How to Romance Wilhelmina in Dragon’s Dogma 2 | Complete Guide

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hey folks jackor here just as Dragon Dogma 2 set our pulses racing with the romance between the Arisen and alria we now have to talk about will helmina naturally the stunning proprietress of the Rose chatau bodle in verm Mon's Capital known to blend charm intelligence and open-mindedness you'll first cross paths with Willamina as you unravel The Mystery of the false Arisen and queen D's plot where she lends a helping hand along the way but don't be fooled by her Allure alone there's more to her than meets the eye now just like Ora's romance to capture willam's heart you're going to have to embark on a series of quests but fret not I am here to guide you every step of the way leading to of course a romantic climax so getting started to romance will Hina in the game you have to complete her special romance Quest called every rose has its thorn but in order to unlock that Quest you are going to have to finish two main quests given by Brandt the stolen throne and an unsettling encounter now the stolen Throne is available immediately once you arrive in the capital involving a masquerade to confront the false Arisen on the other hand an unsettling encounter unlocks after you complete the main quests monster culling and daa's plot with Brandt and depending on which main quest you tackle first either the stolen Throne or an unsettling encounter you will meet will herina in a different context now don't stress about the order that really doesn't matter you just need to make sure that you finish both quests to unlock her romance Quest Every Rose Has Its Thorn and just so you know all the options available I will delve into how the stolen throne and an unsettling encounter each introduced will helmina in their own different ways so you can fully decide which approach suits you best alternatively if you've already done both of these quests there's still time to Kindle will hel's flame so let's just dive in step by step so I kicked off the romance with Will hamina by starting the stolen Throne main quest and in this Quest I encountered will hamina for the first time at a mascarade in wenworth while searching for the false Arisen equipped with a mask from Brandt and a courtly tunic and courtly breaches I made my way to wenworth Hall to attend this masquerade and inside I discovered a room leading to the Rose chatau border there a cut scene immediately played introducing my Arisen to the voluptuous will helmina and she wasted no time in offering her help after a crucial plot twist involving the false Arisen in one of the Border Le rooms where my Arisen peaked through a secret peephole following some dialogue with Will Hina just afterwards she gave me her special card granting me full access to her border Le and with that the stolen Throne Quest rest came to an end and while entry to the Border leag grants access to various services including the option to engage in a one night stand with a variety of cortis from Human Bean male female all at the cost for 20K gold my focus wasn't on that instead it was solely on pursuing will helina so following my initial introduction with her I then started the main quest and unsettling encounter which just like the stolen Throne is also a sweet and short Quest this time however you're Gathering rumors about a nobleman called alad and for this Quest I immediately skipped to wenworth castle at night and investigated alad's Chambers inside and by locating a hidden passage in the left corner of his room and retrieving the bti crested letter my next objective was to flee the castle and return to Brandt which is exactly what I did however I have since learned that if you actually walk out of the archway of the castle or if you actually haven't completed the stolen Throne at at this point will helmin will actually catch you triggering a cutscene as the guards surround the area looking for whoever broke into the castle to avoid drawing attention from the guards willina and the Arisen share a romantic case and if the stolen Throne hadn't been completed at this point Willamina would then provide the Arisen with her card granting access to the Rose chatau borde now of course I did not get that option because I had done the stor throne and I had ran past her without even realizing and in that regard it does ultimately come down to do you want to share a kiss with Will helina well you either have to do an unsettling encounter first then do the stolen Throne or if you've already done the stolen Throne don't do what I did and just run out of the castle straight to Brandt walk into the archway which is close to where you entered the castle and you will share a case with Will helina and so regardless of the kiss at this point having completed both of those quests willam's entrance to the story the Border card granting access to her place and the unraveling of nobleman alad's Shady plot all Mark the beginning of will hela's romance Quest the very next morning my Arisen now armed with the Border access card made a beline for the rose chatow bodley and upon reaching the top floor intending to meet Willamina in her personal bedroom I encountered a patron blocking the side door informing me of will her's busy schedule with a current client and this encounter marked the beginning of every rose has its thorn a time sensitive quest which gives you three in-game days to complete I stepped inside will hela's bedroom and turned right at the end of the bed and interacted with a picture on the right hand side wall which revealed the people from before as my risen looked into the next room and through this I witnessed a lad's attempt to coarse Willamina into becoming his personal cartisan which she firmly declined after alad departed I spoke with Will hamina who already knew I was looking through the people anywhere who then disclosed her intention to eliminate alad but needed evidence to expose his misdeeds of course I accepted the task then given a 3-day time frame to GA evidence in time my investigation led me to Sven who was in his chamber in wenworth Castle he suggested seeking information from Patrick directing me to his estate at night under the guise of being under sven's employee Patrick agreed to lure aive out granting me an opportunity to search alad's manner for evidence and so with alad temporarily absent from his manner I sneaked into it located a murder report upstairs behind one of his paintings in his bedroom and then returned to Willamina with the evidence now you can actually just go into alad's Manner and take the evidence for yourself now that I've given you the location you can skip the whole Sven and Patrick debacle from the get-go with the evidence in hand will Hina asked if might Arison would help her kill aad and to which of course I agreed again she then disguised herself as a bean for spoiler plot reasons and she then initiated the confrontation by asking the Arisen to basically grab aad and so I did just that triggering a Cuts scene where will hamina assassinated alad after revealing her true intentions against him and with one final whimper from alad of course the guards surrounded the room prompting us both to flee from them and so following willam's lead I sprinted towards the Merchant Square seeking refuge in my home until the very next morning and here is where we have the payoff the very steamy moment we've all been building up to and so I returned to the rad chat bordlee and I entered will hina's bedroom where she basically thanked me and then triggered the Romantic Cuts scene that concluded the quest and solidified the romance now I'll let you witness the scene for yourself all I'll say is it's a lot more hotter than 's romance scene and for completing this Quest besides will hela's wonderful company May Arisen received the Ring of benevolence a handy accessory that gradually restores Health after sustaining significant damage and thus that marks the end of the quest and the romance but now of course we need to talk about the post romance scene content with Will harina now in this romance scene she essentially bids farewell to the Arison which while it may sound really stupid didn't fully hit me until after the quest ended and I was able to witness the actual consequences of that because later on when I did a few quests and then came back to the capital after some time had passed I looked for will herina in her usual spots and she was literally nowhere to be found as if she despawned it seems like she's actually truly gone from the game which for me felt really underwhelming and anti-climatic especially when compared to 's post romance content here and like yeah Fair do she did say she was leaving but in terms of the content it's really kind of underwhelming and to give you a bit of picture for that slight spoilers for or's romance but when my Arisen romance Ora after completing her romance Quest Ora visited my house in the Mund the next day and established her own permanent home in havve where I can visit her whenever I want and she continues to visit send letters and gifts and go on walks with my Arisen however will hela's romance lacks this kind of long-term content in my experience so while you're undoubtedly getting a hotter romance scene with will helina she doesn't provide the ongoing relationship content as Ora does and I suppose in its very nature which is also very true to her character the experience with Willamina is more of a fling than a proper romance really and for those wondering you can romance Ora and will helina both in the same playthrough without needing to choose between them personally I prefer Ora's romance but I have successfully pursued them both and as of this current point I haven't faced any consequences for this just yet but I also haven't finished the game either so I'm going to have to see for myself if there are any repercussions once I'm ready to wrap up the game I'm also on the lookout for other characters offering more extensive cinematic romances similar to Ola and will helina but I actually haven't discovered any yet which is slightly disappointing given the expectations set by the detailed reports and articles by the game director that I discussed directly in my love and relationships video now I'm going to continue to explore and I will update you if I do find more engaging cinematic plot worthy romances in the game but it is disappointing for players also Al interested in Romancing the significant male characters like Brandt or Sven or Glinda in any case I hope this guide has been helpful for those aiming to capture will hel's heart in the brief moments we get to spend time with her of course for those interested in how to romance orria you can check out my previous video meanwhile I'm off to search for more Hearts to capture wish me luck and until the next one I've been jackor and I should go
Channel: Jackdaw
Views: 25,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jackdaw, BioWare, Dragon, Age, Mass, Effect, Thedas, TheDreadWolfRises, Dragon Age 4, Next Dragon Age, Dragon Age, romance, How to Romance Wilhelmina in Dragon’s Dogma 2 | Complete Guide, Ulrika, Wilhelmina in Dragon’s Dogma 2, Dragon’s Dogma 2, Wilhelmina, Romance Wilhelmina, DD2, BG3, Romance Games
Id: FpyZbkruUF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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