communities and corporations ok is that too long it's kind of too long okay I don't have but again if you put on it here's the other reason why right you're mumbling yes you say that yeah your your your mumbling is you say that so we're losing a couple of words but don't worry if it's written down I'm sure we'll be able to understand it okay now my okay are one of them to integrate the somatic intelligence knowledge into wellness programs in Fortune 500 companies reducing reducing attrition and health problems by 40% amazing that's a great objective into so so hen lizra she's one of our speakers by the way she's saying she wants to integrate somatic intelligence in fortune 100 companies to rid - to increase the well-being of employees that's a great objective now what would be a key result that would contribute there you want one give me you give me to develop and test a wellness program that reduces attrition and stress within with a minimum of 90% success rate amazing very measurable notice numerically measured partner with ten fortune 500 companies within one year perfect perfect again numerically measured starts with a verb the end result is a series of tasks on says how do I know I achieved my outcome how will I know I've been successful super simple partner with 100 companies by the end of the year okay so that that's great please give Han lizra a round of applause so so final tips know that this is an ongoing process and as we go through a fest we will go deeper I'll come back to this and we'll fine-tune and fine-tune and fine-tune definitely read the book measure what matters of all the books I listed out measure what matters is probably the the top book I would recommend for okay ours and in measure what matters you know one of the things that John dower says is sometimes the right key results surfaces weeks or months after a goal is put into play okay are so inherently works in progress not Commandments chiseled in stone you're not writing down the Ten Commandments here so everything you write down you notice even my OKR says I put them up there I pointed out some flow us that I have to go back with my team and fix and it's gonna be the same for you you go back to okay hours typically it could take up to six months to one year for your company to fully get tight on your okay ours but by asking the right questions does this bring clarity is this easy to understand does this allow me to know what me as a team leader need to do this quarter you slowly get better and better and better at it but overall I can tell you this has been a system that has been transformative for what's at mind Bali so I'm excited to introduce it to you so thank you hope you guys like this and don't forget to go back and go deep with these okay ours and then one more thing I want to suggest when you guys have these okay us ready be public about them put them on your website share them on the AFS tried and you never know the right okay arts will attract the right people to you they will make your mission more tangible they will bring you the right partners the right investors the right employees you want to be public about your chaos and that is really the secret that people like like Elon must do to get so many people aligned with the Tesla and the SpaceX vision thank you guys [Applause]
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 68,408
Rating: 4.884726 out of 5
Keywords: vishen lakhiani, vishen lakhiani impact theory, vishen lakhiani milo, vishen lakhiani nestle, vishen lakhiani ted talk, be inspired vishen lakhiani, united nations, united nations general assembly, united nations live, united nations speech, united nations speech donald trump, what is the united nations, aiesec, aiesec way, world unity, world unity day, world unity festival, world unity songs, world unity statue, ted talk, tedx talk
Id: ObUus0naBYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 20sec (5780 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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