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[Music] [Music] [Applause] aka curly chris welcome back for another video and another episode of the perm rod 101 series i am so excited to be doing this series for you guys or we are getting into the installation the takedown the maintenance the products needed everything of a perm rod set okay so this is episode two and in today's video we're going to be getting into the take down process and also how to separate how to get the volume all that good stuff to go from this to this so you most definitely do not want to miss this episode i mean you already hear so let's go ahead and hop right into it okay before we do that if you are not part of the curly chris fans we have not made official i'm gonna need for you to do one thing for you girl okay and as to smash that button down below smash that button don't be low okay like you mean enjoying the curly chris sam all right so let's go ahead and get started so in episode one we got into the installation of a perma set how to do it some tips and tricks the products that we use so if you are not caught up with episode one go ahead and watch that before you watch this one and then we're gonna get into this video now you are caught up then sister bro let's go ahead and jump right into it so the things that you are going to be needing for today's video is once again some oil the type of oil is not really matter in this step it's just so that you can coat your hands with some oil to reduce the amount of friction which means it's going to reduce frizz so you don't want your hair to be gliding on dryness you want your hands to be oily at a little bit so that it can have something to glide on versus they be rough and that create frizz now the next thing you're going to be needing is a pick a good old friendly pick this one is the one i love it's completely plastic and also listed in my amazon store in case you do want to get one just like this one it's just a regular regular all plastic pick and then the last thing this right here is really optional and that's just some clips and we're going to get into why and everything in a little bit so let's go ahead and jump into it y'all i'm so excited to be taking these down and seeing these results so first thing first i'm going to go ahead and put just about four drops of oil on my hand rub it on in and this is what we're going to be using to take down so let me zoom y'all in and let's get to the takedown oh perfect okay so here we are well let's start with this one right here so i'm going to unrelease and then we're going to grab right here and just unwind in that opposite direction y'all look at this o m g if that's not perfect i don't know what you call perfect it's the perfect corkscrew at the ends everything about it is just ideal y'all this is it and you also can see how the end of this is very very smooth and that's what i was explaining in episode one where you have to make sure you are smoothing the ends of your rod set you have to make sure the ends are smooth before you start to roll if not it won't look like this and this is what you want now let me tell you guys the difference in the corkscrew rod and the regular rod if you don't do the corkscrew like i did your entire um rod your entire piece of hair will look like the bottom portion if you do the corkscrew the entire way it will look like this um but i just prefer the corkscrew look because i feel like it just gives it it kind of like amps it up a little bit you know so that's why i like the corkscrew all right here we go yes yo that looks bomb actually on this side i did do the two different ones so maybe i'll come over here and show you guys so i can find it so over here on this one this is the one when i did not do any of the corkscrew and you guys can see how it doesn't have that corkscrew look on it let me take this one out so i can compare so this one right here is the one that i did not do any of the corkscrew on it so as you guys can see like the difference in this ride in this result and this result there's a big difference right this one is not corkscrewed at all this one has kind of like a corkscrew look to it so that's the difference in the result and also in what you get as a result when you like separate and everything y'all this is the bomb also another tip when i remember in the last episode when i told you guys that you want to make sure you aren't overlapping a lot of hair and that you are doing it in a vertical direction the reason is because you want your rod to hang you don't want it to be like this on your head or anything you want it to hang down because that's going to give you the most length i have seen people who like to undo their rides and they just kind of like do it like this and that's fine if you want to do that but to me i just like to keep it all together see how it kind of comes out slanted kind of crooked like that i don't like that so that's why i don't do mine that way and now i gotta fix it i prefer to not do it that way and i prefer to already have just do it like this and it comes out in the right shape so i have taken them all out except for this one i'm leaving this one in for a reason um and y'all look at the curls how bouncy and juicy each one is like honestly there's not one that's out of place and this is also why i really do like doing raw sets because you have a higher probability of them all coming out correctly at this stage at least um so a lot of people can have an even shot at perfecting it basically so now let's get into the separating so whenever you're ready to separate the first thing you want to do is see which direction you install the rod in so you're going to put your finger and curl your finger in a certain direction and if it bounces back down like this that's the right direction you'll know you're curled in the wrong direction when it looks like that that's not the right direction so this is the correct direction that i'm going to be curling in now the reason why that's so important is because when you go to separate your pieces you're going to curl at the end to emphasize the curl just like you would do with a twist out now where do you separate this like how do i know where to separate let me show you you're going to separate and feel you want to feel for that natural separation so boom here's that natural separation i felt for it it came apart and now i'm curling at the end you don't want to separate somewhere that it does not feel natural and you also don't want to force it just like you wouldn't do with a twist out here we go and boom and this one i'm going to keep into one and boom so that's it and now out that one piece i separated that about four times now let's move on up to this one and also once you once you notice and figure out which way you curled in that should be the exact same for the entire side of your head and for the other side just checked and see if it's different if it is then adjust all right here we go separate right there and then curl around the end boom y'all see that it looks so good right and i want a good amount of volume so i'm going to separate a few times for each piece boom the more you separate the more volume you will have so let me show you guys this again so we're going to pick one and then we're going to pull where it wants to naturally separate here we go and then i'm going to separate this piece again because it's falling apart and then we're going to curl around the end boom emphasize that curl drop it curl around the end boom emphasize that curl drop it now let's go to the next one curl again boom drop it separate curl around the end drop it there you go and it's really that simple you're going to keep on repeating that same exact process so i separate that one piece about six or seven times and the reason why i really wanted to mention that in this particular point is because whenever you're doing a rod set it opens up the opportunity for you to have less faults because typically by it being in a rod and drying in place you're going to have a higher chance of whenever you separate for each piece to come out correctly whereas with a twist out you may get like a whole lot of frizz but with a rod set after you really emphasize that curl at the end you can typically correct whatever mistake you went ahead and made so i have separated a good bit now i'm going to go ahead and separate my whole head off camera and we're gonna come back and see what it's looking like so fam i have taken down everything all of the rods i went ahead and separated them and before we get into the next step one thing i want to mention is that you guys notice the amount of definition that my hair has not a hair is out of place not one hair is frizzy there's absolutely like no frizz at all y'all and it just looks really really good and the definition is like crazy which is also one reason why i really do like to recommend doing rod sets because you really do have a higher chance of eliminating frizz once you get this technique down packed as i was explaining to you guys earlier and as y'all can see like it looks really really good so the next step that we are going to do is to get more volume which is the part that so many people are interested in right so the reason why we're going to be using the clips is for this step and we're also going to be using our pick so what i want to do is work in sections and i'm going to go ahead and pin up this portion of my hair now this right here is completely optional you don't have to pick at all but i just like to pick to get some more volume because my hair just looks really really small and short to me and like i have way more length to give so i want to use as much length as possible so i'm going to go in with my pick and start at the root and pick on out i'm picking out like this in the outwards direction and as y'all can see like you're getting more volume at the roots okay like you guys can already see and for me like my hair is really really really defined right now so i don't mind making it less defined in the inside by picking a whole lot you know because it's just going to give me more so the look that i want in the end so go ahead and have fun with it and that's also a thing with curls that you can really pick a lot to have a whole lot of fun with it y'all and you still get a bomb result in the end so this portion is kind of picked out as much as i possibly could so now i'm going to move on with this portion right here and i'm going to pick in an outward direction you want to pick out start at the root and go out and y'all look at how much bigger it is right start at the root and go out root and out fruit and out look at that the definition though like come on root and out and you come from up top and do it as well and that also gives you more volume whenever you come up from up top boom that looks bomb and then we can do a tad bit more on the top with this just a little bit and guys you can already see the difference from this side to this side so i'm going to go ahead and finish my picking process and i'll be right back so fam these are the final results and y'all i have a confession to make i stretched my hair y'all want to see how okay okay okay let me know in the comments down below if you want a stretching routine for perm rod sets your girl stretched it outside of the pic okay so i can get a whole lot of length and once again we can also maximize on this volume listen the volume you can really get however much you want out of just continuing to pick but i did maximize my length okay with a little stretching routine so let me know if you guys are interested in seeing my stretching routine and how to get more length out of these curls but this is the final result y'all about percent so y'all were here with me from installing and now taking down and seeing the end result so let me know if y'all want that stretching video as far as the product review i really did like the products that i use um my hair feels really really good it has a whole lot of shape a whole lot of body a whole lot of bounce okay and they also held the curls really really well like my curl definition is most definitely popping so i love that about it don't worry y'all we have a whole lot more to get through with this perm rod 101 series give this video a thumbs up if you are enjoying it so far and enjoying this series so far i need to know i need to know how y'all are feeling also subscribe to your girls channel if you are new so you don't miss nothing okay so thank you guys so much for tuning in here are bomb results talk about volume and just definition y'all this is it okay and i will see you guys in my next video [Music] peace
Channel: Crystal Nicole
Views: 169,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: perm rod tutorial natural hair, perm rod, orange perm rod, perm rods on natural hair, perm rod set on natural hair, perm rod set, perm rod set step by step, how to perm rod set, perm rod set type 4 hair, type 4 hair perm rod, type 4 hairstyles, orange perm rods on natural hair, orange perm rod set natural hair, perm rod 101, rod set natural hair, rod set on type 4 hair, curliecrys perm rod, curliecrys perm rod set, eliminate frizz perm rod sets, frizz hacks natural hair
Id: 7QOA_qQ-36U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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