AUTOMATICALLY Save Email Attachments onto OneDrive using POWER AUTOMATE!

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welcome back everyone in this video I'll show you how to use power automate to create files from email attachments and save them to your preferred location so that you can sit back and let automation do the work for you so let's say I'm emailed a sales report on a daily basis each day I have to open my mailbox find that email and save the sales report onto my OneDrive then I have to go into my OneDrive and save the file into its respective location this task can be quite monotonous and I believe that routine tasks like this should be automated by setting a flow on power automate I will no longer have to do this let me show you how so here I am in power automate and let's create a flow that will automate this step for us so I'll head into create and I'll select automated Cloud flow now this flow will be triggered by a designated event which in our case is the receipt of an email I'll add a quick name I'll just call it sales report and after that I have to select what should be the trigger of that automation so in my case it has to be when a new email arrives into my inbox I'll select version 3. and I'll click create so here we are we've set up the Baseline for our automation now we have to actually specify our flow so the first step would be to decide which folder should that email come into now in Outlook there are many folders there's your junk there's your spam and there's other folders that you create for yourself so in my case whenever an email comes into my primary inbox that's when I want to have this flow occur again I'll specify the email later on The Next Step will be to going to show Advanced options and this is very important for me to select yes for include attachments and to select yes for only with attachments after this let me quickly write down a subject filter so what should the title of that email contain in order for me to take the attachment of that email and save it onto my OneDrive so in this case my boss whenever they send me an email the title always contains the word sales and report so sales report is something common amongst all their emails so in my case the string that I would write down would be sales report after this I'll select new step so thus far what we have done is we have identified that it is the attachment of a specified email that we want to Target now it's our turn to decide what we want to do with that attachment so in my case I want to create a file with that attachment so I'll select create file from here and it's within OneDrive for business because I would like the file to be created within OneDrive and I'll select create file now the folder path is where do I want that file to go within my OneDrive so again my OneDrive has dozens of folders let me quickly select a folder in which I want that file to go into okay so my folder name is called YouTube now what should be the file name so if I give a uniform file name which is the same for all such as for example sales data then whenever an attachment comes in it'll save as a file and the file will always be called sales data so imagine how many duplicate files I'll have so each file will basically overwrite the other and we don't want that we want each file to remain in its authenticity so I'll select Dynamic content so that each time a new attachment comes in each day a new sales report comes in it gets saved with a slightly different name so for me I would want it to have sales report space Dynamic content and I would want the dynamic content to be the time of the email because that's something that's important to me so I'll select received time now there's still one thing that we're missing the end of the title should contain the prefix of the file so in my case the file that is being emailed to me is an Excel file so my prefix will be dot xlsx now if you're being emailed a word file you can use dot docx after this what should be inside the file so I want the content of my original email attachment to be what's inside my OneDrive file as well so I'll go back into Dynamic content and I'll search up attachments content so whatever was in that email attachment content will now be in my OneDrive content as well and that's it I'll hit save and now once it saves it recommends me to test it again we don't have to but it's always a good idea to send an email by yourself to yourself which contains your search string which in my case is sales report and see if that works and that's all that there is to it so now whenever you get a specified routine email its attachments will go to your preferred location automatically happy automating and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Anser's Excel Academy
Views: 4,903
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Id: 1dT9mKmPDTg
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Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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