How To Rehydrate Your Monotub

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hello everyone and welcome back to the Goomba Girls YouTube channel in this video I'm going to show you guys how you can dunk your mushroom cake so you can get multiple flushes and more mushrooms you guys can see here I have a freshly picked mushroom cake that is ready to be dunked so that we can move on to the second flush um to start you can use regular water it doesn't need to be filtered or anything special so you can see here I'm taking my tap water straight from the faucet and I am going to fully submerge this cake a lot of the time when you're filling up your tub you're going to notice that the cake will come loose and start floating this isn't a huge problem a little bit later into the video you're going to see I just take an extra liner and fill that up with water and use that to hold down the cake so that it's fully submerged during the dunking process [Music] here you can see I'm grabbing that extra liner I'm putting it on top so make sure that the bottom is clean as it will be touching your cake fill it up fully with water until it is holding down the cake and it's fully submerged if you need to add extra water into the bottom feel free to and although I do mention that the bottom of the liner should be clean take note that you've already completed one flush and at this point your cake is about as resistant to contaminants as it is going to be but you also have to take note that I have experienced contamination the most after the dunking process this is because there's really only so much you can do to prevent contamination at this point you're in an open air environment you're using tap water and because of that you have to understand that you are taking a risk every time you dunk your cake but at the same time it's a risk you kind of want to take there's no point in not doing it as if you don't your cake is going to dry out it won't produce more mushrooms as mushrooms are like 90 something water and you would end up just throwing your cake away or throwing it outside and it would be a waste so it's always worth taking the risk to dunk your cake to try and get more flushes but you just have to understand that the wrist is there moving on once your cake is fully submerged all I do is put the lid back on put it back where it was sitting before it doesn't need light it doesn't need no light I let it sit for 12 to 24 hours and then we move on to the next step [Music] and we're back technically this isn't the next step as I have two bins currently going so this is the second bin I'm just gonna repeat the process twice you guys don't really need to see it again so I'll speed it up in some parts um but yeah same process just doing it for my second bin [Music] good example here too you can see the cake has started floating it has came completely detached from all the sides in the bottom this is going to happen pretty often it's kind of rare that it doesn't happen and it's really not something to worry about it's going to be the exact same process you may need to fill the top up with slightly more water but yeah same process also wanted to show you guys here that this pin was just slightly too big so I went ahead and took it off so it didn't cause any problems and that's something else to note is that a lot of the times you want to get as many of these pins slash of boards off of the cake as you can before you dunk it that's because if you leave them on and they you let them sit in the water for 12 to 24 hours you raise the chance of them introducing contamination to your cake you raise the chance of them rotting and molding but you also have to understand that it's not that big of a deal if these pins are too small it's hard to grab you think you're going to damage the mycelium leave them be a lot of the times the mycelium is going to actually reclaim it and it won't be an issue at all and here's a little clip of where I place my bins after I fill them with water I also wanted to note that I do not leave the light on during the dunking process this is just for video purposes [Music] and I wonder where you are and we are back 20 hours later for me and like 10 seconds for you guys you can notice there's a lot of discoloration here in the water not something to worry about that is just since it's been soaking for so long the soil and some of the nutrients has leached out into the water it's not a problem we are going to dump as much excess water out as we can you don't really want to leave any City in there as it could cause wet rot take it slow [Music] okay and once I have most of the extra water removed I like to take the actual cake out and the liner and dry the bottom ISO the bottom as well as do that for the bottom of the bin you can even see some of the grain fell over when I was mixing it into the liner and it started growing little mycelium Globs on the bottom of the bin so we're gonna clean ISO dry all that out and get it prepped so that we can put the cake back in and move on to our second flush curious [Music] [Music] foreign and once we have the bottom of the bin sanitized and dried place the cake back into the bin put the lid on top put it back in your fruiting chamber and let it sit this is the start of your second flush [Music] and we're back we're going to do the exact same process we just did but we're doing it again for the second fin I'll fast forward most of the parts to not bore you guys and catch you for the next step [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] and I'm back and I totally lied I don't think there really is any more steps but I did want to show you guys here these are the brand new pins forming and they're right next to the afford so you can kind of tell which ones are new pins you can kind of tell which ones are going to be a boards I'm gonna make a whole video soon on a board how to deal with them if if there's really a problem having them if you should worry about it um etc etc a lot of times you can tell there are boards just by you can see the cap right there is turning blue and falling off and the new pins at least for this species are a little bit more rounded while the aboard start to have more of a cone-shaped cap also after 24 hours I like to go through my bins and try to get any huge stems that I notice are holding and retaining a lot of water I just get worried and paranoid that these are going to cause problems in the future so I try and take them off if possible but just remember if it's too hard to take off and you feel like you're damaging the mycelium don't worry about it anyways thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you guys next time peace
Channel: Goomba Grows
Views: 32,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mycology, mushrooms, rehydrate, monotub
Id: XGImigODt5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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