How to Replace a Sign for Mockups in Photoshop

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save and it automatically updates not only on the sign but on the reflection itself today i'm going to show you how to replace a sign in perspective in photoshop so we're starting off with our sample image you can download this on by the way just follow the link right down below we're going to start off by removing the letters from our original sign i'm just grabbing my lasso tool and making a selection right around those original letters then i'm going to go ahead and create a new layer by clicking on my new layer icon we're going to go to edit and then down to content aware fill now this is going to use existing areas of my image to completely fill that in it works incredibly well we're going to output this to a current layer let's go ahead and hit ok so on this layer boom our old sign is gone next we got to take care of our reflection so let's go ahead and create a new layer here we're just going to grab our reflection area again l for the lasso tool just go ahead and sample this perfect let's try content aware fill again edit and then down to content aware fill fantastic and let's see how it does we can see it did okay let's go ahead and hit ok there did a lot of the job for us we can always come back in with a clone stamp tool so as for the clone stamp tool we're just going to sample the area that we want and just paint it right in there sometimes these tools will get it perfect on the first go sometimes you got to kind of come in and clean it up a little bit and help them out so now that our original sign is gone what we need to do is kind of measure the dimensions because this photograph is taken in perspective so we need to see what this sign would look like if it was flat on basically if we were looking at it in a two-dimensional image so what we're going to do is basically trace around the edge and then straighten that out so let's go ahead and group everything that we've done so far controller command g to group those together now on a new layer we're going to grab our polygonal lasso tool the polygonal lasso tool basically allows me to create straight lines so we're going to make a selection on each of the corners here there we are just click one time on each of the corners if you mess up just hit the delete key and you can go right back to where you started there we go now on my new layer we're just going to go to edit and then down here to fill and we're just going to fill this in this case with white let's deselect so now i've got that in perspective but i actually want to transform it back out of perspective so i know exactly the shape so we're going to turn on our rulers controller command r to turn on your rulers i'm going to click and drag down to create some guides and these guides are going to allow me to figure out exactly what shape this original sign is so now that i have this white area pretty well selected we're going to hit controller command t for our transform and i'm going to start by holding controller command and simply stretching this back up a little bit that looks pretty good let's hit controller command t again and i need to stretch this out a little bit more again i'm trying to kind of flatten this out and make it about the size that it actually was when it was flat again basically taking the perspective out of this shape and that's looking pretty good it's basically just a square all right we're going to go up to view and then down here to clear guides we don't need them anymore so now what do we do with this shape well i want to duplicate this and put it on its own psd and the reason is we're going to wind up placing that psd back in this file and we're going to show you how to update that in real time this is an incredibly cool step so let's go ahead and right click on this layer we're going to go down to duplicate layer and i'm just going to choose new there we go as my new layer okay so we have a new layer here we have a new document and there's nothing on it i'm going to go ahead and just bring in an image that i found this is on adobe stock you guys can find your own totally cool basically just any sign obviously you might just have your own sign good vibes only looking pretty good so let's go ahead and bring this in i'm going to just shift click and drag this right into this area here and we're going to just f for full screen lower the opacity just a little bit and i'm just going to make this a little bit smaller so we're just going to grab one of these corners and hold alt or option to make a little bit smaller there we go now let's go ahead and bring our opacity all the way back up looking pretty good and in this case i want good vibes only to be white so what we're going to do is going to go to select and then down to select color range i'm actually going to select on the color range of good vibes only just gonna turn it into a selection let's hit okay so good vibes only is now a selection so on a new layer let's go ahead and fill this with white so i'm gonna go ahead and create a new layer here i'm going to go to edit we're going to go down to fill and we're just going to fill this with white there we go so now we have good vibes only in white now remember that original shape we made here this shape is basically the same size as the sign so we kind of need this shape to be a part of our image so let's hold ctrl or command and click right here on the shape which turns it into a selection now we're just going to crop this entire psd to this shape after all this is the sign in two dimensions that were then again push into three dimensions so now that this is selected we're going to go to image and then down here to crop it's going to crop it perfectly to this shape all right and let's just make it a little bit darker i'm just going to bring my levels in make it a little bit darker so we can see what we're doing there we go so now it's time to go ahead and save this out as a psd so let's go ahead and save this shift command s and we're just going to call this sign dot psd looking good okay so i know that's a lot of prep we did a lot to get here but now comes the cool part we don't even need that anymore here's the cool part we're going to use smart objects and place linked to get that into perspective so check this out we're going to go to file and then down here to place linked there we go now i'm going to choose this sign.psd that we literally just made and hit place i'm going to hit enter so now if i hit f for full screen let's just lower the opacity just a little bit i can now put this in place and if i want to get it in perspective all i have to do is hold control or command and just click on any one of these corners there we go and i can grab this guy and put it in perspective there and you're gonna see very quickly this is actually perfectly in perspective okay so why did i go through all of that work by creating a whole other psd and bringing it into the smart object well check this out because i did a place linked any changes that i make to this original psd with the sign will automatically update here so check it out for instance if i make the background invisible so we just have good vibes only and i hit controller command s to save it it automatically updates right here we can just bring our opacity up and we're good to go if i decide hey maybe i want to move it to the right a little bit and hit ctrl command s to save it's going to automatically update there and it does everything in perspective if i want to duplicate that maybe make it a little bit smaller put like a little one in the corner controller command s you can see everything is going to be automatically updated in perspective now not only that we're gonna do this again so we're gonna go to file down here to place linked there we go we're gonna go to sign dot psd one more time go ahead and place it in there but this time i'm going to hit control or command t we're going to right click and flip that horizontally there we go that's right we are actually going to be using this as our reflection as well so basically i just need to work that into perspective there we go let's go ahead and make this a little bit smaller and i can use the same cues that we use on our original image for that perspective all right let's hit f for full screen go ahead and just bring this a little bit there we go and i'm going to bring this on down there now i know what you're thinking to yourself hey this doesn't look exactly like the original reflection let's go ahead and see what that looked like the original flexion had a big blur on it right a big blur it actually had more of a blur on the left than on the right and it was kind of covered up so let's check that out turning our sign back on turning our sign back on we'll just call this reflection here we go now we're going to go ahead and give this a blur so we're going to go to filter blur and over to gaussian blur there we go our gaussian blur is going to go ahead and allow us to apply a little bit of blur and we're going to even add to this blur by making it blur even more as it gets farther from the text so we're going to go to filter down to blur gallery and we're going to go to tilt shift now this tilt shift is incredibly cool basically i'm going to rotate this around so let's grab our rotate we're just going to put this around 90 degrees so it's straight up and down okay let's set this right over here and basically this point is not going to get blurred and as it gets closer to there that's what is going to get blurred so we're going to go ahead and bring our point right about there and as i bring my blur check this out there we go my blur is getting less blurred there we go the closer it is to the sign and more blurred the farther it is from the sign just like the original reflection that we had in our image just gonna put it right there maybe straighten it up make sure everything is in the right place there we go let's go ahead and stretch everything out a little bit more to make it look a little bit more realistic all right check that out i think that's looking incredibly cool so let's hit okay there perfect you can see the reflection is there i can turn either one of these blurs off and on at any time the gaussian blur or the blur gallery that way i can check to see what it looked like with the original image now of course we need to lower our opacity that's super important right the original reflection didn't have nearly the same visibility we just make that visible we can see what's going on it's going to have a little bit of a blue color to it so we're going to hit controller command l for our levels i'm just going to simply grab where it says rgb we're going to pull down our reds a little bit there we go and we're going to pull down our greens just a little bit that's gonna throw that same blueish color into the reflection that my original image had all right and the last thing we need to do is get some of this little marks and bits and things like that that make it look like it's actually over top of the reflection so check this out what we're going to do with our reflection i'm going to double click right here on the reflection itself where it says underlying layer we're going to hold alt or option and i'm going to make this not visible where the underlying layer is darker and that's going to make it look like it's actually a part of that reflection let's just lower that opacity just a little bit more we're good to go create a layer mask on there and paint it now keep in mind everything that we've done up until this point is completely done with smart object so if i save this or make it a different color i can automatically update that on the sign controller command t we're just going to make this a little smaller hit enter controller command s to save and it automatically updates not only on the sign but on the reflection itself let's hit undo save this out and you're good to go we can create a new layer above that and go ahead and clip that and maybe i just want to paint some black through this sign just kind of having some fun here save that out and we can see it automatically updates right through there gradient tool i can grab any gradient that i want let's just go ahead and grab our gradient tool perfect i'm going to just grab a nice blue gradient something we can see there we are top to bottom save that out and boom automatically that gets updated right here on our final image in perspective with a reflection all right don't forget you guys can download this psd on totally free just follow the link right down below thanks again i'll learn you later bye [Music] everyone you
Channel: PHLEARN
Views: 57,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mockup design in photoshop, photoshop mockup, smart objects, mockup logo, packaging design box, sign logo photoshop, sign mockup photoshop, neon sign photoshop template, street sign photoshop, photoshop mockup tutorial, photoshop mockup smart object, photoshop mockups, photoshop mockup free download, photoshop mockup template tutorial, photoshop mockup logo, photoshop mockup download, photoshop mockup edit, photoshop mockup create
Id: jsmg4a9n1hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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