How to Fix Damaged Interior Window Sill without Replacing | Deep Scratched Wood Repair

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in this video I'm going to show you how to fix this and we're going to do it right now I love my dog but he is large he has big claws and I have a mailbox out here and he doesn't like the mailman too much so he likes to jump up on this sill as you can see he has completely destroyed it scratch this up not only has he taken the paint off but he's really dug into the wood of this sill so I'm going to fix this and at the same time you'll see you can see some of the old cocking here this is obviously very dirty from him and just life you can see some cocking that is cracked and pulled away from the window just from expansion and contraction so at the same time I'll fix that but the focus of the video is going to be how to fix this there's a couple different ways that I to go about doing it with most of my projects I like to talk about the different levels of doing things and what that means is you might want to just paint this and call it a day it'll look better and your dog might do this again in my case it is a dog that has caused this and it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks as you might know you could paint this and then put like a plastic protector on there that they do sell that is an option you could also cut this sill out and and put a whole new piece of wood in here paint it and it's brand new I'm going to do something in between and it's something that I use a lot you may be getting tired of seeing it but it's Bondo wood filler and it's just so awesome for stuff like this that I keep using it even though I'm not sponsored by Bondo so I'm going to repair this with Bondo and you can do whatever you want you want to just paint it you want to replace the entire thing that's up to you let me show you how I'm going to do it step one I'm going to clean off all of the uh nose marks and all the nastiness on the window and then down here you can see there's a lot and all this here and the frame of the window I just want to get all this clean because I don't want to soak the Bondo or the new painted sill in glass cleaner so I'm just going to clean all this to start next step I'm going to grab a paint scraper and get all of the loose paint off of this going to continue kot's job it's probably going to be a lot that comes off don't want to go too crazy here although I'm going to sand this all but I want to be careful around this Edge this side's not in bad shape but we're going to have to rough that up a little bit that'll be the next step now I'm going to cut out some of this old cocking CU we're going to put some new in there there we go and in this corner right here I never liked how they made these replacement windows with this little tab right here it's just like from the factory so I'm going to Chisel that off make that flat so when I this in it's it looks nicer I'm just going to take a small chisel carefully make that flat there we go and I'll get out any of this cocking that I can all along the edge of the window here good good some right here this cocking get this little Tab out of here too there now I have a nice Square corner I could probably try and scrape some of this paint and cocking off of here kind of like that I'm not going to go too crazy with that but we do a little bit all right now I'm going to take some 80 grit sandpaper and I just want to rough this surface up mostly where all the paint is uh and wherever I want to use the Bondo I think I'm going to skim this entire thing cuz there are little checks in here little divots like this right here is a scrape so that's an indentation so this probably just going to do this entire sill I'll take my 80 grit I just want to try and uh rough it up so that the Bondo will stick better this will take a lot of the other paint off that I missed with the scraper be careful on the edge here now let's talk a little bit about Bondo you can use whatever you want if you find something different that works better or if it's just your preference that's fine the process is going to be pretty similar this is Bondo wood filler I have actually used the regular Bondo it's made for like Automotive repairs dents and dings and whatever uh and it actually works good for wood but they came out with this a couple years ago and they say that it is paintable and stainable the only thing is when you mix this up don't put in too much of the hardener this is a two-part process or product this is the hardener and it's actually green it used to be red which made this look more like wood but just follow the dire Cs on the can as to how much of this you put in so you can stain it if you're painting it it's fine to put a little more in this in it'll just have less of a working time but the color won't look as much like wood as if you follow the directions so I have a piece of plywood here and I wrapped it with plastic it's a good idea to wrap it with plastic so that the wood doesn't absorb the mix you get a nice even mix and open the up and you're going to want to open a window cuz the stuff smells a little bit gloves might be a good idea I'm going to try and be careful so this can be watery if it's stored for a while so you going to want to mix it up a little bit and only mix up as much as you think you're going to need because the working time is about 3 to 5 minutes you don't want to mix up too much and have it start hardening on you as per the directions you can take out about a 3in diameter by 1/2 in thick clump of this stuff and then you can run a bead of hardener 3 in over this thing and that is the proper mix that looks about 3 in by/ in is that going to be enough I think that's going to be enough so that's what we'll work with just want to try and have this not be a mess so I have a small putty knife and I have a nice big putty knife I'll add my hard but first i'm going to mix it up a little bit in here cuz this gets watery as well okay and I will add a strip oh sorry this is blue not green now what I want to do is just kind of knead it or fold it like this and try and get a nice uniform mix nice even color see the Bondo will turn green that's where my head was at I'm going to do this for about a minute or two until it's mixed nice and even and then we're going to want to apply it right away now I'm going to live on the edge because I'm not going to tape this window but you definitely can if you want to I'm just going to be careful and then clean it up afterwards so I'm going to take my Bondo and start applying it nice and even over this entire s we put a drop cloth down too like I didn't do if you want now we're just going to try and spread this out even you will be sanding this entire thing but you don't want to sand too too much so try and get it nice and even from the start I'm going to try and kind of roll this around any of the damaged uh front of the sill trying to work quickly but carefully okay now smooth it if we can got some hardened stuff on my knife or something because it's making these lines so a nice clean new knife would be a good idea that's okay thr that nice and even cocking will take care of some of the up close stuff sorry about the traffic I got to leave the window open CU it stinks it's going to definitely look worse before it looks better okay that doesn't look too bad in my opinion so I'm going to let that cure it probably take about 20 minutes 30 minutes and before I let it cure completely I'm going to check back in in about 10 minutes uh so I can shape it I'll show you exactly what that means in about 10 minutes okay it's been about 10 minutes and this is just a little tacky we can start shaping it a little bit and I like to use a chisel and I actually prefer a dull chisel because if it's too sharp I might cause more damage than I want to so I'm just going to take this and while it's still a little tacky not fully cured I'm going to scrape off any of this stuff like here where it's on this paint and then I'm going to start to shape these high spots so I'll take my chisel and just kind of carefully do something like that to get this stuff off you can see why I roughed it up because it doesn't stick to paint that well not going to go too crazy cuz I can sand it a little bit I'm going to be repainting this anyways but that got pretty much all of it off and then that's why I wasn't too concerned about the window because with tape in it CU I can just kind of scrape it a little bit but like this without marking it up and then these high spots here I can just drag my chisel across it like this this is just going to make it easier when I go to sand it it'll be a lot less work just get these high spots off kind of like that I can just do that wherever I see fit it almost has like a rubbery texture at this point that's when you'll know it's good to do this that's coming right off the paint too oh I didn't sand there that's okay that's in good shape you can also try going this way with the Chisel sometimes it digs in a little too much though so you just got to be careful just going to try and maintain the shape of this round Edge you can see this is all Jagged so if I run my chisel over like this carefully takes a lot of that off but the Ono is going to fill in any of those scratches on the front and stay in there get it to look something like this that could have used a little more but that's okay it depends on how perfect you want this to so you can definitely do a second third coat make it perfect get this off of here the other thing about using tape on something like this is when you go to peel it off you might mess this up a little bit so since I'm going to be cocking this in I'm not too concerned with it and it's pretty much all gone now all right now we can let that cure completely probably another 20 30 minutes okay it's been about 20 minutes and this looks okay you can see right here there's like some divots and I could definitely do a second coat here it all depends on how perfect you want this finish I'm going to try and get away with just doing one coat I'll just sand this all out I'm going to use this this is a corner cat Ryobi you can use whatever you want this will get nice and close in over here to these Corners this is 120 grit just going to try and sand this make it smooth and I'm going to going to be careful on the edge here try and get that same round Edge that was there before and I'm also going to run the vacuum at the same time to try and eliminate some of the Dust also a good idea to wear a mask while you're doing this you don't want to breed this stuff in so all I'm doing is running this flat along the top I'm not worried about this Edge yet and just trying to make this completely flat and smooth it's coming out pretty good I just got to be careful and get tighter in the corners and the edges I lift up like this just to try and dig in there without messing this up and you can see over here I took most of the Bondo off but you can see anywhere there was a a scratch or a dip that's all filled in and this is totally smooth so I just got to get get in here a little more I might take my chisel and try and get some of this out of here and get nice and close with the sander there a little hump here in the Bondo let's try to get that off scrape it down with my chisel again just to make sanding easier then get all these high spots in the corner there we go let's pretty much take this all [Music] down do the same thing over here just a little much trying not to dig in too much yeah it's just way too much Bondo over here okay paint's coming right off there maybe that's what I needed okay now we're down to bare wood there I can sand this back make this [Music] even okay so this might look terrible now but this is great this is nice and flat and smooth this is filling in all of the gouges there's some paint here but this is nice and smooth so there's different layers there's the barewood paint then Bondo this filled in the dip here this basically is a whole new coat right over this and then over here it's just filling in some of these gouges you could do another coat but you know it's not going to be absolutely perfect but it's going to be pretty close and on the front here I'm just going to be real careful and sand this out to try and get a nice smooth round over I'm just going to do this by hand again 120 just so I don't dig into it and make it look awful nice and easy just kind of rolling the Sandpaper you want to get a router and rerouter this you can do that but not necessary get some of this that spilled over to the trim shouldn't have to repaint this should get it off okay basically just running my hand down here seeing how smooth it is there's obvious spots like this there's a big dent right here that I'm not going to worry too much about looks pretty good filled in a lot of those scratches that's pretty round I think we're good we'll clean this up and we'll prime it going try and get up as much dust as you can I'm going to take a t cloth to clean up any of this dust I am going to use this zener cover stain oilbased primer stuff works great just do a thin coat on this sill my throwaway chip brush I'm going to do the primer before I this in the cocking will stick to the primer better I'm going to try not to have to paint this just the seill put this on real thin so I don't get crazy brush Strokes Trying to spread this out I am going to sand it before I actually paint it too so all right so we'll let that dry for you're supposed to let it dry for about 2 hours I think in about an hour I can sand it out and do some cocking and paint and I should be fine this is dry I'm going to take a sanding block this is probably about 120 as well and I'm going to sand this try and get it smooth get this edge here this with the tack cloth again this in right here some paintable cocking this is a semigloss bright white just like the rest of the paint in the house [Music] [Applause] I'm going to touch up the sides too even if just to cover that cocking so hopefully it doesn't crack that's why I'm going a little over to try and cover all of the cocking first coat is dry do a second coat well I have to say that this looks a lot better than it did before and there's some spots like here that didn't get filled in and you can go as crazy as you want to with this stuff if you want to take your time and do two coats even three coats make it absolutely perfect even spray it instead of brushing it so you don't have the brush Strokes all up to you this to me is perfect and if you needed to do something like this I hope the video helped thanks for watching we'll see you on the next one before we don't even have to try it's always a good time wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow um you can see some cocked cracking what check check's good okay oh you're rolling um Hey Kevin hey what's up uh thanks for taking the trash in by the way no problem what a guy once I get it Lauren it's going to be cool told you no no I made a hole wish I was better at painting no I don't cuz then i' have to do it more boy it sure does make everything look so much better though doesn't it sorry what was that I know what you're trying to do Lauren I'm trying to fill this crack in so basically trying to film a kraken h
Channel: The Fixer
Views: 29,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fixer, home repair, how to fix a interior window sill, repairing deep cuts in trim, fixing dog claw marks on window sills, how to use bondo, how to apply bondo, the fixer home repair
Id: X-t44_jD4qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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