How to Reseason your Blackstone | Blackstone Griddles

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welcome back everybody if you've been watching let's give it a try for any length of time you know that i've used this griddle right here the 28 inch adventure ready griddle probably more than any other griddle on the road i've literally cooked on this thing from the gulf of mexico all the way up to the northern border close to canada but if we take a closer look at the griddle top oh my you can see that we're probably due to reseason this thing so totally normal once you've cooked on your grill top for an unspecified amount of time maybe 100 cooks 130 cooks 150 cooks 75 cooks i don't know but a ton of times your seasoning will get uneven and that is because you don't cook your food on the same exact spots every time so naturally you're gonna have layers of oil and seasoning that are a little bit uneven so over time whether it's eight months or two years depending on how much you cook you're eventually gonna get an uneven season you're gonna have to strip it down and re-season it i've stripped down my griddle tops a bunch of ways over the years last night i picked up some blackstone products off the shelf let's get to it let's give it a try [Music] [Music] i picked up a few products just to show you some options that you have of course blackstone's eight-piece professional griddle cleaning kit you have the scraper which we use all the time you have a cleaning brick tool with two cleaning bricks a scouring tool with scour pads a three-in-one cleaning tool that has everything i just mentioned all in one tool this is probably the one that i'm going to use the most and that's going to be everything that we need in there look you've got instructions on how to use things and you have a voucher for some naked wines uh so we're gonna get one of our cleaning bricks here there we go just kind of shove it down inside like that probably the two items you want to have as a pair of gloves so you can keep your hands clean and maybe an old shirt this is an old shirt that i work out in so an old shirt that you don't mind if you get dirty or not so we're just gonna start scrubbing then from time to time when you get a lot of build up on there i'll throw some water on the griddle top along with some dawn some dish walking washing walking wakka wakka liquid and you'll see that'll really help to pull all that nasty grease sludge and whatnot up to the top you can actually see where i've pulled the seasoning off so we'll repeat this process another two or three times until we get this stripped down nicely [Music] and this is definitely easier with a 28 inch griddle maybe one thing that could help you out a little bit is just pull your griddle plate off and set it down uh in this case on the grass of course see then you're not gonna have to worry about it i'm not gonna have to worry about stabilizing my griddle and maybe that'll allow you to apply a little more pressure i see a lot of people buying these brand new little griddle cleaning kits and they're posting questions on how to use this cleaning brick in daily cleaning this is not for daily cleaning folks the griddle brick is for when you want to do aggressive cleaning like this or pretty much strip your griddle down so this is not for daily brittle cleaning if you need to you might need to pull your hey there say hi to the camera she's playing with harmonica if you need to you might need to pull one of your cleaning bricks out of your uh scrubber and maybe wash it off or or switch over to a new one okay i haven't been timing here but i've done around five of those moderate uh rounds of scrubbing maybe 20 minutes 25 minutes tops you know if i factored in all the actual scrubbing so we'll go ahead and clean it off and uh clean it up again here take one last look at it i think it's gonna be fine now so get all that yucky soap and gunk off there that thing is really clean and folks i think that's exactly what we want if you look at that okay that's stripped down really nicely maybe one last section right here let me go ahead and attack that real quick [Music] so it's probably been somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes of aggressive scrubbing uh this is where apple's able to get the griddle top down to using just my hands and the griddle brick now i've used electric sanders before where i literally got the entire thing shiny but i can look at this and see that i have it completely smooth and all the crazy built up uneven the built up sections of griddle top are done so we'll go ahead and put this over on our griddle frame i'm definitely a big advocate for blackstone's brand new degreaser cleaner i've used all the cleaners over the years dawn dish liquid right i mean dawn cuts grease so it works perfectly but this stuff works like none other when it comes to cleaning off your side shelf and cleaning up your handles and getting all those yucky spots off your blackstone griddle so that's what we look like after about 30 minutes invested on this particular griddle top put a propane canister on there now we're gonna go ahead fire this baby up and of course that's gonna dry this the rest of the way out and in about five six seven minutes and put a light layer of oil on there and we're gonna start the seasoning process so i've had this griddle heating up for about seven eight minutes getting pretty darn warm i have pure vegetable oil they sold light coating of oil and i got kids a lot of kids in the neighborhood here so you might hear a scream here and there and we're gonna rub that oil down into the griddle top rubbing it into the edges here and think of oil as a miracle elixir for your griddle top okay because you can come here to the front where it kind of looks yucky rub a little bit of oil in there look at that come over to the side rub a little oil in there come around the back rub a little oil on there so we're going to rub it in there and we're going to let that smoke off and you can already look folks this has been maybe 30 seconds i don't know if the camera's picking it up but you can already see that starting to turn a yellow brown right there just after about 30 45 seconds hopefully you can see that gorgeous view of whitefish lakes so having a great time here in whitefish one of our most favorite places to visit here in the rocky mountains my father-in-law grew up here and this is just a really special place for my wife and i we had our honeymoon in this area the last 15 years i've got to vacation up here probably like seven or eight times just a spectacular place for us so this is the second coating of oil my first coating completely smoked off so we're gonna go with light coatings of oil you might choose to use a black stone heat resistant glove for this uh just know that this is a hot griddle top it's four or five hundred degrees easily so i'm assuming the responsibility here that if i slip i'm going to get burned so you can see how the griddle top is already starting to get more evenly covered you can see those are weld marks a lot of people inquire about those when they strip a griddle down they want to know what the spots are that's just the weld marks where the under griddle supports are connected to the griddle top so those will eventually fill in so there's our second coating of oil that second layer of oil just smoked off so now we're going to go with the light [Music] third coating of oil if you want to watch me do an in-depth video on how to season your blackstone griddle we'll try to put a link in the description down below here this is what the griddle looks like after three layers of seasoning three layers of oil have burned off now this is where i always recommend that you cook a bunch of loose foods i was probably the first one on youtube i think five or six years ago they suggested using diced onions on your griddle top now everybody's doing it and one of the questions i see most commonly is what's the secret with diced onions why do you use onions how many layers of onions folks it has nothing to do with onions it's just that i originally thought onions were cheap food and easy to dice up and put a lot of food all over the grill top right something to soak up oil so the point is you want to cook some really messy things on your griddle top for the first several cooks that could be a ton of ground beef it could be a ton of ground pork bacon stir-fried bacon fried corn so something real messy that you can use to disperse that oil and get the crevices and everything all seasoned so we're going to start out with a whole bunch of bacon here so just got a bunch of bacon down on the griddle top we're going to get that nice and greasy gonna get all the bacon out to all the corners [Music] and now is when i'll add a whole bunch more messy dicey loose foods in this case we're doing a um no recipe home fry kind of a dealio so i got a potato got some onions a bunch of jalapeno jalapenos but the point is you need to cook on your griddle pop a few times before it is completely nonstick i would never cook pancakes uh french toast or grapes i couldn't think of what it was pancakes french toaster crepes probably the three most delicate things that we cook on the blackstone i wouldn't cook those for my first cooks always something messy and greasy and then after we've cooked a few meals like this whether it's a greasy burger a hash brown or stir fry and you can go ahead and cook all that other stuff all right so our little fry batch looks perfect by the way no this isn't a recipe video but by the way those are some delicious looking home fries with bacon here then i'll grab my griddle scraper my favorite kind to use is one of these have a little sharpened edge we're not going to dig in here but we're just going to get that gun off the top of the griddle top i'll grab some paper towels here direct all that grease over there towards my grease cup and you can see we're well on our way to getting a perfectly seasoned griddle tub you still see a few spots here and there right one or two more recipes i'll take care of that folks if you want to watch any of our videos on griddle care just look us up right here on our youtube channel that's blackstonegriddles we just went over 100 000 subscribers right here on our youtube channel so shout out to our entire social media team uh watch my videos on seasoning nate's got videos on seasoning etc etc but until next time everybody i appreciate you watching this is todd i'm saying praise the lord and pass the food
Channel: Blackstone Griddles
Views: 443,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone griddle recipes, how to cook on blackstone griddle, how to use blackstone griddle, griddle recipes, flat top recipes, blackstone griddle cooking, griddle cooking, flat top cooking, outdoor cooking, flat top griddle, blackstone, blackstone griddle, Black Stone, Blackstone Recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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