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[Music] is [Music] [Applause] what's poppin my good fam it's your girl crystal aka curly chris and in today's video y'all we are doing a flexi ride set on my natural hair okay a flexi rod set on this natural hair now i don't really know why i'm so excited and so hyped to be doing this because this is my second time y'all hear me out my second time filming this tutorial not just a part of the tutorial my second time filming the entire tutorial meaning i've already done a whole flexi rod set this flexi rod set put them in finish let it dry took them out popping results and guess what broke the sd card uh-huh yep i broke the sd card so all of the footage was deleted oh my god everything was deleted so now i have to start fresh with a flexi rod set y'all like i didn't be doing process now i gotta start fresh with a whole new flexi rod set so how many of y'all do is to really support your girl in today's video okay that means watch the ass make my time worth it okay let me make some extra money off this video help a sister out okay watch my ass like this video actually like it right now you don't know what the results look like but go ahead and click that like button right now subscribe if you have not already done so okay if you are here for the first time we have not subscribed yet what you waiting on fam since i'm already talking about it if you are new to your girl's channel okay i believe you do one thing and that's to smash that button down below for your girl okay smash that button down below hit it like you mean it go ahead and join the fan because clearly i am dedicated all right so anyway let's go ahead and just hop into today's video and not even worry about my miseries so for my flexi rod set we are going to be doing larger sections so i basically want to do like a flexor i said with less sections that way it's much quicker it's like a quick flexi rod set instead of doing like 10 flexi rods per section i want to just do like four or five per second to see how my results are going to come out um and i'm going to be using the gray and purple flexi rods um they're very similar in size the gray one is a tad bit thicker i think they actually look very very similar so i'm going to be using both of these um and the mousse that i'm going to be using is the design essentials almond and avocado mousse mousse i have never tried this one for a flexi rod set um well except for the one i it but i have never tried this on four plexiglas set so we're going to be using this and this is the only one that i'm going to be using so this is the almond avocado curl enhancing mousse and it's supposed to be really really good so we're gonna see how it's gonna turn out on these curls okay so let's go ahead and just hop right into it so we're gonna start on this side over here so i've already got leave-in conditioner applied in my hair and the leave-in that i have applied is the melon and hair care leave-in conditioner so this has this even has actually been in my hair for about 12 hours if not longer so i'm gonna do a big section like we're not gonna do no small sections today we're going to do a big section and see how the definition looks with a bit big sections um because i'm trying to save time that's the whole point of today's flexi rod tutorial i'm trying to give you guys some tips on how to save time with your flexi rods so now we're going to go ahead go in with my dollar tree brush if you have not seen my video on my dollar tree wash day which was five dollars total may i add i will link that either above and or in the description box below so you need to go check that out especially if you are new here ah we save money on this channel honey the hat we save money boom look at that season smaller brush a dollar then we're going to go in with some of the mousse and i'm going to take just about a pump and a half apply that bad boy y'all think it's gonna make the curls pop what y'all think let's see let's see what you're doing you're talking about okay um oh there's nothing going on okay i'm not gonna apply any oil or anything because i'm using the mousse and i don't really feel like i need an oil but i'm serious y'all if y'all ain't like this video already or at least leave me a comment i'm gonna feel some kind of way mm-hmm at least drop me some emojis something help a sister out so i gonna tuck the end underneath my hair and then go on up with this a little bit and then i'm going to start to do this motion all the way up and just keep on doing that come on now work with me now and then go on up just like this and then secure it make it tight right here and then the part that is when your hair is on this side of the rod that's the side that you want to secure it on and you're going to fold the tip on over like that to secure it boom and if you want to secure this part even more then you can just like fold that under two and boom one flexi rod already in and i'm just go in and take off some of this excess product just because i don't want it to dry in place or anything then we're going to go in again so now i'm going to do two more two more rods and then one rod at the top so literally only four rides in this section now one thing i do want to mention is if you are doing your flexor ride this way trying to like do it quick and easy um you do have to make sure your hair is fully dry so i have a hooded dryer so i'm going to be getting underneath that so i'll recommend for you to either let this air dry for a few days which we have time for that or um get underneath a hooded dryer and if you don't have that option then you need to just do small sections because we don't have time and wasting when doing a flexi rod set says the person who deleted the whole video so yeah i would literally be input like three rides and like two rides right here for this one section and then look like for right here i would have been put like two rides not normally so i probably would do like eight in one section but we're doing four today honey all right so i'm gonna go ahead and detangle and then i'm gonna go in with some more mousse and i did like a pump and a half again what y'all think of my new setup y'all like my new lighting i would let me know oh that says no i also need to watch the ask me i can help people because it wasn't cheap all right and now i'm going with the gray one and i'm going to be alternating between the gray and the purple tuck the ends make sure you tuck in the end make sure you're pulling your hair tight and then curl on up and if you want a longer curl then you're going to gap like space your hair out more on the ride if you want a shorter curl you're going to make it closer i'm kind of going for like a more longer curl so that's why i'm gapping mine kind of like the way i am i'm gonna just wrap this one more time all right boom and then i'm gonna secure it right here all right now i'm let you guys just watch me do it for a little bit so grab your popcorn and enjoy don't just skip nothing now i need this money thank you you know i even apply no product yet and this one i guess i had a lot of product in the brush this one already got like enough boots on it for for the rod set so i'm just applying a little bit to that one all right i'm excited i'm setting up a row now [Music] all right y'all so i finished one side and this is what it's looking like and y'all i did this whole side in 15 minutes so like maybe like 16 17 minutes but that's super super quick and i'm gonna go ahead and finish this side which is gonna be way quicker because i'm able to actually like see what i'm doing um so i'm gonna hurry up and finish and we're gonna come back and look at everything okay okay all right y'all so i went ahead and finished everything so i have four in each section um so i guess i really didn't do like that less because i guess i'll typically do like five or six so i did a few less in each section but now i'm going to go ahead and let them dry i'm going to underneath my hooded dryer for about maybe like two hours maybe even three because i want to take this out soon i don't i'm not trying to like sleep with them or anything um i live in for too long so i'm gonna go ahead and get underneath the dryer and then i'm gonna come back and we're gonna look at everything and take them out all right fam so it's been about three hours maybe four hours since i installed these and i sat underneath the hooded dryer for about like maybe three and a half hours so this hair better be dry okay so i'm gonna go in with a little bit of the melanin haircare oil just a little bit and let's start taking them down i really hope this is dry because i said i'll leave that dryer for a very long time okay that feels like it's dry so when you take these out you want to unravel in the opposite direction and i like to twirl it on out like this so it keeps its shape so everything feels pretty much dry and this looks good right here it looks good from where i'm at all right so here we have it everything feels like it's dry and i said i didn't do like that many per section i think it looks really really good right now um we're gonna have to see how it looks once we separate so let's go ahead and get into it all right so let's start oh y'all this is soaking wet right here like right here is soaking wet we're not soaking but it's it's wet so i'm going to separate the bottom part of this one and that's it so you got to make sure you twirl in the right direction when you're separating the rod sets let me see there we go oh y'all this one is not dry so before you separate i always like to see which direction the curl is in so it's this direction so that's the direction i'm a curl when i pull apart that same direction and then you'll get a curl if you do it in the wrong direction you'll get something like this and that's not right so you want to do it in the right direction and you get the right curl and you want to make sure to figure out the direction before you start unraveling because you will cause a lot of frizz if you don't like you keep going back and forth trying to figure out which is the right direction and of course the more you separate the more volume you'll get look at that that looks so good all right so i'm gonna go finish separating and then we're gonna look at the final results [Music] all right so yeah look at this flexi rod set like what the definition the bounce this looks so good like i really love how this came out and of course whenever i picked to get the volume i just went in like i normally do with my pick and i just fluffed at the roots area and just picked out y'all i didn't even slay my little edge right here my little soup soup i even do that i'm over here just wearing it it's kind of cute with like the no part look or in my eyes look like i really do i'm really feeling that oh i ain't gonna lie to y'all this one came out better than the first one that i did that got deleted look i got it look at guy like this looks bomb i love the amount of definition and the shine i did not use any oil to install i just use oil to take down and my hair does not feel weighed down or heavy or anything like it feels very very soft like but like has hole too and i just know i can just keep on getting more and more volume especially as the days go on and also what i really do love about it is that it has length on day one and that's why i'm happy i installed the rise the way i did by me like staggering my hair onto the ride it made it look way better and way more elongated but if you do want a shorter look then you just want to apply the ride like wrap your hair around the rod closer than i did like i left space in between each wrap that i made um but i'm so happy that i did because i love the length like the length is just ideal y'all please show me some love in the comment section down below also share this video and like this video if you really did enjoy it because this is my second time filming this routine for y'all because someone said that they wanted a flexi rod set so i said i gotta do it for the fam okay i gotta do it for the fam so please show your girl some love in the comment section down below let me know what you guys think of these results and everything go ahead and chat with sis i appreciate y'all so much for the support oh this is so cute follow me on instagram for some more footage some more pics and everything and i will see you guys in my next video peace [Music]
Channel: Crystal Nicole
Views: 177,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flexi rod set natural hair, easy flexi rod set natural hair, flexi rods, gray flexi rods natural hair, rod set natural hair, easy rod set natural hair, how to do a flexi rod set on natural hair, flexi rods on natural hair, flexi rod set, purple flexi rod set, bouncy rod set natural hair, volume rod set natural hair, natural hair hairstyles, natural hairstyles, natural hair flexi rod set, curliecrys flexi rod set, quick flexi rod set, quick and easy flexi rod set
Id: v-L9obP9O2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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