How To Boost Your Credit Score 100 points In 7 Days 💪🏼

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right so what are some of the what are some of the things that people can do to raise their credit score like a hundred points in less than a week guys if it's your first time on the channel do me a favor and hit the subscribe button we're the only channel that comes to you monday through friday and on saturday to make sure you know credit like it's your kid's name like the macchio back your hand because if you know credit like your son knows fortnight like your daughter knows gymnastics like you know your kid's name right the more you do it the better you're gonna get so hit that subscribe button that's why i come to you every single day to make sure i'm up in your grill i'm up in your grill why am i up in your grill because i want to make sure that you don't miss one single video that's why every day i'm up in your grill about it i'm holding myself really accountable to doing a channel to give you guys the most education on credit every single day to keep you up to date to keep you current i could do it once a month i could do it once a week but i decided to do it every day because if you do something every day if you watch my videos every day i guarantee you'll be in the 800s by the way today's topic does not apply to anybody over 800 credit score and the reason why is because the credit scores don't go up to 900. there is actually one model that considers a 900 to be perfect but for the purposes of this video this is not for people that are in the 800s to raise your credit score 100 points in a seven day period i'm gonna give you three tips first i need you to subscribe then i need you to hit the like button okay that means the thumbs up go ahead and smash that real quick and then the third thing i'm gonna do is ask you to turn on your bell notification okay there's a little bell the reason for that is because as i'm doing the videos every day i want to make sure you're getting the videos that come in every day and if your bell's on that tells you hey mike's doing a video i need to watch it because he's going to bring the most content credit tips that anybody's ever put out so today i'm going to show you how to raise your credit score 100 points in seven days if you do this correctly this works i've helped thousands and thousands people have been fortunate enough to literally think big enough to change the national credit average from 667 to over 700 and i will accomplish that with your help that's why i ask you to make sure you subscribe like and hit that bell notification so you can share these videos with other people as well so that being said what is one thing you can do to raise your credit score 100.7 days well the first thing you need to do is you have to understand what the word statement date means okay statement date what i want you guys to do in this video is go through each one of your credit cards okay and i want you to call the back of the card and ask the bank rep what is your statement date each credit card has its own statement date you could also go into online and go to statements and you'll see the closing date that's basically when the credit card closes out each month so in order to raise your credit score 100 points okay let's say you have a 500 credit card but you don't understand what a statement date is so let's say your statement date is the 15th of the month and you have a 500 credit card well you go spend 450 bucks on it because you went on uh this lavish hotel and you wanted to stay to ritz carlton okay you put 450 on a 500 card so what does that mean that means you have over a 90 utilization but first you have to understand how your credit score is made up 30 of your entire score okay is made up by utilization it's one of the biggest things besides payment history it is number two so let's say you had 90 utilization on your credit cards put in comments is that a good thing or a bad thing 90 utilization and if you've been following me for any length of time you're going to be able to determine this this answer and put everybody should have the same answer it's your first time on the channel maybe you're just learning it's okay go back through all my other videos and listen to this but if you have a 90 utilization which means you're using 450 out of a 500 credit limit good or bad thing now let me tell you this if you knew what the statement date of that credit card was then you would pay that card down prior to the statement date so if my statement date for example in that 500 credit card is the 15th what i want to make sure is that the payment okay is brought down what i always tell you guys the magic numbers two percent utilization so you want to get that 450 down to 10 because that would be two percent of the 500 credit limit so whatever your credit limit is you want to get your credit card paid down prior to the statement date to two percent okay that would be one sure way that if you did that on multiple credit cards and you knew your statement dates and you had to plan it right that if you had a statement date of 15th and 16th and the 19th that literally within a week you could raise your credits for easily 100 points because that's 30 of your score think about that let's say we're talking about an 800 credit score 240 points comes from utilization no statement date of your credit cards so make a spreadsheet or just write it on piece of paper if you're not computer literate write down capital one statement date is this this is the credit limit here's what i want here's the statement date discover here's the credit limit here's the statement date here's what i owe on it do that with all your credit cards and make sure that you start getting them down to two percent okay tip number one number two is no statement dates why do i say that because what could you do if you couldn't get your credit cards down to two percent because you didn't have the finances to pay all of them down two percent well then what you would want to do is know statement dates for authorizers or trade lines so you could purchase an authorized user trade lines this is this is going to be a two part on this one a to raise your credit score 100 points you would want to know the state and date of the cart now here's how you buy trade lines the day that you are purchasing the line okay let's say that you're saying all right today i'm going to buy lines well today happens to be october 1st so what i'm going to be doing is i want to look for statement dates that are about three days after two to three days after the date of the day i'm purchasing today's the first i'm going to be looking for the third if today was a fifth i'm going to be looking for statement dates of the eighth know your statement dates now what am i looking for when i purchase well you want to look for again we're talking about raising your credit score 100 points so first thing i want to do is i want 15 years of history anything less than 15 years of history is not probably going to get you over that hundred dollar excuse me 100 point increase the second thing is let's say you can't pay those credit cards down to two percent then what you want to do is you want to go with a high limit and age so let's say you're at 70 utilization on your credit cards i would then be looking for a 25k credit limit with probably 15 years that's going to lower the utilization because i'm putting 25 000 of new credit on my credit report and it's giving me the history okay so the way to factor this on average is you get about seven points for every year of age on a trade line so if you do 7 times 15 7 years per age for every year so for example if the trade line's 10 years old and you get about seven points per year you're going to get 70 points that's your general statement now if you have 25 negatives on there obviously then you're gonna get less impact but generally speaking seven points per year for every trade line you add the older the card the more points you're going to get if you're trying to lower utilization and you want that 100 point increase i would be looking for first example today's the first of the month i'm gonna be like okay cool i'm looking for october 3rd i'm looking for october 4th most and i'm looking for a high limit and i'm looking for an old card okay that is what i'm looking for to get a hundred point increase in a seven day period you guys follow me third tip is your payment history remember the largest portion of your credit the largest portion is 35 meaning 35 percent of your credit score is made up by how you pay how responsible you are of making payments that's why i tell you put your credit cards on autopay put your vehicle on autopay so you never miss a payment okay but what if you knew how to remove late payments effectively you could raise your credit score 100 points because your payment history is 35 your score so every late payment you remove i mean you're going up significantly one late payment let me give you an example could take you from 800 down to the 600s by missing one payment that's how important that is the most important part of your credit report is your payment history so what you would want to do in order to not miss an a is put it on auto call the credit card companies call the car company your vehicle call up your home if you want to do that and say hey look i would like it to be automatically drafted out of my account on my due date okay that way you never miss a payment if you don't want to do that that's fine but i'm telling you the secrets of the people with over 800 credits where they all do that i've been doing it for years everything comes out auto i don't ever make a manual payment but understanding what if you could remove late payments because things happen life happens i understand we just went through a a devastation in the world not even the united states the whole world just got dumped we had an economic like collapse right so i understand that some people may have missed payments and for that reason i've created the credit game guys you look behind me i've i've i've uh i've studied the wealthiest people in the world what do they all do what's the one common thing with every billionaire in the world what do they do they read they educate themselves so what could you do you want to raise your credit score get rid of the late payments but you have to know how to get rid of the late payments i create a credit game okay which is my program that encompasses everything i just talked to you about the trade lines a you'll be able to get 75 off competitive prices not 10 off not 15 off 75 off of what the other competitors are pricing their lines at just by being part of the credit team number two is i've also put together a proprietary letter for you guys which is your updated information your personal updated information letter these are not cookie cutter letters that you can get online this is the actual letter that can help you remove all the alias names to help you remove i'm going to give you guys the gold nugget right here remove the alias names remove the um alias addresses take off any phone number and take off any employment that is not attached to you what i mean by that is this if you have a collection or a late payment okay we're gonna say late payment for the example of this video you have a late payment and you have an address on your credit report in order to remove that late payment you have to update your personal information and you have to have the proprietary letter to do that which i have that works tremendously but here's the deal you need to first get the personal information updated then dispute the late payment okay i also have a hardship letter in there that works wonders in combination with the personal update form so you're going to do one first the personal update form then the hardship letter okay the personal update form basically what you want to do is make sure that the late payment that you have and or collection but again for the purposes of video we're using late payment because that's 35 year score what we want to do is we want to remove the address the phone number the employment and any alias names that are attached to that late payment okay so if the late payment's on a capital one or you live at one two three smith street and you got a bunch of addresses trust me everywhere you've ever lived is there's at least four or five of them on your credit report and they all show okay so you want to remove the address the phone number and any alias names because you'll have you know my name is mike right thereby have mikey it might have my goal and they have mikhail you see them on there they're a bunch of them remove anything that is not anything that is like for example you have this late payment and that was at one two three smith street but you live at 123's mystery you do not want one two three smith street on your credit report you want to then leave the address that does not associate with the late payment that's the one you want to keep okay i want to make very clear about that as far as your phone number if you made the late payment and your phone number was x take that phone number off with the address update form the only thing you should have is one phone number one address one ais name and one employment and all four of those things should not be attached to what you are trying to remove so reverse it and say if i live at one two three smith street and that's where this negative late payment or collection happened at well then i want to use one of the other addresses and i want to remove the one i live at very simple once that happens then you're going to send in letter number one hardship letter that i provides a proprietary letter um that has helped thousands of people the last six years this is called the credit game and i built this for me because i was at a 505 credit score with about 12 collections and i had significant late payments okay i built the system for me and now i want to share with you if you guys are interested in learning how to do this to be able to get the letters to be able to get the platform 75 off competitor prices on trade lines to raise your credit score 100.7 days you got to do the three things i just told you learn the credit game this is the best platform that's out there on top of that you guys will get free elite credit repair with any of my programs today call me at 904-421-7772 that's mike i come to you every 904-420-7772 day i love you guys like subscribe and smash on that button like subscribe turn on the bell notification and i'll see you guys as soon as you call me at 904 427-7772 if you want the help i'm here to help you my team's out there waiting on your call now give me a call thank you guys i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 162,247
Rating: 4.9320188 out of 5
Keywords: How To Boost Your Credit Score 100 points In 7 Days, increase your credit score fast, boost your credit score, how to increase your credit score 100 points, how to boost your credit score 100 points, boost your credit fast, increase credit fast, credit repair, credit cards for beginners, credit cards, authorized users, authorized users on credit cards, how to boost your credit with experian, raising credit score to buy a house, raise your credit score in a week
Id: oGMNXWjlsH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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