How to Remove Late Payments From Your Credit Report With One Phone Call

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[Music] you know it every single day mike comes to you with the credit game to make sure you know the game hey guys i want to share with you uh something very important today a lot of people have been coming to us with this topic and so i figured i would do a video on it that would help you tremendously in getting the right information there's a lot of information out there there's a lot of credit repair companies a lot of trade line companies there's a lot of people out there that are fake right and they pretend like they know what they're talking about and so where do you get your information from is very important okay i bring this channel to you every single day do the research do due diligence to make sure that essentially you guys get the best knowledge the best information of how to remove things from your credit report how to add positives and just the credit game in general right so it's your first time on channel i would appreciate for the subscribe i bring it to you every single day not monday tuesday not tuesday thursday every day i want to bring it to you every day because the more we learn the more we're going to get better at something right right this credit is like an adults game you know minecraft is a child's game right so we want to play the game of credit you better know it and so uh that's why i wanted to bring it to you every day so you guys are learning and learning and learning so that being said the most important thing of how we grew our credit channel so fast and the fastest credit channel in national history is because of your support so i'm gonna ask you to take a second right now before you get this video and hit the like button okay i would appreciate it if you guys would hit the like button that grows our channel and that's how i'm able to give you content that i can do every single day because you're helping us grow the channel together we're going to grow as a family and we're going to raise the credit average from 667 to over 700. banks are going to hate me but you guys will love me that being said we're going to talk about how to remove late payments from your credit report this is a topic that is that comes up to me every single day talking about late payments first of all you have to understand what late payment late payment is where you went 31 days past the due date not 15 not 7 not 19 not 24. 31 right because if your payment was due on the 5th and you didn't make your payment to the 15th you will not have a late payment on your credit they don't report it until it is 31 days after your payment due date okay so understand you could be late now you're gonna have a little you know fifteen dollar twenty dollar late payment it's gonna be a little charged you're gonna charge it but it's not gonna report to your credit as a negative so essentially you guys have that 30 days okay if you need to before you make the payment before it actually goes on to your credit so that's what a late payment is now late payments go like this 30 day 60 day 90 day 120 then collection 30 60 90 120 collection then charge off okay so if you become late 30 days and you miss your second payment at 60 days miss your third payments 90 days 120 for your fourth missed payment and then it's going to go to a collection now from there that bank either holds the debt or they sell it to abc collection company which picks it up about four cents per dollar and then they're ones that harass you every 15 seconds by the phone call with the 800 number you don't know who it is right and so that's why we never never never want to pay collections or charge offs until you learn the credit game first that being said if we're going to remove uh late payments from our credit we have to understand that these are very difficult there's no secret sauce to actually removing a late payment okay but i'm gonna give you a few things that you can do right away that's gonna help you like okay cool now i kind of understand how the credit works i understand how the game works a little bit and these are some things i can take action on and implement right away that will help me remove these negative late payments so in 1970 the fcra came out with a with a law okay and that basically is the fair credit report act okay and that came out to protect us as consumers okay it protects us it protects the credit bureaus uh protects creditors right it's an overarchie of like uh just just a lull right and it's a credit repair act and so uh you they have to follow there's people have to follow this law right we have to fall as consumers the bureaus have to follow it and when you break that or don't know the law this could injure you badly so here's the one i'll share with you late payment the newer the late payment in other words it's a 30 day late okay is going to be easier to be removed than a 90 day late payment okay so if you have one hiccup it's much better and easier to remove than if you went to even 60 days 90 days 120 okay now here's a little trick of the trade if for whatever reason you can't make the payment hardship happens right look understand right things are going on in the world right now people have financial struggles right been there i know it especially with everything's going on right now the uncertainties and the you know the the economy and everything boom right there there is uh if you can't make a payment you would want it to get to collection or charge off okay you want it to get to that point because it's much easier to remove at that point than it is a late payment okay so a late payment are typically harder to remove than a charge off 100 so here's what you can do here's one way that we can start removing late payments if you're like you know what i'm asking you guys to put in a comment right here here's what i want to know what did every single person just go through for the last 12 months type in comments below what every single person on planet earth just went through over the last 12 months okay and when you understand right when you understand it it could be two words right it could be the actual or it can be the the overarching of like what just happened to everybody just understand this a late payment comes from a creditor bank loan car dealership that reaches out to the credit bureaus electronically and says hey john smith didn't make their payment it was 3081 31 days late and what will happen is they send the data through e-oscar over from their computer system to the bureaus and the bureaus report the data okay so that's how that works when you go over 30 days when you go to 31 days they send the data now what a lot of people have told me is that they've reached out to the creditor to ask them to remove the data but the creditor says we don't have that authorization that's they have the authorization because they put it on your credit they can remove it from your credit as well okay they have the same system the same system that removes it is the same system that can put it back on vice versa okay so if someone puts something on your credit as a negative late payment guess what they can remove it too it's the same system okay they don't just have it one way where i can just send to the credit bureaus but i can't actually remove it they're doing that because they want you to fight it with the credit bureaus and that is not knowing the credit game you have to fight this with a creditor you have to fight it with the original side not the credit bureaus okay so trip number one okay is this is your biggest tip you have to fight it with the creditor and with everything going on right now and i told you to post below what it is your time is on your side because they have a lot of skeleton crews people are working from home still uh even though the economy is getting better people are working from home so that being said you guys want to submit what they call a goodwill slash hardship letter now that's the kicker to the letter okay basically this letter says look with everything going on right now okay and what's going on with the economy i lost my job i don't know what's what's going on i don't know when i'm gonna get paid again um i've had a hardship i had death in the family i i i had a family medical god forbid any of this okay this is all what they call hardship okay what you're asking for because remember i just told you everybody in the world just went through this situation together okay so guess what there is sympathy when you are going to call not send a letter you're going to call first you're going to call the creditor you are going to be very very nice okay the kicker and the key to this whole thing is sympathy okay now if you have 15 late payments on that account it's probably not gonna work one or two probably will work okay so you're gonna reach out to the creditor and say look and i just went through a hardship um you know my family suffered and you know everybody that's going through this this what i'm asking you to post below is going through this situation um i wasn't able to make my payment due to lack of funds um you know a lot on my mind and had family members in the hospital or you know you know i don't know the the future of my career and i made a mistake and i'm asking for you know your your uh your condolences i mean my sympathy is that i just made a mistake and i missed my payment would you be willing to please remove it i've never missed a payment before i've been in great standings with you guys um and it'll never happen again that is how you get a late payment removed it is called a goodwill hardship letter and that letter that i typed out remember i told you guys this i had a 515 credit score not too long ago today i'm over 8 27 okay 8 29 today actually i wrote this credit game for me right now i just share with the world the letter that's in there that i'm talking about was the same letter that i used to remove late payments for me it's the goodwill hardship letter okay so that letter is specifically designed for sympathy it is specifically designed to get the creditor to remove late payments now what you want to do is when you call the creditor and you do that sympathy right remember i told you that's the kicker that's the key right there you want to be real like soft about it not aggressive is to get them to send you something whether it's an email or letter stating that they are willing to remove it because if you don't get that letter or even just an email something in writing they can say what they want over the phone and you have no ammunition so what you want is that email or that letter of saying hey you know i spoke with john smith whatever and um we're willing to remove the late payment from abc collection or remove the late payment from from you know our bank essentially because you're calling the creditor they're willing to remove it you want it in writing because if they don't remove it then you could take that email you could take that letter and and essentially you could just send that you're going to send that to the credit bureaus and then legally they have to remove it because you have something in writing from the creditor saying they are going to remove it okay so you always want to get something in writing okay now what you want to do remember that you don't ever want a wet signature on the bottom of anything anytime you ever send something to a creditor or anytime you send anything to credit bureaus never sign the bottom with a pen okay if you want to type out a letter great but what you want to do here is also inside here okay also inside here letter number one you are going to send which is also like i said inside the credit game you're going to send to the creditor creditor has 15 days to do research and then they send it to the credit bureaus and then the credit bureaus have investigation of 30 days right so time is on your side with everything that we're going through okay remember this little trick right here 77 right i want you to look at the psychology of this 77 percent of credit reports have something that's inaccurate unfair unduly erroneous information that may or may not be truthful 77 have inaccuracies essentially 77 percent of credit reports are not correct if you know that ahead of time wouldn't you be looking for the posting dates the account numbers the credit limits the you know you could be looking for do you have a late payment that's past the seven year mark right because remember they only stay on for seven years anything that's on your credit report you have the legal right to challenge it there's nobody that can say mike didn't look mike didn't know the only one who could do that is upstairs okay but there's no way that somebody can say i didn't believe that this uh synergy credit was mine how are you going to tell me that i didn't believe that that was my my collection in fact i thought i was a victim of identify because i don't know what this credit i don't know this name on my credit report i don't know who it is and i'm challenging it the onus is put on the credit bureaus and the creditors to verify they have to check it to make sure it's not yours you can challenge anything that you want legally so i implore you guys to understand that 77 is incorrect go through your credit report okay and check it out see that make sure you got a three bureau credit report make sure that all the account numbers are correct all the report dates are correct all the credit limits are correct everything on that whole account okay when you pull up your credit report and you're looking at the negatives right it's going to have the name of the creditor it's going to have the credit limit it's going to have the report date it's going to have uh you know it's going to have the credit limits it's going to have all that right there in a little short paragraph right what you're going to do is you're going to look across equifax transient experience and if any of those are not correct right maybe the account number is missing you're looking for inaccuracies the minute you find an inaccuracy like i said you need to print your credit report you're going to circle it go through the next one look for an inaccuracy circle it okay what most people don't know is they'll look for the inaccuracies because they don't know what they're looking for today's them in a challenging account right and they just think the challengings you're going to circle it and then you're going to send it with letter number one inside the uh the credit game you need these letters guys these are not 609s okay and they ain't the cookie cutter everybody's using stuff these are proprietary letters i used that have the laws they state the laws they are very very effective for removing stuff all right so how do you remove a late payment let's recap first of all you have to understand everybody in the world just went through 12 months of x put it in comments that means that every single person you talk to no matter if they're in dubai or jacksonville florida knows about what we're talking about so they went through a hardship too they went through struggles too and when you're dealing with a human to human you can get a sympathy pass essentially because you're going to call them and you're going to say hey this is what happened and then you're going to get an agreement over the phone okay once you get an agreement you're going to send the hardship goodwill letter inside the credit game it's where you're going to find the one i use for myself okay it's in there it's phenomenal you're going to send that to the creditor as well okay and when you send that and when you're on the phone you're going to ask them to just shoot your quick email okay or maybe even if you want to wait a couple days they can send you a letter in the mail saying hey you know we spoke with john smith and we're willing to remove the late payment from his credit report okay based on our conversation uh we feel that it is uh inaccurate or we feel that we want to remove it okay this happens every single day when you know the how to play the game right here okay do you guys need to write letters you need the right information and that's how you remove the late payments there's no secret sauce other than being nice on the phone using the correct letter hardship goodwill okay making sure you get them to send you back something saying that it's okay to remove it so you have ammo to send to credibility if they don't okay and remember that the later the late payment gets essentially i'm gonna be honest i would wait for it to get the collection and then challenge the collection because once you start getting into that 60 90 120 late payments they come very difficult to be removed your miles will let a thing go right and so you know at that point you can challenge the collection side of it or even if it gets to charge off and they sell the data to abc collection company this is what you want to do okay these are the tips and tricks and this is the tip of the iceberg what i share with you you see how valuable these videos are it's like look if i just had somebody to teach me this in school they don't that's why i created the credit game right that's why it goes associates bachelors masters phd doctorate essentially it's it's everything we didn't learn in schools that i'm teaching you today so you guys can be better students of credit you don't think it was on accident they didn't teach you in credit in school right no because if everybody was taught credit in school guess what everybody would come out with 800 credit score there'd be no interest on any credit cards or cars everybody would have the best vehicles the best cars the best credit cards right they don't teach it because the economy runs on bad credit do you have to be a victim of that though or do you think that you can learn the credit game and actually live life on your terms i'm sick and tired of people saying look man i just got man i got i got a thought yeah many people call me with a 500 something credit score it is literally like like 100 today i'm in the 500 men why are you in the 500s because you're irresponsible you don't know the credit game because you never got taught the credit game right so it's partially not your fault because nobody taught it until today you missed payments you went through a hardship maybe you lost your job whatever that that doesn't mean you're going to be in the 500s but essentially if you're in the 500s or even the 600s you've got late payments you've got collections you've got to get these removed god this is holding you back from doing things you want to do how long can you live with bad credit is the question when is enough enough when you're gonna be like you know what look i i i gotta get out of this all right there's gonna come to a point right when you want a new car when you want better higher limit credit cards with lower interest rates you want fly models you want to learn how to travel hack you want to learn how to you know go on vacations not have to be strapped you want to learn how to get your kids good christmas presents right not be stressed out financially you want to learn how to maybe buy an investment property or be a real estate investor you want to start your own business man you want to finance equipment for your business right you can do a renovation on your house whatever it is everything requires a good credit score unless you live in a shoebox under a rock in your mom's basement right then and you drive a beater and you live on railroad tracks i mean come on man at some point you're going to be like dude i i can't i can't live like this anymore and and for that reason i'm offering you something today to help you you want my help i want to help you you don't want my help i'm going to say yeah you're nay but here's what i'm willing to do for you get you into the credit game get you elite credit pair right so that way you can sit back and have the work done for you by my vendor with the fastest results on the planet i'm talking about 60-day results nobody has this software three people in the nation have it my vendor has it and if you want to add positives you'll get 75 off competitor prices on trade lines on age trade lines so you can put positives on your credit as well on top of that i'm willing to give you guys a significant discount today because i know the holidays are coming up and i don't want money to be reason why you can't get help i want to help you it's my time to give back so you guys are going to get three services in one but you have got to call me this is not something you can think about anymore you've been thinking about it so long that your brain is probably just like wired that you can live with bad credit i'm here to tell you if you're an adult man up woman up it's time to have good credit so you can start doing things right if i'm talking to you and you're like you know what you know what mike you're right i want i want the help then you're gonna call me the people that don't call me are the ones that go you know what i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go with my bad credit live what you know you wanna live with the 500s 600s go ahead and you can struggle too that's the choice everybody has a choice that's why it's called america your choice is yours you want good credit and you want everything holding you back or do you want great credit so you can start doing things you want to do 904-420-7772 you'll dial that number if you want the help and i can help you and share with you what i did to change my life because i'll never go back there again i've been on both sides of the coin i've been at the 5 15 i've been a 27 i guarantee you something it's a much better life over here but the choice is yours 904-420-7772 i'll be wait on your call mike from the credit game
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 52,053
Rating: 4.9479723 out of 5
Keywords: How to Remove Late Payments From Your Credit Report With One Phone Call, COVID Hardship for late payments, late payments removed from credit report, late payment dispute letter, late payment removal, late payment on credit card, late payment goodwill letter, hardship letter, COVID Hardship, how to remove late payments from your credit report, remove late payments, credit repair help, credit game, boost credit score, fico score, can i remove late payments, fix credit
Id: vyveWVOoKS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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