How to replace a garage door seal

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gentlemen just a quick one right now my man's got a worn-out little gasket stopper for air whatever the hell you call it okay we're gonna pull this crap out it's one of them it's like a car and a half garage door with so make sure you get the right length I had my man gonna pick it up here it is right here if you're interested amazon whatever i'll put the link at the bottom but it's 20 feet make sure you get the right length before you start pulling this off so what you want to do is you're gonna cut this part here and you can see it's all see it's all smushed let's bring the door down a little bit stop it like right about here all right right come on down right yeah no you do is hit at once I won't stop bring it down no no no bring it down right there all right right there leave it all right get back to it there you go see how it's smushed that's overtime okay we call that the boot how'd you go down yeah it gets a little bit better well we're gonna replace it we're gonna pull it out we're gonna show you how easy it is it's just in a track here you see it on both sides we're gonna fold this in and we'll show you real quick just give me a second and you're gonna cut this out and then you're gonna get over in a pick a side over here see how we got some room we got no room over there cuz he's got all kinds of crap piled up so we're gonna use this site to pull it out and then we're gonna pull it up pull it in it's like on a track let me try to get close show you what I'm talking about all right let's see see the track right there you got this little side you got this little side I'll show you when we pull this out and how the no one gets pulled right back and very simple and it will improve the draft if you need to replace this thing keep the draft out you even keep water out okay close the door and you want to look for light all right and see the light down there BAM perfect perfect reason why you should be trying to put one of these in sometimes the Foundation's a little bit off though it's cracked and it's not gonna help you might have to put in another strip that is glued to the bottom of the floor and we'll go over that in another video okay so right now we're gonna lift this freaking door up cause we're gonna pull that old gasket out we're gonna slide the no one in and boom we're gonna the test is we're gonna close it to Organa hopefully we're gonna get rid of some of this sunlight okay all right stay tuned we'll be right back they come to one side you want to cut this out all right Lucy if I could focus this bad boy in you want to cut the end out so it's free okay just wait see how it's light so we're free on this end so let's go to the other end and we're gonna start pulling it sometimes you can do it with your hand sometimes you need a pair of pliers try to do with our hands first you gotta cut it out give me a minute all right right now I'm gonna demonstrate what you do you grab it you start to pull it out what you want to do is some of them they get a little stuck so you want to sit here and you want to work it a little bit okay and then you just want to pull it this way you can see it coming out go nice and easy and grab it on this end and look see how easy and if you see the grooves here can you guys see that see that groove there's a groove on each end and it fits into the groove over there so we'll show you real quick how we put the new one in let's get rid of the old one anybody can do this I mean you don't need to hire someone get rid of the old and we're gonna grab the new alright so you get your roll okay make sure it's long enough should be I got a 20-footer and if you look at this you got grooves here you got a groove side don't know if you could see that if you could see it in the light it's got the grooves and this is flat you want the grooves out so you want to fold it this way and these little notches right here you could see them they're gonna get inserted into the notches under the door so if you come over here and you'll see the way I'm doing this you want to put one in one notch put it in another notch come on over on this side if you look down here I don't know if you can see they're not just see where I put them in then you're just gonna basically start pulling this guy through the notch just like this and keep one hand over here folding and the other hand right here if you could see me you're feeding it we're gonna pull this all the way to the end and when we have enough we're gonna just cut the end off the extra you can see it's starting to feed by itself the long run I might be able to do it from one position but if I have to go to the other end I just walk down there or you can have someone pull it for you right back at it it's in you can really tell the difference we're gonna just scan everything we're gonna take a look at the ends everything's good you want to overlap it a little bit you know I mean don't be cheap and now the real test we're gonna shut the door we're gonna see if we got rid of that light so let's try it well you know we got most of it we got a lot of it he's got some low spots it's definitely gonna help he might we're gonna we're gonna look we're gonna talk about putting a bottom piece in or he might just have to float a little cement down there but that's really nothing dude a lot better than it was just take a look here yeah you could see he's got some spots where there was concrete you see the broken concrete here put my finger through it so what we can do it's not long enough like it flow a little bit of cement yeah just a tiny bit that's not a big deal so what you'll do is you'll mark in the dark you're gonna mark where these spots are getting a little sharpie or something then when we open the door we'll be able to tell where we just have to put just a little bit there just to cover these spots but all in all go look at the before picture and look at it now it's gonna really improve all right we'll catch you on the next one that's how you install the bottom garage door gasket sealer all right any questions or concerns put it down at the bottom all right then we'll catch you on the next one now you don't we have to do that cause Sonny Sonny Sonny you there son Oh Sonny there he is come here where is it all right we'll get it for get it Sonny good boy Sonny yeah we'll catch him on the next one right Sonny
Channel: High Ridge Handyman
Views: 50,369
Rating: 3.8586667 out of 5
Id: wAYdQhxvB4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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