How to Make a Selection of Gradient in Photoshop

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how about a nice bokeh hey there this is a mish and today I want to talk to your mouth is selection gradient I know that doesn't sound so catchy and that okay I know that doesn't sound so catchy but here's the thing you can never imagine you would never have imagined the kind of things that you can do with it the kind of uses that it will have now you have applied filters in Photoshop right and you have also used the gradient tool what does the good old gradient tool do it applies colors in a gradient it also helps you make masks so let me show you suppose you have the gradient tool selected you have a nice gradient selected you can choose the colors that you want and you can have a nice gradient between two colors but what if you want to apply a filter in a gradient what if you want to apply an effect in a gradient what if you want to apply an adjustment layer in a gradient what do you do now before knowing this tutor before knowing about this tutorial okay so how did you apply filters to specific areas you selected those areas right but you know when you select a particular areas the edges are hard and even if you feather the edges that's not like not at all like a gradient tool now in this video I have got three amazing examples not six three amazing examples for you but you might use this feature in real time life in a real life without any further ado let's get started [Music] so here we are in Photoshop and the first step is to learn what the tool is all about what am I talking about so let's learn that now if you make a regular selection about the elliptical tool or any irregular selection by the polygon tool the edges are hard and if you fill color in these areas it's just simple as simple as that is just a flat color in a particular area but what if you want to have a selection just like a gradient just like a gradient would normally do now I will go slow so follow carefully so the first step is to make a gradient from black to transparent okay not black to white black to transparent so select the gradient tool go right here I've already made that brush so let's make it again so select any select the first one so you would have black to white right here so what do you do now double click on this and select black click OK now here we have grey so we need to remove that color to remove that color the the sliders in the bottom are about colors and the sliders above are about location and opacity so don't get confused ok the sliders in the bottom are about colors now we want to remove color from here and we want to make it transparent so just to drag it outside and it's gone now it's all black we need to make it transparent to make it transparent we need to set the opacity to 0 the more the number of opacity the more opaque the color is the lesser the number the more transparent it is so click on this and set the opacity to zero ok now it is black to transparent click OK now what you got to do press the magic button listen to this carefully press Q ok this opens up the quick mask tool now go ahead and draw great okay you can add gradients as much as you want now here's the thing you could have selected from black to white okay let's go go double click and let's add a color called white and let's set the opacity 200 if you would have selected black to white what would have happened is that okay this is a nice gradient but what if you want to add to it you cannot add to it let's try adding to this no it just vanishes away so that's why we chose black to transparent so let's go ahead this is black and we need to make it transparent so remove the color and set the opacity to zero done click OK so let's add as many as you want this can also be used to create a vignette in your images okay then when you're done press Q this makes a really nice selection of the corners but watch what happens this is very crucial watch what happens what if you want to have the vignette a darker color say black so let's create a new layer and to create a new layer you need to click right here creates a new layer and we need to fill the selection with black so make sure click here make sure black is selected click OK and to fill any selection with color there's a shortcut Alt + backspace if you're using a Mac it's option backspace ok but what just happened the opposite happened I didn't want the color to fill the inside of it of the selection I wanted the color to select the outside of the selection to fill the outside of the selection so here is the crucial step let's go back just a little bit once your selection is done you need to keep in mind that the red areas are the areas that are not selected they're not the areas that are selected the red areas are the areas that are not selected so when you have your selection appearing after pressing Q you're running ants when they appear it means that instead of the red areas except the red areas every area is selected now how do I invert the selection how do I make the selection opposite you just have to press press a shortcut called ctrl shift I and it just inverts the selection also what you can do is that you can also do it through the menu you can go to select inverse okay it shows you the shortcut shift ctrl I or if you're using a Mac then it shipped command I okay now when you press alt backspace it fills the corners you can always go ahead decrease the opacity see the opacity sliders here decrease the opacity to the amount that you like and you have a nice vignette now how would you use this in practical real world okay so I have three examples for you as I promised now the first example what if I want to add a little bit of light leak from the side what do I do make a selection create a gradient first now let's create a new layer that's the first thing that we want to do then make sure the gradient tool is selected black to transparent is selected then let's make a gradient okay but I just forgot a step press Q okay qq4 quack okay now let's create a gradient you can always add to the gradient if you like no this is not good yes to go back control all said if you're using a PC or command options that if you're using a Mac okay ah this much is fine I guess alright so this is good now press Q what was the next step control shift I if you're using a Mac command shift I to invert the selection now let's create a curves adjustment layer so click on this adjustment layer icon okay this is the adjustment layer icon and select curves and let's increase the brightness now that's a light leak now what if you want to make it a little bit yellowish I would go to red increase the Reds just a little bit okay and decrease the Blues just a little bit actually yellowish yep yo so this is before this is after that's how you you can always go ahead and decrease the opacity if you want okay so this before after before after so that's how many people add colored vignettes colored you know light leaks in instagrams that's how you can basically do it in Photoshop the difference is you have full control of what color you want the vignette or the light leak off and you can control a whole lot of stuff like opacity and things like that that's why I encourage people to edit your photos in Photoshop or Lightroom instead of just doing it in Instagram because in Instagram the output is of not high resolution especially for commercial purposes and even for non-commercial purposes you want to have the quality of the image set to a particular value so that you can pixel peep it and show it to a client and show it to someone and they would be like wow and now I'm sidetracked let's move on to the next example in this example what if you want to apply an effect or a filter in the sides so let's do the same steps make sure we need to create a new layer in this also why because it's always good to not touch the original file never touch the original file okay but in but this time what we will do we will make a duplicate of this layer case to make a duplicate you can press ctrl J if you are using a Mac its command J also what you can do you can drag it and drop it right here it makes a duplicate because we want to apply a filter this time this is not an overlay light flare like the previous example this is a filter in the image so we want to have a duplicate of it now let's follow the same procedure so make sure the gradient tool is selected then press Q opens up the quick mask tool now quick masks window quick mask mode quick mask mode let me check what it's called it's called it'll show right up here quick mask mode okay I'm sorry I'm very bad with nomenclatures and stuff okay so if I drag it right here good I can add it as much as I want okay great awesome now press Q again now what you got to do now ctrl shift I if you're using a Mac command shift I'm see here's the thing up in Mac control is command alt is option and that's all you have to remember all the shortcuts are same just render controllers command alt is option if somebody says option and if somebody else is doing a tutorial in Mac if he or she says says says option that means it's alt if he or she says command it means ctrl + shift is all the same so what I don't know what's happening with my tongue today so to apply a filter I would go to filter then filter gallery so apply the filter that you like in its processing right now so let's zoom out see see how it's applying filter just at the corners it's giving it a very nice effect so fresco rough paste dose just in the corners see how beautiful the watercolor right you can have very nice effects you can add texture you can stylize it if you want you can make it a sketch like thing right in the corners you can distort it if you want you can have at you know you can play with it if you just play with it okay so suppose I am in love with this filter so I would go okay like this you can tweak the values and you can go okay now as you can see the filter is just applied in the corners now why did we make a duplicate layer so that we have a safe background layer so we can turn that off and look at the before and after and if we do something wrong with this image if the filter went all wrong you can always go back delete it and do that all over again now here's another tip let's go back okay let's go back let's delete it now before you apply filter if you go to filter and if you click on this convert for Smart Filters watch what happens okay nothing happens but watch now when I apply filters now when I go to filter filter gallery and now when I apply the same filter angle strokes quick okay let it apply the filter it will take a little more time but at this time you can just turn off and on the filters how amazing is that besides what you can do you can double-click on the filter gallery and you can tweak the values you can just tweak the values and you can go back click OK and it's done you don't have to do it all over again isn't that beautiful now oh ah let's move on to the third example okay I'm just trying to make this video without any cuts and I just hope that it happens ok now so this is an amazing portrait and all we want in this is a nice bokeh remonda is to be blurred and eyes to be tack sharp so how do we do that we do that using the same steps though there are a lot of ways of doing it but I'm going to demonstrate how you can do that using these simple steps selection gradients so make sure the selection gradient is selected ok let's make a copy of this layer so that we don't damage the original one now press Q done now keep on adding let's zoom in ok now keep on adding from the corner of his head to his forehead so let's add right here pretty good from his ear to his eye nice make sure the lines of gradients that you make is perpendicular to the edges so suppose the edges like this so gradient should be should go like this okay it shouldn't be like this or this it should go like this so watch here see this line okay I hope you can see my cursor see this line so we want to make a line perpendicular to it okay perpendicular and where would we end we would end where his cheek starts okay good now here to here we would end a little early why because the chin suddenly starts above the neck okay the same here you don't worry too much because you can always go ahead and clean it up later okay perpendicular make sure it is cheek here to the eye to the forehead pretty good selection now what do we do next press Q next step ctrl shift I command shift I if you're using a Mac go to filter blur Gaussian blur keep the amount that you like I think 8 is fine but you can increase and decrease it but don't go way too overboard like this it looks like a ghost okay don't do that 87 is fine and depending upon the resolution of your image it might be higher it might be lower if the resolution of the image is too high okay you might go a little bit to the right if the resolution of image is smaller you might go a little bit to the left but it all depends upon your artistic perspective all right for me and 9 or 8 bucks I'll click OK now to deselect all you need to do you need to press control D if you're using a Windows command D if you're using a Mac now let's look at the before and after so this step before this is the after pretty nice bokeh now what you got to do if you think this is a pretty bad selection and it shouldn't have gone so much blurry right beneath the chin you can always clean that up that is why in the first place we created a duplicate layer for now so that we can remove this area from the layer above in which we have applied the blur and the original layer will show through to do that make sure this layer is selected don't worry if you don't understand it okay just just follow the steps make sure the above layer is selected okay now create a mask to create a mask click on this tiny button the one with a rectangle and a circle inside it click on it now take a brush make sure that black is selected now as you can see black is the background color and the foreground color is white what if you want to instantly get black instead of just clicking and selecting what do you want to instantly sell half black at the foreground color press the shortcut X and just background at the foreground color just swaps okay now you simply decrease the flow to ten I've already done it opacity hundred and start painting where you want a little bit of sharpness okay not a sharpness here sharpness yeah pretty good decent isn't it now now it looks amazing let's zoom out so this is tv4 this is the after so that's pretty much it for this video if you have any questions suggestions feedback any grudges please leave them down in the comments below I'll see you guys my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating and yes yes how could I forget that if you liked the video like it if you dislike the video don't do anything please just ignore it and if you like the video so very much make sure to hit the subscribe button and bye bye peace keep creating if you're wondering why am I wearing this pen right now it's because of two reasons I just returned from college until lecture was really exhausting don't tell anybody okay and the second reason is this man was gifted by my very good friend so much it on my birthday weddings okay yeah and as a big shout-out to my friend I'm gonna end this video with his clip which I captured way before I started making YouTube videos so here he is the man in action I just ignore the horn yeah yeah
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 162,710
Rating: 4.9092846 out of 5
Keywords: selection gradient, how to select a gradient in photoshop, Photoshop Trick, piximperfect, light leak effect photoshop, light leak photoshop action, blur background photoshop, how to blur background in photoshop, how to make blur background in photoshop, blur out background photoshop, vignette in photoshop, how to make a vignette in photoshop, how to add vignette in photoshop, vignette effect photoshop, photoshop vignette tutorial, easy vignette photoshop
Id: 1q920iN4yhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
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