Achieve Your Life Vision By Focusing on Your Habits | Jon & Missy Butcher with Vishen Lakhiani

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[Music] so in this session we're gonna answer a couple of questions that you tribe members tossed at us earlier right these were cashton's questions that came up on Twitter and this was also the original intent for this 50-minute session this 50-minute session is designed to help remove inertia often we have a vision there's inertia and the inertia could be that we have a mindset problem maybe we we its perseverance maybe it's lack of motivation maybe we have difficulty keeping up to habits I know I have that problem as well sometimes depending on the goals I'm going for mm-hmm Ronen who was here in the audience asked a couple of important questions which I know you guys want to answer such as if we're looking at 12 things what happens to the concept of singular focus right or how do we execute flawlessly day in and day out even during those days when we feel dark a negative or just lazy so this is what we're gonna be addressing in this conversation and the same Twitter rules apply if you go to app vision on Twitter you can reply to that message with your questions for join and Missy Butch and you can also see what other questions people are asking all right here we go so what we're gonna frame this up is in our second level class or mastery class we've got five modules all designed to help you execute on your life vision I'm going to take you through these concepts as quickly as I can I'm hoping to keep it to 20 maybe 25 minutes so we can have times for questions afterwards but if you just write down these five things you can go home and I mean we spend a year in life book master we spend a year working on these things and and executing an accountability program so where this starts is it starts with your life vision after you go through life book you've dialed in your life vision across twelve categories then you roll it off up into one big life vision that's where this next program starts so we're sort of assuming that you've got your life vision relatively dialed in I know that some of you are still working on it take these notes anyway I think this is really gonna help so I think what I'll do first we do you have to help me with this here you think I should just here here's what I'll do I'm gonna I'm gonna give you this list and then we're gonna go back around and we're gonna just dive in a little bit to each one of these items the first thing that we do out of life book is we do an exercise called right-sizing your life vision right-sizing your life vision getting it ready to build because we want to make sure that you've set the bar in exactly the right place for you this is super important and there are four questions that you can ask yourself that if you answer yes to each of these four questions you can know with a pretty high degree of certainty that you've set the bar in the right place you set the bar too low you're not going to feel fulfilled even if you achieve it you set the bar too high you're not going to achieve it so that's where we'll dive into that a little bit we want to make sure that look the reason that we do this why do we bother to visualize what our future could be like why do we do that we're the only animal that can do that or our brains are the only brains on the planet that can think about later and that high quality away and why do we do that we do it so that we can make it happen this isn't mental masturbation we need we want to make this go and so that's what we really focus in making sure that you've got that bar set at exactly the right place the second thing we take a look at is aligning your goals with your life vision super super important and we've got a nice little process for that the third thing we do which may be one of the most powerful things that we've ever discovered and applied to our lives is we spend some time taking a look at your daily habits and making sure that your habits are aligned with your goals and your life ition the fourth module is called stepping into your life issue and that one is literally about kind of your habits in action their daily and it goes even one level deeper which are your small choices and actions that aren't even like you're clearly defined habits this is about becoming exact that you had this beautiful term that you came up with miss this is about becoming the expression of your life vision at your core and that's where it happens guys that's where that's where this thing takes off and John just one second for those of you who are listening please don't see this as John is talking about his program right that's not the point John is talking about his approach so see this as an approach so I know you're using the word module but really you're really right explaining in a proper word from you want to write this down because you can reflect upon this approach this is a $25,000 program we're trying to give you in 25 minutes so it's and you can go home and really apply this stuff and crush it like we've seen so many people we do the system work okay so thank you for saying that mission and then and the last one is simple what you want to do on your way to moving toward from where you are now to that ultimate ideal life vision you've created is you want to make sure you're paying attention to your results you want to track and measure your progress so you can adjust if necessary because one thing we know is that no plan survives first contact with the enemy any plan no matter how well crafted is gonna fall apart as soon as you get into the real world and your ability to adjust is the key so those are the five things that we're gonna cover very briefly and and we'll go ahead and start at the top yeah you're ready right okay so it's gonna start with right sizing your life vision if you can answer these four questions with a yes after careful consideration you can know with certainty that you've set the bar in relatively the right place the first question is when I look at my life vision am i asking enough of myself or am i playing small there's a big payoff for playing small because no one likes to fail right what if we fail and so I mean a lot of people set the bar lower than they should and and that guarantees that they'll never brush up against their true potential so you really want to ask yourself have I set the bar high enough am i asking enough of myself that's that question the now here's my guess my guess that is that most of you in this room probably won't have problems there here's the question that we run into problems with personal development people is this vision achievable or am I asking too much of myself here's the truth you have unlimited potential and you also have limited potential both are true so you have no idea what you're capable of you have unlimited potential in that sense here's the sense that you have limited potential you're a human being you have limited time you have limited resources you have limited you you have there are limitations of your physical nature you know and you've got to work within those limitations your resources are precious finite things that have got to be deployed properly in order for you to make the best of yourself so let's not fool ourselves that our potential is absolutely unlimited and that's the end of the story that's half the story so those two questions am i asking enough of myself and is my life vision achievable we'll ensure that you're setting the bar in in pretty much the right place for you is that understandable so far cool ok the next one's a big one am I willing to pay the price that this life vision will require no this is this is everything comes with a price everything in life is a trade-off if you decide that you're gonna be a billionaire and your life vision is to create a billion dollar company I promise you you're gonna be missing a few your kids softball games simple as that every life vision comes with the price and the higher you set the bar the bigger that price is going to be and there's nothing wrong with look this is all completely individual to each one of us it'll be different for all of us but just be cognizant of the fact that the higher the you set the bar the higher that price will usually be and so are you willing to pay the price that your life vision requires anything else to say about this okay jump in whenever you want to and here's the fourth question and this one we added a few years in really interesting is will the achievement of my life vision make me truly happy and truly fulfilled not just the achievement the journey to get there when you say pay the price you know an extraordinary life is not easy it's not easily won it's not easily achieved it's a it's a hero's journey we don't really have time it is if there's no great person or there's no great life out there that didn't have a lot of hardship or a lot of hard work or a lot of it's not to say that everything is hard you know to get to greatness but it's it's simply that there is no magic pill for this stuff you guys great let's do the work greatness requires great effort it's just total total common it's a math equation of unity so that's a good distinction sweetie will the achievement of this vision and the journey on the way to this vision make me truly happy and here's the reason that that's so important you guys it's because Missy and I have set goals before and we've worked our asses off and we've achieved those goals and then we've looked wrong as in this is what we do that what really this is it that's where we work for a year on this and it's not that cool you know and so you don't want to be there you don't want to your time and your energy and your focus and your resources are finite and they're precious and you want to make sure you're pushing them in to the right place Aristotle said happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life the entire aim and end of human existence so the bottom line is this everything we do in life is meant for one thing to make us happy take a few minutes and ask yourself will the achievement of this vision that I've set for myself make me truly happy so that's the first thing we do after life book is we help you think through a process of is this vision that I've set the right vision for me or do I need to modify it if you can answer yes to all four of those questions you've pretty much dialed it in and then what that cuz that help guys yeah everyone getting that okay and again if you have a question related to that just reply on Twitter right okay so what that all adds up to is a very short synopsis of your life vision this right here nice little cover page there's not a little beach in Hawaii this is this is a synopsis a two-page synopsis of our ideal life and this has been the target of all of our actions and all of our choices all of our focus all of our resources for the last five years but a good way to really look at your life vision is to say okay how how do I want to live how will a day of my life be how I live it in that life vision right and that can really get you into the visualization there's a couple different ways to do it this is a really nice way that we really like another way that you could do is just describe what that ideal life looks like what your dream house looks like what your level of health and fitness is etc but the bottom line is you want to get it down into one page because then this becomes your devotional this becomes your little meditation in the morning this becomes you you embody this you live this you know every word of it this is the target of all of your of all of your actions right on yeah question from unnamed hotel on EIU in the room please raise your hand thanks honey so our other assets how often do you then review this vision almost every day this little guy this this stays in my notebook I this is part of my my visualization yeah yeah miss missus good I don't I don't look at it every day I I feel like if John does you know somehow we have a symbiotically I do yeah but but yeah John looks at it every day I mean I would say I do a deep dive into our life vision every year when we do our recalibration right but he's on it every single day yeah and we talk about it almost so John Priyanka Priyanka asses how how do I know what I really want oh geez it's a great question well how you know what I mean that's a that's a hero's journey too and and all I can tell you guys is that that you know sign up for life I'm serious that's what it is what you what you need to do is you need to get somewhere for an extended period of time and seriously reflect on all the important areas of your life you can do it by yourself if you if you can figure out how to do it or we've got a structured process that can help you okay and just see you guys do I mean even if you are the type of person who was really goal-driven right like I was really gold rub and I still AM but when I took life book what happens is that sometimes we are so caught up like moving towards our goals that we forget to assess those goals and see if those goals really right forests exactly so so I mean when I did what life book would Christina it was like 2009 or 2010 what's cool about it is you're going into life several days where you're doing nothing actually five five names where you're having a conversation with yourself and going deliberately deep in those five categories and I shared with you early on day one how I didn't have the vision for a fest I didn't know what I wanted I knew I wanted to be in this type of environment I knew I wanted to be on stage I knew I wanted like really cool friends and one by one the pieces start coming together I think there's this beautiful ability in our mind that we often don't talk about enough in scientific circles or corporate training which is honestly the ability to manifest our plow addressed it yeah and I think when you plant those visions in your head incredible serendipitous synchronous absolutely and it's a combination it's a combination of intention and allowing the universe will not give you a 12 category smart life ain't gonna happen you you you you're not gonna get that for free you got to bring something to the party that's your intention so so back to Priyanka's question what do I do if I don't know what I want well when I did life book I didn't really know what I wanted I was in a business partnership where my business partner was like putting me down on a daily basis I was literally on that verge of stepping out of mine valley right but I knew I'm gonna do but but so I didn't know what I wanted but what I knew is that I wanted to travel I wanted my family with me I wanted inspiring friends I want a summit to teach onstage I knew a little bit of those pieces but when you start writing that down it's like the universe comes in and starts helping you discover class your intuitive radar is turned on total and that's what led me to a fest amazing okay can I just say one thing about what she just asked that we get that a lot we don't I don't even know where to begin I don't even know what I want and I think that the first step in knowing what you want is knowing who you are finding out who you are and life book is a great way to do that but there's a lot of things you can do to discover who you are but you have to like mission and John are both saying you have to bring consciousness to yourself to your own feelings to your insight we don't do that enough in this in our culture now we're also distracted all right which comes to another question John yeah this is from and I and I hope you don't mind me no no I think getting people's questions because these questions are so good Sebastian is in the room Sebastian could you stand please wave your hand hey brother hey Sebastian so Sebastian asked us this how do you balance allowing an action that's a great question that's kind of where I was going with it now this is interesting because our last 25 years have been very intentional we've been very materialistic in in a I think a healthy sense of the word we live on the planet earth where material beings and our last 25 years have been very much about what we want to see happen what we want to create moving toward the achievements that we want to accomplish with intention just recently we've in last few years we sort of had a spiritual experience not sort of we did and we have discovered the incredible power of allowing it's a dance it's a combination like I said the universe will never give you a 12 category smart extraordinary life for free you've got to bring something to the party you've really do so here's an example of how we used to do stuff and how we do stuff now this will give you a good answer to this question used to be we bump up against an obstacle or something would be like we were out of flow and really right okay what are we gonna do we're gonna do we're gonna attack we're gonna attack I'm gonna bust through whatever is gonna work hard all the way around until either we do get through or we don't we felt like we had to do it all on our right so now it's like anytime we hit up we run up against that you know not first defense but it's like okay this isn't feeling right like we're really kind of stuck at that point it's like okay literally we'll be like okay we're gonna hand it over invisible world yeah whatever however you want to say that I'll give each other a massage let it go completely release it 100% and it'll come back fixed or at least in a better place or the answer so it's like from my experience at two to three days if you can let it live it's a big one yeah that's sometimes it's just the next morning sleep on it you know that old saying just sleep on it no true so we've discovered that we live in a benevolent universe that is so happy to help us we don't have to do it all ourselves but we're required to do some of it so it's a it's that beautiful dance okay next one all right all right guys the next the next module that we take a look at after you've got this dialed in you've got your life vision you really have your target you've worked on it you know it's right for you the next thing we do is we extract what we call the foundational goals upon which that life vision rests define your foundational goals and here's what that means there will be four five or six goals that if you achieve those you will be living that life vision like for us to move to Hawaii in order to move to Hawaii we have got to automate delegate or eliminate everything in our work life that is not consistent with a new life we want to live so that was an 18-month process of automating our businesses delegating what we didn't want to run anymore and that that was one of our foundational goals got to be done before we are able to achieve this life vision so what you want to do is you want to take a look at that life vision and ask yourself what are the four five or six foundational goals that this vision requires and that becomes the most important thing in your life because if you can sit here and tell me that this is the vision that you want to achieve in your life and these are the five goals on one piece of paper that are gonna get you there I'm gonna be asking you why you're spending time on almost anything else because I mean if you're really serious about it so set your foundational goals understand what they are and then what we do after that is we drop into a regular rhythmic goal-setting system so Missy and I set quarterly goals at the beginning of the quarter we said we take a look at what we accomplished last quarter we take a look at our foundational goals and we say what do we want to bite off from for the next 90 days and I mainly handle this because it's a masculine sort of because me I look at that for that one goal that one lever she's won a bunch of stuff you can start with your foundational goals all these things would really push my life forward sometimes there's one I was gonna say you're touching in a question asked by Ronan Diego Loren are you in the room would you kindly stand Ronan okay Ronan was the pista is a fitness trainer Ronan asked this they're setting goals for 12 areas imply that the concept of the one thing you know that's none great entrepreneurial book called a one thing huh does it make the one thing obsolete no how would foundational goals address Ronan question okay so what Missy is basically saying is you you need both you needed to find the most important to understand what's gonna get you there and what's gonna get you there are your five foundational goals and then what miss always looks for is the highest leverage point inside of that that's why we're such it'll make like two or three things both have got it both have got to happen the concept of essentialism the concept of the one thing is incredibly important and people like vision and I especially need it because we're fighting on so many fronts all the time entrepreneurs this is a this right and so this is basically about identifying the most important thing in your life and putting most of your energy there and that's absolute what you should do there's another way to look at it though and it's that we're multifaceted creatures made up of these twelve different categories that we want to focus on and we do have to focus on all of them you can't just focus on your career at the expense of your parenting you can't just focus on your health and fitness at the expense of your love relationship these things need to be attended to they're not electives they're mandatory you can have a great life except your health is totally jacked up and how great is your life right so what it comes down to is whatever it is that you're doing that's your one thing bring consciousness to it be there pay attention really be there if you're talking to your kids be there you're having dinner with your wife be there if you're in a business meeting focus on what you're doing I really like the concept of essentialism and the one thing and it saved my ass because I'm a DD like most other entrepreneurs but the other areas of your life have to be attended to to like the 12 areas or however many areas you have for yourself we have 12 they are aspects they're just different aspects of one thing what you you which is your life so it's like all these things are important they're different aspects of you so it they're they're all kind of the same if that makes sense it's like yeah there's 12 of them or there's however many your one thing is your life and they all add up to your life so it is there is really just one thing and I want to add something to that um those of you who online value mentoring have access to a mentoring episode I did with Ivan Meisner right so Ivan Meisner he started one of the world's big networking rooms BNI international and I asked him this question like how do you find balance in your life between work and running a huge company and your kids and he said you know I used to feel really guilty about that but now I realized that balance is a myth it's it's not even about balance he says work-life balance is it's about rather he said the insight came to him and he went to his son once and he said son I I'm so sorry I've been working so hard that I feel I've been neglecting you and his son turned to him and goes dad what the hell do you mean and Ivan goes I've been neglecting you I'm not spending enough time with you and the son goes I've not even noticed that and the son goes the great thing about you dad is that when you work I know you're working on your mission I know you're working hot that's cool but when you're with me you are 100% with me and that's all I care about that's and Ivan realized that he was he was trying to solve the wrong thing it wasn't about work-life balance and blocking out these hours it was about what are you truly focused on what is that one thing and then being with br1 that's right great okay understand the goals that are gonna get you there that's the bottom line take a look at that life vision and and ask yourself what are the foundational goals that I need to achieve and then it's nice to get into a goal-setting rhythm where you've got a constant flow of good positive achievements coming into your life based on that life vision make sure your goals are aligned with your life ish and that's the most important thing this one's crazy powerful this one's about aligning your habits with your life vision we actually call these we weed in in life book we define 12 of them and we call these are 12 sacred choices that's how big they are because they will these twelve little daily behaviors are what will create you and what will define your life and so what we do is is we take a look at that life ish and we ask ourselves what are the what are 12 small daily actions and I'm talking small drink a green drink that's one of mine everyday delight Missi that's one of mine sex doesn't count that that you know comes naturally cooking does though what are the small daily behaviors that will most support this life vision and turn me into the person that lives that life so that's because I like to turn that around because bottom line is whatever you do in the present moment which is the eternal moment that we're always all in whatever you do in this present moment is how your life ends up being it's what turned your life into what it is right so that's that's where this whole thing we kind of read reverse-engineered journey from your goals this way well how about really it's all about what you're doing right now like all the time every time every day and those things are what add up to your to your life ultimately your life is and ultimately your all of your goals so this to me is like it's the Holy Grail it's how do you spend the time the hours of your days what kind of states are you in in your the hours of your days mental state Missy's Missy's first and probably most important why don't you you're first when your gratitude ritual Oh cuz that's so powerful so my first the first one on my my 12 sacred choices is my morning routine and it varies every day but it definitely starts with gratitude every morning I just Center myself I can center myself with gratitude I can talk I can say it out loud I can journal it I can just talk in the mirror about all the things I'm grateful for and this when I get in that cycle I automatically just start getting super centered and centered and centered and centered and to the point where I'm just like okay I'm ready for my day sometimes I do yoga in that time sometimes I work out sometimes I journal sometimes I take a walk with our dog outside but the point is to get completely centered embodied from the sleep before in my body grateful what does this day gonna be like and that helps me stay in the present moment and helps our whole that literally sets our whole house that's the environment like that radiates out to me typical kids to everything to our businesses that these these little daily habits are so powerful mine are exercised daily have a green drink daily connect with the kids be a great father delight Missy I study every day I work on my one thing every day so I've you know my first two or three hours of my morning are about my creative work I have my coffee and I'm ready to rock I can only write in the morning I can't write in the afternoon so I make sure I focus my best time on my most important thing as opposed to email and and and all that stuff anyway getting in touch with the habits that will most support your life vision is a massively powerful thing to do that's game changer and Jon Missy this basically addresses perfectly the question that Ronan Diego Ronan asked the second question this was about three hours ago in Missy and John have key personal daily or weekly habits that help them execute towards their vision yeah yes I wish I would have brought my you know what we actually do we have it we have a list of one thirty or forty of the of the most common and powerful life book men our habits that we should circulate at some point I'll see if we can get so you guys can literally pick the ones that you think are most powerful so johnny by misha so after I took the advanced life book and I learned about the 12th daily commitments I basically went and got a habit tracker app if you search for have a tracking on the App Store there are so many really cool apps that do have a tracking I played around with like four or five til I found one that really worked for me and I listed the habits right like for example daily meditation is a habit like Russell Simmons says I don't do till I meditate gratitude is a habit you make these habits a healthy juice in the morning is a habit so you write down you choose 12 more than 12 might get overwhelming and then you just check a dot like many of these apps it's you click a button or you check a dot or you click yes and then it tracks you and at the end of the month you can see how well you're doing and the goal is not to beat yourself up if you miss something but what I found is that by using an app like that when I went to bed at night I would be able to notice patterns like was I skipping out on something was I skipping out on on my healthy breakfast for too many days in a row what do I need to do to adjust that so it's a really powerful self-checking mechanism but John you have a really great quote and I remember use you saying this quote to me when when I was taking the class from you you said if we if we implement the 12 habits right and we execute them diligently and we make it like part of our daily life it is it is mathematical certainty yeah like that we will reap right I like you know you literally can't fail and I track mine too I track mine on paper and vision so right you guys like you can look back if you track your habits you can look back and if you've had a shitty week you'll be like oh my god look I that's why every time you're crushing it you can look back and you're like if you do these things like vision said you you literally can't fail so it's a it's a really really important part of the process right the app I recommend is habit if I it's really easy to use habit to fie okay the fourth thing this is this is a beautiful one it's called stepping into your life vision and I'm gonna let miss talk about this this is about aligning the small daily choices and actions that are not necessarily habits this is basically how you how you speak to your spouse the decisions you make it work aligning those with your life vision because this is where the magic really happens and it's basically what we were saying this earlier when you do have that life vision when you have that amazing vision of the life you want to live you know in life book it's all 12 categories so you know how you want to feel in your body you know how you're gonna have you know your love relationship your parenting all that so having that just on the top of your mind during the day if I'm a little cranky or something I'm I'm not going to just spurt out something that would make me feel good in the moment to John because it's not it doesn't it doesn't get me here that's just a moment in time or I'm gonna vomit on me like that or the same way with my kids if I'm a little edgy or something or with anything if you have that life vision it's just it's a level of consciousness that brain that you bring to your everyday life and you're like you know what that's where I'm going most important so if I why can't I just start acting that way now like everyday all the time and that's really when it starts to speed up and you can really step in to write the daily actions not just the habits with the daily action the way you're gonna show up the way you're gonna think the way the tiny choices look once you've done this work and you and you have this vision you know who you want to be be that and only that you know the kind of a life you want to live step into that life you start living it today and you do that keep trying over now through the small daily choices and actions that you make so just so Rick Walker Rick are you in the room could you please stand hey Rick I Rick mm-hmm so so Rick asses too really good question yes and Rick thank you passing to really deep profound questions the first question is so what does your daily life look like like like okay Rick's exact question is is based on your life book how does a normal day in the life of John Missy Butchie like you so much thank you well we wake up early usually and Miss Ania are usually right home like regular day in our right in our house and we're only home half the time so this is this regular workday we work in our beautiful home that was designed for creativity and this type of work we're usually separate for the first before me right yep go down he does he starts writing he does his creative work I usually spend some time upstairs in our bedroom we've got a nice bedroom or doing her witchy little gratitude spells some ceremony its first thing and I can do that like all day long but I don't but so I for me it's definitely gratitude it's meditation its time in nature its setting my getting my head right and literally just getting in my body getting centered and then when I come out of my room or come out from inside back in from outside it could be anything but we're usually together doing doing work work work sort of we're onto our structure you say you can know she's the CEO of life and she's right now acting friggin whatever she's running a couple of our companies so so it's different for me every day right John has more of a structure and I kind of flit around kinds of things and put out fires but but mainly we work in the morning we'll have lunch together I take a nap every single day after after after lunch and then and then we come back together in the evening for hour and then evening is always family time we turn our computers off it we're really good we do not work past 5:00 but we're good about that and we do we do family time and we love watching docudramas and learn history with our kids yeah so so yeah that was a pouring of an answer because you know what's the next question and it's a literally funny how how you guys stick to those routines when I go visit them I know that after lunch I'm gone for two hours and disappear in the room I'm not sure if they're practicing category 30 after 5 p.m. I'm sorry disclose no more business talk it's it's really fascinating now the next question from Rick is also a really beautiful question it is is it best to set your life book for the next 20 years or the next 5 years it's up to you we do 5 we've always done 5 and I don't that was probably a relatively arbitrary decision early on but it proved to work pretty well so yeah 5 is just didn't but we've had we've actually had kind of both cuz we've had our property in Hawaii for almost 20 years so we've always known that that's on the horizon that's coming but we work really in five years five years ago it showed up as okay guys it's time for you to really start figuring this out yeah so so yeah five was probably relatively arbitrary but it seems to work well for most people again there are no rules in life book this is a personalized fully customized system we've got it very well structured but you sort of you can modify it whatever way works for you yeah now the next question is from Carol butters and Carol are you in the room please stand Carol if you're here sometimes the questions come from people in the room mostly but sometimes it's a user on Twitter who is also asking the question so Carol a sisters how do you fit it all in working in your businesses your life book your workouts your art and the everyday necessities of life time management is my greatest challenge please raise your hand if you resonate with this yeah for sure we get it yeah we totally got it it's a thing that happens I mean I would say we do it a number of different ways for sure we are 12 sacred choices that's like that ensures that the basics will be attended to yeah period for sure and truthfully you can't do everything in one day you can't even do every you can't even cover your whole life in a week I mean you can do your best and as things come up and as interest you know arise or categories or like hey I need some I need some help over here it's definitely an ebb and flow I like what you said earlier about balance is a myth it's true you can't always do everything all at once a moving target right yeah it is I mean it's a it's an organic thing that we're doing you guys we're going living life on Earth right in organic forms and having this amazing experience in this soup but I'll tell you what the what the best we can do is this structured rhythms structured rhythms are what ensure that you'll get to everything important so what that means is you can either workout whenever you feel like it in in whatever combination you want or you can have a structured rhythm of working out for X amount you know whatever your deal is and we found that structured rhythms are absolutely the way to go and that's not to say that like our life is super structured no it says that look we know that we've got to have a healthy diet we've got to take care of our bodies we got to spend time with our kids we got to have a good there's there's so let's talk about that yeah so how do we have a healthy body how do how do we attend to our nutritional needs well we get a Vitamix and mrs. got a great smoothie recipe and you start to set up your systems and processes so that you don't have to kind of reinvent everything exactly and then like your morning or your day it's like there's a certain point that is kind of maybe structured like you're gonna eat that are you gonna drink that at that time you're gonna work out this time you're gonna go to yoga but then what happens is once you have those things in place you have to think about it anymore there's a quick great quote about 99% doing something 99% of the time is really hard but 100% is easy right because you it's like you takes away the internal good bait yeah like just part of the process so you just do it I want to just say one more thing about about structured rhythms and about systems and processes so our overnight date is the our number one love relationship strategy and that's really really hard for a lot of people the way to dial that in is you get your child care figured out you make it every week it's Thursday at start you put a system in place to ensure that that's gonna happen if it's a one-off every week if you've got to put all that energy and make it happen every week you're gonna fail you know three-quarters of the time but if you've got it dialed in where you the hotel you know the restaurant you know the babysitter everything's dialed in and it's just a process that runs vision you're so good at this systems and processes so that you have to do constant one-offs all the time that really helps the guys listen it is just like miss said it's the way life is we've got a lot to attend to we've got a lot we want to achieve excellence across the board in every area of life that's a big job and we got to kind of feel our way through it and you gotta just stay as conscious as you can is no one else I just want to give you guys a tip on systems and processes right now how I get in because right now the reason I can I can take on the the work that I do is because collectively mine Valley has some 300 people yeah I'm working on different working on different divisions but how it started was way way way back I was working from a Starbucks and this was 2004 and I was tracking my time and time logging is really really cool practice to have and I discovered that I was spending four hours a day doing customer support back then we had a tiny site selling meditation CDs for hours a day was just customer support replying the customers sort of and then I measured what my hourly rate was like and what I did was I looked at how much was I earning it was basically a one-person company at that point christina was working as a volunteer for the UNHCR so it was just me I didn't have a business partner with me yet and I measured and I figured out that I was making and and this is the truth it was really tiny it was like 13 bucks an hour I was making 13 bucks an hour on every hour I was breathing right so 13 times 24 is what I made on an average day now what I did was knowing that that my time is what 13 hours I looked at what was I making for the time I worked I was working 10-hour days so let's say it came up to 20 bucks an hour it works yeah now I got on Craigslist back then Craigslist was the big site and I searched to see what it would cost to hire a customer support agent in my city which was Kuala Lumpur it was 7 bucks an hour so I knew okay I'm making 20 bucks but I didn't hire someone for 7 bucks so immediately I knew to hire a person to take care that customer support and that was my first ever employee Adele right now then freed up four hours of maritime now what did I do with that four hours I did what I knew was higher leverage work I was only a Bremer so I could cope so I started coding and improving the website optimizing our checkout and our sales crew and then when I got that to a certain level I found that my hourly rate was now 50 bucks an hour now I no longer wanted to code I wanted to think strategically so I looked how much would it cost to hire a coder it was 30 bucks but now I'm making 50 bucks an hour so great it may make sense to hire a coder so I brought in a guy from Finland hon ooh 30 bucks an hour so using this methodology what happened is my hourly rate started going higher and higher and higher and higher and the team is also growing and growing and growing and you're delegating but what happens is now all of the stuff that you need to do gets done but you become super disciplined and only doing what matches your hourly rate just so I now got like super discipline for it so I will sometimes get a request to be in a podcast or a radio interview and my team knows to send a simple query form to whoever is requesting the interview and 90% of the interviews I'll say no to because the thing is my hourly rate now is so high if that podcaster that interview isn't going to generate enough traffic for that it's just not worth my time I don't need the extra publicity so great so good this is how the team grew this is how I was able to create a fest great all of these other things and it's really really cool practice thanks first you must know your bowel array you must outsource anything you can that you can outsource for less than your hourly rate don't be afraid about getting your team to grow because if you are if you know how to pick the right people and that's another whole skill you got to learn your team is gonna grow but what happens is your influence grows your power grows your ability to make each hour of your time magnify you create things in the world expands and that's when your business really starts taking well I mean let me just say that also can apply to your personal life miss and I have worked with a lot of ya we've worked with a lot of chiropractors and chiropractors have the same problem they come in overwhelmed and exhausted that's too much right just and and we discovered the same thing one year I was like listening to these stories over and over of Jesus I get home at 7:30 and the kids are running around we got a cook and and by the time we get done doing the dishes and putting the kids to bed we got no time for each other and you know this was the thing and one year we've realized you know what if you if you're seeing patients for a full hour you're a $500 an hour professional what the hell are you doing the dishes for instead of instead of spending time with your wife or spending time with your kids that same rule can be applied to your domestic life hire someone to mow your lawn there's a kid out there that needs the job he needs the 15 bucks and and you can bet that frees up time in your personal life maybe for your workout maybe for your date's hire someone to do your dishes but you know what a lot of people say no that's not for me I'm not I'm not rich I can't afford a housekeeper we're not talking about that we're talking about you I wasn't rich exactly I was making 13 bucks an hour well that's it's it's a values judgment it's a priority decision so the best way to to achieve success in every life category is to dial it in with systems and processes as much as you can so that it takes on an automatic quality as opposed to you having to expend a tremendous amount of energy output every single day but that brings us to our last point which is calibration yeah the last point the last thing we take a look at is on your way to your life vision as you're setting your goals that are aligned with your life vision as you're performing your daily habits that are aligned with your life isn't as you're doing your best to become the expression of your life vision and B that you want to make sure that you're paying attention to your results so we do this quarterly because we set quarterly goals so at the end of each quarter we sit down and see how do we do and what do we want to accomplish next quarter and you need to understand whether or not you're getting farther or or closer to your life vision we track our goals and you guys we said usually five or six goals for the quarter and I usually achieve three or four of them right so this it's very I think last quarter I actually got them all but that's very seldom that that happens you just do your best and it pushes your life forward as far as my my daily habits if I can perform a month of my daily habits at about a seventy five percent level I'm super happy about that seventy eighty would be a big win for me David sisal he's the only guy in the world thinking do 100 but he's German that's how he does it he's and so so what you want to do is is you you and then you want to measure your overall personal growth we've got life books introspect assessment that scores you across the 12 categories we take that assessment once a quarter just to make sure you're not falling behind on anything major that that makes sure that you're that nothing's going to be left a chance nothing's going to be left out or falling behind or if you chose like a goal that didn't end up panning out and it's not making you happier there's something that you outgrew that happens yep kick it out gotta get rid of it I mean the idea is don't be too rigid right about your goal setting you you have to to get in the game to like set your intentions but then it's like we're living a fluid existence you guys you know this is a it's organic life is organics you have to be able to move and Bend and change and don't beat yourself up for choosing the wrong goal and then getting to halfway down and like man not doing that one sometimes we just mark them off yeah see that's not the one we're gonna do now and you can see the masculine feminine dynamic here the masculine dynamic is the structure you've got to have the structure the feminine dynamic is working inside that structure and expressing yourself and finding the the mysteries and the unexpected opportunities right so that's what this system allows you to do so that's pretty much that's pretty much our five steps to really manifesting a very well-defined life vision so John I'd like to ask one final question this comes from any cell phone use in the audience Amy would you stand if you're in the room things are so bright I can't see under the light so Amy said how do you stay committed to your vision mm-hmm when you're going through like dark painful moments yeah that's tough well the answer is purpose yeah 100% purpose if you have a strong enough purpose you will climb any mountain you will cover any distance you will cross any barrier nothing will be able to stop you you might have a bad day or two or you just really don't want to get up out of bed and your feet don't feel like moving but it does come down to your purpose in your commitment and and that's okay like I think that one of the things that happens when we get in one of those bad low states is the danger is to stay there you just keep beating yourself up and beating yourself up and saying man I'm such a loser I'm sending you that self-talk you go down down down I think that it is purpose but it's also just stopping just like stopping the negative flow if you can and that comes down to for me it's it's gratitude it's like if you can shower yourself and pour yourself into gratitude or pour gratitude into yourself I get you Beckham you don't you get back on track yeah thank you John and Missy I don't do parting words of advice for the audience I love you guys and love being here with this amazing I mean I feel like we've really found our tribe you guys vibrate well I want I want to invite everybody here dijanna are gonna do a very special event in March at our house right really it's gonna be the last our last hurrah the last time the last time John and I facilitate and we haven't facilitated in years and we're gonna come back in March and we're gonna facilitate a session in our home that we're leaving we're moving to Hawaii you guys heard to say that so this is the beautiful house that was featured in oh yeah we're keeping that and we're turning that into a retreat center it's gonna be a place of healing and gathering and knowledge and creativity and so to kick that off that we're gonna call the sanctuary we're gonna do five day live life book session and we're offering it to you guys so there's only a few virus gotalk remember reader and when it count it would be I just to say something about that um it took me a really long time to get John and they see the a fest and as soon as they came into the tribe they started coming back early we love these people of but in 20 in 2013 or 2012 2012 we did an AFS in Mexico now back then I couldn't get John and Missy to AFS right um so they send someone from their team because they were they were busy conquering the world and looking more than doing so I sent someone from the team and we did a three-hour session on life book in 10% of all the a festus signed up for life book including Lisa Nichols so they did a series of like Thatcher so like 35 35 35 a fastest at a time just these a faster sessions and I remember Lisa Nichols attended one of those sessions a lot of the metric the facilitators went as well and years later Lisa was moving house and you guys all know who Lisa Nichols this right yes yes ELISA was in Houston and and Lisa said said I gotta tell you a really cool story so I was driving I was I was I had my the u-haul truck behind me with all of my possessions and on the passenger seat was just one thing right it was my life and so to Lisa I became one of the most precious moments now back then when eight masters good life book it was done with a facilitator what John and Missy are saying is that they are doing it which is a whole different experience I didn't even do it with John and Missy I did it with facilitators so this is like really something they're doing one not hang out in your house since you guys are moving to Hawaii so if you want to know more about it just go up to David David I'll give you all the information David I use somewhere here David a run up dance on stage you guys on David run I know your runner I do have one more thing to say and that is that what you're doing here David I'm on stage thank you David what you're doing here seeking self-actualization it's it's like the highest noblest thing that you could be doing it's what the world needs now more than anything else and it's just awesome I would I would say one more thing you guys since you're here some of you are new given accountability partner make an accountability partner connection at this a fest and see how far you can take your life because having an accountability partner is a whole different levels true of accountability I mean that's the thing it really weekly calls maybe a monthly call how you doing did you keep your commitments from last month where your commitments for this q2 one of the biggest personal development strategies you can put in place go out there and crush it you guys have the best 2019 ever thank you John and I see stand up please please give a big round of applause to John and Missy [Applause]
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 181,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to break bad habits, who am i, Atomic Habits Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad, How To Achieve The Life Of Your Dreams, How To Master Your Emotions, 7 habits of highly effective people, The Secret Habits of the Ultra Successful Dean Graziosi, goal setting, how to achieve your goals, relationship goals, couple goals, ted talk, tedx talk, lifebook jon butcher, lifebook online, jon and missy butcher, how to achieve your dreams, goal setting motivation
Id: 5ZEn95nTXCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 58sec (3238 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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