How to Read Male Body Language and Decode the Men in Your Life

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welcome back to am Northwest our next guest is an expert at reading body language and says we can learn a lot about people by picking up on their nonverbal cues today our focus is men we welcome back the author who a lie detection and body language 101 Vanessa van Edwards how you feeling there I'm fine I say I love talking about man I'm excited yeah I am when I first I'll just say that this is all a theory research back science arm our men are men and women when we speak of body language are they different very you could not only do men and women show an express body language differently but they also read it differently and sadly men aren't necessarily as good at body language reading than women men don't pick up on the cues I know that women do right so research or Monica Moore she researched courtship signals now during the female body language segment we talked about female courtship so looking off to the side showing the roundness of the face playing with your hair those are all female courtship signals on average men miss those courtship signals three times Wow so if you're a woman and you're interested in a guy you have to show him that you're interested three or four times for him to do so or just let him your phone number and by the way there's a big list of traits and she's looking outside she's touching everything well she got a stiff neck and in her mattress it's all young but she's kind of a freak so it's exactly so the men might go oh no she's not a she's a stiff neck or you know she's looking over she has something in her eye looking at somebody right so for men three times if you see that she's probably interested a woman you know err on the side of more is better okay um and what's interesting is actually we looked at the brain to see how men and women look at body language differently and they put participants in an MRI machine and they had them read body language to try to interpret body language from pictures on average women 15 different parts of their brain were highlighted as they were reading the body language 15 different parts the ring they did men men look the same pictures 5 ok hey so no no this is not necessarily a bad thing it's just different right right so men just use different parts of their brain to read body language so that's explains why they sometimes miss courtships like okay so do when it comes to lying yeah men and women lie differently yes so this is an interesting one so on average men lie eight times more about themselves than women so women lie to protect other's feelings or about others like oh yes she's really nice right that's a typical woman right right or a man will say he'll he lies to appear more powerful more successful and more interesting so typically we men and women actually lie differently that's I think that's a really interesting thing if you're if you're trying to figure out someone's lying matter you say what is their visual cue that a man is lying oh there are tons of easily that the most usually he's opening his mouth yeah I was gonna say that I didn't I left it for you yes all right a big one an easy one we talked about lying in a couple of our segments and we can we can talk about it again is that when someone says that they agree with something and they shake their head no that's a big one so a man can say I'm really successful at my job oh right but he's actually shaking his head no I'm very happy being I'm very happy together oh yeah you look great in that dress right yeah don't make you look fat anywhere exactly those are all lies so that's something interesting to sort of keep in mind so let's talk a little bit about the likeability okay women often think that when they go to a party or networking about other dating they have to look good actually what men like more than looking good is availability so men find availability more attractive than facial expressions what you're wearing how you have your hair what do you eat availability don't go in groups of five or six win and go alone or and no it's better don't bring your boyfriend right here we go it's actually to show a physical cues availability so some physical keys availability are leaning towards a man if you're interested in home that's a great way to show that you're interested also I'm leaving your arms uncrossed that's a great one so women if you're at a networking event and this is the worst way to stand because the man's gonna go nope yeah not into her because she's not available smiling and having expressive face I would think that would be a big one smiling huge and also if smiling makes you nervous say let's say that you're actually nervous they're like I can't smile right having an expressive face is gonna show a man that you're available you want to chat you're into him and I said it's kind of off topic but a woman who tries too hard just to look good but but doesn't do the other things you're talking about men don't find that attractive at all and that's what I want to emphasize here is it don't focus so much on what you're wearing or your makeup just show that you're available there comes my mate you know exactly so that's the most important thing is your body language on surely what your body looks like and the last one is can you guess what is a woman's favorite male body part hmm well I know guys I want it to be a it can I give it to you mojo so there's better okay so the choices are I know the one I'm digging up is not and I know that eventually that's financial other choices for you arms chest but legs um I I had an old girlfriend over the arms was the answer okay Helen I really like a good butt and that is the answer that is a woman's favorite body what male body part is the but maybe she would only be nice to me because I at least had arms really it is yep the but yeah alright now I took I mean everything goes back to biological mating ritual how does that help the biological mating rituals yeah I mean because everything moved back to just procreated right so and and the reason is testosterone and estrogen so for a man if you can show you have a lot of testosterone that's you know up standing up straight squaring your shoulders and taking up more space that's biologically I have a lot of testosterone for a woman showing you have a lot of estrogen showing the curve of your face you're shy hair smiling and tilting your head that releases the pheromones from your neck so again that biological urge estrogen testosterone and I thought it was just all about a cool car all right very good thank you very much more to upset you thanks so much
Channel: Vanessa Van Edwards
Views: 1,134,142
Rating: 4.7685194 out of 5
Keywords: mens bdoy language, male body language, men, nonverbal men, how to tell if a guy likes you, how to attract men, body language, vanessa van edwards, body language flirting, male body language attraction, signs of attraction
Id: c-snL3326LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2014
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