How to Restore a Rusty Blackstone Griddle - What's the Best way to Remove Rust & Resurface?

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hey everyone is david from david's ohio barbecue do you want to take your old dirty griddle and go from this to this in this video i'm gonna show you how stick around so in an earlier video you may have seen i was gifted a 17 inch black stone griddle from chris at the hobo nickel he's got a youtube channel i'll leave the link down below and what i did in the first video was I kind of just scrape down any excess gunk on there and re seasoned it but I didn't really take the griddle and resurface it I didn't take the the metal flat top and actually like grind off all the years of use and get it back to pure metal so what I'm gonna do in today's episode is I'm gonna try three different methods for removing the years of gunk and grime to see which is easiest to get back to the pure just metal of the original black stone now I've looked around on the internet to find three different methods for doing this I watched a lot of videos I read a lot of articles and I kind of picked out the three that were most commonly used so the first method that is most commonly used is a sander of some sort a random orbital sander or in my case I'm gonna be using one of those multi tools that you can use for cutting and sanding and all that stuff start with something pretty rough I'm going to start with some 80 grit if it seems to be working well or if it seems to be leaving a rough surface I'll probably step it up to some 120 the second method that I've seen a lot of people talk about is wire wheels now I actually have two wire wheels I've got one that's kind of a wire cup I got it at Harbor Freight for like two dollars and then I've got one that's about a four and a half inch wire wheel that actually looks like a wheel of a car that one was three hours at Harbor Freight and then the last method I hear people using is a grill stone which I picked up at Lowe's where I think five dollars and thirty cents it's basically a brick almost like a hard sponge made out of recycled glass so I'm going to try all three of those first section will be sandpaper the middle section is going to be the wire wheels and then at the gonna use the the grillstone so that when I'm done testing all three of them out I will pick a winner and I will use that tool to do the rest of the griddle so before I go and start taking power tools to the top of my griddle here first thing I'm gonna do heat it up try to loosen up any you know debris that's on there and scrape it down with the metal scraper get any chunks or rust any chunks of you know whatever is on there that needs to come off then I'm gonna let it fully cool before I start going at it with the sander one of the handy things about the blackstone griddle is the top is removable so before I really start going to town sanding everything I'm actually going to take the base and put it aside that way I don't worry you know I don't have to worry about messing it up somehow or hit me with a wire wheel and then I'm just gonna work on the actual griddle itself here on a towel outside on my table to kind of collect any dust that gets thrown around the orbital sander worked pretty well um I sped up this video so that you know you didn't have to watch me sanding for all this time the amount that I got done in this first little section right here took about three minutes of sanding now pretty quick it doesn't really get down into all the pits and everything it but it does a pretty decent job of getting the grit and grime up off of the grill second one I tried the I started off by trying the wire cup and it worked but it wasn't really going very quick it was just kind of grinding little sections I wasn't getting much I think like I was getting much grab anything so I switched over to the four inch wheel and that's that's the one that really kicked it into high gear this this seem that you're seeing right here again is sped up but it took about a minute took about a minute in total to grind off this entire area Oh with the wire wheel I think it has something to do with the fact that since the circumference is you know wider than the drill it's getting more torque and it's really really grinding away on that surface so next up was the grill stone I only used it for about 30 seconds it really started turning to powder and it left it left you know ground-up glass particles all over the surface it wasn't really a fan of it and it didn't really seem to cut through the gunk all that quickly it just it was it was making a dent but not not at any sort of speed so I'm gonna call that one useless so after deciding the winner was the wire wheel the actual four inch wire wheel I started to work on the entire surface of the griddle again this is sped up but it took me about 20 minutes to get the bulk of the grime off of the surface and even a little bit off the sides with that wire wheel not a lot of time and it really got it down to bare metal got in all the pits it got any little rust marks out of God like everything it really looked like super clean the only thing he couldn't do was corners not a very good job in the corners but since my handy tool has the sandpaper in this triangular shape it actually works perfect for the corner so to be honest I'm using a combination of two tools to resurface this griddle I'm using the wire wheel to get the bulk of it off and in any fine detail stuff I'm gonna use the Handy tool the orbital sander to finish that up if you have a big round orbital sander it's not gonna help you out much you might have to do the corners by hand or find some other means of getting it all scraped out so now that this thing is completely resurfaced and I'm loving the way it looks the first thing you want to do you know hit it with a vacuum get any big chunks of dust off there get a damp cotton cloth that way won't leave any lint or anything and wipe it down get anything off of there you don't want any of that ended up in your food and now it's time to re season I'm just gonna turn this thing on high and I'm gonna let it heat up and then I'm gonna take in my case coconut oil but whatever oil you prefer to use grapeseed I know some people who use canola oil whatever it is and spread it around you can see it definitely in the middle where the hot spots are you've got that burner underneath here that's shaped like an H and you can see that shape kind of burning into the middle there I'm just gonna keep it kind of wet with oil I'm not going to get the entire surface of this darkened right now I'm just going to get a little bit of it as I cook food is make some bacon on here's I cook some burgers things like that it's gonna season the rest of it so I'm not too worried about it make sure you follow me on social media I'm on Twitter and Instagram at Dave's Ohio barbecue make sure you subscribe to my channel picked that little bell next to the subscription button that way you get notifications whenever I make a new video I've got a lot of stuff coming out soon thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Dave's House of BBQ & More
Views: 613,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone, Blackstone griddle, outdoor griddle, griddle, restore a griddle, restore a blackstone, resurface a griddle, resurface a blackstone, remove rust from a griddle, remove rust from a blackstone, season a griddle, how to, how to restore, how to restore a blackstone, remove rust, recondition a griddle, recondition a blackstone, recovering your blackstone, restoring your blackstone, cleaning a griddle, griddle restoration, how to restore a rusty griddle
Id: yN4Nm1ASXx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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