Steal My #1 Magic Credit Repair Secret Before Mike Removes This Video

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what's up guys happy saturday my name is mike from the credit game and i am your host the guy who brings you the greatest up-to-date information when it comes to credit no holds barred i don't tell you what you want to hear i tell you what you need to hear and sometimes the truth hurts because there are 153 million people in america right now that are suffering because their credit score is under 700. so let's talk about that 700 credit score let's talk about what it can do for you well as you know most credit cards maybe you don't know this most credit cards are 700 based meaning they have basis points that triggers an algorithm when you apply for an application and essentially that means if your credit score is less than 700 and these are major banks we're not talking about you know horizon gold or discover it or capital one you know platinum card and some of these other what we call high risk high interest um you know predator credit cards okay we're not talking about 300 baby boy credit cards we're talking about good credit cards right your bank america's your citibanks your barclays right your td banks your navy federals your usaas right some of your u.s banks these are real credit cards amex right how would you have a couple amex credit cards i just got unlimited guys um with with american express credit card so look i mean i i want to help you right my job is it's a beautiful day lovely saturday i'm chilling but i want to help you guys and there are i think what a lot of people do because when you talk about a 700 what it allows you to do you're talking about you're talking about getting approved versus not the biggest thing isn't okay so much about yeah like interest that kind of sucks right you pay a higher interest rate on credit cards if you get approved at all you know you struggle to wonder if you can get a nice car you kind of wonder if i'm ever going to be a homeowner i'm always going to rent but the reality is it's a piece of mind more than anything that when you apply you don't have to worry about am i going to get approved because you already know you are see when i apply for things i don't like i don't go i wonder if i'm going to get approved for this credit card i wonder if i'm going to get this vehicle i work like literally i've been working on my credit for a good six seven years now i was at a 5 15 today i'm going to 8 31. i don't wonder anymore i'm certain when i walk into places that i'm going to get approved i know if i want to buy a house i got it i want to know if if i want a car certain car i just go in i know with certainty when i walk in a place or apply online that there is not a chance that i'm going to get denied that is freedom and so i think most people complicate credit so much which is why i call it the credit game right the basis of the credit game was built for me was not built for you guys i created this to be able to have an out for me when i was at 5 15 guys i was at the lowest point in my life financially spiritually in my relationships my finances and my credit today all those things have been fixed i've got a great wife great kids phenomenal career multiple companies you know eight-figure companies seven-figure companies a lot of companies right i've got great team i got a great staff amazing team that works for me at the credit game and my health is is uh is phenomenal i'm getting better and better each day and my spiritual life you know my belief is growing each and every day so you know this this video is not about me it's about you it's about how do i get you to be wealthy and wealthy doesn't necessarily mean financially just means wealthy across the board where like everything you can think of like those just topics that i just shared with you think about how you are knows how's your relationship how is your how's your is your spiritual life how's your health how's your finances how's your career how's your credit and so my job is to not complicate credit again that's why it's called the game it's very simple to understand and most people say look i have a bad credit score because this happened maybe i went through a divorce maybe maybe you're watching this and and you you know went through a divorce and somebody took advantage of you or maybe you were a victim of identity theft or maybe you were you were um you know you lost your job and you weren't able to pay your bills maybe you you got kind of down at a point and you were just like look i gotta file bankruptcy or whatever reason maybe you were irresponsible and you couldn't make the payment maybe forget to make a couple payments and you got some late payments maybe you just you're brand new to credit you're like look i'm brand new to credit i don't have a lot of age maybe you just don't have the education okay like i didn't okay i'm speaking everything i talk guys i'm talking about me not you everything i'm speaking to you right now is about me not you i went through all this already i'm on the other side of it now so what better advice can you get from someone that who has already just went through what you're going through i everything i've just talked about is literally me just going okay mike this is you now i want you to tell the world how to go through it don't over complicate credit if you want to remove negatives off your credit report what would be the simplest thing to do let's break it down like a game okay the first thing you would want to do and this is your first gem right the first thing you want to do is you got to remove the addresses right there is a strategy to removing negatives remove the address off your credit report that's associated with the negatives remove the phone numbers and remove your job employments that were attached to that negative account so if you have a bank of america from 2013 that you never paid off they sold it to mercantile right what address when you applied for that application where are you living at you're gonna look at your three bureau credit report i'm gonna recommend you get identity iq for the reason that my vendor is going to need that three bureau credit report anyway that is the one that i'm gonna talk about in a minute on the software that attaches to the software so let's look at that okay if we're removing the address and we're removing the phone number and removing the job employment that was attached that negative when you send in your proprietary letters that you'll also find inside my course you will be able to remove the negative very fast and effectively that is like there is no magic pill that's going to be like poof it's simple if they can't validate the information they have to remove it legally and they have a short window that they have to follow they have to follow the ftc rules and the cfpb so when the credit bureaus don't follow those rules they get fined same thing these are three pro like like equifax transparent guys okay i'm talking about for-profit companies they have to follow guidelines as well when it comes to rules so that being said if you're removing the information for them to go and validate logic would say but they can't validate in that 30-day window they have to legally remove it what about inquiries how do we remove inquiries remember two points for every inquiry let me go back a bit let me regress a little bit and tell you this every collection on your credit report that you remove your credit score is going to go up about 15 to 25 points inquiries are costing you about a point and a half on average per inquiry on your credit report if you have 20 inquiries that's 30 points 10 inquiries 15 points okay point and a half two points so removing stuff is the easiest way to raise your credit score because if it's holding you down by having five collections at 20 that's 100 points so as you remove the negatives the credit score goes up that many points as you remove the inquiry your credit score goes up and lastly there's what they call the positives so if we can get the negatives removed and you can get your inquiries removed now let me talk about inquiries for a minute because a lot of people don't know this one how do you remove inquiries you are going to freeze your lexus nexus your sage stream your ars and your core logic you're gonna freeze those four bureaus those are four what they call secondary bureaus behind transunion equifax and experian that most people know about once you freeze those then you follow inside my course and i show you exactly how to call the each bureau who to ask for what to say exact verbage and i tell you look here's what you say once these are frozen and your inquiries will be gone in less than 72 hours okay and lastly even if every collection charge off negative was off your credit report and you had one inquiry if your age is low and you were a lender and you were giving out money to somebody and you had that person had six months to a year of history would you lend a big amount to them no absolutely not because the history shows how many months in time that this person has been responsible with their payments so how do we synthetically add age to our credit report without actually having to go through all that time so if i want to put 10 years on my credit report but i know like right now i'm looking at my credit point i'm like my average age is 1.2 years how do i get it to 10 years well this is called the fastest smartest most effective way to raise your credit score age on your credit report and it's called trade lines but trade lines is simply a piggyback off of somebody else's credit that is willing to share you as an authorized user because they have perfect payment history on all their payments they also have significant age i don't recommend anything less than five years guys nothing less than five years okay you can go with a two-year if you don't have a whole lot of accounts but if you got over 10 accounts on your credit report you're gonna at least want five years of age minimum okay now let's also look at another thing this can do what else can a trade line do let's say that your utilization thirty percent of your credit score is based on how much of your credit limit you're using based on the credit limit itself so if you have a 10 000 limit and you're using 800 uh 8 000 of it that's an 80 utilization that makes up 30 of your credit score so if you want to instantly raise your credit score just pay your credit cards down and if you couldn't make all those large payments because you have a ten thousand credit when you owe a thousand on you're like i can't pay eight thousand mike then what could you do you'd wanna get in the credit game and get trade lines at 75 off and pick the highest damn credit limit card you can find on there because what's that gonna do that's gonna put a thirty thousand forty thousand fifty thousand dollar credit limit on your credit from an authorized user vendor that i have that has been vetted and screened and you get 75 off the trade lines and what that does it is allows you now to be able to utilize that 40 000 or whatever the credit let me pick and it puts that on your credit report and now you own basically a forty thousand dollar credit limit now you can't use the card but you get the benefits of the credit limit which lowers your utilization because now you just added forty thousand dollars of new credit okay you guys follow me and if you're watching this right now like mike i don't follow you gotta get in the damn game because if you can't follow me with this small stuff and credit's going to be difficult to you it is a game and it is very fun and what i've learned over the last 10 years has been absolutely game changing my life in my career and what i can show you inside literally my i i always go like this i get in the game because normally i'm standing behind a a tv that says credit game so if you see me do that says me because i've done thousands of videos and get in the game and there's nothing right buy me except for a hot tub get in the damn game guys because listen when you get in the game i give you the proprietary letters to use okay i give you a trade line vendor that gives you 75 alpha trade lines i give you all the education that and and how to remove your inquiries in 72 hours with the correct verbiage and who to call i show you what uh bureaus to freeze how to freeze them exactly how to do that and more importantly and i'm gonna leave you guys with this don't make it complicated if you want the credit repair done for you today and only today i'm going to include what we call the maxine special this young lady if you haven't watched the video from yesterday just go back one video first before you do anything the maxine special essentially was a young lady who purchased our lambo program which is all my courses and the fastest credit repair from my vendor on planet earth there is nothing that can touch the quickness of how this is and what she states is that she's able now to go see her family she's able now she's able to get credit cards her credit score went up 127 points in 10 freaking days guys now i'm not saying everybody's going to be the same but we literally have changed this young lady's life she's like the education is unbelievable i was able to get this removed this remember myself and your vendor in the last 10 days has literally just choked out my freaking collections like what do you want to do so i'm willing to do this for you today if you say look mike i want to get in the game because i want everything you just talked about 75 percent off the tray lens i want the proprietary letters like if you need something later on down the line and you're like look i need the letters to remove it from myself my family member you could use it for your friends you can use it for co-work you can use it for clients the proprietary letters the same ones i used myself okay are inside the course literally step by step showing you exactly who to send to when to send to how to send it how to mail it how not to i mean there's all kinds of i mean i went through the whole like short little videos and show you how to do this but what i'm going to include today is called our maxine special and essentially that is my lambo program and it is discounted heavily and i did this because i wanted to see who actually was serious and who was a tire kicker what we call a tire kicker is somebody who just says you know i'm just calling for information dude there's plenty of information go to you want information go there gives you everything we do but if you're kind of person that wants to take action and stop paralyzing yourself by analyzing things paralysis of analysis which means you're paralyzing yourself because you're like i just need to do research i just need to i need to check i need to think i need to even think how long you've been thinking about this you've been thinking about this way too long i need to talk to my wife i need i don't make rash decisions mike i just need to talk you don't need to talk to your wife what if your wife says no your credit's gonna be screwed for rest your life because your wife told you no i mean let's be real let's stop blaming on other people i get really excited about this one when people hit dumb when they say dumb things i gotta talk to my wife to make sure it's okay that i fix my credit my credit i gotta ask her to make sure it's okay that i fix my credit so that i can better my life but i better ask her first if it's okay because she may say mike you're an idiot don't you fix your credit so you can better your kid's life and your life so you can be successful in life and have what you want don't you do that that's why it's silly i gotta think about it think about a purple elephant how long that take you stop putting time between decisions guys how you make a purchase is how people are going to purchase from you and maybe you're not in sales but everybody's in sales but let me tell you something how you act is a direct reflection of what your people are going to do to you so what you need to do is invest in yourself make a decision fast and say i want the maxine special lambo program i don't care about cost i care about results got 125 points in 10 days changed her life she's able she did four weeks of coaching with me she now works for herself at home and she's making money already by my program which is also inside my lambo program called my mastermind that you get access to me for 24 weeks it's a no-brainer so stop what you're doing think about that for a minute and say am i over a 781 credit score and if the answer is no you should be calling right now and saying i want the maxine special i'm ready to change my life i want the coaching with you on the 75 off the train lines i want some proprietary information on all your courses and i want your vendor to do the work for me which i'm going to include right now for the first three people that call me right now you're gonna get lambo elite credit repair which is the fastest credit repair on planner done for you by my vendor first three people that call in right now will get access to all that and call in and say maxine special i promise you this your life will change my name is mike from the credit game call me at 904-420-7772 god bless be safe i'll see you guys inside the credit game let's roll
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 9,425
Rating: 4.8966565 out of 5
Id: m0y7dnL4G5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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