Top 6 Mistakes ALL Riders Make in the Twisties | Cornering Tips

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what's up everyone fasted here and this is the top six mistakes beginner riders make a while out in the twisties out in the canyon roads number one they here's the foot pick right here's the shoe they put their middle of the boot like on the heel and their toes are hanging down so once they start leaning the bike over their toe is the closest to the ground you always want it once you started going through the twisty roads you always want to have your tippy toes on the foot peg all the way up against the bike at no time should your foot or boot ever ever touch the ground now sometimes I ride like this one going down the highway just because it's a little bit more comfortable but once that bike starts leaning get your tippy toes up on the pegs next riders are not looking far enough up the road so let's say this is a huge blind corner okay can't see anything you're going this way so as you're here right you can see all of this and if I'm here this is where my eyes are looking every time I press a dot this is where my eyes are looking of course not in this order I'm looking as far as I could see 80% of the time my eyes are looking and scanning and making sure I see what's going on if there's any tar snake's gravel dead squirrels two-by-fours whatever and every now and then I make glance just in front of me a little bit to make sure this is pretty good but I'm mostly looking here I go another 30 feet like I obviously see 30 feet further so as I begin to go from here to here my eyes are still the majority of the time now they're doing this so by the time I actually get there I'm confident this is clear because my eyes are scanning as I'm going through and right about here right before my bike begins to actually lean and I'm just looking in the even further the same thing happens now most of my attention 90% of it since I'm now actually lean email all the way from here to here I'm in a straight line you're going left to see start on the outside so all the way up until here I'm in a straight line I'm scanning I'm skating up scanning but right about here the bike actually begins to lean and commit to the turn now the majority of my focus is where I want the bike to be at the exit I might have a couple over here just to kind of maintain on my dark my's back real quick and then just kind of look back forward but the majority of your line of how you staying through the corner has to do with your peripheral vision all right let's say you're here of course you can see further now majority of your attention should be here I should be focusing and maybe just a little bit right here most of the time is here and you just keep on doing that and as you go through the corner so just not looking far enough up the road not using your eyes incorrectly next I see riders get way too close to the double yellow line so again this is a big mountain supplying corner let's say if it's an open corner you may get away with doing this right and getting kind of close to the yellow line if it's an open corner and there's no oncoming traffic otherwise there's no need to get that close to the old line there's a big truck right there with mirrors well that's gonna be a bad day but on a blind corner I see riders doing this and they get really really close to the yellow line and they hug the all line all the way through and it's a blind corner which is automatically stupid and if there's a truck that comes down the corner they have to do something if you have to change your lane in the middle of a corner because a car is coming the other direction well your lane is off your line is obviously messed up you're riding way too close I see the same thing going the opposite direction this is what riders do they're coming in they're coming in they're coming in either be a really really really really close to this side this could be a blind corner so if there's something going on right there that I can't have much time to react or believe it or not this is actually more common I ride behind people and they hug the yellow line going all the way through like this again the same problem big old truck comes on the corner you're too damn close that's why first street riding this is the preferred line to take you start on the outside you go into the middle of the lane and they kind of just back off to the outside if you want to or you get to go outside middle middle it all depends but if a big old truck comes down the Coloma smears on it right in the middle of the corner you got four options accelerate slow down sort of left so we're right you always gonna have four options in the mid of the lane so stop getting sodium close to the yellow line outside middle outside next riders don't understand or even know what counter strain is so every single handlebar in the world goes forward and backwards no bike in the entire universe the handlebars go up and down go ahead and try to comment and name the bike name a motorcycle where the handlebars go directly up and down and if you comment a motorcycle that actually does that I'll make your Tom at that cut that you're calm at the top comment and you get a whole bunch of attention and whatever else but it ain't gonna happen because no handlebars go up and down every motorcycle and every bike ever the handlebars go forward and backwards so not understanding if you want to go left you push forward on the left handlebar and that will make the bike chain another common problem I see people are riding around and say they're on the fourth gear they're just going at a moderate speed right before they get to a corner of the couch hit the second because they're relying on engine braking to slow them down for the corner because they're not even using the brakes I followed behind people and we go through 30 miles of twisty roads and their brake light doesn't come on once now maybe that's okay if you're only going 20 miles per hour because who cares you may not even need the brake your 120 miles per hour through a corner that most people could go 50 with well you probably don't have to worry about much of anything but if you're actually riding and you actually wanna have a little bit of fun and it not just right at 20 miles per hour everywhere learn to use the brakes I learned rely on the brakes brake pads are cheaper than engines so you could probably just stay not easy like there's this road here in San Diego them it's highway 94 it's about 30 miles of twisty roads you could probably ride that whole entire thing in 4th gear but I see people some people they go away up to 6 gear and they drop it all the way back down to 2nd gear for the corner because they don't know what they're doing they don't understand how to use the brakes another big problem beginner riders making the twisties they try to keep up say their buddies are up here they're going through the corner they've been there longer they've taken more courses and the goal is to get to the gas station maybe twelve miles away but you're way back here and you're trying to push your luck you're trying to go too fast for your skill and that's how people crash a lot they succumb to the peer pressure maybe all these riders up here if taken may work way more courses they'll be more familiar with their bikes they're used to the twisty roads and your own you're a rider you trying to keep up is a big big problem I see happen all the time and the worst person the judge your own skill is yourself because people overestimate their skill all the damn time so you've only taken a couple courses you're very beginner rider that means you have very beginner skills very beginner knowledge experience expertise reaction time everything so trying to keep up with your buddies is a big issue whenever you're right around the twisties like this say you all started back here and this is 20 miles the goal is to get to the gas station if someone in front of you wants to go through the corner at 50 sure that's their choice you're by yourself you make your own choices if you want to go through the same corner at 20 perfect go 20 you are responsible for your own safety it doesn't matter who's in front of you who is behind you all that is irrelevant you are the one riding the bike so stop trying to keep up with people and ride your own ride so that's the top six one then I see all the time and of course this one's pretty obvious people buy parts for their bike and they stop investing in their skills which makes no damn sense to get the exhaust their carbon fiber whatever they but rear sets on they buy the cool lights they run jeans shoes and no armor and their jackets all this crap means absolutely nothing to your riding ability but what doesn't happen they put all this stuff on their bike but they take no higher level courses to actually learn how to ride they don't they're not wearing full quality gear they spend no time practicing I know someone here in San Diego who has a yamaha r3 300 cc bike and they could ride faster and better and safer than 80% of all of the riders why is that it's not the bike obviously is because the guys are really good rider so go to my website moto Jitsu calm you can have a whole bunch of links to all the different courses I recommend and the main thing to do is invest in yourself it's always upgrade the software which is your skill over the hardware don't worry about the bike the bike is perfectly fine stop upgrading it upgrade yourself take more courses and spend time practice thanks for watching and hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you next time
Channel: MotoJitsu®
Views: 1,038,967
Rating: 4.8954582 out of 5
Keywords: How to corner on a motorcycle, motorcycle cornering, cornering, motorcycle cornering tutorial, how to corner, motorcycle videos, cornering videos, motorcycle cornering videos, motorcycle pov, motorcycle cornering videos pov, best motorcycle video, best cornering video, motorcycle moments, Riders, motorcycle, moto, moto moments, motorcycle tips, motorcycle safety, motorcycle riding tips, new motorcycle rider tips, new rider tips, motorcycle riding, riding, MotoJitsu
Id: Tr2Pkv5qe6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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