How to clean your Blackstone Griddle - 36 inch Blackstone Griddle

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so you got a new Blackstone and you want to know how to clean it it's very simple look there's so many ways to do it and trust me if you check online you'll be able to find something that somebody has how they do it I used to work in the restaurant and I cooked on a flattop for three years and and the restaurant yeah we had to clean it every single day we had to scrub it and everything but at home you're not cooking as much on your black stone the same thing you're probably doing a bunch of burgers and that's pretty much it so you're not having the high volume of cook as you would at a restaurant now how I do it is I do a quick clean after each use and then periodically I do a deep clean so today I'm gonna show you how to do both so no further ado let's get to cleaning since you're here hit the like and subscribe button and make sure that the notification bell is rang check me out on social media that way you could get a notification of all my new recipes so the best time to clean your black stone is when it's still a little warm I just cooked on it it's been about five six minutes since I've had the burners off so right now what you want to do is you want to give it a nice great [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so since my Greece cup is here in the back you know basically just put everything oh we get to the top and just you know directed to the repo now what I cook today wasn't completely horrible on the black stone you know sometimes when you cook other things you know it has like sugars and stuff like that in there and make for the mess so just right now this is just like a perfect clean cook but usually you know if you say to have something that has maybe some type of sauce with the sugar you're gonna have build up you know a firm spot so that sauce somewhere along your black song but this is pretty much what you want to look want it to look like now we're gonna go ahead and hit it with a little bit of water you know as you can see it's still a little hot which is fine now we're gonna just go ahead and scrape it [Music] when you spray it you wanna get a good amount of pressure at a 45 degree angle as you see something up some of that fat coming up grease you see it start to like different colors I got most of the water off now we're gonna just hit it with a dry towel you can use napkins or paper towels me what I do that's it I come from a restaurant industry okay where I learned how to work a flattop you clean it every single day and we use towels you know in the restaurant they use towels you're not gonna use a bunch of napkins or paper towels so well it is I took one of an old t-shirt and I just cut it into squares so I have like about five of these and basically when I'm done with them I give them a wash in some very very hot water and that's some dish so every time I use my black stone I use these and I clean them right after I'm done so just take one of your towels and just go ahead and wipe it down you know I did use napkins and paper towels when I first got my Blackstone it left you know particles of the napkins and even good grade paper towels and it still left that material all on the black stone which I didn't like I never had that problem before I see since this is a t-shirt there's no loose material or anything and it won't be able to as long as it's not hot it's not gonna you know damage the material of the teachers so just give it a nice clean you know it's still a little hot so be careful so once you start getting it pull of that water just uh get every case though with a different one you know the dry one and just you know continue please I mean use whatever you want to use this is just how I clean my black zone you know I just hate having to clean up the napkin or a paper towel particles on the black stone that's why I prefer you know the clock over you know the paper well like I said do whatever you like so as of right now if I were to do a quick clean all I would do from here is apply a little bit of oil and then you know wipe it down with another rag you know apply that's a nice oil coating around my black stone let's say they after a couple weeks now you're starting to see streaks of like the seasoning you know you started to see a lot of seasoning build up every now and then you want to do something else with it what you want to do is you want to take a cold great scrub pad now when I worked in the restaurant we use this every single day but like I said you're not gonna be cooking as much food on your black stone like a restaurant would so periodically what I'll do and I just recently did this not too long ago I should have did it you know for the the thing you know the purpose of this video is just how to clean your griddle but periodically what I'll do is I'll take this cold brush when I apply that water you know you want that temperature of the griddle not to be so hot you want it warm because that's gonna allow the fat particles wait for this demonstration I'm gonna go ahead and do it you know you got your water you know first method that I showed you that's just a quick clean you know you just cook something and now you just want to clean up your griddle so periodically when you start seeing a lot of buildup on your griddle you want to go ahead and do this just go ahead and give your griddle a nice throw see I since I did it not too long ago you don't see the particle in the water like you normally would you know when I clean it the other day you see that it was lifting up a lot of some of that excess oil that was cooked on there see right now it's not showing it little spots here and there you know a lot especially like along the edges you want to scrub it too much just a light scrub that's it and not too hard either you know it builds up you do get build-up eggs you can see on the grill brush it does it's not a lot but when I did clean this earlier you know the other day a lot more excess seasoning from it but yeah this is just from probably from today and yesterday's cook all right so we hit it with the brush now we're just now apply a little bit more water now we're just gonna take another cloth you know cotton cloth and just wipe down all that water off of it [Music] you know it's still kind of warm it's not hot it's not hot anymore but it is kind of warm like the dumb good make sure you get all the water off [Music] that's pretty much it now that we got it all all the water kicking off everything you know off of the Blackstone so just let it air dry for about five minutes so I'm gonna give it five minutes and I'll see you then so after about five minutes and it's pretty much dry you just hit it with just a little bit of oil right there on top use your favorite oil I'm not picky when it comes a little I use match to the world olive oil flaxseed oil if I can get my hands on it give it a nice wipe down put a nice little layer of oil on there that's it our black stone is nicely clean and ready for our next use well I hope some of those tips helped you on understanding how to clean your black stone it's not rocket science it's very easy and whatever you do just don't apply any dish soap that's so that's gonna be a problem there just use some water scrape it and just wipe it now I'll plant a little bit of oil at the end you'll be good to go so if you have our channel hit that subscribe button site we see future videos just like this and many more you have any questions or comments go and leave it down in the comment section I'm not a hard guy to talk to you if you wanna see some of the stuff that I cooked on the Blackstone check out these videos they're very delicious hey I'll be beautiful take care you [Music]
Channel: Cooking with Kirby
Views: 768,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 36 inch blackstone, 36 inch blackstone griddle, blackstone, blackstone griddle, griddle recipes, how to clean a griddle, blackstone review, griddle seasoning, griddle cleaning, flat top, cleaning blackstone griddle, camp chef griddle, how to season a griddle, blackstone griddle maintenance, cooking with kirby, griddle, blackstone griddle recipes, how to, how to clean cast iron, seasoning blackstone griddle, blackstone recipes, griddle cooking, blackstone griddle seasoning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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