How To Remove And Apply Silicone To A Bathtub

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hi I'm Shannon from house improvements calm and in this video I just want to show you how to remove old silicone from your tub or shower and then to install new silicone so this particular tub really is in pretty good shape it isn't really needing it but we're we're just going to do it here in a small area to just give you the idea what you need to do so typically you know you're going to have some mold or mildew or maybe it's loose and coming off so you want to keep it up that's part of the maintenance of your tub keeping moisture from getting in in back to the wall in our case we've got a tile surface and a metal tub and you can see the b2 silicone in between the two right there so to cut it out you just want to use a utility knife a sharp blade just go along with your blade and make a bit of a cut in the area that you want to remove we'll go back here and just go around the corner a little bit - okay so I've made that cut and then along the tub just be careful not to scratch your tub especially if it's acrylic or something like that let me scratch a little bit easier okay how far I came on this top on come to that drilled line okay so after you do that you should start to be able to see it basically wanting to come out of there so just keep working along until you get that all removed this one there's a pretty good space underneath there because of the tile this is a pretty healthy bead of caulking careful your blade doesn't break off and cut yourself keep your other limbs back most cases yours might be in a little worse shape so it could come out a little bit easier but usually this is pretty typical it's going to come out in two pieces so just keep working away at it until you get it all over there so once you get the bulk of it all out just have a real good look back in there make sure you got it all you know some little bits and pieces okay once you have all the big stuff out usually end up with a little bit of a residue down on the tub or maybe even up on the tile so you just want to carefully work away at getting that off and again without scratching the tub razorblade can help and just take a piece of towel or something kind of try to wipe off all the all the little fine bits that are kind of left behind clean up any little extra pieces that you find he is getting off as much as that old stuff as you can so you can start out fresh and clean and that mold and mildew doesn't come back right away okay we should be pretty good there now so I'm not sure if you're really low enough to see that but you can see we've got pretty good space there so the next thing you want to do obviously you want this to be dry you need to cut your caulking off your silicone I should say off so you have appropriate size hole for the space you're kind of dealing with and for the most part I'm going to be probably all right with this size I can always go bigger if I need to so I always like to start out smaller than then to get too big right away because I can can't make that hole any smaller once I've cut it off so so most people to get a nice straight line a lot of times they'll want to use some tape to mask off the areas you don't want silicone on so you can just run some tape at this point give you a nice nice crisp line when you go to pull it off and I'm just using painters tape so it comes off easy okay so I did the tub surface and I'm going to do the bottom edge of the tile do you still want to leave a little bit of just a even a sixteenth of an eighth of an inch there along the tile or the tub surround whatever you've got up top you want to be sure the silicone is actually bonding to that space of that surface so now we can in this case like said I've got you know you can tell by the thickness of caulking or silicone that was there you know it goes back underneath there about 1/4 or 3/8 of an inch so kind of got to pre-fill that first so I'm just going to get make sure that's getting shot back in there I'm just filling up pretty easy I'm just running the silicone gun along there till I get to the end where I left off I go to go around this corner - okay so I'll just do that and like I said that actually filled up a little quicker than I thought it was going to so I'm going to just tool that off with my finger a little bit of saliva on there just a tool out first little bit and kind of see where you're at just kind of work your finger around that corner and I'm just going to get my head down the way and have a look make sure I filled that up and we're actually pretty pretty good just need a little bit more back there where it was a little wider so I'm just going to go over that same area again I want to get too crazy something like that should be real close I'll just tool it with my finger again there are little plastic tools out there you can use to do that if you don't want to get your fingers in it okay so we're really quite good across that back wall I just need a little bit more around the corner to make that corner look good to lit in okay so then once you're happy with how it's finished off just carefully pull your tape away I try to pull it away at a bit of an angle so because you're going to have some silicone down on it if you pull straight up sometimes it just smears into what you just did so I try to pull it out and away from what we were just working on like that and now if there's any spots that need a little touch-up you can kind of go back with your finger and just give it a little bit of a rub usually the corners are the toughest part to get looking real good like that a little bit of a smear there where I joined into the old silicone that was there but you can see from there that you know it just seals it all right back up nice and good obviously in most cases you really probably want to be doing your whole tub or shower or whatever you're working on at once in this case it really didn't need it so we just did a demonstration by doing part of it but you can see we got nice clean lines there's no silicone smeared all over the place it doesn't look like you used a spatula to put it on there and some good haut so so hopefully that sends you in the right direction as far as fixing up your own tub and you know it's really not difficult you know $5.00 tuba silicone and and half an hour you can pretty much redo your tub and make it look better there's nothing worse than seeing a moldy gross silicone line around a tub so so anyways hopefully that helped you if you come across any questions on any other DIY projects you might have going on you can post your question on my forum and from there I can easily read it and answer it and get a response back to you pretty quickly also you if you want to you could follow us on Facebook and we're also on Twitter as well I hope this was informative and we'll help you out on your next project and thanks for watching
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 914,089
Rating: 4.7874665 out of 5
Keywords: Bathtub, How-to (Website Category), Do It Yourself (Hobby), Silicone, diy, remove, moldy, gross, caulk, bathroom, shower, tub, bath, Home Improvement (Interest), fix, repair, leak, mildew, seal, re seal, reseal, recaulk, re caulk
Id: HiujAReaNRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2016
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