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[Applause] [Music] is [Music] hey hey what's up locking girl the crew welcome back to another video today i'm going to be doing a perm rod set on stretched natural hair and y'all i'm so excited to see these results now if you guys are wondering sis what's going on with the setup let me be real with y'all real quick honestly y'all your good sis just did not feel like setting up in the studio room i felt like setting up where i felt most comfortable and it's literally by a window like my camera is sitting on a window right now with my little suction and this just feels more natural to me it feels i'm literally sitting on my couch in my living room i also am not feeling the best right now but i wanted to still create this content for you guys because i feel like this result is going to be popping i most definitely want to share with y'all but i most definitely just wanted to do something that was more comfortable and more true to me in my studio room right now or just not somewhere that i really want to create content that's why i've been doing it like in the bathroom or in a different part of my room like i don't know i'm just in a not really sure how to describe it mood right now so that's why i wanted to come and just do it right here because it's my living room i feel comfortable i feel good i'm by the window it's just more natural to me okay so like i said in today's video we are doing a primrose set on stretch natural hair and i the perfect i'm going to be using are the orange perm rods you guys know the ones i always use and then i'm also going to be using my lotta body with milk and honey re refine me curl defining mousse this is what it looks like and i really wanted to give this one a shot because i just feel like it will really give me the nice results that i want i also saw this girl on instagram she did a perm rod set and hers was on stretched hair and popping which is who the style is inspired by i try to leave it on the screen or or somewhere so you guys can know how i'm talking about but um she used this on her hair as well and well no she used the blue one from lava body but i didn't own that one so i just said i'll use this one so i'm gonna go ahead oh i wanna say i'm gonna go ahead and get started but i'm not finished doing my intro if you are new to girls channel make sure to do one thing before clicking off this video and that is to a smash that button down below if you guys okay smack that button down below hey like you mean it and join the curly crew because we would love to have you also i'm just not realizing i'm literally recording without my microphone so if it sounds weird it's because my mic is not attached so oh well we're doing what's natural to me today okay and also y'all side note i just feel really beautiful today like in my natural element like i don't know i just feel really good and beautiful but it's so funny because i was waiting to see like what was i going to do with my hair as a style and i like nothing literally came to me like nothing and then i was on instagram and i saw her do the perma set on stretch hair and i was like i'm doing that so i'm going to take two pumps of my phone and i also only put a little spray leave-in conditioner in my hair and also this afro butter i put in my hair too by afrosheen but for the spray leave-in it was by afro-g and i put that in my last video in case you have in case you guys have not seen that video so i'm going to just add one more like half of a pump to my ends and i have never done a perm rod set on stretched hair i don't i don't believe so for the end i'm going to wrap it around and make sure my ends are tucked and then roll it up a few more times and then start to do a spiral type of motion [Music] just like this you guys can see that this is the way it looks like and then i'm going to clip it on the side that's over the rod not under the ride you want to clip it over the rod i'll show you guys that more in person whenever i'm closer to the not more in person more in depth whenever i'm closer to the front but that's what helps it stay in its place as far as my size sections i'm not doing two larger sections this right here is going to be two perm rides only because it is on dry hair and i just don't want it to come out like not defined so i'm putting about five pumps of mousse and it's gonna go over both of these and mousses are water-based so it's going to shrink up a little bit but that's why you want to try to put it on a rod before it actually shrinks up all right so after i've tucked my end i'm gonna start rolling on up like this is just so nice to just sit by the window and be able to [Music] enjoy doing my hair and when you're doing these you want to make sure that you're getting it very very tight at the root wait one girl i didn't realize that you want to make sure you're getting it very very tight at the root because if not your roots will be frizzy and this is sorry to tell you but that ain't cute [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so this is what this whole section back here looks like girl i hope it's cute i hope it's a cute situation back there because i sure cannot see but i'll move on to the front and this is when i'm really going to be able to show y'all in detail like the things i was talking about with the prime rides i'm already tired y'all that's why i'm like doing prime right since i get tired really pay attention to my ends into my roots that's what's like super important y'all for this style because the ends but the ends ain't popping i haven't said this in a long time so i'm not even gonna comment the rest of my sand i'm gonna just see if somebody go commenting if y'all remember if the ends ain't popping blank blank blank blank i'm gonna see you get it right but if your ends ain't right y'all literally your whole style will not look right and if your roots are not tight if it's not tie at the root that's not gonna look right either so what i was saying was whenever you get to the root you wanna hook the rod on the side that's closest to that that where it's like overlapping the firm right you don't wanna hook it on this side because it's still going to come a loop and loosen up like as you're drying so you want to make sure that you're hooking it like this right here [Music] and then it'll stay in that place whereas if i would have hooked it on this side it would have like fell down type of thing and y'all my curls feel so good in my scalp when i have not even my curls don't have no curl but now but my hair feels so good and so does my scalp um after the routine that i did yesterday to my hair to really get that wig residue off and everything and just give myself like a deep wash if you have not seen that routine go watch it in my last video um it was good [Music] hey baby come and be with me tonight [Music] [Music] late nights on the sofa watching [Music] thinking about how you feel so right [Music] come on [Music] come on don't be shy [Music] all right y'all so here we are the next day and i'm in the same spot um and my hair is really dry so i did let it air dry overnight and i also sat underneath the hooded dryer just to make sure that it was fully dry also my what you're hearing right now in case you guys do hear noise i'm drying some clothes so just ignore that but oh i did not get any oil i need to get some oil hold on all right girl so i got my melanin hair care oil because the and i'm gonna put a little bit on my hands rub it on in and now we're gonna go in and start separating well taking them down i just say and y'all but i'm most like wondering about or cautious about is the amount of frizz i feel like i'll have because i did do it on dry hair and like y'all can already see like back here how this piece is like very frizzy so i'm like kind of worried about that hoping that it's not too frizzy when i take them down but it most definitely did not take that long to dry since i didn't do it on stretched hair already [Music] well do y'all see that curl definition [Music] um [Music] all right y'all so i have taken all of them out and y'all the curls are curling okay the primrose understood the assignment so far like it just looks so good it feels so good i'm really really liking this a lot so we're gonna go in and now separate into even smaller pieces and i'm gonna take some of my oil once again just two drops because you don't want to add too much oil but you want to add a little bit of oil that's just the right amount just so when you're separating your fingers are gliding with your hair instead of like causing friction with your hair [Music] so i'm going to take this one and then separate it [Music] feel where it wants to naturally separate oh also you have to find the direction that your hair is curling in so i'm gonna look at my curl and it's curling in this direction and when you do it it should fall downward if you curl it in the wrong direction it will bunch up like that okay so that is a major key y'all in case y'all perm rod says be looking like froze when y'all finish instead of you know drop down perm rod sets that's why it's this because you're curling it in the wrong direction okay so your thing should be falling down it should not be looking like pink curls smashed up against your head so i'm going to just keep on separating and the more that you separate the more volume that you're gonna get and so like if you wanted to last longer and have less volume then you don't separate that much but if you just want the big voluminous look right now then go ahead and separate a lot but y'all know i always go for the big voluminous look honey so as i'm separating this side y'all i'm realizing that this side is actually more elongated naturally then this side is like i don't know if i curled this side tighter or what but i feel like this side is more it's more like loose and more like oh i like it but then i look in the mirror no see like this right right here is shorter on this side i don't know but y'all see how like how long this one right here is first on the other side i'm like was i twisting different or like curling not twisting was that curling different or what but look at how bomb this definition is like y'all it's looking so good and feeling like really really voluminous really really bouncy [Music] i'm really loving this for us right now like i'm loving this for us oh yeah get into it it's really the curls for me y'all baby do y'all see these girls do y'all see these girls and i have not even fluffed yet so i'm gonna go in with my pick just a little bit oh that rhymes and i'm gonna just get a little bit more volume i did separate my hair a good bit though y'all don't get me wrong and if you do want even more volume like say you're just going for some crazy volume you want to split your hair into multiple parts and get all up in there so like split this in half with that and forts and pick each and every section out and you're gonna get some crazy volume i'm kind of in like trying to figure out do i want to do no part or like keep the middle part because i'm pretty sure i could do no part as well but i just don't like my hair with no part i don't know i'll i'm gonna figure it out later but here's what the side looks like nice and voluminous every curl and unison honey like talk to your good fish and i'm so happy i did it on stretched hair because it really does look good it looks really nice here's the back looks like the volume is crazy y'all and then and then here's what this side over here looks like the volume is amazing like look at how voluminous my hair is and i literally use one product like just the mousse that's that i'm not leaving but that leave-in didn't really do much oh yeah and i used the fro butter so maybe like two slash three products ish but honey this looks amazing and the volume i get on day one like you guys know whenever i do my regular perm rod sets like if you watch primrose 101 then you know that um i literally had to stretch my hair with the blow dryer to get like this type of this type of result and my curls weren't as like this is more bouncy and you know just flowy so it most definitely is a difference whenever you do it on stretch chair versus just regularly doing it on wet hair um which one do i prefer i prefer this because oh it just looks so good it's so like it's just so freeing like i can just do whatever i want that's how i feel like i can just do whatever i want you know i got my curls i could just live my life to its fullest potential no i'm being extra but i really do love my hair like this and i'm made i may show you guys some other footage whenever i get my makeup done and everything i may insert some photos or some videos but if not i'm gonna see you guys in my next video let me know in the comments down below how you guys feel about this tutorial this video i want to hear from y'all because i most definitely am loving it oh i love it so much so let me know down below also give this video a thumbs up if you are new here make sure to subscribe and i'm gonna see y'all in my next [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Crystal Nicole
Views: 91,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curliecrys perm rod, curliecrys perm rod set, perm rod set tutorial, perm rod set natural hair, rod set natural hair, easy rod set natural hair, stretched natural hair styles, perm rod set stretched hair, stretched hair styles, quick natural hair styles, perm rods on natural hair, perm rods, orange perm rods, orange perm rod tutorial, natural hair hairstyles, natural hair, natural hair styles, curly natural hairstyles, curly natural hair, perm rods type 4 hair, type 4 hair
Id: _EN5uyXCg88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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