3 Methods of DIY Driveway Cleaning TESTED

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(whooshing) - So the driveway is permanently stained, or is it? Our driveway here has gotten pretty nasty, oil, grease, all sorts of car gunk have left stains that are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Now me and my roommates are all responsible for our fair share of spills out here, but we've all got different opinions on what's the best way to remove these stains. So today, we're gonna put each of our remedies to the test and find out once and for all, what is the best way to clean an oil stain from a driveway? Let's see if we can get that security deposit back baby. I'm Zach and this is "Money Pit". (lightening crashing) (upbeat music) (thunder crashing) (lightening crashing) Okay so the rules of the game are pretty simple. Today we're gonna get this whole driveway clean, but to test our methods, we are gonna use this nasty oil spill. We've divided it into thirds and we'll be able to get a good comparison of all the methods against each other here. Whoever's method does best on this stain, gets out of washing the rest of the driveway. So Russo is gonna be using a degreaser. - Number one trusted. This is the one. - [Zach] Cirone is gonna be using laundry detergent. - This works. I could just tell you, it works. - I gotta do my laundry. Stop this. (laughing) - And I'm gonna be using BacKrete, but the thing about BacKrete is that it takes about 48 hours to work. So to tell you about it is me in the past. (tape rewinding) Let's clean this (beeping). It kind of looks like, like somebody's ashes in there. So I'm using this stuff called BacKrete. It's a microbial bacteria that literally eats the oil out of your driveway which sounds insane. You just spread it evenly on the concrete and then wait. The trick is just to get enough to lightly cover the concrete, get it nice and evenly spread out and worked in to the pores of the concrete. A little windy, sorry. (scraping) - [Eddie] Bacteria baby! - That's what I'm talking about. Well that's about all I have to do I think. Now we wait. (soft music) - My method of choice is laundry detergent, and this method comes from getting yelled at from making the driveway very dirty at my dad's house. - And it works? - It works. - Like well? - Like it works. - 'Cause this is the one honestly, if I'm being honest, this is the one I'm rooting for. - If it didn't work, when I was young, I was getting the broom. (Zach laughing) - [Russo] Oh you were getting the other side of the broom. - Yeah. (laughing) So I'm gonna apply it, scrub, apply more, let it sit for 30 minutes, scrub, apply, clean the whole thing. - Cirone I can't believe you, you're not just dousing. (glass clinking) - Oh! (soft music) (scraping) - Easiest episode yet. - I've seen Cirone work on cars, I can imagine how he spilled a lot of oil as a kid in the driveway. - That's, that's a good point. That makes a lot of sense. (scraping) I hope it works, because everybody has laundry detergent and if you can just run inside dump a little laundry detergent on your oil spill and clean it up that way, best- - I hope it works, but then again I don't hope it works, 'cause I don't wanna clean at the end. - I don't want to ruin the win obviously. - Yeah. - But I do want for the sake of future oil spills to be able to just use laundry detergent. - Yeah I agree. - Cirone, bro I gotta tell ya. Looks pretty good and it smells fantastic. - It was clean or it gets the broom again. (laughing) Do a few more passes. - How many do you usually do? - Maybe three. We'll do the same cycle again two more times. - Got a front row seat. (scraping) - Yeah Cirone. Hey watch, don't clean Russo's side. - Yeah right. - Don't help. (soft music) (scraping) Oh buddy, you're making a believer out of me buddy. - Yeah I know. - Keep scrubbing. (scrubbing) Seems to be working fantastically, however it does seem to be taking a lot of elbow grease. He's working pretty hard whereas I haven't had to do anything. - All right this is it, the last pour. This it make it or break it time. (soft music) (water splashing) It is hard to tell. We'll let that dry. That was a lot of scrubbing. It works, but it was a lot of scrubbing. I am interested to see how this Rusto driveway cleaner works. To be honest, I didn't know something like that existed 'til today. This is a lot of work. Russo doesn't know how much work he's about to be in for. But I'm interested to see where that stacks up. I still believe in my soap. My laundry detergent. I know it works. (whooshing) - What! - Oh wait a minute! - Oh my gosh. - Damn boy! It looks like it did better. - It's blending in. - On the spot where the oil was. Yeah you're right. - Holy Shit, man. - What (beeping) look to my spot. It even started to clean it. - It did. - Like this is where the oil was. - It did better where the oil was. What's up with that Cirone? - Russo actually got a lot cleaned just with my runoff. From my diesel leak. - I wouldn't say a lot cleaned. - It did clean half of your square a little bit. You still got plenty of dirt to scrub. Don't worry. - I would say less than half. - I bet you would. (laughing) (soft music) - So I learned a lot watching Cirone. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna replicate something along those lines. A little scrubbing action, a little hatching. I'm actually, I'm gonna dial in, just pour a bunch on first. Then give her a real good scrub. After that maybe wash it down with some warm water. Maybe a little scrub again and throw a bunch more on. - What does it say on the jug to do? - That's true maybe directions would be good. (laughing) (scrubbing) (drum music) I don't know man. This is looking pretty good. - [Eddie] It definitely smells more effective. - It smells pretty chemical. - It has a pungent odor. That means it's working right. And look at that foam you're getting dude. - [Russo] Look at that. (scrubbing) - I mean I'm still feeling confident that the soap is the best option, because what is it a jug of this cost? - Like eight or nine bucks. You know what I mean. And the thing is, everybody's already got it. Everybody already has laundry detergent, so you have a problem, you just spill something, you just run inside. You don't have to go to a store. You don't have to get online. You don't have to spend any more money. You just go in. - Hot water, hot water, hot water. - [Russo] Hot water coming. - Prepare for noxious chemicals. (scraping) (metal clanking) - Oh boy, I think I did less work too. That wasn't even 20 minutes with it. (scrubbing) (fast paced music) - Woo, he got the moves. He got the beat. Look at the footwork. Look at the footwork. Oh my God, the footwork. Wow. (scrubbing) He was born for this. (scrubbing) - I'm telling you this is looking good. Look at that, you can see right through. - [Eddie] I think that's worth it. - I agree. I agree. (scrubbing) - I've always been a pressure washer guy, but this stuff is doing so well. - All right just push to coat it. Gonna give her a nice 20 minute break. - [Zach] Let her sit. - Let her cook in. I think they call it seasoning. Marinating. - Right. I'm more interested now to see what Backrete. - [Zach] I know me too. I was hoping to be able to tell more, but I can't tell. - I just like the idea of BacKrete and it's bacteria dude. It's crazy stuff. - I know great guy. It's cool. - Right here. - I'd say there's still sand down under the BacKrete. - BacKrete's gonna lose. - I think that is not fully rinsed off yet either. - I know I'm would say at this point now, I think BacKrete's gonna lose. - Yeah. - Russo's may be in first right now, because we'll see where his is. - No, mine's in first in terms of effort. - Nah, look how he said that. - In terms of effort. - I like how he said I'm in first right now. - [Eddie] No. (laughing) - I'm in first in terms of effort. I'm in last in terms of money. - You're in last in terms of effort. You're in first in terms of money. And you're right in the middle. - Yeah, you're right in the middle. - Well this is a good show. (laughing) - It's like you guys like watching you guys clean your driveway? (laughing) Well going out on a limb here. (water splashing) - [Russo] Oh yeah. - [Zach] Dang! - Oh look at that part. - [Zach] Looking pretty clean. - Ooh, yo. - Looking pretty clean. - Yo Cirone, you gotta see this. - I mean it's still wet, but it looks pretty damn clean. - Money maker right there. Look at that. - [Zach] Damn. - [Russo] Look at that. - That's some clean concrete. (pounding) - We need to hose off the BacKrete. Let them all dry, and then we'll really be able to tell what's what right? - Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I won. - And we got some packages. - And we got some packages. - Thanks man. (soft music) Let's see what stuff we can see. - Uncover this. This has been too long. - I feel like it's been here for two weeks. Almost as long as the Miata sat here. - Shut up! (Man laughing) - Isn't there a movie "48 Hours" or something? - All right. (water splashing) - Start 48. (water splashing) (men reacting) - Oh, oh, oh, dude you're screwed, man. - Oh! - [Eddie] Oh bro! Damn, come on. - What the heck is that? - [Eddie] Those are the heavy spots son. - Oh that didn't do anything. - Yeah I don't think the hose close is gonna help you. (water splashing) - [Cirone] Dude I think you're washing your driveway today. That's what I think. - [Zach] Yeah I think you're right. I think you're right. - Man that stuff didn't do anything. - Damn! - Damn. - Dude not even close. - How much was that stuff? - 50 bucks. - 50 bucks! - Yeah. - 50 bucks. - [Zach] I guess you gotta put in the elbow grease huh? - So we're gonna have to let this dry and really see. - Bro look at that tray. - No, no, no, no, no. - Look at that tray. Look at that. - I lost. There's no, I lost, but who won? That is an important question. - Okay, okay. (funky music) (whooshing) - All right now that the dust has settled and the driveway is dry, let's run down the list of products we used today, and see how everything stacks up. - Okay so in third, last place. Me with the BacKrete. It cost the most money. Sure it didn't take a lot of effort, but it didn't do that good of a job. So I lost. In second place, we're gonna put John Jack Cirone, because the method is cheap, it's very convenient, but it did take a lot of scrubbing, but it did a pretty dang good job. In first place, as much as it pains me to say it, Michael Russo with the degreaser. I think you win dude. It looks good, it didn't cost that much, and you didn't have to scrub it that hard. So I've got the pressure washer, which means there's only one thing left to do. Subscribe to the channel. (clicking) (motor turning) (machine humming) (soft music)
Channel: Donut
Views: 2,723,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mazda, Miata, oil, oil stain, spill, car guy, car girl, driveway, drive, degreaser, laundry detergent, backrete, bacteria, concrete, cement, asphalt, road, diy, tide, rustoleum, hack, home remedy, detergent, fuel, Donut Media, Cars, Automotive, Money Pit, automotive history, Donut, Donut Miata, car build, car mods, Zach Jobe
Id: 1e3CgSz9Mow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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