How to Repair Pitted/ Spalled Garage Floors

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all right guys so i promised i know i've been putting it off here so i'm gonna video this floor just an easy uh two car i'm gonna show some of these damages prior okay so you guys are gonna see some of these pits probably where you're from maybe not um extensive salt damage like this but the process is pretty similar no matter what okay so just gonna show the before so you can see uh kind of the process that we do this is like i said standard two car this one happens to have some control joints which is good and then uh your cracks will show you how to do those too okay so you guys stay tuned all right so first thing to do guys really crucial part hook up the blower blow all this stuff out of here so you're not uh contacting loose dirty debris floor that's pretty simple so start with that first thing too i forgot to mention uh when you got these control joints um or cracks or whatever you have you um probably just want to go quick just loosen up all this stuff so when you blow it out it kind of makes it a little easier you can take a steel brush like this you can take a five in one uh your knife whatever you got but hopefully you got a little little bucket but get that stuff loose get in some of these pits and these cracks that could have some loose concrete that could cause an issue with adherence um when you do it all right so to show the steps first first thing we need to do is prime this i think this is a crucial part to get adherence to whatever substrate if you skip it use it at your own risk i would highly recommend to do this i know it's a little more expensive this primer is like 35 dollars but i highly highly recommend it so what you need obviously you should have a roller pull again this step optional too but we use this to disperse the primer along the floor and then we go with a stiff brush like this to push it into all these nooks and crannies and then the actual primer itself and i'll put a link as well for you guys but i use this rapid set concrete level primer i use it as full strength if you have a a slab that is very porous um then you may want to dilute it 50 50 and then do a second coat but this one is fine we scratch test it um it's just fine so this is what we got and we'll show you the steps to actually uh install them where you guys get set up too it's a really good idea to have a prep station either in the grass have drop cloths we actually use plywood strips which we'll show you tomorrow when we do it but for the mixing this is just fine drop cloth put it down so the wind obviously doesn't carry it away and then you know i got everything in the back so we're gonna show you so set your ribbons down you guys should know ribbons but if not this is a ribbon um he's just doing one square at a time but what this does like i mentioned this disperses this a lot easier than that brush so this will push it out and then i'm going to take the stiff brush see how much he's able to pull back so this pushes it all around and then you can scrub it into the pores with the brush which we'll show you here in a sec so as you see just to reiterate a little bit more too don't be afraid to push this down even into the control joints if you're going to have to do some repairs in here you know don't don't be afraid to put those down in there you know this stuff is still gonna dry we're gonna take a brush to help uh distribute it a little bit better okay all right so to show the the brush here you just want to push all this stuff in so it's all spread out all we're doing is we're helping push this stuff into there you can go all kind of directions too to help uh get it into you know all these pores the roller does okay but this just uh ensures that uh it's going to go in there a little bit better gets in those little cracks and crannies and stuff and uh helps push it so we got good adherence okay so this shouldn't take you long this stuff also should dry but less than an hour depending on your temperature we're a little colder here so uh could be a little slower of a dry so maybe an hour for us might be 30 or 45 minutes for you but you'll know it's dry it won't look white like this anymore you know it goes on white it'll just be kind of uh milky but not not all the way white a little bit more translucent so okay we're all done with it obviously you guys didn't need to see every single step but you saw how we did there so we got some of these that are white obviously a little bit deeper of pits so it'll take a little bit more time to dry but this is pretty windy so that's actually helping to dry but while you're waiting uh again your dry time will depend ours probably be 30 45 minutes get your stuff prepped you know get your bags out whatever you're going to be doing get everything set up so uh you you know you don't have too much down time and if you're in colder temperatures like we are sometimes maybe it's a good time to catch uh something to drink if there's a corner store if you are fortunate to live um or at least have your customer's house near a store grab that but um yeah try to be as efficient as you can so have all your stuff make sure you do a checklist before you guys go so you you have you know all your little tools if you have to do wood just in case even if when you went there you didn't see something perhaps you'll have something uh pop up that you weren't expecting and what we're going to be doing on this one because we are expecting moisture tomorrow some rain we're going to set up a wall zip i'll show you guys how to do it but we put it here as a barrier to stop the moisture so we don't have a wet slab when we show up with a zip i got 10 foot tall plastic you guys can find at your sherman home depot any of that stuff loads this is 25 foot you can find a different different size plastic but get that with your zip poles these happen to be 10 foot so they're perfect for most sockets you know you're not going to find many more than 10 foot so these work perfect so we'll show you how to set it up yeah pull it i usually go a foot or so past the size of the garage so 16 foot you know 18 foot should work just fine but pull it out like we did go about a foot past your door and you should be okay all right so what we're going to do here i'm going to have them stop stapling but so we rolled it up one time in here so we have a little bit of um coverage there but what this does is we ended up with a pretty windy day today so to ensure that this plastic doesn't uh blow anywhere we're putting two two by fours wrapped up in here so the wind is not gonna drag this two by fours unless we get a tornado in which case uh we're in a little bit worse shape but see what he's doing we have a little stapler a slapstick half inch staples i'm sure you guys know what those are but get that and then he tucks these corners like i said we have a little bit past it right and then we staple here and now we have something that the wind's not gonna blow when we open this back up we can put our poles which you'll see um here and we'll be able to just slide it up and put it in there and we'll show that we encountered way more wind so i was not able to show you guys how to set it up uh but these zip walls are spring-loaded and um so you put the plastic up here because this is really windy we're expecting experiencing uh like 30 mile an hour so i couldn't show you guys so i'll do another one but anyway we're taped up this stuff can buy at home depot uh amazon i'll put a link too but this uh this all zips in so you can get in and out okay now we don't have that wind number one but the number two is we don't want that rain that we're about to get okay i'm gonna show you guys getting ready to level so this is all dry now so get your concrete leveler uh the things you're gonna need to empty bucket it's a good idea most customers have water but bring yourself water because maybe in the winter there's sprickets maybe you're off so have good clean water there too have enough bags for your project keep you some type of trowel something to disperse brush to get into some of the joints okay i'm a good good squeegee for concrete okay and then also with your mixer don't use a little baby because this is going to agitate pretty hard so have a really good sized paddle mixer preferably with power some of the battery ones will be okay but you may encounter some issues when you're trying to mix this because it is pretty thick okay and i'll show you guys the process here to go from this stuff to just a nice overlay so i didn't want to bore you guys with you guys know how to mix it but you guys see the drip there it's not quite pancake but it's not soupy either so it has some viscosity to it still so you you want to find the balance if you guys stick with about five quarts of water to the bag i think you'll be just fine if you're using this particular level okay a 50-pound bag a quart per per 10 pounds usually is the uh the good equation for it okay but that's the texture that you're looking for the viscosity the thickness okay and then i wanted to explain to you guys too i know i set up that elaborate little stuff outside but it's so windy that we didn't want to deal with it so we came into a corner uh this particular garage it's not a full you know we don't have to do every square inch of it so we came to a corner that is not necessary to to do any leveling so we can set up here if it splashes here it's easy to clean up but uh that's kind of why we're doing this so he's already starting he poured out his level okay so like i said not every square inch so we're going to be kind of going from here down but you notice the consistency as he does it okay it's not thick it still spreads nice you'll find a consistency you like if it's too thin that's just kind of go away and it'll take a longer longer time to dry you know so you kind of five quarts to five fifty pounds will work out beautiful but all we're doing is dispersing this because it's self-leveled but if we leave it in a puddle it'll find a level and then it'll just puddle and you you have a big big mess on your hands so pour you some out don't be afraid if you drop it in here i'm going to show you that too when we get to it we're going to take a brush and brush it down in here so we kind of help sculpt these edges too when they're a little uh jacked up too okay so we'll spread this and i'll get obviously we're just putting the first and we're gonna smooth everything out but like i mentioned don't be afraid uh in these control joints to push it because we need to help sculpt where you remember a lot of this you can't see it now because it's filled in but let it run over and then what we do is take a chip brush and you can brush these control joints so it doesn't completely fill we're not going to fill these control joints but um you're just kind of helping distribute this stuff down in there to help sculpt that and get rid of that that mard chewed look so
Channel: Floor Shield Of Wisconsin
Views: 5,535
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Id: izJgNpTNDEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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