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I like his videos personally. People get too hung up on looks and other bullshit but honestly his production value is only getting better.

He's a smart dude, does reviews, scientific tests and knows a shit ton of math. He even rides all the new bikes that come out and impact tests gear in meaningful ways.

Any dick can get a camera are start busting wheelies and saying "what the fuck guy!?" every time a motorist wrongs them on the street but honestly that's not why I watch moto vlogs.

👍ī¸Ž︎ 28 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/[deleted] 📅ī¸Ž︎ Sep 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

wow people really do hate king joffrey here alot

👍ī¸Ž︎ 13 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/Triggery 📅ī¸Ž︎ Sep 21 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies

I like his vids. Do not watch them exclusively. They do offer some info/insights that others do not. Do not always agree with him, but such is life, no?

👍ī¸Ž︎ 6 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/Ruglers 📅ī¸Ž︎ Sep 22 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies


Im Ryan F9 and this is how i got into youtube

Vrooom vrom vroom

👍ī¸Ž︎ 7 👤ī¸Ž︎ u/TheOrochi28 📅ī¸Ž︎ Sep 21 2017 đŸ—Ģ︎ replies
that bird over there it's huge that's a loon or something hi I'm Ryan f9 today I'm gonna talk a little bit about myself I'm gonna be doing it on this I'll flip the camera and we'll get like switch the shot of the bike but I'll keep my helmet on with the GoPro see okay let's see sort of like behind the scenes as I'm sure humans 70d hi I'm Ryan f9 and I'm gonna play a little bit more about myself I'm gonna be doing it on this it's a BMW g3 10r and I have four main impressions of it first I think it looks bloody gorgeous I took this thing down to the docks because it looks like the type of bike that a person who owns a yacht might ride it's beautiful in my opinion looks awesome but it sounds however awfully bad my second main impression is that that is an annoying sound Steve when I'm riding this bike today every time I rev it out I just make it sound like something other than what it is bubbles Lamborghini anything because it would be better if it sounded like anything other than that third main impression is that it's an awesome bike to sit on and these wings on the tank come out over top of your knees you interface right in the bike so it's a lovely bike to sit on and then the fourth pin impression is that it's not that lovely of a bike to ride it sort of feels like you're adding something built in India by T vs and of course you are anyway let's get to it portion of this bike is very quiet near idle it's only when you rev it up it starts to sound loud and awful has this rattle in the exhaust sounds cheaper you didn't just stall in front of everyone did you know I've actually never stalled a bike as much as I've stalled this one over the last week I don't know what it is with the gearing or the torque or whatever but I've been stalling this thing and non-stop [Music] I just doesn't sound good oh yes that sounds better so today's vlog is a lot about myself and to be honest it wasn't planned that way I got to return this BMW to press but I got to take it back to Toronto and so I had planned to do a vlog on tips and tricks for like long highway rides long days in the saddle and that would have been very useful but unfortunately I didn't get the script done in time because we were too busy making the review of this which is killer so if you want to see a good review boom links down below anyway so I'm winging it out here today and when you're gonna wing it you're gonna talk about yourself because that's easy and who are we kidding I'm a narcissistic bastard now I was gonna talk about myself anyway haha I could show you all these comments and people that asked questions about me but as if I need those I love talking about me haha the other thing I'll clear out because people class this and I kind of find it funny eh yes my name is Ryan B no my name is not Ryan f9 it's just Ryan and C my last name is not Ford 9 I keep meeting people and they're like hey it's Ryan 49 and I'm like kind of not quite but kinda I guess I should probably start in the very beginning so the first half of my childhood I grew up in Saskatchewan help I'm from Saskatchewan II a Saskatchewan swear I got into power sports not motorcycles snowmobiles because when you're five years old and the year is nineteen ninety something if you have a snowmobile you can ride it no one's gonna stop you it was lovely and free back then of course this wasn't the intense avalanche long track mountain sledding hello he thought I was just doing the weirdest wave in the world this is the short track prairie dog Ballman around and minus 40 just trying to stay alive type of sledding but it was enough to get me really into power sports so when we moved my family moved to British Columbia which is where I spent the other portion of my upbringing which a lot of you probably know because I mentioned it here and there you know my backyard was a mountain with a beautiful forest in it which is kind of most people's backyards in British Columbia it's beautiful out there so of course I got into trail bikes and I got we you know my friends built a motocross course and we even toured a little bit I mean I was an 11 year olds who pestered his parents to get him a dirt bike and then I like ripped that [ __ ] out to the next municipality and back you know pulling like eight-hour days on the saddle of an XR 100 it was awesome and you could do all that on trails so so that's sort of where my love of power sports really came into its own the way I got my license is kind of funny actually so my dad always had his motorcycle license so I kind of tried to talk to my mom and do it by saying well dad knows but she wasn't really having that so what happened was I got a job up at a provincial park in a National Historic Site and my commute to work every day was like 10 kilometres up this really gnarly like dirt road very steep it wasn't grated very often and I was absolutely destroying my family Camry taking it up this hill and so I went to my mom and I said hey you know if you let me get a license I can take dad's dual sport bike up there and save the family car and I'm only gonna use the motorcycle license just to go up the hill to work and it's offroad anyway and you know it's gonna be great and she relented and let me get it of course I was an analyst at that time and I could have just got it anyway but I mean hey that would have upset my mama and everyone loves their mama so I got permission so that's basically my Powersports background in a nutshell snowmobiles and then trail bikes dirt bikes a little bit of motocross and then I got into dual sports so really off-road is my bread and butter you can probably tell based on the bikes that I choose to review most often adventurer but uh yeah after that it was you know street bikes and cruisers and tours and I got into everything but I really started on the dirt the other thing that happened to me in BC is I met my wife now people always say hey I didn't know fourteen-year-olds get married and that's very funny but yeah I know that I got married when I was 14 but I did get married pretty young to my high school sweetheart and she's the best thing that ever happened to me I'm sure Steve is gonna put a lovely like all sound in there or something yeah I can just see the editing happening I can just see it that sounds great so having been raised in Saskatchewan and BC I decide to go east for university and signed it up in Montreal you can probably figure it out there are only two major Anglo universities in Montreal and I went to the better one hahaha now I'm just saying that to screw his Steve cuz he Steve went to the rival University and I know he's gonna hate that so [Music] was I gonna say Oh University did I study motorcycle journalism no of course not I stay in the chemical engineering no did I study content marketing no nobody does anything relevant in university so I did art history and physics than my two majors so the motovlog on painting in the Golden Age Dutch Republic and the motovlog on quantum dynamics and its relation to relativity you're gonna have to wait for those ones because they're coming out never so I didn't go on in physics because I hated it after four years of university and I didn't go on in art history because usually that just means selling art senior citizens with too much money which is not really the reason anyone gets into loving art in the first place or you have to have a buttload of money to start with so you can afford all the internships that don't pay anything to get a job in a museum so I didn't do either of those things so I got a job as a writer because I did some writer I did some writer I got a job writing because I did some freelancing in uni and the job writing was from Canada's motorcycle that was the name of 49 about three years ago and so they wanted to hire someone to do some ad copy to write some product descriptions to make a blog which I did you know if you're really interested in a failed blog I think it still exists on the deep dark corners of the interwebs somewhere so I did that for a couple years and then I realized that making videos is so much cooler than writing because when you write something you write something and that's fine but if you make a video you get to write a script and then you get to go do the thing you're writing about and when doing the thing you're writing about is riding motorcycles to cool places there's a no-brainers and so that's it I make videos for 49 I'm lucky enough to have a company that's awesome enough to support me to do that while putting no requirements on what I say I mean they buy everything just so that I don't feel obliged to say something nice about a product if I don't like it they're very serious about integrity and about honesty which i think is really rare in the motorcycling industry and something I'm gonna talk about in the next I don't want to do it here because being on a BMW pres bike I don't even want anyone to think that this is a specific issue at BMW because it's an issue with everybody and it's an issue that involves conspiracy and first-class plane tickets and exotic locations and caviar and that's why every motorcycle review you read says the same [ __ ] and it's always super positive and in an article titled like a vs. bike B the conclusion will be motorcycles are awesome or something ridiculously unhelpful like that so imma go on a rant about why motorcycle journalism sucks I'm not going to do that now but suffice it to say that 49 is amazing at supporting a tiny little guy like me to just say some [ __ ] that it would be very difficult to say otherwise so it's a killer company to work for to clear the air I do not own the company I'm an employee there are so many smarter people than me doing really intelligent things with e-commerce and web design and filmmaking and tons of stuff so there's a lot of people in this boat it ain't just me and it ain't just Steve even though I bring his name up a lot sorry Steve you are on the boat though you're on the boat you're not the captain you could be the first mate at this point I am running very late to return this bike so I'm gonna head out watch the review link beneath this video on this bike it is killer come back a little while later if you want to hear that really angsty rant on my motorcycle journalism is super biased and dishonest in 2017 and yeah that's about it I'm out of here Steve make this downshift sound really good difficult oh I have got to get to terrazzo [Music] [Music]
Channel: FortNine
Views: 545,396
Rating: 4.9421282 out of 5
Keywords: motovlog, bmw motovlog, vlog, bmwg310r, bmw g310r, g310r, how to youtube, become youtuber, youtube star
Id: lkiBBicF-40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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