How to Save & Export - Photoshop for Beginners | Lesson 10

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not knowing how to properly save is like building castles on the beach with sand and not even having a camera or a phone to take a picture of it but then it's just so confusing right if you go to file they're safe they're save as save a copy export export as there's just so many things and even if you choose to decide one of these like save a copy again there are just so darn many options this is super confusing I wish there was an easy system or a way to figure out what to use when you're in luck because there is just take a screenshot right now save it properly did that look super confusing don't worry we're gonna get through it together it will be fun but before everything else how many times have you felt that sudden cold chill run through your spine especially when you see this little friend in the middle of your project I know the feeling and that is why you need insurance and here's how to set up your insurance in Photoshop just go to edit and then preferences and inside of that you would go to file handling on a Mac it is under Photoshop preferences file handling let's go in there and just make sure you turn on automatically save recovery information every you can choose however many minutes you want so I keep it checked you can set it at five minutes so that at every five minutes it will save the recovery information so if your computer crashes and then when you open up Photoshop again it should be recovered do notice that I'm stressing the word should you'll know why just hit OK and for security just restart Photoshop now there are times when this insurance company decides not to pay and for those times precaution is always better than cure I think it's called prevention either way I would never suggest that you develop an OCD but when it comes to working with Photoshop there is a habit that you need to develop just like an OCD every couple minutes keep pressing this shortcut Ctrl or command S as you're working through this let's say you changed the text size did a few changes controller command s you moved the subject here and there controller command s don't forget that another thing you need to watch out for is the star because when you wish upon a star I don't know what happens but at least if you don't watch out for it it's going to be terrible in Photoshop when you do any change anything on any document let's say I created a new layer I then deleted it I turned off the subject all right I did a few things right now you will see a star right here which means that it has unsaved changes all of the changes that I just made is not saved yet if I press Ctrl or command s watch the star goes away now if I do any more change right here if I turn on the subject if I move it around see the star comes back in which means that whatever changes I did is unsaved if I press Ctrl or command s the star is gone which means that everything that is here right now is absolutely saved so this is one star you don't want to see or wish upon especially when Photoshop crashes but you need to watch out for it and keep pressing Ctrl or command s now saving is a process trust me it's an easy one all you need to do is to ask yourself what is your purpose now the first purpose can be you just want to update the existing working document what do we mean by that let us take a look at this example let's say this is the PSD that you're working in by the way if you want to learn how to match the subject with the background you can watch this video later but for right now let us say we create a color lookup right here we made a few changes we add crisp warm and now I just want to update the existing PST so this PST right here example to brief demo you'll see we have it right here so right now if you go to file and save the shortcut to which is control or command s the shortcut is always right next to the menu let's click on it that star goes away and that particular document gets updated so right now if I close it and go back to that folder and open the same document example to brief demo it will come up with those changes because we updated the document so whenever you want to update your existing document that you're working on you would choose save but what happens when you have a document that is not already created in your drive what if it's a new document what happens then so let us go ahead and create a new document by going to file new create a random document do some random stuff right here so now what happens if I choose save because there is no document to update right it is not yet created if right now we go to file and save watch this we're going to choose on my computer of course it automatically takes you to save as now that's an interesting thing and that brings us to our next option and that is save as we choose save as when we want to create a new working document what do we mean by that so in this case this was a brand new document right so if we saved there was nothing to update so it automatically took you to save as so you can create a new working document on the other hand this PSD is already created if I turn it off if I press Ctrl or command s or if I go to file and then save it will just update the existing document but let's say I want to create a different version of it and continue working on that version in that case let's say I added this one I added another one of these reduce the opacity of it a little bit and then I can go to file save as this allows me to create a new separate document and continue working on it so let's name it example two new and save it as a PSD now keep in mind save as only allows you to save it in a working format meaning that it should support layers adjustments you should have the ability to come back and change things here and there and that is why if you look at save as type you only have few options that do support layers and adjustments and other Photoshop features so right now let us choose PSD and click on save you will notice at the top hit OK you'll notice that the not that you continue to work on this new version while the older version still exists so if I go back to my folder have a look the older version is still there example two brief demo but the newer version is still also there so if I open up the older version it's a different document so this is the older version let's close this and this one is the newer version so whenever you want to create a newer version of your existing document and continue working on that newer version you would choose save as save as doesn't care who it was where it was from or what it did like the Backstreet Boys it's like a start of a new relationship however there's another option and that is save a copy save a copy is like you want to continue your existing relationship but just to be sure you also want to have a backup somewhere I don't recommend this in real life but let's consider this this is version a you want to continue working with version a but you also want to have a backup so let's go to file save a copy and let's type in version b instead let's save it now unlike save as you still continue working with version a you add a color lookup you add another color lookup you decrease the opacity and do several things but still you have that version b b stands for backup already there in case you need it so save a copy is just like creating a backup for you on the site or an export for you on the site while you continue with your existing relationship whereas save as is a start of a new relationship when you choose save as you create a new version and you continue working on that new version with the old version it doesn't care where it is where it's from what it did like the Backstreet Boys now do keep in mind that save a copy since it's just creating a backup can save in any format whereas save as can only save in a working format like PSD Tiff and others we're going to discuss it later but right now if you go to file save a copy you'll see there is just everything you can save it as a JPEG you can save it as a PSD all the options are right here now if you want to export your work for social media with layers and effects everything baked into one image you won't have the ability in this file to go back and change the layers but if you want that final file you would go to file export and Export as let's say for social media you can also change the width and the height resize it accordingly and choose whether you want PNG jpeg or GIF or GIF however you want to pronounce it you have several options here we're going to discuss it in brief later but for right now you can simply choose jpeg choose the quality right here and click on export simply choose the file name it's already JPEG and click on Save that's all now just to summarize all of these four options it's simple you need to ask yourself what is your purpose if you just want to update the existing document that you're working on go to save if the document is new and there's not a file that is already created if you click on file save it will automatically take you to save as now save as it's like a start of a new relationship it creates a brand new document and you continue working on that brand new document and it only supports working formats that do support layers and effects and other features of Photoshop export as is when you want to export an image file with everything baked in let's say for social media or for your website whatever it is and then you have save a copy which creates a backup for you while you continue working with your existing version now save a copy does give you access to all of the formats whether it's jpeg PNG on the other hand save as only allows formats which can support layers and Photoshop features now let's take a look at the different formats and which one to use when again you need to ask yourself different questions and this chart makes it absolutely easy for you now PSD is the standard Photoshop document format it can easily be opened in Photoshop of course because it is the Photoshop format and it retains everything when you're working with PSD you don't have to worry about the new filters or the features that are added or if you add something that is brand new everything will show up everything is changed tangible manageable so this my friend is a PSD I saved it as a PSD and if you open it all of the effects that I applied right here everything shows up I can change anything open up the adjustment layers and change the properties I can change the opacities everything shows up just as the way you saved it now PSD does have a limitation biggest limitation is the size limit so right now this PSD example three is just about 230 MB so just for demonstration I made a hundred copies of this lab so this was the last cleanup layer so as you can see I've made 10 copies in each group and there are 10 groups so about a hundred layers this should make the file size bigger so now when I try to go to file save it is in PSD if I go to file and save it will keep it in PSD and just update the document it shouldn't be an issue right but if I try to do that it tells you right here the document exceeds 2GB so when you're working with a lot of flares and also images with high resolution like 50 megapixels just by creating 20 layers you're gonna have this issue right here so what is the solution the solution is our next format which is PSB it literally means Photoshop big and it also asks you whether you want to save it in PSB so let's hit OK let's type in new and click on Save now take a look at the PSP file it is about 3.32 GB so it did exceed 2GB so PSD file which is the standard Photoshop document does have a limit of 2GB whereas PSB file doesn't have any such limits in fact I don't even know what the upper limit is some people say that PSB files can be easily as big as 4.2 billion GB so it seems it wouldn't be outdated very soon now the downside for PSP is it may be a little slower but then again it's not because it's a bad format it's because it's a very large file at the same time this is a real downside and that is it may not be as compatible as PSD of course Photoshop will be able to open it but there are several other applications which which does support PSD but does not support PSB again with time this will change of course more and more applications will continue to support PSP but for now that is the only downside for PSP I only personally work with PSB when I know my file size is going to be larger than 2GB but if you're unsure you can continue using PSD and when it exceeds 2GB Photoshop will tell you and then you can save it as a PSB now there is Tiff now PSD and PSP are Adobe formats on the other hand diff is a worldwide Universal format now the specialty of diff is that you don't need Photoshop to open it it's a universal format and it does support majority of Photoshop features if not all I haven't come across something that it doesn't support maybe little things here and there but for the most part I haven't come across an issue so let's go to file save as and this time let us choose Tiff and let's name it example three Tiff and let's save it you can keep these settings the way it is and hit OK it gives you a warning because you're including the list that's fine I want to include it and now have a look you're working with diff let's close it and open it again so this is example three Tiff I can directly open it in my windows photo viewer and it opens just like that no issue I can right click on it choose open with and even open with Microsoft Paint and it opens right there no issue and here's the best part if I open this up in Photoshop let's drag it and drop it into Photoshop right here have a look all of the layers are intact even if you use one of those newer features let's go to filter neural filters it's very new filter right here and let's turn on landscape mixer let's make it snowy absolutely snowy let's go with this as you can see Nero filter is applied we can double click on it and change it later because this is a smart filter let's press Ctrl or command s keep in mind it's still a tiff and it is supported so right now if I minimize it if I open it up in Microsoft Paint the changes show up right here and then if I open it up back in Photoshop let's drag it and drop it into Photoshop have a look at it that neural filter is still there so that my friend is the magic of Tiff it's a universal format it supports layers it supports Photoshop features and one thing I didn't write right here and that is stiff does have a limit but the limit is larger than PST and that is 4 GB so PSD has a limit of 2GB PSB doesn't have much of a limit but Tiff on the other hand also has a limit and that is 4GB let's talk about two more common formats with export as and that is PNG and jpeg so here you have an adorable panda with a transparent background reminds me of Kung Fu Panda your mind is like this water my friend when it becomes agitated it's difficult to see but when it settles down the answer is super clear I may have changed it a little bit but it's a quote from that movie Let's Go to file export and Export as if we choose PNG you will see that the transparent background is maintained also you want to make sure that you want transparency you can uncheck it and take away the transparency if you wish so but I want the transparency and then we can export it let's name it Panda click on save so here is our Panda PNG now when you bring it over any image it does come with a transparent background however if you saved it as a JPEG let's go to file export export as let's choose jpeg this time no matter what you do jpeg does not support transparency so if you do want transparency PNG is your only option if you don't want transparency then you can go ahead and choose jpeg if you wish to but there are other aspects to it as well so right now if I save it as a jpeg no matter what I do if you click on export and again save now when I try to bring the panda jpeg right here as you can see it does come with that white background another thing you need to consider is the size it is not that PNG is a bigger size and jpeg is a smaller size it's a little more trickier than that so here's an image with flat graphics and actually it's a very simple abstract image on the left hand side we have white and on the right hand side we have black it's simple two blocks right here if you go to file export export as and save it as a JPEG in the highest quality now keep in mind with PNG there is no quality slider because it's loss less compression it doesn't decrease the quality in any way but jpeg does allow you to control the quality if you pick the highest quality the sizes 27.1 KB right for jpeg now this is a flat graphic if I choose PNG right here see the size is lower it's 15.9 and if you look at the chart jpeg supports maximum bit depth of 8 whereas PNG supports up to 24. so if you keep the same in PNG as JPEG keep in mind jpeg maximum is 8 so PNG if I set it to 8 the file size would be even lower so this is 8 with PNG and in jpeg it is 27 however this flips absolutely when you're not working with flat Graphics take a look at this photo yes I had my mom and dad try sushi for the first time my mom told me I can make it at home this is not very something complicated I think that is the dialogue you would hear in every Indian household but anyway if you go to file export export as right here the tables turn right now if I choose jpeg even at the highest quality the size is 5.7 MB however with PNG if you don't want the transparency of course we don't want that and even if you choose to have a smaller file size see it is bigger and watch this with PNG if you choose to have a smaller file size the colors change so if I remove this check right here have a look the original colors return so this is most comparable with jpeg so this was 15 and that was around five so when it comes to photographs with lots of gradients colors details jpeg is preferred especially when sharing online due to its smaller size and if you're not worried about size and you want lossless compression with the highest possible quality you can always go for PNG so just ask yourself these questions and you should be fine now exportas does have a lot of other important features so this is a thumbnail I created for a previous video you can watch it right here after this video let's go to file export and Export as when uploading YouTube thumbnails the width of the thumbnail needs to be 1280 pixels so we can change it right here in export without changing the original image or the document so let's type in 1280 it automatically goes to 1280x720 and you can choose the format PNG or JPEG and click on export that's all there is to it it will be saved in that size you can also choose to save it in multiple sizes one for your website one for Facebook maybe one for YouTube so right now we have it in One X we can click on plus and save a half size 0.5 x we can have 0.75 X 0.25 x 2X you can change it according to your wish and I'm going to keep it back to 2x now all of these sizes can be saved in a folder just click on export for convenience let's create a new folder inside of it let's name it export and let's pick this folder click on select folder and if you open up this export folder you'll see all of it right here so this is 1x 0.5 x 0.25.75 and 2x you can also export individual multiple layers at once so in this case we have a lot of layers hot coffee coffee frame now let's say I want to save this cake separately and this jar separately as a separate PNG so let's open up the hot drinks group right here we have this teapot right here so we want this saved and we also want the cake right so inside of the dessert there is this cake so let's select both of those layers so select the cake hold the controller command select the teapot right now you can right click on it and choose export as and you will see both of them are going to show up right here let's save it as a pin G you can pick the size for each one of these so for the cake for the teapot as well let's change the format to PNG you can change the size from here individually and click on export let's save it in the same folder click on select folder and inside of the export folder you'll find the cake right here and also this teapot there's also a shortcut for exporting multiple layers at once and that is once you have the layers selected for example the cake and the teapot you can press Ctrl shift and colon very uncommon shortcut if you press it this dialog box will show up let's create a new folder e new export new let's select that folder and if we open up this e new folder you'll have the cake and the teapot right here as well one other thing to watch out for when you're exporting for the web is converting the color profile properly now this is a very Advanced topic and you can watch this video to learn more about it but for right now keep in mind that if you go to file export and Export as if things are not set up right if you're working with a larger color space if none of this is making sense just Watch What Happens so I'm about to export this image as a JPEG and it looks fine but if you don't convert the color space to srgb see what happens the colors absolutely change and earlier when I used to export directly sometimes on Instagram my colors would change and I would wonder why so always when exporting for online media web social media whatever there is you want to make sure you want to convert to srgb color space just make sure that it's checked also make sure you embed the color profile it should be fine and then when you export the colors will be right keep in mind the colors are not going away it is still there but the viewer online or any other different app doesn't know what the color profile is you don't have to worry about any of that right now just make sure you check convert to srgb and if you want to learn you can watch this video anyway last but not the least if you're working on an important project you can also choose to save it in Cloud as a psdc format psdc simply means Photoshop document Cloud so you can go to file you can go to save as that's fine or the first time you save it it will also show up the option to save it as a cloud document and you can simply click save to cloud documents and name it whatever you want click on Save now it will be uploaded to the cloud but keep in mind it will take up space on the cloud that you're hopefully paying for and this feature will only work if you're not using a Captain Jack Sparrow version of Photoshop but working with this you'll see something special so if I create a curves adjustment layer do any change you don't really have to worry about saving when you close it you can just close it it will automatically save it it's a cloud document and with the cloud documents you'll either see a check right here which means that this is a cloud document and it is available offline easily or you'll see a cloud icon like this which means that it is a cloud document and it's available in the cloud if you click on it it will download it for you let's say you were working on this in your home computer and then let's say you took a road trip with your laptop not your home computer of course and then you just have to log in with your laptop in your Adobe account and then when you open Photoshop you'll have access to the same file even though you didn't carry it with you so that's cloud documents if there's something extremely important that you're working on you can always have a cloud backup like this so let us do a quick little recap and I have something special for you and that special is this chart if you look at this chart you don't have to worry about anything else ever when it comes to saving unless Photoshop does some major changes I hope this video helps you in some way shape or form it was quite tiring so I would really appreciate your support thank you so much for watching make sure to give us a like if you found this useful and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials I would like to take this moment to thank all of these nice and amazing people for supporting piximperfect on patreon and helping keep Pixel Perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for watching I'll see you in your next lesson till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep failing we're up here on cloud nine and somehow we get it right every time [Music] and I like it like that [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 63,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to save, photoshop for beginners, export in photoshop, save as vs export as, jpg vs png, tiff, psd, psdc, photoshop tutorial, adobe, save a copy, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: 7EjorOn7jAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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