How to Save Email Attachments with Power Automate | Power Automate Tutorial

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hi and welcome back to that office guy and today guys we are going to be taking a look at how to save your email attachments automatically using power automate it's actually a very straightforward and simple process and i'm going to walk you through just how to set up your very own automated process for saving your email attachments down into one drive and if you do find this video useful and informative please do go ahead and hit that like button for me i really appreciate it and if you're new to the channel and you're not yet subscribed do go ahead and subscribe by subscribing you will be kept up to date with all the various hints and tips that we do here at that office guy right with that said and done let's jump on over to the desktop and take a look at how to set up this automation fantastic so here we are just on the desktop and what first thing that we need to do is actually just head on over to once we're on you'll be presented with all your various er you know files etc that you've been using um and the app bar on the left hand side so the first thing that we need to do is actually just go ahead and find the power automate and if we do not see this here then we can easily go ahead and just expand all options and find power automate from here or click on all apps and find it this way as well and once we found it we're going to go ahead and right click and just open that up in a new tab that's going to open up power automate now if you have not yet signed up to power automate then you can do so for free and you only need a free version at this point you do not need to actually pay for anything here and so you can just sign up to the free plan for power automate um i always have an account so you'll be presented with this screen once you've signed in and from here we have all of the navigation bars on the left hand side and what we want to do is actually just go ahead and click on my flows to start with here we can see i actually have two flows already created and these are you know test planner tasks and holiday requests and i've done a couple of videos on those so you can check those out if you're interested in that kind of thing but for now what we're going to do is just click on this new flow from the drop down menu we want an instant cloud flow okay um but actually we want an automated cloud flow sorry okay and so this one here would be if you want to push a button for it to work but we want something that's automated so we want automated cloud flow i'm going to go ahead and click this that then comes up with this basically wizard and we're going to give this a name so we're going to say save files from emails okay and then what we're going to do is we're going to search for email and the thing that we're looking for here is when a new email arrives okay and there's a few different versions of it so obviously we have version 2 we have a version three here and you can click this little button and it'll show you what's going on and so basically it's a limitation of 50 megabits per second uh this one's the same so i'm going to use the v3 um see it's the latest version so i'm just going to go with that and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go get and click create once we do this it's going to basically connect to your outlook emails now if that hasn't it will create that connection for you and once it's created that connection you'll be able to see what what basically what folder you want to monitor within your email inbox okay so i'm just going to go with the inbox and you can click on the little folder icon here i'm just going to close that off and this allows you to look at various different levels right so if you've got a specific folder that you want to monitor then you could just choose that specific folder but i'm just going to say the entire um inbox for now and that's fine the other thing that we need to do here guys is actually just select from this advanced options is the um attachments it has to be an email with an attachment okay because that's ultimately our end goal here we're going to monitor all emails that have attachments and then we're going to save them down okay and again you could get more advanced with this i'm going to keep this tutorial very basic um but if you wanted to you could check later on in in various different stages here the types of the email attachments that you might want to save so for example you only might want to save pdf files or excel files in which case you can do that by looking at the extensions okay and what we're going to do is just make sure that it includes an attachment yes only with attachment i'm going to click yes okay and then i'm going to close that down so now we have our trigger so when a new email arrives or with an email attachment then we're going to ask it to do something so the next thing that we want to do is uh basically um go ahead and add in um the one drive um so i'm just going to go ahead and go file uh onedrive for business we're going to want this one and then what we want to do is create a file from um you know ultimately our email so we're going to go ahead and create that file this is going to then sign into onedrive for business and then it's going to ask me for a folder path so i'm going to click on the little folder here we have the root directory then we can just go in and see there's nothing else other than that root directory for my particular onedrive so i'm just going to shoot on back and click on root so root but root is now the path that's gone in there the file name now what i'm going to do is i'm going to see the dynamic content over here on the right hand side and what i'm going to be looking for specifically is the attachment okay so the name of the attachment so i'm going to go ahead and do that and what that's going to do is it's going to say for every single attachment we're going to have an apply to each attachment and we're going to save a file for every single attachment that's in there okay the file contents okay is also the attachments content from the dynamic content window here so if you do not see this it might just appear like this you have to just make sure you click on add dynamic content and then you'll have this box appear by default um power automate will identify that you're looking for file content and try to narrow the search down and so in this example it's very straightforward because we've only got you know basically one trigger and then one event it's gonna save down all of the attachments and so i'm gonna head basically add in the attachments content okay so we're creating a new file okay and um basically it's inside my root directory of my onedrive it has the attachment name from the email and we're going to add the contents of the attachment into the new file that's been created and that is it right so that's a very simple flow that's basically going to look at your emails and go ahead and actually save all of those attachments down into your onedrive for you of course you're not just limited to one drive you could also if you wanted to share save files directly into sharepoint as well so if you that was more of what you're you're trying to achieve then you could go ahead and do that too and likewise you could really be specific over some of the criteria of your email it could be addressed in very specific people it could be only where you're copied in on something it could also be from a very specific sender and you could also if you know exactly what the subject is going to be called you could use um you know a specific subject so you'll know exactly what you're saving down now i use this quite a bit for saving specific uh emailed reports over uh into sharepoint that i then use inside power bi for example so there's a lot of good functionality here when it comes to saving attachments and but in this example it's very very straightforward and simple we've got one email coming in that has the attachment and then we're going to go ahead and save all of those attachments as files inside our onedrive account so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go ahead and click on save from this particular example and we can see now it's been saved so what i'm going to do is just go back to our main screen here it says our flow is ready to go and it's been turned on and will trigger when you send a new email to your inbox i'm going to just make sure i don't have to see that again and click ok so now the next thing that we're going to do guys is actually send an email to my um emails with an attachment okay so i'm going to just go ahead and go to my gmail account for this example and what i'm going to do here is i'm going to go ahead and create a new email from this new email i'm going to go and address it to myself i'll give it a test subject and then what i'm going to do is go ahead and attach a file from here i'm going to go ahead and find a specific file that i'd like to save so i'm going to go and find something from uh one of my other accounts bear with me one second i'm going to go ahead and attach this into my email right so for all of my crypto assets so i've got an xlsx lsx file uh and i'm going to basically send this ender so um i'm just going to say another test in the body there doesn't really matter and once i'm happy with all that i'm going to send that and then i'm going to go ahead and monitor my email inbox just here make sure it arrives at this particular end as well so uh in here we can see that this is my general uh my just my regular inbox and we've got loads of various different things here we can see that we have that test email just arrived so what i'm going to do is come back to power bi and we're going to just refresh all these floats here we can see that actually it was successful so i'm going to come into here and that's going to show us what's actually going on so we've had the email arrive we can see that and we can come and have a look at what's going on here it's actually created a file it's called cryptoassets.xlsx we have the file contents and what we can now do is actually head back over to you know our um our microsoft office right uh and we're gonna go ahead and find our onedrive account here we're gonna go click on onedrive that's gonna load that up and we're gonna see if this has come through as expected and there we go about one minute ago we've had nick crypto assets has been saved directly into our power that's right into our onedrive account so very very straightforward and very very easy to do guys but again you can obviously make this a more advanced as needed and so if you wanted to be really specific over the types of files then you can go ahead and just do a criteria check to make sure that you're only going to be saving in the xlsx files rather than image files or pdf files or whatever it is that you're trying to achieve but ultimately the process is actually incredibly simple to do so hopefully guys you found that you know very very useful and informative and if you did then please do go ahead and hit that like button for me and i really do appreciate it if you're new to the channel and you're not yet subscribed do go ahead and subscribe by subscribing you'll be kept up to date with all of the various hints and tips of videos that we do here at that office guy and with all this said and done we hope you have a fantastic day and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: That Office Guy
Views: 82,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that office guy, microsoft 365, microsoft excel, microsoft teams, microsoft powerpoint, microsoft onenote, microsoft outlook, email attachements, save, onedrive, power automate, tutorial, microsoft flow, outlook, how to save email attachments automatically to a folder, office 365, save files in onedrive, attachment, file, automatically, ms flow, flow, microsoft power automate, power automate tutorial, power automate microsoft, microsoft flow tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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