How To Saturate Solid Areas For Beginners

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what's up youtube welcome to another video and today i'm going to teach you how to saturate solid areas for tattooing you know if you are tattooing tribal and other artwork like that this is something you're going to need to learn and if you're new to this channel i'm brandon from tattooing101 and make sure you like and subscribe down below so keep up to date on all the content we make each week okay so let's get into how to fill in a tattoo so obviously with this design the customer would want it filled in solid black so a couple things that you're going to practice when it comes to filling in is small circles so just get used to this movement right here another thing you want to think about is use a mag the size that you could get into all of these areas very comfortably if you're not able to if you're not comfortable with a mag you could use a round shader for areas like this that are really tiny but you want to get to a point to where you could use your mag in a lot of small areas so this is a great way to practice that and it's obviously not on human skin so you could get away with overworking it and trying to practice and get a feel for everything as it is so the one thing we're going to look for when it comes to this is going completely up against these lines one thing i see with new artists is they'll be at this gap right here because they don't know exactly where their mag ends and their needle starts so they'll be a perfect line where it's skin tone right up next to this so we're going to practice on getting right up to these lines another thing that helps is outlining with a thicker liner i used a 14 from quadrant so my lines are thick i have no problem going right up to these lines and saturating them completely so let's get into it i am using a standard mag when it comes to this which is a 12 gauge you don't want to use 10 gauge because they're really really tiny and you want to saturate as much as possible right so you don't want to have a really really tiny needle that's going to make little holes you want to make and fill up as much areas physically possible with each movement okay so let's start out on these horns so what we're going to do is put it into the fake skin right over top of these lines and you can see where my needles are so just getting used to knowing exactly where these needles are what we're going to focus on whenever you just start getting into filling in tattoos so little tiny circles make sure you're going up to these lines and just move up with it right like this you want to get to a point where you're going over an area one time and it's completely saturated see if you go over it multiple times and need to go you know back in it what's going to happen is it's going to overwork this area especially on humans and it's going to cause problems with healing and other things and issues like that so what i'm going to show you right now is the problem with not going up to the line perfectly so you know when you first start out you're doing little circles like this just going through saturating everything and right here it looks like my needles are going right up to this line right and we're just going to go straight through but it's actually the end of my cartridge and when you wipe away you can see there's a perfect line right here it's hard to see in the camera but it's right here the exact diameter of this cartridge into my needles so it's about a millimeter right there that's not saturated so then you have to like go back in and try to work it in and saturate it but you're going over this area too because your mag's thick and you're going to overwork this area right here going over it multiple times so just focus on where your needles are at all times and you won't have that issue another thing is if you're having an issue with saturation you know you're going through let's say you know fairly quickly and you just speed up your hand speed and you see that it's a little bit lighter than everything else what you can do is go back through change the angle so we want this way the first time we're going to change the angle and go back through this way now you could see i'm picking up my hand speed i'm not going as slow as we did the first time because we're just wanting to saturate that area and fill everything in without overworking everything completely but this is what we're going to look for right here is just going through very nicely making these tiny circles going up to all of these lines and saturating this area without having any issues so this is we're going to practice with right here now i'm going to show you kind of how to get into small areas with your mag so sometimes i'll have my mag hanging out a little bit more i'll show you how to do that for these little areas i'll let my mag hang out quite a bit so i can see exactly where my needles are and i'll just go through i'm not going any deeper into the skin i'm just kind of how i line i'm just running off the tip of my needles not the tube and then i could turn it how i need to to get into these really tiny areas now i'm not just putting it into the skin and just dragging it like this because what that's doing there's 11 needles hitting it exactly the same time it's going to cut into that skin so i'm just very lightly turning it to the side a little bit just get into these areas and very lightly getting into there because there's not much surface area that needed filled in anyway and you could just move on to saturating the rest of the stuff but letting your needles hang out a little bit gives you a little bit more control you can see everything and where everything is going into the skin like i said the biggest issue i see with new tattooers is not saturating everything up to the lawn believe that gap that looks really weird when it comes to healing and how fast you're doing the circles will also depend on your voltage um your hand speed all those things will contribute to how fast you need to do these tiny circles so those are all things that you want to remember is once you get to a voltage that's comfortable with you staying consistent with that pretty much your whole career unless you change machines or something if you're using the same machine then you just want to get to a constant speed to where you can pick up on every time and know exactly how fast you need to go to completely saturate these areas me one thing that i did whenever i first started out and this is what my mentor made me do i wouldn't recommend this on actual human skin but one thing you can do is if you're practicing with fills and filling in solid areas what you can do is focus on you know filling in your areas like this but then if you want to get double practice out of one skin you could also integrate some whip shading in there so you know do some whip shading get comfortable with how your machine's moving going around the contours of things you know whip shade out like this and then getting that practice in from going from straight black into the transitions you need for black and gray and traditional designs but then whenever you're done practicing with this you could always go back and then go over it and completely saturate the area so you're getting like practice with two different things with one skin [Music] and then just moving around getting the angles that you need to be able to go up against those lines appropriately you know you might have to tattoo different ways especially if you're on actual clients you can't move them around as easily as you can fake skins which and that is how you completely saturate a tattoo if you're doing tribal or a symbol like this i hope you are able to learn something and as always you guys have a wonderful day
Channel: Tattooing 101
Views: 106,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to saturate solid areas for beginners, how to saturate color in tattoo, how to saturate black tattoo, how to saturate black ink, how to tattoo for beginners, how to tattoo, how to tattoo for beginners on fake skin, how to shade tattoo, how to shade for beginners, how to shade for beginners tattoo, tattooing 101 for beginners, tattooing 101 shading
Id: ciId8lPYJJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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