This Is How You Can Manifest Your Ideal Reality | Regan Hillyer

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[Music] [Music] Wow how are you guys good good energy in the room who was at mine belly you last year amazing how much of an upgrade is this by the way it was so good last year and just when you think something can't get any better you walk in this room right it's so amazing to be here and to see so many beautiful familiar faces and we're gonna be digging into something today which is maybe going to disrupt your reality a little bit would that be okay by the way am I in the right room and my intention really is to pull you into some places which may be a little bit unusual around the conversation we get to have and I would love to go and actually give you some practical tools around how you can dive in and start to look at the energetic field that you have around you and when we start digging into this we're gonna look at actually looking at what is in your field how do we start recoding your field so that you can actually be more in this world and do more in this world so that you can manifest your ideal reality this was sounding good by the way yes you sure okay I know it's after lunch but let's keep the energy high in here okay so let's work out how to use the clicker firstly hmm assistance does that work oh there we go okay we're sorted we're good so here's the thing guys if you have seen me speak before maybe at the last my value or if you follow me on social media you know you'll see that I have a-- with my love who was here for wampas talk earlier today right amazing so we do this work a lot individually and a lot together as well and so I get to travel around the world I get to truly create my ideal life and lose my purpose and I have a multiple seven figure business and beyond any of that the thing that really gets me out of bed and excites me each and every single day is actually helping people do the same right and helping people create their ideal reality and whatever that looks like for them and you know it's interesting because I think you can maybe go online and look at my life now and say wow you know that amazing or you're so lucky or that's so cool and the big thing to know is that you know I didn't start out like that I didn't start out sitting with my computer in a beautiful place in Bali and you know helping people and changing the world there was a little bit of a journey there and I want to take you guys back a step firstly before I take you behind the scenes of some of the work that we get to do today and I want to share with you that you know I grew up in an amazing family in Auckland and in New Zealand and this family was very much a family that believed in following the system right the traditional system of going to school and getting good grades and working really hard and a lot of people might look at me now and say you know Regan you're so clear on your vision you're so clear around what you're manifesting and calling in were you always that way you see I got asked all the time as a child what do you want to be when you grow up and I never knew I was never the girl that said I want to be this are gonna be that I didn't know her and so because I didn't know I slotted into that system right and my dad used to say to me on repeat all the time Regan if I had your opportunity I would have been an architect Regan if I had your opportunities I would have been an architect Regan you know if I had your opportunities I would have been an architect so what do you think I did a university by the way really original idea right go into architecture school and I started out really because I didn't know what I wanted to do so I jumped into that and I remember this lecture theater and a new lecturer walked in there about 300 people in the room and I was sitting there and the lecturer walked in and he said something like welcome future architects welcome to your reality we're gonna take you on a journey and we're gonna take you through a visualization that is gonna allow you to see your life as an architect 20 years out from now now I wasn't sitting in rooms like these right never done anything like that so I sat there and I thought this is cool I said to close my eyes and I listened to his voice and I started to sink into my future and what I saw in that visualization literally made me sick to my stomach and I saw probably the worst case scenario of me being disconnected from my purpose not living my dream life getting in a place where I'd created a life because people had told me I should instead of actually connecting with me and I had this moment where it's like my mind disconnected from my body and my body just kind of got up and ran out of the room and it was in that moment that I decided I made a decision which changed the rest of my life I decided that you know what I'm gonna figure out firstly why I'm here and secondly I'm gonna figure out how to get there and so as a bold 17 18 year old I picked up the phone and who did I call I called my dad right and I remember I was shaking and he picked up the phone and I told him I just straight out said dad I I can't do it I'm not gonna be an architect it's not my life it's not my purpose I'm not gonna do it and to my surprise my dad turned around and said well okay baby you know I I want you to be happy at the end of the day so I support you in that and he then said to me he said so Regan what are you gonna do and I said dad just give me a minute just a minute okay and so that threw me off into a crazy beautiful journey I went to dr. Google says what do you do when you're my generation right Google has all the answers all the time so I googled how do you quit your nine-to-five job right I didn't even have one I was trying to get out of it sir I came across an e-book and the e-book was called something like what I what I wish I'd learned at school but didn't write it was by an Australian multi-millionaire entrepreneur Jamie McIntyre and I ended up going to one of those seminars it was a four-day wealth creation intensive and there were a whole lot of speakers selling a whole lot of things yelling a whole lot of things at the front of the room and for the first time ever I got inspired and I thought maybe there's a different way and I did everything that the people on stage told me to do I invested all the little money that I didn't have I then invested all the other money that I didn't have by borrowing the money that I didn't have right and I went down a huge track of trying to figure out how do I create my dream life guys it didn't start out with a vision of I want to impact millions of people it was literally like how do I not be in a job that would be my ideal reality okay and I got down this path where I was over $100,000 and person not for partying or travel for coaching for mentoring for courses for education and my life wasn't changing at all and I remember saying to one of my mentors at the time his name was Simon I said to him you know what say maybe this isn't for me maybe I'm not meant to be successful maybe this isn't my path maybe I should just be an architect and being a job and he turned around and he said something to me which changed my whole paradigm and he said to me he said Regan you're so focused on the outside he said you're obsessed with trying to find the perfect strategy the perfect way copying how someone else did it he said Regan and you guys should all write this down if you're taking notes success is 80% your internal reality and then only 20% where you do on the outside its 80% your mindset 80% your energy 80% the work that gets to go on in your energetic field and then from that place we then take your mind action the strategic action and you turned around you see Regan how much work you're doing on the 80% and it was next to nothing now that threw me down a whole different path of NLP of hypnosis of energy work I literally became obsessed with how do I alter my reality how do I create my ideal life but from within and you guys had an amazing taste of that with one for today looking at how do you do that through embodiment and what I want to share with you guys today is I want to take you into a place where we start to literally engineer your field I want to take you through a process of energetic architecture I've swept the architecture role by the way I'm now a different type of architecture right and I want to take you into this place we start looking at okay what's actually going on in my reality what's going on in my field and how do I then start to alter it and play with it remembering that our external reality our physical results are always a reflection of what's going on within right you see I truly believe that everyone can have anything they desire in this world you can have it all you can have it on your terms right now if you have the right tools if you have the right energetic play kit to go and jump in here and start to play with and I really believe ultimately that all of you are here for a reason each and every single one of you has stuff inside of you that's real and it's important and it needs to be shared with the world and I really believe that that stuff isn't even about you and your life it's actually about the people that you get to help and impact and inspire and raise up by simply digging deeper into your internal reality you guys with me in this conversation okay these guys are with me what about you guys is this making sense yes amazing okay so when we start talking about energy attic architecture what I want to do with you guys is I want to teach you the process okay I want to take you behind the scenes of some of the high-level work that I do with my private clients in small intimate groups and I want to actually run a process with you that I've never done before and the sense of sharing it on a stage or on the internet or anything like that right usually this is literally me one-on-one with someone I want to teach it to you guys and teach you the components and then actually run you through it and actually get in the work so we're not just talking about it but we get to create the shifts whether it be a good idea okay all right so a few things you need to know is that when we dig into the playground of energetic architecture you have many many many different tools if I was to write them all out for you guys there's probably over 50 okay so when when I'm working with people I'm pulling from all these different places to quickly and rapidly get them their results I'm gonna step you through twelve of these okay so I'm getting viewed not just like one or two I'm like okay I'm gonna fit everything in it I'm gonna keep looking at this timer and I'm gonna keep going right I'm gonna fit twelve of them and for you guys each of them can be used independently but at the same time we're gonna do a process at the end where we stack them up right and where we get to go into your field into your reality and create massive quantum change now you might be saying where you can what is this field thing right some of you guys are like yeah I get it some of you guys like what's a field right think of it this way the field is the energetic layers around you in these layers there are codes right there are codes there are patterns there are waveforms and all we're doing with energetic architecture is we're connect to these patterns these codes these waveforms we're giving them tangible form and then we get to play ok this level of work is not about going into trauma and staying in your pain body for 10 years until you've finished suffering and then you break through go ahead this is not about actually going in and having it take ten years to create any change this is about quantum change guys there's a new way of transformation and healing which is taking place in the world right now and it doesn't involve the lengthy processes it does involve getting in getting out being super fast and intentional remembering that we can shift anything with our own intentional as humans we have this powerful ok you guys picking up what I'm putting down here ok amazing so let's get into it if the slides play there we go ok so the first piece in your toolbox that we get to play with is really starting to open your field with intention ok so when I say field and when I say open your field you might say well why is this important well if the fields not open then we don't have access to the patterns the codes the waveforms the pieces of information that we're going to play with when we actually do this process now there's a couple of different ways to open your field and the way that I love to do it is simply through intention through dropping into the field of your heart okay there's a lot of people doing a lot of work out there internally but they're doing it from here right they're doing it from their mind they're doing it from a place where they're trying to control everything in their mind and our mind is super powerful but how many limiting constructs and belief systems and patterning and unconscious blueprints are going on and they're like there's a lot for most people I know I suddenly still have a lot right so the minute you drop into the field of the heart all of a sudden the geometry that we get to play with completely shifts because the heart is the heart right it's not a conscious heart and an unconscious heart and a heart that was this and that and trained transforms into this and it's literally the heart it is pure love it is love of the highest vibration so that means that when we drop in in this way all the coding that we get to do that gets to take place comes from the place of pure love and not from judgment and not from mind construe okay now we're opening it simply with intention and if there was one thing that I'd love for you guys to realize right now is just remembering how powerful you are in terms of your own intentions oh my get my client stoked with me all the time and they're like Regan you're so damned intentional and I'm like why wouldn't I be why wouldn't I be when I understand that intention is one of the tools that can completely shift everything that I'm calling in right now okay so what I want you guys to do is when I teach you these twelve I want you to actually bring this into your own reality as well and I want you to look at some of the elements as we go through it relative to your life and it's going to be individual and different for you each right so when we run this we're gonna run through the energetic architecture process and we're gonna use it in order to connect and also really manifest one specific thing into your reality okay so I want you to start thinking about that now and it can be simple it can be easy I would recommend that you just make it really clear and tangible you can literally jot it down right now and then you can just remember it when we actually go through the process okay now I would recommend it's something that you can actually measure okay for example if you're saying well I'd love to manifest financial abundance well what does that look like said another hundred dollars are you now financially free or a thousand dollars no okay how much money is it right I'd love to be in my heart center more okay well how do you know okay so you're making this outcome super clear and super specific okay yes you guys with me on this yeah cool the other component which is important is by win okay we're going to use time often time uses us we'll talk about that in a minute but we're going to use time so we have a tangible construct to play with so by win and you can do this anywhere from now literally the next couple of days right through three months six months twelve months going beyond twelve months can be you know you need to push your system a little bit it can work but I would recommend that somewhere between in the 12 month period okay so you just drop down the date right the specific date okay so jotting down what is that clear and specific thing that you can measure that you want to manifest and call in right and the the specific date by when the next piece is being super aware of the now you see I see so many people stuck out in their future and and it's kind of in the name of I'm doing the work right you know I'm connected to my goals I'm connected to my vision but they really disconnected from where they're at right now okay and we're gonna use processes of time travel when we start actually getting into this architecture process when I step you guys through this and so we can't travel through time unless we know where now is right we need to come back to now we need to start it now we need to be present to the now okay so see how simple and easy this is right you guys start to stack it up so even this it's like okay cool I understand I have this thing that I want to manifest by this day okay well here's my reality right now here's where I'm at if it's a money thing here's what's in my bank account you're super clear and you're super aware of it now the key with this guy's is to have full awareness of it but be completely unattached to it at the same time okay there's the other people that are like super person about there now but they're super attached to their now they're like I can't manifest that because look at my now reality I can't manifest that right now because have you seen what's going on in my bank account have you seen my relationship that would be impossible right so all they're doing when you do that by the way is you're literally taking that energetic blueprint and by giving it voice and vibration you're copying it on repeat into your field into the future right yes right which is why people get stuck in these loops which is why people plateau and they don't change because they're aware of their now but they're obsessed and kind of connected what they're now thinking that it affects their future okay unlink them separate them out we want to be as Wampus is passionately unattached passionately clear about where we're at but completely unattached because it means nothing in regards to where you're going if you look at your bank account as an example and X amount of dollars in there right now all that is is that as a reflective number of all of your past decisions and beliefs and actions stacked up into that present moment it's got nothing to do with where you're going this process however has everything to do with where you're going okay so the next piece of this is too deeply in tension where you desire to be now you might say well Regan's and we do that in the first step yeah we're clear on it in the sense of what are we manifesting but when I say deeply intention lies where you desire to be I literally mean that you get to get into a dream state with it okay you know as humans guys when natural manifest is it's our natural state it's one of our amazing superpowers that each and every single one of you have and so when you start remembering this we start looking at the process right and the process of this quite simply is to get a picture in your energetic field that is so clear and so specific of exactly what it is that you're calling in that you get a place where you look at it and you dance with it and you feel it and you feel that you can touch it and you can taste it and you start seeing around the corners with it and you start seeing all the details of it and you notice that you're wearing that thing and someone says that and you get into this place when all of a sudden you start walking with it and talking with it and dancing with it and holding it within your field and then as you're walking and talking and you're now you're not sure for a split second if it's in your dream state or if it's in your now who's had that by the way right and other people might turn around and go you know what you're crazy how dare you dream like that how to you dream that big and that specific have you seen what your life is like the now get real get back into the now but you don't let it sway you right you go you know what I'm actually still out here I'm connected to the energetics of this remembering there is no time and space and as a construct we get to collapse it and pull it into our physical reality and then all of a sudden as you're connecting with this vision and you're not sure if it's a dream or if it's a reality there's that moment where you wake up and you open your eyes and you're like oh oh this life all of these elements oh I saw that I dreamt that I visions that I saw that in so much crystal detail and here it is right who's had an experience like that before with something they've met right this is our natural state and you get to do it over and over and over again and you get better and better and better at it as you go okay so the next layer on top of this quite simply is increasing your capacity to receive okay you need to increase your capacity to receive you need to expand your capacity to receive so all of your dreams all your visions all your manifestations everything that each and every single one of you wrote down before for step number one all of it is just energy all of it is patterns waveforms currents of information right all of it so if we can simply have it all in our field through the process of intention then why does it not show up in the physical instantly and sometimes it does but why does it not when it doesn't well quite simply think of yourself like a container right you only have the ability to catch the energy that your container can hold right so if there's all the money all the things all the love all the everything that you desire and your container is really small then you can't energetically hold on to it right so this process around expanding your capacity to receive we start shifting into this place where we get to catch the energy and it gets easier and easier and easier so one of the things that I love to do with this we just talked in the last step right around connecting and with your manifestation connecting with your vision getting into detail with it seeing it's so clearly seeing all the pieces line up from this place if we want to expand that I get people and we're gonna do this when we run the process I get people to drop into that vision and see it through their body as if it was there now right now so if you were walking and talking and acting and living in that vision because it was your now point then what would your vision be right and all of a sudden your minds like oh I just thought of my biggest thing and wrote it down like what's even beyond that right and your unconscious mind you'll field your body your energetic layers everything starts to everything start to expand everything starts to go oh hang on well if that was my vision then my vision wouldn't be that it would be the thing beyond that what's the thing beyond that right and all of a sudden your field opens your channel opens everything starts to increase which means you can hold more which means if you do the work that one had talked about in his talk you can then embody more right are you guys seeing how this fits together yes okay so again we're going to run you through that process when we do this around okay great how do we actually expand this so you get to receive more through this vision all right so there are lots of people that get to this stage and they have these tools and they're working and they're looking at their vision beyond the vision right and they're expanding their mindset and their field and it feels really good but they get a little bit stuck right they get stuck and all of a sudden they turn around and they're like Regan but it's still not in my physical reality it's still not in a place where I can see it and touch it and the tangible now and this is where we get to go in and release limiting structures that are holding us back okay now when I say limiting structures I'm talking about codes and energy in your field that does not serve you I'm talking about codes and energy in your field that is not yours I'm talking about fear I'm talking about self-doubt I'm talking about sabotage talking about telling yourself and repeat I am not enough it's a program all of these things running in your field are programs just like a computer has different programs these programs are running okay now I'm not gonna go back to the beginning of time and tell you why they're there if it just know that they're not your programs if you're not sure whether something as yours or not ask yourself is this from God is this my highest self is this me and my highest vibration and if the answer is no then it's not yours it does not belong to you however if it's in your field what we don't get to do is go well that's not mine and just numb it and ignore it but I'm just going to be fearless have no fear have no stuff doubt I believe it myself that's not gonna work either right if it's in your field even if it's not yours you have a responsibility to shift it you have a responsibility to transform it you have a responsibility to dissolve it out of your field knowing that we're all one we're all created so every time you do this and your field you're dissolving it for the planet you're dissolving it for Humanity you're dissolving it for every single other person that's energetically connected to you right now okay how do we do this we do this with intention we do this with direct commands we do this with simply making a request a request that the fear be dissolved right now a request that the structural limitations and my field that do not serve me that are not mine be banished I allow them to dissolve instantly yes it can be this easy again we could do a process for 10 hours and go into your fear and feel it into all the stuff or we could just do this who would like the easier option I hate her awesome so when we're doing this and when we're removing these limiting structures and getting them to dissolve out of our field it can be a little bit like trimming the tree right so you trim the tree and eventually some of the branches may grow back however if you combine it with this next step what's gonna happen is instead of trimming the tree you're actually going in and you're gonna pull out the roots okay we're gonna actually get the tree and pull it out okay so when we do this we're talking about transforming distortion into a gift here's what you need to know in your field you can have distortion or you can receive the gift but you cannot do both you can have distortion in your field or you can receive the gift but you cannot do both okay distortion of not being enough distortion of being worried about what everyone else is going to think distortion of a certain vibration that you're holding in your field that is lowering your vibe remembering that frequency is our currency and if our own vibration is low its altering the field around us which is then putting us in a lower frequency and then the world reflects back exactly that so if we reverse engineer that and go well what is my wife right now what's going on in my physical tangible life my results does that feel good does some of it feel good does somebody feel really not good okay what frequency is linked to that how is my vibration in my field linked to that and if we were to go in and simply transform this distortion into a gift so it can be of my benefit then all of a sudden now we get to play right all of a sudden everything starts to shift and transform and we get into this place where it's like oh yes okay I can actually use this instead of having it block me and stop me one of my earliest mentors said to me you know I was actually I was probably about three years into doing internal work at this point but I was like obsessed doing internal work like every day I was going for it right and I was looking to call in a certain level of income in my business and I remember saying to her it's not working the internal work is not working I was like I've done everything have removed every limiting belief I've got rid of every structure I have no more fear there's nothing left to do and she turned around she said Regan I'm gonna repeat your own words back to you here they are she said if there's something that you're looking to call in in your physical life your physical reality and it's not here in your now right now then there is distortion stopping it and I turned around and said to her you have it there's no more distortion do you understand I've removed all the distortion it's gone she said frickin being humble enough to not not being humble enough to see your own distortion that's Distortion right it was like oh okay Humble down okay what's the next layer where hey this work never stops because we continue to evolve okay but the deeper we can go in and look at it and the faster we get to shift it and transform it that's when magic starts to happen I was working with a client recently and we were digging into some of the distortion around her field around not being enough okay and we were digging into this and what's interesting is that she had had chronic pain in her stomach for 30-plus years now I was I think I knew about it I was pretty unaware of it at the time we weren't trying to heal the pain right we was simply looking at okay why do you feel that you're not enough we went and did the process that I'm gonna do with you guys she's now pain-free now that took like three minutes right and I just share that so you guys see how powerful this really is the pain was being stored in her body due to a vibrational distortion in her field the minute we shifted it and transformed it all of a sudden she gets to use the gift and release the distortion remember distortion or the gift you cannot have both okay so is this good by the way you guys feeling this yes okay good I'll keep going then so the next piece that we get to look at is we get to recode new structures in your field often when you get to this part of the process it's it's kind of usual to feel maybe a little bit empty right because all of the patterns that have been in your field and in this place for so long you get to this place where it's like oh now there's now there's emptiness okay and this is a very usual thing for people to say to me when they're in this process where you can if you're really empty if you're really empty now we've been told by society that emptiness is bad and it's wrong right and why are you feeling empty okay you better go and feel full somehow right the emptiness is amazing the emptiness is a gift but empty doesn't means that space has been created all of a sudden there's space in your field we have room to move the structures have broken away and dissolved themselves and from this place we get to play and we get to go so whatever I want to now put into my field what would actually serve me once again through intention I request that cards of total self-confidence anchor into my field I request that codes of total self love and self worth be now present I request that codes of absolute infinite abundance be locked in right now and I request the codes be locked in in a way where I get to have so much fun just being me in the process all of this is a choice all of this is intentional and you get to choose what cards you want to mouth in when we actually do this okay now there's an interesting piece which comes after this which many people can get super I guess held up on if they don't understand that it can be really fast and intentional and that is going in and getting your inner child on board with this whole process right so we all have an inner child we all have a little boy a little girl that we once were and still are right and the thing is is that if your inner child is for some reason under the illusion of struggle or suffering then it's going to affect your field because there's no time and no space it's all linked so that's gonna pull forward into your now which is then going to affect the results that are reflected out and your physical right now there's a lot of people that would say okay cool we're gonna go in and I'm gonna do this in a child healing and we're gonna cry about it for a hundred hours and then finally when we get the tears out there maybe man a child is gonna feel okay and it's one way I'm not saying it's wrong I'm just saying there's a faster option available what if it could be quantum what if it could be instant what if through the process that I'm going to take you through allows you to go back through time travel into your moment in time when you're in a child for whatever reason felt not loved or not enough because that's the core of all of it and remember if we're going to the roots if we're going to the core then from this place that's where we get to play from this place that's where we start to then give that child in that moment exactly what he or she needs exactly what she required that she maybe didn't get in that physical moment in the past right and from that place reintegrate that child energetically back into your field so that you can be a more integrated whole and then of course the world is simply going to reflect more integrated results back at you is this making sense to you guys yes okay perfect so after we do this in the process we're then gonna look at calling in your higher self the highest version of you again can you see how you could take each just one of these and spend hours going deep and deep and deepen them but again I'm gonna light this up for you guys when we do it so have as much amazing transformation as possible so the big thing to know is that you have all versions of you available to you at all time okay and I feel as humans on the surface we understand this and we know this right because ultimately you can wake up one morning and you can stub your toe and you can wake up and and then you're in a bad mood for the rest of the morning and then you drive to work and then you have a car accident like you see how it goes right and it's all because of your vibration it's all because of the identity in that moment that you're choosing to embody this is someone waking up and stubbing this whole you I'm going okay cool well I'm gonna choose to have an amazing day I'm gonna choose to be my best self in this moment and if we can catch it we get to do a quantum shift around reconnecting to a different version of ourselves and you see so many people in society guys have it backwards because they're in a place that they think well when I do this in the physical when I get that in the physical when I create that in my physical reality then I'll be that person once I make the millions of dollars then I'll be the moon air when I'm in the amazing relationship then I'll be totally in love guys the higher self comes first it comes first remember your world is always reflecting back whatever is going on within whatever's going on in your field you know I remember a moment I think I was about 19 and I was at how is that a personal development wealth creation event and I made friends with some of the speakers and one of them said to me Harry can you know you should you should come along to our to our speakers party this evening and that was like a dream for me you know I was like wow what a gift to be a you know around successful people in this environment now I was still in university at that time I was seriously in debt I did not know my purpose I really had no clue direction or results in my life that's just where I was at however I was committed to the vision I was committed to creating something a little bit different I remember I got dressed up afraid and I turned off and I walked into the event and I felt absolutely terrified I literally walked into the room and I felt like I don't belong here oh look at these people and look at who they are and they recognize them from the stage and I'd seen what they've created and that's not me that's not me and there was a moment in time where I had a choice right I had a choice to let my lower self win and I wanted with every part of my body to run out of the room but I made a different decision instead I was like hey let me just be the highest version of me that I have available and that wasn't easy for me at the time because I didn't know what this now future Reagan version looks like right I felt like I didn't have anything to connect to I couldn't even see it and I thought to myself okay I'm just gonna walk around the room and I'm just gonna find out how they did it I wasn't asked them one questions I'm gonna interview them all I'm just gonna ask them how did you start your business how did you create success what do you do in the morning do you have a mindset routine I was just gonna ask them everything right and I thought if I ask every person in this room all of those questions by the end I'll have the answers I'll know what to do he'll be easy right so focused on that all night even though I felt not enough to be in that room at that time and I went home later that night totally confused it's heartily confused had no strategy on how to do it I remember I was feeling frustrated I remember I was pacing around my room and and and I thought to myself and you know what I really don't get it I don't understand how these people have done it because they've all done it differently they're all saying they do different things they're all making their money a different way they will have different businesses like they're all different so I don't even know what to do so I remember I asked myself I was like okay what is like the one common thing about them what are the things that are the same because I was focusing a lot on what was different about them I asked myself what is the same about these people and all of a sudden I was like oh they they gotta walk the same later walking the same okay and I thought you know what this shoulders were all the same those shoulders were kind of back right the shoulders were back and I I noticed that their heads for the same like their chins were high when they walked and I noticed they had a certain feeling when I was around them that felt the same and I thought well when I just do that for a little bit right I thought why don't I just try on this stuff why don't I just try on being the muy near vision of Regan who was totally and it broke student not knowing how to make money vision of Regan why don't I just try it on her head and I started walking with it and I started talking with it I started asking myself well how'd this vision of me think how would this vision of me act what would this version of me do each and every single day how would this vision show up what does this vision committed to these are good things to write down guys by the way well what is this version of me committed to what is this vision of me no longer committed to kind of people is this version of me around kind of people is this version of me no longer around how do I feel my body what do I put in my body what's the vibration of my energy and I started playing with this stuff guys I literally created the multiple million dollar version of Regan long before any money showed up and people would have thought that I was crazy they would have been like can you not see where you're at you are delusional and some people did say that unlike chow you just hit my you're not in my world vibration or hate so it's learning to dance with us it's learning to play with us and through this process we get to connect with the highest version of you and anchor it into your field so that you have access to it at any moment so any moment you can walk with it and talk with it and be it before the physical actually shows up okay so how are we doing are we good there's this a lot but I'm like then that's gonna give it all to you guys push the boat out with it so the next piece that is important is let's talk a little bit about time understanding that time is a construct it doesn't exist it's actually an illusion I could stand here and talk for like five hours just on why all of that as possible however with the time we have available let's just talk about how to play with it okay you have different timelines running in your field at all different times you have timelines anchored back in your past you have timelines anchored out into your future I'm not a believer that this is your one timeline and this is your destiny and this is your past and now you just have to surrender to it now you get to create your reality you get to design your life you get to make a choice each and every single day what timelines you pull in what timelines you live in - are you actually being the highest version of you to embody those timelines which timelines you instead choose to sidestep and remove from your field okay and when we do this in the process we do it all with intention once again we simply notice because these timelines will shift automatically when we go through this process right we simply notice the timelines shifting out of our field that no longer serve us we simply notice the new timelines been anchored anchored in and when you guys nail this and when you really understand how to go deep with this and play with this you start creating a life that doesn't make any human sense to any other normal humans and you start creating a life where people go how'd you do that by that age how do you do that and that time but that's impossible in your business you just did that how could you timelines right time travel intention shift remove guys all of this is play it is a divine play I feel like so many people get so serious with the stuff and instead I literally feel like every day I'm like okay cool let's just remove that and pull it in and bring that in here like can you see how fun this really gets to be when you yeah cat Norris she's like yes when you really begin to dance with it right so in the process we're gonna collapse the timelines that no longer serve us and automatically new ones are going to start shifting through that okay then what we're gonna do is we're gonna time-travel out to your future okay and I'm gonna take all the work internally in your field they just got coded and recoated and dialed up and tuned up and upgrade it for you guys and we take that intentionally and pull it out into your future travelling through time traveling to that specific date right that specific date and time and we're gonna lock it in now what's interesting is that when you start playing with this stuff magic really can start to happen one of my mentors that I worked with deeply around timelines and shifting timelines and a lot of a lot of that part of the process was really his work and going deeper into this and I was just blown away really with how deeply he was using this and he and his in his spare time when he wasn't speaking he would play the guitar right and he fell off the stage at one point completely sober but fell off the stage just because he was having so much fun and he broke his leg right and we see it online this was this is probably about six or seven years ago I don't like oh my gosh he broke his leg and then three days later he's up and he's running I'm like how are you running isn't your leg broken and he's like yeah Regan yeah I just I just jumped back and I open my field and I collapse the timelines and I just rewrite them and I bought in the timeline where I didn't break my leg right now what's even cooler because you might be like oh okay really is that he had his scans from the emergency room and so just for fun because this is who he is he went back to the emergency room is it can I see the scans the scans with my broken leg and they're looking at Emily's walking and they said sure and and they go and they pulled the scans out of of the draw the bone is not broken and the scans anymore right huh right so when you're collapsing time lines yeah now we get to play when we collapsing time lines it doesn't just shift in your physical body or your physical field you're shifting the field around you you're shifting any events and circumstances that are linked into that right and so from this place we start to anchor the result out into the future right and this is exactly that some of the process around what he did is he's like yeah I just redid the time line stuff and then I just did the future stuff around locking in the running in the walking without the break in the leg with the fully healed leg going through into the future okay so I'm going to run you guys through that and then the last piece of this which is deeply important is to close the field and seal it with gratitude you heard one per se before gratitude is the highest vibration okay it's the highest vibration it's the vibration of the heart and if you're looking to call in anything in a high vibration then this is the vibe to be in okay you can't manifest what you're calling in unless you're deeply deeply deeply grateful for your now so through the process of the time travel we're going to come back to the now and we're going to lock in the gratitude vibration which is generally pretty easy after you've gone through this process you feel pretty good through it so it's not a hard state to access okay so are you guys with me okay good let me give you a really quick recap if in case you missed one of the twelve okay opening your field with intention right being aware of the now intentional izing where you desire to be right expanding your capacity to receive going in and releasing any of the limiting structures that are holding you back taking the core of the distortion and transforming it into a gift so it actually serves you and then we start to recode the structures in your field we start to bring in the codes that we desire that are actually going to serve us then going back in time to instantly hear your inner child and do this layer of quantum healing that's relative of course to the manifestation that you're calling in at that moment in time anchoring in your Higher Self right on your way back to the now we're going to collapse the timelines that don't serve you we're going to notice what's different we're also going to allow the future ones to shift and readjust we're then going to walk in the manifestation or the vision into the future and then from that place we're going to seal it up with some love or gratitude okay so the question is you guys want to do this okay all right okay well that was lucky so there's a few things that we need to make sure this runs really smoothly for you guys individually firstly connect with your manifestation okay just remember clear and specific easy tangible goal and by win you need the date okay easy it's totally easy and so the next piece that we get to look at is I want to just start getting you guys aware of your field okay so this is really easy and we're gonna do it before we start the main process but just go ahead and pop your notepads and paper down and just make sure you're comfy and your seat this is a closed IDE journey for the rest of the time so we're just going to do a little bit of a setup process now perfect cawww oh you guys are getting like real comfy perfect okay so we're simply gonna set up your field and we're not really set up your field instead of your awareness of your own field have you aware of it it looks different for each and every single person okay so the big thing to know when we drop into this process is that you may see things you may feel things you may hear things you may do none of the above but it's all perfect right for those of you who were at my mind value talk last year and this is like the up upgraded vision right this is like the next level of what we get to play with okay so the big thing is no attachments you can't mess this up other than not surrendering to it okay so if you're in a place where your mind comes in and starts going this is crazy or is it working or what am I gonna eat for dinner like just catch it and be like okay that's my mind awesome and allow yourself to bring yourself back to your own breath intention and being in the space okay even if you're not seeing stuff what feeling stuffing you're like I don't know whether it works just know that this is coded medicine guys it goes directly into your unconscious into your subconscious and beyond that into your field working energetically it's instant shifts it's instant change right so the only way you can screw it up is like fighting it I mean like I don't know if it's gonna work well yeah probably weren't because that's what you're putting in your field okay so it's really about surrendering so on that note let's practice I want you guys to go ahead and close your eyes if you're not already and simply have awareness that you are now at your now okay this is your now point this is your Center this is your current reality from this place go ahead and simply float up above your now that's it super easy just float up out of your body float up out of your now and turn your attention towards your past good now go ahead and float back into your past just float back and you you may see some unspecified events you may see moments in time or few moments in time that you remember you may see nothing you may see things that you're unaware of currently in the physical it's all perfect that's it good now continue you to float all the way now back to now bringing your attention back to now floating all the way forward that's it all the way back to now hovering above now and turn your attention now out into your future that's it now go ahead and simply float out into your future don't worry about where it is and relative nuts to your past but just float out into your future you may see different events you may feel vibrations it's all perfect it's all welcome have a look at your beautiful future and from that place I know some of you guys want to hang out here but let's do the process in a minute let's turn your focus back to the now floating back all the way back to now coming back down and now back in to your body back into the room and now you can open your eyes okay is everyone good with that just give me a yes if you're good easy right so easy time travel is the easiest thing ever it's like a best amazing human superpower that no one knows they have right and you literally get to jump in and out of this time frame so that's the structure of your field that we're going to be working with you guys can do this at anytime at home by yourself right you can literally drop it and go back and start playing with these elements okay so you guys ready to do this okay perfect go ahead and close your eyes once again sailing into your body settling into the space having full conscious subconscious and unconscious awareness of your field right now that's it sitting the intention that this process be so fun and so easy and so rapid so quantum as you allow yourself to simply connect with that one specific manifestation that you wrote down earlier that's it taking a moment to crawl into the space divine guidance that you personally request be with you on this journey and now dropping your awareness from your mind simply down into your heart that's right if at any moment you feel yourself back in your mind space you can just imagine your minds jumping in a little elevator or a lift and just simply dropping down dropping down dropping down from your mind from past your shoulders and into your heart allowing this coat of medicine to drop you into a place of deep transformation that is deeper than anywhere you have shifted in before allowing everything to shift and transform with total ease with total grace with total flow allowing this beautiful manifestation to be actualized and intentional eyes into your physical reality honor before the chosen date and time and allowing it to sync up inviting in any divine synchronicities any divine surprises that you get to experience along the way in full alignment with your divine plan and full alignment with the highest version of you so that ultimately you can be more in this world and do more in this world and serve to the greatest capacity that you're here to serve having full awareness right now of your current now in relation to this manifestation that you're calling in that's it and with curious childlike eyes we see this manifestation and we notice that it has absolutely nothing to do with what is going on right now we're simply aware of the now but vibrationally we are connected to the manifestation that's it go ahead right now and pull up a screen in front of you allow the screen to simply flow to front of you it may look like a computer screen or a movie screen it's all perfect and I want you to see yourself actually achieving that manifestation in the moment physically manifesting it and I want you to look at the detail around what's going on who's around you what are they saying what's going on what are you saying to yourself that's it and I want you to simply notice how divine and how perfect and how easy this manifestation really gets to be good go ahead and make any adjustments that would make this picture absolutely perfect for you right now you'll have a chance to come back to it later down the track in this process but for now just get it looking absolutely perfect good now go ahead and jump into the movie screen so you're actually in the screen now you're looking at this manifestation through your own eyes that's it and you're noticing what you're saying to yourself you're noticing what you're hearing you're noticing the feeling the vibration of being you in that moment literally achieving that manifestation with so much ease with so much grace and with so much flow that's it now from this place noticing everything that's around you go ahead and pull up a screen so now there's a screen because inside the screen because you're in the screen right so go ahead and pull up another screen and from this place I want you to ask yourself well considering I'm living into my vision what is my vision right now that's it and in that moment as you're literally dropping into that manifestation see yourself achieving the vision beyond your vision in the screen right now that's it notice exactly what's going on notice how perfect it gets to be go ahead and make any adjustments to make it look sound or feel absolutely perfect for you right now as you notice the emotion and the vibration of what it feels like to be you in the screen right now achieving this manifestation as you're literally watching yourself achieve that next manifestation in the screen right now that's it good go ahead right now and simply jump the screen that's it jump out of the screen have awareness of the screen we're gonna come back to it in a minute but for now when you connect to that screen and when you connect energetically to that manifestation that vision that you're connecting with go ahead and simply bring your awareness to any limiting structures that in the past have held you back from truly dropping in with this manifestation from having this manifestation show up in the physical right now that's it notice the structures of the fear notice the structures of the self-doubt notice the structures of telling yourself that you're not enough or it needs to be like this or you need to be like that notice all of it all of it that's relevant to you if you like you can even visualize these you can visualize them as ropes or ties around the screen or disconnecting you from the screen whatever it looks like go ahead and give it visual form that's it allow yourself to see these limiting structures which have held you back and from this place go ahead and simply command that these limiting structures now dissolve that's it dissolve them dissolve them out of your field out of your reality dissolve them for Humanity they're not yours they've been imprinted upon you at some certain time and they no longer serve you we do this with gratitude and with love remembering that all of these structures were connected into your field at one point because there were lessons attached to them we remember we remember we remember that they are not ours but that we do get to dissolve them right now so our field is open and so I feel it as Claire any last piece of structure that gets to dissolve go ahead and simply come on that it dissolves right now notice we do not cut or blow it up or do something drastic because then that creates a reaction cycle of it coming back when we dissolve it it is done it is gone it is shifted let it go with ease with grace and with four that's right good go ahead right now and tune in to your body and notice the limiting structures that used to be in your field notice where they were felt in your body it may be your chest it may be your stomach or maybe anywhere in your body just tune into wherever that place is we're connecting now with the core of these distortions remembering that these distortions were imprinted on your field and they have not served you and they are no longer there we're releasing and healing the caught wind of where these came from that's it so from this place tuning into wherever it is on your body right now go ahead and simply give that feeling a physical form maybe it's a ball maybe it's a square whatever it is for you go ahead and give it physical form what does it look like go ahead right now and continue to notice the color that this form this object has that's it now from this place take that colored object and simply request that it moves out of your body that's it let it go let it shift out you may feel it shift out you may see it shift out you may - none of the above just know it is shifting right now and as you hover this object in front of you go ahead and allow it to now spin that's it spin the object instill it until it starts changing color from whatever color it was that's it continue to spin it spin it faster faster faster faster that's it spin it up spin it up spin it up until it becomes a boy of white light that's and from this place surround the spinning blur of white light with golden light with golden energy that's it allowing this once distortion to be instantly transformed into the most beautiful gift that you are aware of right now and from this place allow this golden ball of spinning white and gold light to come back into your field back into your energy body back into your emotional body back in to your physical body allowing it to anchor in your heart as you let yourself receive all of the gifts that you were unable to see before as you allow this gift to now literally break up and explode through your body activating every cell of your system with the gifts of gold and light allowing all of this light to flow through your system that's it as you drop into the palace or how good it is to receive all these divine gifts in the moment through this whole process through all these gifts you start to remember you start to remember who you are you start to remember who you are you start to remember who you are and from this place activated with golden light through every cell of your body we get to go in and now we get to record this is where we get to play this is where you get to ask yourself from this clear and open an expensive place what do I desire to have in my field what codes of patterns of information would serve me and connecting with this manifestation and having it show up with so much ease grace and flow that's it make the request right now that the new codes be brought down into your field and be anchored into your system you may just make that simple request or you may request specific codes that you desire maybe you request the code of confidence of ultimate confidence maybe you request the code for divine love to be activated through a system maybe you request the code for divine abundance to flow through every part of your being maybe you just make the general requests that all the codes that you desire and require right now be brought in they're being locked in they're being locked and they're being locked in as you feel your field start to shift and reenter and recoat itself you may even feel parts of your physical body recoding in this sis you may feel nothing either way it's just perfect as we surrender and allow these new cars to jump in ah that's right good from this place now go ahead and ask yourself when was the very first time as a child that you felt either not good enough or not loved and whatever answer comes to your head if it's above the age of seven ask yourself again and go back earlier whatever age comes to you will be just perfect maybe you were - maybe you were in the womb maybe you were four I want you to go ahead right now and float up above your body float up above now just like before that's it and go ahead and start to float back all the way back that's it float back through all the timelines through all the moments in time back back back back back back back back back that's it float all the way back until you're there in that very moment where that little version of you was experiencing something that made them feel not enough or not loved that's it go ahead right now and simply notice what's going on see the world through his eyes or through her eyes and that yourself feel a little bit of what they felt in this moment yeah that's right I want you to go ahead and give this little beautiful child exactly what he or she needed in this moment that's it you can hug her you can love her you can hug him you can love him you can tell them how important him beautiful they really are you can tell them that it's okay look what really happened in this situation you can let them know that they're safe whatever it is that your little child needs right now go ahead and continue to give it to them that's right and when that starts to shift a little bit and feel more complete go ahead and lean down or hold or look this little child in the eyes and go ahead and let him or her know how special they really are how important they are how much they matter let them know that you have come all the way back from your future just because they're this important just because they're this special just because you wanted to be with them in this moment right now that's it let them know that the beautiful future lies ahead of them and that they're gonna make it at least this far show them some of the gifts show them some of the magic show them some of the beauty let them know what's actually available and from this place you can sit or lie or hold this little vision of you connecting with them and allowing that to reintegrate into them and into you simultaneously go ahead right now and we're gonna call the third energy into the space this energy is your higher-self go ahead and invite your higher self to now be present in this field with the little vision of you you may see your higher self you may feel it you may just know that it is present there's just perfect inviting your higher self to come in and integrate in and show you the true essence of the highest vision of you that's it remembering that this version of you is a version of you that simply on a time construct operating in another dimension another moment of time and just like you went back for that little boy oh that little girl well this higher self has come back for you and as you connect to your higher self with so much love and so much gratitude go ahead and invite your higher self to integrate into your heart center that's it just invite your higher self in allow it to shift into your field right now into your body right now that's it allowed to fully lock into place and anchor in knowing that after this moment this version of you will be available to you at any given time knowing that at any moment you will be able to access the highest version of you with the highest vibration at any given time that's it good go ahead right now any the say farewell to that little child or you can also invite that little child to jump into your heart as well whatever feels best for you and once you are complete go ahead and float up above that moment that's it float up with your higher self and you're in a child integrated and hovering above that moment just before that moment look down on that moment look down on that scenario and from that place go ahead and choose that and as you make that choice in that moment you now look towards your now and you notice that from this layer of the past looking towards you now you're noticing the timelines shift and adjust and shift and adjust and shift and adjust and reevaluate themselves in light of what just took place and the integration that just took place in your past that's it notice time lines instantly dissolve and collapse that no longer serve you notice time lines drop out of your field that are no longer relevant notice new ones pull in in order to greatly stabilize your future with unconscious and energetic learnings and that you are now able to perform as all of the shifts and reevaluate themselves in light of this work that's that good as you're noticing all of these shifts and readjustments continue to float back all the way back to now until you're hovering above now and looking out towards your future notice the timelines are doing the same thing shifting readjusting re-evaluating themselves in full support of your higher-self in full support of you being in the highest vibration of full support of this manifestation which is now getting locked into your future that's it good turn back to that screen that's hovering above now that's it connects with that screen and from this place from this energy in your field having released distortions having literally released structures that in the past by limiting you with your higher self anchored in with your inner child on board with this from these eyes have a look at that screen that's it notice what's going on in that movie and you can't help but notice that there's now a dial that's appeared on the side of the screen and as you go ahead with childlike curiosity you reach out and you begin to shift the dial and you notice that this is the brightness of the movie and so go ahead and crank the brightness up turn it all the way up up up up up up up up until it's so bright that it's almost white light and you can hardly see anything anymore that's it now go ahead and turn it down dim it out that's it take all the light out of it out out out out completely black and white now darkness now go ahead and turn it up turn it up turn it up turn it up until this image looks totally perfect totally bright totally real exactly as it is as you see yourself walking in this manifestation in that exact movement on the movie screen that's it good as you continue to notice there's a second dial that's appeared on the side of the screen and as you reach out for this one you stop playing you start turning you turn it up and you notice that this is the saturation that's it and you turn the saturation up up up becomes brighter and brighter more and more saturated it almost looks like you're in a cartoon that's it and now turn it down desaturate it take all the color out of it until it's black and white good now go ahead and turn up the saturation that's it turn it up turn it up until it's absolutely perfect totally real exactly how it's meant to be as you watch yourself achieving this manifestation in the screen right now good notice that there's a third dial which has now come on to this that's it a third dial which when you reach out to it you start to play with it and you notice that this is the volume that's it and as you're aware of all the sounds around you and all the sounds internally and you're in hit I want you to go ahead and crank up that volume that's it crank it up crank it up crank it up until it becomes so loud it's almost unbearable that's it now turn it down turn it down and then they'll turn it up turn it up so it's absolutely perfect the perfect volume for you right now as you watch yourself walking in this divine manifestation in the screen right now that's it good and you can't help but notice that there's a fourth and final dial that now appears and as you reach out to this one you get a hint that this is the feeling dial that's it and as you notice the feeling set to accumulate in your body of how good it feels to be you achieving this manifestation in the screen right now I want you to go ahead and crank this dial up that's it crank it up crank it up turn it up and we're not going to turn this back the other way we're gonna leave this on full-blast right that's it crank it up crank it up crank it up feel it through every cell of your body that's it and just when you think it can't get any more powerful or any stronger than this go ahead and double the emotion that's but double the emotion running through every single cell and then from this place go ahead and allow yourself to trifle the emotion that's it let it run through your system that said that said that so that's oh that's a perfect run through triplet triplet triplet until it's totally real totally aesthetic feeling so amazing in this moment right now that's it from this place from this place I want you to go ahead and actually pick up the screen in front of you you're gonna raise your hands and hold the screen in front of you and allow it to vibrate in your hands that's it that's it physically hold your arms up and have the screen in front of you and notice how good it feels by the way to be holding the screen notice a life force vital energy which is flowing through this screen right now notice how real it feels how vibrant it feels that's it and from this place we're going to go ahead and simply float up that's it float up holding the screen noticing how vibrant and amazing it feels and you're gonna float out towards your future that's it go ahead and float out out out out out out continuing to see all the timeline shift and readjust and reevaluate themselves until you're fought hovering just above that very moment in time that specific date that very moment in time that date which you chose that this manifestation is going to be locked into place right and so from this place have the screen vibrating in your hands in front of you and with all your heart and all your intention go ahead and drop the screen down into your reality that's it allowing it to sink and float and ultimately walk in to place exactly where it gets to be in this moment allow it to sink in and stabilize all the magic all the intention all the energy as you see that screen click perfectly into place on that exact date that's it and from this place hovering just above that moment and just before the moment from that place looking down on that event now locked into your future go ahead and choose that go ahead and choose that reality choose that moment good and with so much gratitude allowing yourself to begin to float all the way back to now only as quickly as you can stop and notice the timelines once again shift and reevaluate themselves in light of this new manifestation notice the divine guidance the divine support that has showed up for you in your future because of what you chose and your field notice the synchronicities that now appear where you have them in the physical and you look back and go oh yeah I kind of knew that would happen aha thank you thank you thank you notice your higher-self being totally present in this journey totally connected in full support of you living into your highest vibration of this truth that was just locked into your future notice your inner child and how safe and supported and a part of the process that they get to be allowing you to have so much fun with this allowing you to play with this allowing you to remember that it's all just a child's cosmic game at the end of the day that says notice how quick you add a catch any limiting structures or any elements of distortion which pop into your field in the future notice you now have an awareness where you can catch it where you can see it and where you can remember that's not mine but I choose to shift it right now and notice as you reflect on yourself connecting back and these moments in your future notice that you constantly continue to remember who you are you remember who you are you remember who you are you remember who you are you remember why you are here you remember why you were here you remember who you are that's it and coming back floating all the way back to now hovering above now coming back down into now remaining in the field of your heart remaining in your body with so much gratitude for what just got to take place and you're filled with so much gratitude for what just got locked into your divine future for so much gratitude for the reconnection to how powerful you really are with so much gratitude as you continue to remember from this moment forth exactly where you are and exactly how fun and easy it all gets to be allowing yourself to sink into your physical body you might want to wiggle your fingers or your toes bringing your awareness back past your body into the room back into the space from this place you can gently start to open your eyes oh good web team [Laughter] so proud of each and every single one of you that folks are open and you felt also available and remember you can play with all the pieces and have fun with them so thank you so much guys it's been an honor thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 607,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self healing meditation, healing energy, gratitude meditation, how to gain confidence, productivity tips, How to deal with anxiety, powerful emotions, purpose of life, personal growth, positive thinking, Spiritual formation, Consciousness evolution journey, relationship goals, Regan Hillyer, manifest meditation, Guided Meditation for Natural Healing Sleep & Bedtime Relaxation (Mind Body Total Rest), What are social anxiety symptoms and how can we manage them?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 27sec (4827 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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