How To Tattoo At The Right Depth

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hello everyone and welcome to another video today what we're going to talk about is how you know that the depth you're tattooing is the correct depth in the skin you need it to be to create a good tattoo so from there i'm going to teach you where the ink needs to go the correct depth that will make the tattoo heal up and sustain a great tattoo through life you know in five to ten years i'm gonna explain the different layers of the skin and exactly where you want that ink to be at because out of the three layers there is a perfect in between a sweet spot if you will where you want your ink to stay for it to hold up through time and if you're new to the channel i'm brandon from tattooing101 and make sure you're liking and subscribing down below and hitting the little bell notification button so you can keep up to date on all the new videos we come out with every single week and make sure you stick around through the whole video because every point that i tell you about this is super important to create a great tattoo okay so before we get into actually tattooing i'm going to show you and explain the three different layers of the skin i'm going to put a diagram right here perfect so the three different layers of skin the first layer is going to be the epidermis this is the highest area that you could touch on your actual body now the problem with this layer if you're just scratching in the tattoo and you're not going deep enough what's going to happen is this layer is always falling off and creating new skin so if you're going to tattoo and you're just scratching in there getting in this layer of skin what's going to happen is it's going to fall out because you did not go deep enough to where when the skin heals itself and regenerates it's just going to fall out with the actual skin so the ink is not going to stay in this layer so this is a area that you want to stay away from now you have to puncture through it to get to the area that is the sweet spot but you don't want to be tattooing on this layer of skin the third layer is the hypodermis so this layer is pretty much created from fatty tissue so the problem with this layer is there's not a lot holding everything together it's a lot of fatty tissue and everything so if you tattoo too deep you will get to this layer this is another layer you want to stay away from like the plague because if you go into this layer it's the exact opposite from the first one it's not going to fall out it's going to go into other areas that you don't want it to be which is called a blowout and if you know anything about tattooing you know the blowouts are a terrible thing it's going to make your tattoos look really fuzzy and terrible and sometimes if you go too deep in these areas it'll just look like tree roots almost it'll go into the skin and just destroy a perfect tattoo so this is why finding the appropriate layer is so important when you're making tattoos because it is a huge deal now on to the second layer i saved this one for last i didn't go in order because this is the layer this is the sweet spot that you want to try to find when you are tattooing and it is called the dermis that is the area that you want all of your ink to reside in make a little home and just stay right there because it's going to heal up perfectly you're not going to have any issues at all so this is the area that you are trying to find when you're tattooing now there are a couple different things that go into finding this appropriate area as well of course first of all is experience it takes a long time trying to figure out the exact depth you want to go in order to have your tattoos heal up perfectly and stay in that dermis area that you want to with that being said there's a ton of different things out there that can help you along with your journey fake skins are one of them the thickness of them i will explain and show you how to get as close as physically possible to learning how to tattoo into that dermis area with fake skins so this is a great way to learn and practice that so you know that you're going deep enough along with that you want to make sure that you're having your needle hanging out the appropriate length you don't want to go too far or you're going to have issues with going too deep you don't want to have it too short or you're going to have problems with it going into the first layer and not the second layer where you want it so all of these things do go into finding the appropriate layer other things involving that is hand speed and voltage the hand speed you're going if you're going too fast it might not have the time to be able to get into that second layer of skin where you want it to be and then voltage if you're running it too soft or too low of a voltage it might not have the power to be able to puncture the skin correctly so all these things go into it as well and then the last point that is also important would be the angle that you're going so if you think about it this way if you were holding your tattoo machine at an angle like this and tattooing correctly that means the needles are not going as far into the skin as they would if you're doing it like this holding it the exact same distance from the skin because this is going straight down in so that means it's going to go into the bottom layer so therefore you really want to practice on tattooing with an angle and stick with that angle the whole time throughout your career if it's working correctly for you because if you go if you change the way you're tattooing every time it's going to be really hard to kind of hone in on that second layer of skate skin every single tattoo and also people's skin are different not everyone's skin is the same so some people have tougher skin some people will have really thin skin some people have stretchy skin some people have extra skin so when it you are tattooing there are a couple things you'll need to change um like your voltage your hand speed your depth in order to get to that second layer all of those things come with time and practice there's no telltale way to explain everything in detail and show you and you just be able to do this you know tomorrow without having to practice everything in life comes with practice and this is another thing a couple things to look out for if your tattoos are coming out to where they look scratchy they're not saturated enough that is a telltale sign that you are sticking into the first layer the epidermis and when you are first starting out it is better to go too light than it is to go too deep because you cannot fix a blowout the only thing you could do is really get it lasered off and or covered up yeah just make sure you're starting out light starting out at a good hand speed and an appropriate voltage for you i definitely recommend people start out from like 7 to 8.5 whenever you are first starting the tattoo just so you're not really drilling in there and you know messing up someone's skin awesome so now that we broke down everything i'm going to show you on fake skin the correct depth you want to stick with in order to help you guys out so let's get into it so let's do a couple of lines i'm going to show you the appropriate depth on fake skin that you want to try to look for now this is on real skin so you want to make sure that you are using a good enough fake skin that has the appropriate thickness in order to learn this some of the fake skins are super thin it's not really going to help you get to the appropriate around thickness so i definitely recommend you using real skins just because it's the best out there that i have found there's tons of different ones out there that i've tried and this is just what works best for me and the appropriate way to try to learn how to tattoo okay we're going to start out over here and we're just going to do a couple of lines i'm going to show you what it looks like to go to light as you can see that line is not saturated it's very very light and faint that's what you want to stay away from i'm going to pull a line that is the appropriate depth right beside it okay so that is perfectly saturated that is the depth you want to try to get to and we're going to show you what that looks like and then i'm going to show you what it looks like to go too deep so this would be too deep right here okay so these are the three different depths this first one would be the epidermis to the top layer you're just scratching into the skin the second one would be your dermis this is where you want to get to in your tattooing and the third one would be the hypodermis that is the one to where you're going to have blowouts and things like that so let's check it out so on the back you can clearly see that this is pretty much going through everything you can see that there's a big gash right there so let's cut this open and see in depth every single layer so we're going to cut straight through the lines that we did just to see how deep in the actual fake skin we got to so on the first one you could see we barely even scratched the surface you can see it's just scratched in there and there's really no penetration at all and when you are learning and practicing this is a great way to test your depth so with the second one where we're getting into the dermis you can see that that is about halfway that is exactly what you're looking for whenever you are trying to tattoo these fake skins that is a perfect line everything seems consistent the whole way through there's not a really dark deep area and a really light area it's consistent the whole way through that line and let's go to the deepest one and you can see that this one's pretty much cut open already just from the needle let's see here so with this one you can see that we pretty much went the whole way through some areas are pretty much cleared down into the other side that is what you want to stay away from that's going to cause blowouts and all sorts of problems with healing scarring up everything so you want to stick away from going too deep so this is the area you want to stick with right here so a little question for you guys down below so what issues did you have whenever you did first start out are having issues with right now in your career is it a problem of being too light or going too deep just leave a comment down below just so i can see what everyone's needing help with awesome so now that we went through everything and you saw the appropriate depth we're just going to pull a couple lines on this design focusing on hand speed your voltage and this is about how far i like my needle to hang out so right here you could clearly see that is how far i let my needle hang out when i'm tattooing any further than that then you're going to have issues with it going into the actual hypodermis so i'm just hovering it above the actual design i'm not really pushing it in the top of my cartridge is not touching the bottom of it right like that and when you were tattooing you want to make sure that you are using your points of contact to be able to tattoo correctly or you know pretending that you're stretching the skin things like this you want to learn how to tattoo the way that you're going to be tattooing in real life it's just muscle memory it'll help you out a ton the only reason i tattoo with this aren't this hand away is so you would be able to see what i'm doing that is what you want your lines to look like whenever you are tattooing you want to stick away from going into the epidermis in the hypodermis and find that sweet spot right in the middle with the dermis i hope you enjoy the video and i hope this was able to help you guys out and as always make sure you are liking and subscribing down below so that you can be up to date on all the new videos we come out with every single week and make sure you hit that bell notification button as always i hope you guys have a wonderful day and thanks for watching
Channel: Tattooing 101
Views: 181,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to tattoo at the right depth, tattooing at the correct depth, tattooing at the correct needle depth, needle depth, needle depth for lining, needle depth for shading, tattooing 101 needle depth, tattooing 101 for beginners, tattooing for beginners, tattooing for beginners needle depth, how to, How to tattoo for beginners
Id: fTc2TLx8t9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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