How To Remove Hard Inquiries In 15 Mins! Amazing

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oh snap you guys are in for it today my name is mike from the credit game thank you for being part of our organization this is how we grew the fastest credit channel in national history and it's because of your subscribes your likes your thanks man i i appreciate for everybody that's watching this video right here to smash on the like button i mean just click it man do it for me if you can't do it for you do it for me okay click the like button now listen here's why i asked you to do that because today i'm going to give you so much damn value with your head's going to spin when you get to figure out how to remove hard inquiries in the next seven minutes now let me share something with you okay there is a little trick of the trade that i wanted you're gonna be like dude mike i don't understand how you would possibly do a video of this much value that's why i'm gonna ask you to hit the like button okay because when you see what i'm about to share with you this is why i tell you to get in the credit game if i'm gonna give you this much value on a video just wait do you see what's in the credit game look my intention is to get you on the associates to get you to the bachelors to get you to masters and educate yourself all the way through so you know exactly what you're doing and you know credit like to back your hand like literally like okay cool i know exactly what this looks like right see it every day i know what my fingers look like you got no credit like that guys now here's the deal we're going to talk about how to remove hard inquiries but first right if you haven't hit the like button do that now because i'm about to get into it here's the deal if you want to remove hard inquiries from your credit report there is a tip trick and their strategy to my madness i've been doing this for over 10 years i've helped millions of people raise their credit score because most people won't share the amazing amazing amazing strategy i'm about to share with you because you know what that would stop them from making money for me it's about giving back if i give back i know that eventually you guys are going to go you know what i need help mike and it comes back to me right give give give give and guess what it ultimately comes back to you that's just how life works so i'm always about giving free stuff away which is why i come to you every single day not monday wednesday friday now tuesday and thursday every single day every day i take my time so here's the deal if we want to remove hard inquiries you have to first know the difference between a soft inquiry and a hard inquiry one is the soft inquiries where you get a credit card pre-approval right some of the lenders will use it to pull your credit it's not going to cost you any point or affect your credit score in any way soft inquiry is usually where you have to put in the last four of your social somewhere okay uh like i said if you get the credit card um you get these things in the mail basically they're pre-approval letters saying hey capital one miramix you know we you've been pre-approved that's then they did a soft pull okay so it didn't affect your credit but it was a snapshot to the bank to say hey is this person worthy enough for me to send a letter in the mail saying hey he's pre-approved for a credit card okay that's a soft pull a hard pull on your credit okay a hard inquiry is basically this is where you are actually physically applying for something right whether it's a car a mortgage a credit card a loan whatever it is right whatever you guys are applying for now the difference between a soft inquiry is it doesn't cost you any points zero hard inquiry has two different variances one did you get approved for the credit card the car or the house or b did you get denied if you get denied generally speaking an inquiry will cost you about three to five points for every single inquiry now if you get approved generally speaking an inquiry will only cost you one to two points so they actually crucify you if you get denied for credit versus getting approved okay so listen to what i'm saying remember that every time you do an inquiry it's generally done behind a computer right if you're applying for a credit card right how are they to determine that it was you that did that when you go to a car dealership right those are generally going to be more provable because you're there in person you're also the key is the wet signature is there any wet signature when you apply online no could they prove it was you no okay but when you apply for a vehicle guess what happens they usually depending on your credit shop you around try to get you approved same thing when you go to get a mortgage they're going to shop you around because their job the lender is to get you approved if you go into uh you know carmax right they're gonna shop but a bunch of different places to see if they get you proof of the vehicle but what happens is this they're gonna put a bunch of inquiries on your credit usually between 10 and 15. okay same thing with a mortgage when you're shopping for mortgage they're shopping with all these different lenders to get you the best rate do you have to have all those inquiries on your credit report no okay so when you're talking about a credit card you are behind a computer general unless you go into a store and you're applying right there and then you sign right those are a little bit tougher now remember that inquiries stay on your credit report for 24 months after 24 months on the 25th month the inquiry is going to be automatically removed which is why i tell you only to put one to two inquiries on your credit report if you have to apply one to two inquiries every 60 uh excuse me every 120 days one or two inquiries every three day uh four months say okay that's it one or two inquiries every four months at most that's how many you want to do because if you start applying for too many things you get to an inquiry they put an internal flag on your credit and then you can keep applying applying apply and you're gonna get denied okay that's what happens internally so you guys know so if we want to remove inquiries from our credit board the first thing you guys got to do is understand that the credit bureaus okay are the ones that are going to reach out to figure out if this inquiry that you are challenging is valid or not but they're not reaching out to the creditor so in other words the credit bureaus transunion experian and equifax is not reaching out to capital one to say hey capital one is john smith is this inquiry no they've reached out to two different bureaus that you guys may never have heard of one is called sage stream s-a-g-e stream s-t-r-e-a-m sage stream you need to go there to save stream okay and you need to at the top you'll see it where it says freeze save stream you need to freeze it okay the second thing you want to do is you want to go to lexus nexus and freeze your lexus nexus these are public record companies that the bureaus reach out to to verify the inquiry they're not reaching out to the creditor they're not reaching the creditors the person where you went to the bank the car dealership the lender they're not reaching out to them they're reaching out to third-party public record companies sagestream and lexisnexis to verify those inquiries are legit remember the burden of proof is on them not you so anything that you feel that inquiry shouldn't be there i don't believe it's mine i've never seen it before i don't know i've never heard of this company it's not mine i haven't seen i i don't even know where this inquiry came from okay it doesn't matter you can challenge anything that you feel is incorrect obsolete unfair unduly uh or erroneous on your credit report the burden of proof guys is on them not you i would challenge anything that i feel is incorrect obsolete unfair unduly incorrect or erroneous i all of it i would i don't believe i don't know right let them come back let them figure it out once you have got your sage stream and your lexus nexus frozen we're going to move on to the next step and that is going to be the fcra which is the fair credit reporting act i want you to type in the 604 act 604 act letter okay i want you to google that and i want you to print that form 604 act when you print that form okay i want you to get a separate sheet of paper and i want you to list out every inquiry write them down this piece of paper all the inquiries that you feel are incorrect not supposed to be there obsolete unfair unduly incorrect erroneous i don't care i've never seen them before list them all out attach that sheet and put it in certified mail there's a reason why i'm saying certified and never ever ever sign the bottom with a pen know what's what if you wet signature your toast so here's what you should have done step one freeze stage stream step two freeze lexus nexus step three is going to be to print out the 604 act okay that letter fill it out and then the last step is going to be to get all your inquiries on your credit report that you're looking you're like oh they say mine is they might list them out with the names and you're going to put in certified mail to equifax one letter is going to equifax you should have two things inside this okay top three copy of your driver's license okay you should have the piece of paper with all your inquiries listed that you feel are incorrect and that 604 letter should be certified mail one letter goes to transunion one to equifax and one to experian with three so you're going to print out three copies three piece of paper in each packet each packet goes to each bureau okay if you have to watch this video 144 times again i'm telling you this is the game changer once you send it off it's the reason it's certified is because you can track where it is and that they've received it when they receive you're going to get the email saying they've received your packet that's when the time starts remember the credit bureaus only have a certain window of time and right now with everything that's going on the world and the cove and everything they have a skeleton crew so time is on your side right now not against you you're going to send it out they have a certain amount of time they got to reach out to these companies they have to prove that it is your inquiry what's going to happen in about three to four weeks and again with kobe going on just understand guys that it is slower with the credit goes it is something that is not in our uh control and it is nobody's control but it is to your benefit here when you're trying to remove inquiries because they have a certain window in which they have to follow the law the law is they have 30 days to respond if they don't respond within 30 days you can then sue them in small claims court and that's a separate letter i'm going to talk to you about okay follow the steps i just told you what to do to remove hard inquiries from your credit report if you do these things you will see an amazing amazing you're gonna be like dude mike you're the dude i love you okay and you're wondering right now like why am i giving you all this information because i already told you if i give back then you're gonna say hey mike's giving back let me check out his associates program let me check out this bachelor's program because if you think this is valuable where do you see what i did for myself remember this i built the credit game for me because i was at a 515 and had nowhere i was a dark part of my life 5 15 guys you know what that feels like terrible i was scared to death had no credit cards couldn't get approved for a mouse i was literally like i i don't know what like i i need to fix figure something out so i started writing down copy i started doing videos to myself like what am i doing here man let me get this figured out i'm gonna figure it out and i'm gonna share it with the world today we have the number one in the world education platform where you're able to learn everything that a school and mommy and daddy never told us about credit i teach you all the way through i mean like going from from associates all the way up to doctorate and part of that is that you guys get elite credit repair i didn't even share with you yet my programs come with elite credit repair the fastest credit repair on the planet because my vendor has software that nobody else in the nation has there's like three people in nation to have this that's how they get results within 60 days and guarantee results nobody's guaranteeing results that fast nobody zero electronic software phenomenal results this is why we have so many five star reviews guys because what i give back i get back right it's the holidays i'm giving back in hopes that you guys would go you know what dude mike does all this i'm gonna call him i'm gonna give his associates a try i'm gonna give his bachelor's a shot which is the business credit i'm gonna go to i wanna i want a conversation with mike all the time so i'm to go with his elite package because i want to be on the zoom call with him every every single week and have access to mike every single life you get live access to me every single day and every single week live with me on a call where you can pick my brain i help you scale your business your finances your your credit like that's my leap pack i have so much value to give back do you guys want to want to create you want to fix your credit listen you got it you gotta you gotta follow things i'm telling you to do and you gotta take action and it is the holidays and i want to share with you this is the best way to remove hard inquiries these little things i'm telling you right now is this so miniscule to what's inside my programs because what i'm telling you here is literally what i was building for myself these are small little things right so i want to help you guys get elite credit parents on the house today part of my any one of my programs i'm gonna give it to you okay number two if you ever want trade lines guess what i got the number one vendor in the united states for you guys to give me 75 for trade lines 75 not 7.5 not 10 no bogus ass where people giving you five percent discount oh wow 75 you sell one or two trade lines you made your money back one or two trade lines i'll show you how to sell tr i'll sell you i'll show you where to go to sell trade lines what trade lines you should have on your credit report how to effectively use the a1 bank i mean and you're getting a huge discount huge discount on trade lines that's part of the program as well plus i'm taking you through everything that i built for myself so you're watching videos and learning exactly what i did to raise my credit score from 515 to 827 it's exactly how i built mine if you want that if you want to be in the 800 club okay you can be a hyundai or you can be a lambo which one you want to be which one you want to be you want to be a hyundai or you want to be a lambo if you want to be a lambo you're going to call me you want to be a hyundai go play with the hyundai no pun intended to those in driving on hyundai the same could be one of the two tell me who you want to be put in comments who do you want to be you wanna be a hyundai or you wanna be a lambo put in comments and what you put in comments will dictate whether you call me to be that pick which one you want if you can have anyone you want if you could be that then be it remember to take action means you need to change you need to change your mindset and go you know what dude like time's time's running out and guess what time is running out fico 10 is coming out this month i've been telling you guys this for six months now you can either listen or you can be the hyundai if you're a lambo i'll be waiting on your call this is how you remove heart inquiries 904-420-7772 guys i love each and every one of you guys and know that i'm here to help you and give back to the world because i'm going to change the national credit average from 667 to over 700 2021 but i need your help doing it okay that being said i'll be waiting on your call i'm going to give you 500 off my program on top of it because i know it's holiday season i want to help you call me right now at 904 207 7772 so i can help you fix your credits you go into 2021 looking like a mean clean lambo my friends talk to a few meds take care
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 170,718
Rating: 4.9603772 out of 5
Keywords: How To Remove Hard Inquiries In 15 Mins! Amazing, Remove Hard inquiries, hard inquiries, remove hard inquires, remove hard inquiries from credit report, remove hard inquiries fast, lexisnexis freeze, sagestream Freeze, lexisnexis, sagestream, Secret Ways to Remove Hard Inquiries From Credit Reports, Secret credit companies, credit secrets, fix your credit, boost your credit score
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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