Advanced training Technique How IFBB PRO Greg Doucette and IFBB PRO Jonni Shreve Train HARDER!!!

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[Music] coach Craig and today it's a special edition myself and I PD Pro Johnny Shrieve are going to be going through advanced training techniques at World Gym in Dartmouth Nova Scotia this is where I'm from Dartmouth and right next to Halifax it's gonna be intense training really hard if you're a beginner don't even bother watching it it's too hard for you don't even bother if you're intermediate maybe do one of these once in a while if you're advanced you know you're doing these check it out this is how you train harder let's do it quads hamstrings everything's being trained here now remember I can't do squats but doesn't mean I can't develop some legs my legs are pretty well you know they're one of my best body parts what do I do I do these things I do triple drop sets this is what a triple drops its gonna look like remember I have hip injuries and stuff I got to be careful but what I do is I'm going to train to about the failure in good form drop the set down with weights if you're on your own you get it strip it down on your own if you got a partner they can do it with you it saves some time then you go to failure again and again super hurt can't dream like that all the time okay get ready all right so here I'm going not to parallel because of my hip if I was you or I would recommend to others to go a bit deeper than this I'm not doing it under you know less range of motion because I'm a I'm doing it because I don't want to end up like Ronnie Coleman and where I've already had hip surgery and it's a genetic defect it's not from training too hard its genetic I was born with this mess up okay so if you're like me you got to be careful but if you're a normal human being you can go down now I'm going hard this is quite challenging I'm not quite the failure here I'm still going at it I'm really really forcing the weight up and then that was about it I might have got one more rep so I'm stopping there I'm just waiting I'm getting my partner to take off one plate and I'm resting at the top now I have more energy because the weights less so I'm digging deep and I can do more and more reps again so this is nice little drop set so all of these reps are putting a lot of stress on the muscle every single rep here is near failure it's already at near the max then you stop again strip down another plate off each side you're not done yet and you go some more so you're already wanting to quit but you don't and you just keep at it it's very intense you do not want to do two or three or four of these sets in a workout it is too much if you do that you're gonna need a deal old weak for sure you're gonna be in a wreck mess I didn't only one of these sets before and I was wrecked I did four warm-up sets leading up to this and now I'm done and literally I can hardly walk hello terrible terribly painful yeah if I walk with my knees bent out full advanced training tip here we have a superset a.k.a tri set giant set he's gonna do three sets in a row so he's going to go hard side laterals he's gonna do around ten to fifteen reps okay picking a respectable weight and not like overly going crazy on cheating so there's gonna be a lot of metabolic stress on this exercise it's gonna be a long set so if you think of the Tut the time under tension it's gonna be extreme so he's doing side laterals targeting the side delt everyone wants side delts look like Superman if you're a woman you look like superwoman woman's figure who doesn't want wide shoulders so that's giving you the wide shoulders right there now immediately bend over and get more of the rear delts again here okay this is an underdeveloped muscle in most people most people don't target the rear delts because most guys will be out bench pressing all the time which is front delt it's gonna work the front dead obviously the chest too but if you do the rear delts like this you could do a reverse PEC deck for example another machine but that targets the back part of the delt okay better for your posture and so on so he's doing almost like a rest-pause technique we didn't talk about this but he's just going as hard as he possibly can because he's already dead he can't even hardly do this and he is going to grab this EZ curl bar while sitting now obviously you can do all of this standing you don't have to do it sitting you can stand up and it's going to develop a lot of the front delt and the side delt as well so you're getting the entire delt completely getting worked out you can see he's obviously got a lot of development he's 260 pounds here he's five foot seven two hundred and sixty pounds he's estimating his body fat to be around 16% he competes in the 220 s as an open class IPD Pro and that's a total set more than a minute and how does that feel it feels terrible just like the last time we did this so you want to train and make it hard go to failure you know if you're not then you're missing out on games you're leaving gains at the table don't want games on the table you want them in your freaking biceps in your shoulders okay super setting calves so one machine down to the next go back and forth people keep making fun of my calves it's genetics they're not huge so what I train them hard doesn't mean I'm not trying I tried to improve them as much as I can all right here super setting two different exercises for calf so standing calf raises my little tiny little manly puny little manlet calves thoroughly n-- they're not huge it's not because I don't try it's because of genetics I don't have testicle genetics in my calves my chest grows my calves don't just like all of you some of you that train as hard as me for twenty years maybe your whole body looks like my calves they're just not huge but you still can get ripped you can still be in the best you you could be so now I'm at Parcells here that means I couldn't do any more full reps so I'm doing parcels to get a bit extra now I'm doing parcels at the bottom of the lift because that makes it even harder I couldn't do them anymore I'm doing me at the bottom more metabolic stress long set limp over to the seated calf raise now on sighs you're using a bit more of the soleus the last exercise bit more gastrocnemius more like the ball but this works the whole cap so basically I go all out on that last set to failure and I do partial reps I incorporate all the events trading techniques you can you have a partner you can do forest reps go nuts walk over to another machine they go to failure and as you can see you hardly need any weight because you're already dead from that last step so it's already hard getting a lot of metabolic stress from doing this it's a long extended set full range motion maybe back to make it easier that's it the cast can't grow blame your parents it's genetics so Johnny Shrieve is going to do shoulder presses and he's gonna do them between 8 and 10 8 and 12 reps and if he doesn't get 8 on his own then he has too much weight so he wants to get 8 to 12 then I'm gonna help him for to maximum 3/4 reps if you're forcing out more than that you got too much weight on the bar okay so it's gonna be failure you take it anymore then I'm going to assist him to complete more reps which brings them past the point of failure RPE 10 plus no Eagle if the e lifts more than that but he doesn't need to all well in control and I helped him for two reps and I didn't help him a ton because then he could have done 10 reps just enough to get the weight up and to really it's like going to failure not once but twice but three times in one sense it's almost like doing three sets in one that's top that's intense you can't do a 50 of those every workout so maybe just do the last set of your exercise like that and leave the rest you know with maybe only going all out or maybe one rep and reserve okay you're on your own and you want to do some forced reps so these are self assisted forced reps and do these all the time on this machine all the time this is a very underrated exercise for glute medius I used to ignore it didn't care I thought it was for girls dudes you got to do this egg's so what you do basically I start now you just talk so you push and eventually it's gonna get really hard it's harder to talk so I give it a little bit of a assistance here and let it come down slow apart I'm forcing it so I can get the most out of it so it's like a self it's a self eat it set now if you had a partner they could come in and do it for you I don't he can work these as hard as you want already it's getting harder and harder every set so I have to help earlier on as far as I can down slow I try to go up faster pause briefly and then down slow up fast whole downslope and these are all beyond failure just so you know watch this see so nothing I'm stronger he centrically so the negative I can do without the help and basically do this totally you're not having any fun anymore right and done that works way harder one cent like that is probably equal to 5 sets of just normal like going through the motions okay so you don't need a ton of all you we need a ton of effort if you get more effort you don't need as much volume you can get your workout done in less time you'd have to sit in the gym for two hours a day to make gains one hour of hard training way better than two hours of half-ass training which is what most people do it this is insane hard these are forced negatives so that way it is half of what he would normally use for curls Johnny Shrieves arms are absolutely stupid big we're talking 21 and a half inches without a pump pumped over 22 inches he's 260 pounds he's five foot seven I am pushing a hundred pounds of force on the way down here I'm pushing hard look I'm not quite in the air I weigh 200 pounds you do every rep slow on the way down slow resist that temptation to just let the bar go down then you lift it up fast on the way up cuz it's easy because it's only half the weight that you normally live so you lift half the way up get your partner to push it down really really hard and as you get tired you don't need to push as much because they're getting fatigued and by the end of it look I'm not even gonna have to push down really because you're dead you can keep going until the point where you can't even curl the weight up on your own and then stop don't do a whole bunch of these you will be out look at my hands you're out done leg extensions with forced reps at the top that's just making it that much harder so you got the entire stack the most weight you can handle and obviously at the top end of the motion that's the hardest part of the lift it's easy to get it up halfway so you hear your partner to lift up from halfway to the top hold that contraction at the top if you can then let it down you know kind of slow just drop it down and just keep going until you are spent that's an intense crazy hard set you don't want to do this for every single set that you do because it's over training even for an advanced lifter but if you want to finish off your leg extensions like this then do it so before this I already did three sets so I was already well warmed up and I'd already done the the other leg exercises and so you're just finishing it off with this crazy crazy intense pump running the rack so Johnny started with 20s and did like 10 reps then 30s for 10 40s for 10 and then here he's got 50s and he's doing it till it's basically failure then after that he's not done he drops to the 40's and goes till it's real tough then the 30s and then the 20s so you're basically going heavier and heavier and heavier and you're so pretty exhausting the muscle and then once you're at the max then you're doing drop sets we're not showing the whole thing this set took them 2 minutes and 20 seconds that's some serious metabolic damage something you can do at the end of your workout and just be like I'm done I'm going home now and be so pumped that it's absolutely mind guard so the main thing it should feel terrible and a superset of three exercises starting off with side laterals girl on the side motivation to trade harder the girls are looking they don't want to see you train like a side laterals good form don't like go crazy swinging of the weight now if you want to do a few cheats at the end of the set that's cool you're an advanced trainer but at least get the first eight or so strict form and then if you want to cheat go for it so bend it over for the rear delt here so you're just hitting the shoulder in a slightly different angle hit a slightly different portion of the deltoid obviously there's several muscles in the depth so here's the rear delt and I'm bent over and you can do these standing and just bending over but me I have l4 l5 a herniated disc as probably one in three of you have everyone seems to have this and you do that set then you're not done yet there's the girl again it might be Jillian not sure upright rows okay this is a finisher of this I mean you're already spent so you're just trying to really force out as many reps as you can get a little pump you can see the veins are starting to pop out just a little bit and how much is left doesn't look like much maybe one more not quite up the whole way so I'm not quite getting it up but I'm doing partials here just to get an extra burn and that is it sorry it's fun yeah it's like a bag it's gonna suck good it's a good exercise to finish at the end of your day so you're done shoulders and you're like okay I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna leave the gym with a pump like everywhere like everything is pumped right now alright we're finding the best angle so that I can look huge this is the most important part of the video so we're wrapping it up hope you learned something about how to train her me and Johnny we're both IBT pros we both train hurt we've trained together many times this is how we literally do trained in the real world real methods used by real athletes not people that want to be athletes they read a study that said train this way bla bla bla don't go hard never go and put any effort in if you go too hard you'll never make any progress a bunch of BS that they say so that they can like you know sell their own programs and whatnot and convince you to go easy cuz most of you want to go easy you want real results and you're not a beginner you're moving into an intermediate event you're gonna have to use what we just tried okay follow me Greg do SATCOM that's my website Greg you set IFBB Pro you can follow me on Instagram and how can we fall you give me on instagram at Johnny sure you jln and I dot Shrieve and on YouTube same thing just check me out Johnny tree perfect and oh we got to bloom up some videos so if you want to watch another training video make sure you watch this one I've got locks that's one you want to see you see it so clear that's the best one this is the second best one right there it's awesome look at that and until next time we are out boom
Channel: Greg Doucette
Views: 285,619
Rating: 4.9648199 out of 5
Keywords: Greg Doucette, Coach Greg, train harder, Jonni Shreve, Classic Physique, IFBB Pro, bodybuilding, advanced, Mr Olympia, healthy, weight loss, exercise, fasting, powerlifting, strength, fake natty, natty or not, Squat, Deadlift, Leg training, Leg Day, Off season
Id: hyomko83Q9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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