RUST-OLEUM Concrete Patch & Repair + EpoxySheild Garage Floor Coating Kit=Amazing.. DIY Crack Repair

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[Music] [Music] all right so got another garage it's like i said we don't do them all the time but when we're doing they're good ones so we've got a bunch of crack all kinds of cracks all over the place but it's it's raised it's deep see how deep it is okay got a couple chunks missing kind of see that crap and just see it all the way through all right we're gonna make that disappear so my tools for the day grinder with a diamond pro you see that like this diamond pro system looks like this has some teeth on it 3m i like this mask i can't really tell you which one it is it's a 7503 okay there you go get that mask extension cord um bluetooth headset i'm gonna listen to music rather than put earplugs in eye protection and a hat that doesn't have a bunch of holes in it so it doesn't get all in your hair concrete dust in your hair is not fun [Music] [Music] all right so put that down on the ground like that maybe a cool shot maybe maybe i don't know but it broke the lens though let's check that out it's got a little piece of glass so which i've been meaning to order i wanted to order some different ones anyway so yeah [Applause] you see that shooting rocks and that didn't seem like a big deal it didn't take very long i think it took 45 minutes or so maybe just about an hour to get that completed now the crack is even so at this point we're moving on to filling the cracks so we've got our stuff here can you see that there you see that better huh so that i already have some from the other job so we're going to finish up using that got our piece of cardboard got our tools and two parts two one two one part [Music] now go go get somewhere don't get near me [Music] so you get the gist of that do that we get to some of these bigger areas we will uh be dropping it down in there but we'll get to those areas and then we'll come back okay these cracks are very deep which is making this filler fall into the crack see that see that see all that we need this to be over the top of it so when we grind it down we can grind it down the level we try to the cracks not even full so we're gonna wait 24 hours and then i am going to come back do a second coat of the crack filler which will then should be plenty of time to let that sit up and it won't fall because the more i put in there the more it falls no big deal okay day two so remember yesterday we had the 85 feet of crack well the cracks were really deep so the epoxy filler kind of fell into it and this is what i was watching happen yesterday i didn't want to keep on putting it in putting it in just making a mess so decided just to cut it and make it into a two day process so see how hard that is by making a little dents in it but i mean it's super hard and that's why i uh chose to go this route with the crack pillar there are other crack fillers out there don't get me wrong but in other ways to do it but with this just seemed like the the best thing to do so today i'm going to mix this up mix my two part go in fill all these fill it basically same thing that i did yesterday so it shouldn't be that big of a deal should be about half an hour or so i had to fill that thing that thing looks horrible that's gonna take a lot of sanding but when i'm done sanding it's all going to be level so you see what i'm working with see where i'm at i'm gonna click you off when i get done or when i turn it back on this is gonna be all sanded down and i'll go over everything that we did and like that the major crack has disappeared it's level all the way around now we're on to the etching process so i'm gonna get those solutions made up and get to work okay we got the crack fixed we've got an acid wash uh we got it leveled and now we just gotta come back tomorrow and epoxy it so here's a good little view here okay back again final day garage looks really good cracks filled got everything dusted off about to blow this out sweep it brush it make sure there's no contaminants on it all that good stuff i got my chips chips i got my epoxy i got my epoxy shield it's opened up mixed i'm going to go over here and i'm going to do the hard parts around the water heater and this little outjet they have going on and then i will get you some more shots of how to do the epoxy okay got the hard part done so let me show you where i'm at so i've got the front done it's always harder there's always something usually up there but as you can see chips everywhere without them all you can see the pattern that we're doing [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so this is done looks really really good homeowner came out when i was about halfway and he was very pleased it's super easy so don't don't be afraid to do it yourself doing this epoxy full totally a diy thing that you could totally do by yourself and feel very accomplished and and get a great result so you guys have a great day um i'm gonna go fishing you
Channel: Tidal Effect
Views: 474,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Rust-Oleum Concrete Patch & Repair, Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield Garage Floor Coating Kit, how tos, crack repair, garage floor repair, epoxy floor, tidal effect, how to fix cracks in concrete floors
Id: u1YLkqKNQwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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