The Secret to Scaling Up Your Business | Vishen Lakhiani

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why are you doing what you're doing if you're running a company CEOs founders or if you're running a team you start with an aspirational core purpose so a lot of people confuse mission vision core purpose Cameron Harrell says it very simply he says forget mission forget vision they all people toss around those words and people have different definitions focus on just one why do you do what you do call that your core purpose that's your mission and your vision all bundled into one I took this photo yesterday you can see that a lot of people here wrote down my vision is to increase the energy vibration my vision is to help people who help people grow my vision is to give my energy freely to those who need it my vision is to love the people my vision is to unify humanity by crossing cultural barriers fantastic but if that is really your vision and that's really important to you how are you gonna execute on it so our vision used to be fluffy our vision at mind Ally I call a core purpose used to be to help spread enlightened ideas awesome I could start a blog and start blogging and great I'm spreading enlightened ideas big freaking deal that was a mistake I had that for about ten years and I wish a good mentor had sat me down and said vision vision you're going about this all wrong and like shook me till I adopted okay art will probably be double the size we are right now but this is our core purpose right now to create the biggest rise in human consciousness our species has ever experienced by 2038 through the transformation of spirituality politics education work in parenting really specific from that I know I have 20 years so you know pressure that we literally are talking about creating the biggest rise in human transformation right simply setting up a blog isn't gonna do that the biggest rice n that we're looking at these five pillars which means I got to start figuring out how to reform global politics how to reform global spirituality how to reform education and work and parenting and start finding the right people and the right experts but it's still only a core purpose it doesn't tell me what I need to do today so there's another step and that second step is you break your core purpose down into aspirational objectives now in the course of this presentation I'm gonna give you time to go deep and then emerge with your core purpose but before we get there so I hope you guys have your journals I want to break down the process for you so you see the next the next the next step okay so you have this big core purpose now you break it down to aspirational objectives now aspirational means to to inspire people to get people excited about their work here is how we break down our core purpose which is this into an aspirational objective so I'm actually openly sharing mine values business plan with you feel free to take what you want feel free to emulate it because look if we want to create the biggest rise in global consciousness we need allies you see anything here you like and you want to solve this for us go ahead make it part of your company's mission because we win together okay so we break it down into five primary objectives and the objectives are this number one scale to a billion users thus far they've been less than ten companies in the world that have gotten a billion users Facebook Instagram whatsapp all owned by Zuckerberg are three of those companies YouTube is another one we want to scale to a billion users number two we want to create a platform to accelerate human transformation number three we want to make organizations which we define as schools and companies into an oasis of wellness because today work extracts from us work makes a sicker we want to change that we want to create a global tribe of changemakers by the way that has to do with you and fifth we want to turn mine valley into a love mark a love mark is a but a particular type of brand that has such a a a resonance with its customers that people are tattooing it on their skin so we're gonna go deeper because these five things are aspirational but again they don't really tell you if you're on the right track they don't really tell you what to do today however what they do is they help us they help us break up a grand a grand core purpose into five steps okay so now we go deeper you take those five objectives and you break it down into measurable key results this is really the essence of okay our core purpose leads to objective leads to key result so let's look at scale to a billion people then itself is too fluffy but when we break it down into these five key results that we are aiming to hit by 2038 it now becomes crystal clear we need a billion user accounts on the system we need to reach 200 monthly active users in a given month that's huge LinkedIn has 140 million we want to hit 200 million we want to grow from three languages to a hundred languages we want to grow our reach from five million to five hundred million and we want to attain 50 million paying students annually who bring in five billion in revenue so you see now it's super specific its bold its ambitious we have no idea how to get there but that's the point your job isn't to look at where you are right now and then figure out based on my knowledge based on what I have right now I should be here that's a way of setting goals rather you got a look at where you could be set that as the goal and then trust that intuition that the right people that the right opportunities come to you that you're going to study you're gonna learn you're gonna develop the skills the connections you're gonna work your freakin ass off but you're gonna get to that goal you do not need to know the how you simply at this point need to know the why and the what the how is gonna come with the right okay ours so we have these five goals and we have some idea on how to get to 1 billion users for example we are launching an app platform that allows us to create world-class apps in every category we want faster than the competition so that's one of our house but ultimately the thing that pushes us forward is scaling to a billion users being the same size as a company like YouTube or Facebook but for transformation okay now here's another example create a platform to accelerate human transformation it's a primary objective but it's fluffy until you break it down and we break it down into these three things so attain quest completion rates from 60% to 80% maintain an NPS of 70 develop a data-driven dynamic curriculum for upgrading the human experience now we break it down and we define this to our engineers so as long as I engineer so it may be unclear to you but as long as the engineers know what we mean by data-driven dynamic curriculum to upgrade the human experience we can move in the right path so you're gonna go through the same process you're gonna start with a core purpose you're gonna break it down into five objectives primary objectives you're gonna further break it down into key results now let's look at number three make organizations and oasis of wellness it sounds fluffy until you add the two key results we want MindValley to be embedded in 100 national schooling systems and number two we want to be in every fortune 500 company in the world okay now what you do is as you break it down you will line this across all your teams so you have your company-wide ok ours and that is what your leadership team what your founding team is obsessed with but you break it down into individual teams so mine values ok ours give a direction to everybody in our core team but we take those five elements and we break them down further for individual teams so for example our global create a global tribe of changemakers that particular ok our which is ok our number-four which is really the act of creating change makers here through events like mine Valley University City campus and a pass we take that and we break that down further and we have a team that's dedicated directly to that a Global Campus Division so they have their all chaos now let's and I'll show you what those look like so create a global tribe of changemakers is broken out into these or steps so what it means is connect three hundred thousand students globally this includes these are people like you retain ninety nine percent of our men each year by making the MindValley community an essential part of life's turn members and two changemakers you can see that we haven't figured out how to measure that yet so we put measurable to be set develop a mine Valley campus in 10,000 cities with a hundred and twenty thousand events annually including talks meetups and masterminds that's coming MindValley is gonna be in 10,000 different cities good news is when you hop in that plane and fly back know that within a few years to bode MindValley meetups in your hometown and we're gonna be working with you to bring it there so these become four really powerful key results that the Global Campus team is working on now how does that now translate to someone's day-to-day responsibilities so we take the Global Campus team which is a which is a merger of actually four different teams let's look at Miriam's role right so you have the Global Campus Division now that is broken into authors campus events membership with a leader in charge of each Miriam kadhi Laura Agatha and now you look at authors and that's further broken down into Miriam's okay are so you see you don't have one set of all chaos for the company you have company why this breaks down into teams and this breaks down into an individual okay are so for authors it looks like this now you can see how it's becoming day-to-day the twenty year goal is broken down into a one-year goal key results for Jan 1st 2020 and that's broken down into key results for Jan 1st 2019 which is what Miriam has to execute in the next 60 days so you can see she has to sign 10 you quest authors super measurable super specific she has to move mine valley into two new mega Nisha's one will be parenting we've already decided we have to get 25 authors on a podcast 24 authors filmed for mentorship and for 2019 she knows she has to complete a parenting deal and bring on seven new podcast authors it's super super super specific imagine if everybody in your company had this level of clarity now you get to focus like a laser on what truly matters knowing that what you focus on moves upwards to a team okay are moves upwards to a company or kr and directly contributes to you core purpose thank you for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and one more tip I do a lot of writing follow me on instagram and at vision to get tons of new insights directly on instagram you
Channel: Vishen Lakhiani
Views: 2,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mindvalley, lisa nichols, vishen lakhiani, jay shetty, Tom Bilyeu Theory, impact theory, entrepreneurship, be inspired, motivationGrid, purpose of life, personal growth, public speaking anxiety, motivational speech, financial freedom, motivational speech for success in life, success motivation, life lessons, money management, self development, life stories, self worth, success stories, how to manage money, understanding stock market, visual storytelling, financial abundance
Id: ij0uy1wW9uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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