How To Receive A Miracle | Part One

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this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of dufresne ministries [Music] [Music] welcome to jesus the healer we're so glad you joined us today and we're going to take some time and we're going to be studying on how to receive a miracle and uh the bible has very definite instructions on how to cooperate with god regarding a miracle and just know this there is going to come a time in everyone's life saved or unsaved that they need a miracle and so we want to give you what the word says on it because when you know what the word says you know this you have faith to receive and so we invite you study along with us get your bible get a notebook and pen and pencil and uh while you're watching uh release your faith believe expect something and as you hear things that apply to a need you may be facing put the word in place in your life because i tell you the word will set your life on course and so i want you to follow with me if you would let's turn to john chapter 2 today john chapter 2 and um these are principles that you say well you know pastor nancy i don't really need a miracle today but there are still principles that we find in this that if we will put these principles in place they'll help us to rise to the top in every arena and our business will rise to the top in our families and our marriages uh we'll rise to the top and so these are very definite steps that we can take and so i say this listen to this with the idea of making it your lifestyle that this isn't just something we do periodically but the word is something we put in place as a lifestyle and uh we're going to look at john chapter two start reading in verse one and uh we're going to we're going to find our formula or principles for receiving a miracle in the very first miracle that was ever worked under jesus's earthly ministry so that's what we're going to read john chapter 2 verse 1 and the third day there was a marriage in cana of galilee and the mother of jesus was there and both jesus was called and his disciples to the marriage and when they wanted wine the the mother of jesus said unto him they have no wine so they had wine but they evidently had more people than supplies and so they ran out they ran short and so in verse 3 they when they wanted wine the mother of jesus said unto him they have no wine and jesus said unto her woman what have i to do with thee mine hour is not yet come now so mary makes a request of jesus and he basically answers and says i'm not going to have any part of this this isn't this doesn't pertain to me and when he answers her and says mine hour has not yet come his mother saith unto the servants so notice she's talking to jesus and then when he doesn't give her the response she's after she's going i'm done talking to him and she turns to his to the servants and starts talking to him only a mama can do things like that right so she put a demand on him he was transitioning from being a carpenter to being a miracle worker a healer and so she was helping him in that transition for 30 years he had been a carpenter he was not born to be a carpenter yet he did for 30 years what he wasn't born to do because that was his training period that was his preparation time know this i don't care who you are and i don't care what you're called to or how anointed you are you still need to be prepared you still need to be trained you still have to be a student and have a practice time in your life and the practice really never ends but there has to be a time that you become a student and the more training and preparation time that you can experience the better results and the more effective you're going to be in what you're born for so jesus is coming out of this period when he's been trained uh not to be a carpenter yes he did carpentry work but god was training him in his spiritual life and so i love that when jesus did not give mary the answer she liked or wanted she just was done talking to him and so in verse five his mother turned and said unto the servants so there's people serving there at that wedding so she turns to the servants and she says this whatsoever he saith unto you do it and so jesus had them of course we won't take time to run to read the whole passage but he had them to take the large water pots that were used for hand washing and had them to fill them up with water and when they drew that water out of the pot after after it been filled they took it to the governor of the feast or the man whose head of this celebration had him to taste it and he said this is the best one and so it had been it that water had turned into wine because jesus said something to do now uh the thing that we want to see here is that his mother said to the servants whatsoever he saith unto you do it so we can know this that mary knew this instruction to give to the servants because she knew something about her son she knew this he only did what he he only said what he heard his father say he had been practicing that his whole life he didn't just practice that at the time that his miracle ministry began he had been practicing that his whole life and she knew he did not speak lightly he did not just make up his own thing she knew his pattern of living that he would only say what he heard his father say and so that's why she knew the instruction to give him whatsoever he tells you to do do it because she knew he wouldn't be speaking of himself she knew that he would be speaking of what he knew from the father so the important thing we see that when jesus turned the water into wine something to note about a miracle is a miracle is going to bypass every natural process so when he told the servants to fill up those water pots with water and it turned into wine that means that there was no grapevine planted that means there was no grapevine tended to there was no grapevine watered there was no grapevine fertilized there no one had to take the weeds away from it that means that uh there was no grapevine harvested there was no harvest because there was no seed planted then there was no fermentation process so all that has to happen for a grape to become wine all of that was bypassed and that's what miracles do they bypass natural processes and do we have a right to believe for that well we have the word and the word shows that natural processes were bypassed and so this is why you can't figure out a miracle because a the mind cannot figure out beyond natural processes and so when god bypasses a natural process people who don't believe go i can't believe that because they can't calculate what they can't what what what isn't processed so this is one of the great things that you have to understand about miracles is that it it sets aside the natural laws it sets it aside and that process can happen quickly or it can happen over time it doesn't really matter how long it takes just know this when god gets involved he he he accelerates things and this was a divine acceleration from that water becoming a wine bypassing all those natural processes sometimes the needs of life that we're going to show up uh are going to show up in our life cause for a miracle sometimes just along the course of our life we're just living life and something beyond our ability that's needed surfaces and um we we find ourselves in a position for a miracle but other times god will lead you to a place where you're going to need a miracle so needing a miracle doesn't mean you missed it sometimes it means you're following god um we know this when god delivered his people from egypt and he led them in the route they were taking on their exit out of egypt and the route he led them on took them to the red sea now the there was a sea in front of them there was a mountain range on their right there was a mountain range on their left and they didn't realize it at the time when they first got there but they came to realize it that there was an approaching egyptian army coming behind them with dead firstborn they were upset [Music] and so here god's people looked to be hemmed in and god led them to that place god's the one it says in the word that god is the one that led them on that path so god led them to a place where they needed a miracle and to fulfill what god has for us we're going to have to follow him to a place that calls for a miracle why because he wanted to again show himself to be a miracle worker for them so sometimes just the course of life will lead you to need a miracle but sometimes god himself will lead you to a place where you need a miracle and in this phrase that mary said to the servants we find the principles and the process that we take for receiving a miracle and what she said to the servants is this whatsoever he saith unto you do it i want to take each word of that phrase and i want us to study it i want us to dig around in that because if that's our instruction we need to have a full understanding of what's connected with this statement so notice this she said whatsoever he saith unto you do it so to receive a miracle it wasn't jesus just acting all on his own he employed man man played a part in this miracle he didn't just wave his hand over water he had the men to go get the water and really it was quite an inconvenience those water pots were large from what i understand they can hold up to 30 gallons of water and so they're not moving the pot around they're hauling water from a well or from a source and they're just coming and they're filling multiple pots that took time that took effort and they could have said well why are we filling pots we with water we need wine why are we doing that but notice they still just did what he said it didn't make sense but they did what he said and so we see this that every miracle that god does for man will involve a man it won't bypass a man it will involve a man god will give the man something to do god will give the man a command to obey and that's when you're receiving a miracle if you need a miracle for your life god will tell you your part in it it's not just sit back and him drop something on on you with you having no role you know we know this faith on our part must be employed that's an that's a work there the work of believing is a real work because you have to set aside the natural thoughts you have to set aside feelings you have to set aside emotions you have to set aside wrong you have to set aside wrong teaching you've had sometimes to even believe what god is telling you that he wants you to do so if you're going to if you need a miracle he's going to give you something to obey now so in this situation uh we see a miracle on the behalf of someone else so someone has to obey now really the bride and groom are the ones who received this miracle aren't they they didn't even know what was being worked in their behalf but the servants obeyed in their stead so somebody if you're going to minister to somebody who needs a miracle sometimes god will give the minister something to do but he'll give the recipient something to do somebody's got to do something to cooperate with god when you say well if god is god why doesn't he just do it because he doesn't do anything apart from man because he won't work without their permission he will not force his power on anyone someone has to invite him and a work of obedience is an invitation for him to to manifest his power amen so god has the power to accomplish the miracle but without our permission that power will not work for us so when he gives us something to obey it's us giving him permission so it's not him do making it hard on us he's looking to get permission from us to work in our behalf so it's a kindness when god gives us something to obey now listen to that it is a kindness when god gives us something to obey because it shows us he's looking for a place of entrance into our need he's looking for a pla a way to get his power into our need and so when we obey he says okay now i can go through that door of obedience because our obedience opens a door to him our disobedience closes the door to him if he tells us to do something and we fail to do it we close the door then we can't go well why didn't god help me because we didn't leave the door open to him god will not kick down a door in your life he will not force entry into your life he will only come by permission and invitation remember in the book of revelation it says that jesus stands at the door and knocks and says whosoever will open unto me i will come in so notice this we are the openers of the doors to god in our life for god to come in we have to open the door our obedience to what he tells us to do opens the door and our failure to obey as i said closes the door so our faith is our permission really that's all faith is you're agreeing with god and say i give you permission to do what you what your power can work in my life your act of faith is his permission without your act of faith he doesn't have permission and like i said every miracle that we ever find in the bible was not god working independent of man god involved man think about jacob in a time of famine it says that he was going to go back to egypt and god spoke to him and says don't go back to egypt because he had led his father remember abraham out of uh out of egypt and he had led his he'd led him to a pr a promised land a place where he was going to give him to inherit so at a time of famine jacob was going to go back to a land that god had already delivered him out of and says don't go back there he said so here so it says jacob sowed in a in a time of famine and received a hundredfold that year you don't re now see my my dad was a cotton and wheat farmer you don't receive harvests a hundredfold in a drought that was a miracle he received a harvest a hundred fold that year in a time of drought but notice god had a hundred fold harvest for him but he still had to get jacob to obey you've got to participate with me in this miracle jacob had to sow when it didn't make sense no telling you think about it jacob would have not of course done it all by himself he had workers he had servants that helped him in this endeavor no telling how many times they mocked him what are we doing sowing a seed in drought there's nothing to water the seed and he still sowed it because god said to do it and he did it even though it didn't make sense moses got to the red sea with god's people there needing a needing and a rescue from this army that's approaching them and he begins to pray and god stops him in his prayers and says why are you praying to me stretch forth your rod in other words do something so many times it's right to pray but not when it's time to obey sometimes people pray instead of obey that won't receive a miracle and moses was praying at a time that it when it was time to act there's an enemy army approaching they've got to get across that sea there's a time to act and he starts calling a prayer meeting god said not the time for a prayer meeting it's time to act stretch forth your rod so they had a miracle but only when the man he acted he he fulfilled the command god gave him which was just stretch forth your rod well what's that going to do to water stretching forth your rod it's not you doing anything to water it's your obedience opening the door for his power to do something to the water amen so what god gives you to do will not make any sense but don't worry all that does is open the door that's not doing the work that's just opening the door so that the power of god can come through the door and work that miracle [Music] so we see this that this miracle crossing the red sea involved a man a man had to obey something and then we see this there was a time when this uh a woman had ministered to elijah and he her home had been blessed because she took care of the prophet of god she she supplied him she funded him she fed him she built a house really she built a room onto her house that only the the prophet could occupy and uh because of that god blessed her home with a child she had a child that she had been unable to have a child before but as that child grew one day the child died of a sun stroke she laid it on the prophet's bed elijah comes back she goes and she tells elijah and elijah comes and lays himself over that child and that child comes back to life god worked a miracle it wasn't the man laying on the child that brought the child back to life it was the man's obedience to do what god said that opened the door for the power of god to raise up the child so see god didn't raise up that child without man doing something this is what i want you to see every miracle for man involves man it does not bypass man amen and then remember when elisha told the woman who was a widow and she was starving and he said go collect all the the the pots you can and filled it up with oil she went and borrowed pots from the neighbors and she filled them up with oil and the oil kept going and kept going and going and going and going we had a bottomless pot of oil that kept filling other pots what was that as as long as she obeyed the more pot she collected the more pots got filled when she stopped collecting the oil stopped flowing what was that she was the one who measured how much of a miracle she got how long would that miracle work for her she's on that one that measured that not god and this is again what i want you to see every miracle for someone is going to involve someone what about this when jesus was every miracle that jesus worked for healing every healing miracle that jesus did under his earthly ministry um he gave the person in need something to obey remember the man he put the mud in his eyes and he said go wash in the pool of siloam and thou shalt come again sing so jesus put the mud there then he told the man go wash so what if the man would have just said i'm i'm just going to go in the house here this is near see he's a blind man he's now got mud in his eyes and he's got to go find the pool of siloam jesus doesn't care about convenience he cares about obedience and he gave him something to obey and when he washed he could see so this was a miracle but every single miracle that we see of healing that happened under jesus's earthly ministry he always gave them something to obey why you say well if i have to why do i have to do anything are you interested in your miracle or not a lot of people will do something if it's if nothing's required of them they'll be glad but god god is not his power doesn't work for people who aren't interested in his power his power has to be honored his power has to be valued and so that's why he wants to he wants us to show with our faith how interested we are how interested are we rather in receiving a miracle amen hallelujah now in first corinthians chapter 12 um we have listed what is called the nine gifts of the spirit there's the gifts of healings the working of miracles prophecy tongues interpretation of tongues these nine gifts or they're nine different ways that the spirit manifests himself that's listed in first corinthians chapter 12. one of the ways that the spirit manifests himself is called through the working of miracles notice this it's not called the appearing of miracles it's called the working of miracles which shows us that a miracle has to go through a process of being worked and god has a work in that but also man has a work in that so miracles can be instantaneous but they can also happen over time and so we have to make sure we don't limit god to only the instantaneous there are a lot of people who have needed a miracle who they thought if it's not going to happen instantaneously it didn't happen but sometimes a miracle can just begin think of when peter was walking on the water jesus told him to come he walked on the water that he that that was him taking one step at a time and going further into that miracle it happened one step at a time it was not an instantaneous thing that he was out of the boat and all of a sudden he was standing where jesus was no it was a process as as he took every step of faith then he would move ahead walking on that water now when he stopped doing what jesus said which was come when he stopped coming to jesus on that water and he stopped and started looking at the storm and putting his attention on the storm then what happened was that he began to sink so notice this uh we have to start with a miracle but we have to continue also because we don't want to lose what we have already received people will say well if god has a miracle for me i'll always have it not if you don't keep going not if you don't keep believing not if you don't keep obeying and so we see this that god does a miracle but they're not always instantaneous sometimes they're over time so don't limit god to the instantaneous and miss out on the spectacular and miss out on your miracle amen hallelujah because miracles belong to us i said miracles belong to us but we have to cooperate with god in this flow of miracles hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah we trust you've enjoyed today's program visit us at to learn of our upcoming meetings share your testimony submit a prayer request or visit our online store this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of dufresne ministries
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 2,116
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Keywords: #dufresneministries, #nancydufresne, #jesusthehealer, #whbtc, #dufresne
Id: v_-uHpJx_fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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