How to Programme Blast Beats with MIDI - PART 2 | Brickwall Sounds

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hi guys my name is charlie and this is part two of how to program blast beats so last time i covered the traditional blast and the hammer blast today i'm gonna be going over the bomb blast and the gravity blast so let's get straight into it first of all the bomb blast so the bomb blast is very similar to the hammer blast which i did last week except that it uses 16th notes on the kick instead of eighths so we're going to program that like this [Music] so there we have eighth notes on the kick we want to double them up and we're just going to copy that over there so something i really like doing on invasion because i said the these are 16th notes not eighth notes is we go over to the map i don't like using the auto double kick function so we're going to set the right kick which is the i guess main kick that is going to be c1 and the left kick is going to be b0 so the left and right kicks on invasion at least are different samples you'll be able to hear they do sound different and even if in your library they do not sound different it is still worth doing this on fast double kicks because it makes humanizing so much easier and i will show you that in a little bit so we're going to select these eighth note kicks hold option and drag him down onto the left kick track so uh right kick c1 left kick b1 b0 there we go now uh with a bomb blast you got the snares on the beat like this i love blast beats and then we're gonna have we'll open it with a crash on the left and then we're gonna put it on the hi-hat [Music] so with bomb blasts contrary to hammer blasts i find it's usually better not to have too much in the way of groove so last week i went over sort of a grooving pattern of threes in this if you try and do that it'll sound strange with the double kicks going underneath so if you're going to do any kind of grooving you want it to probably be a very simple sort of bap but obviously much quicker than that so we're going to select the kicks all of the kicks start at 115 110 120 and go so the reason why it is so much easier to program kicks on two different uh midi notes is because with the left kick i can simply select them and bring them down if they were all here then i would have to do this i would have to go like that and select every single note like that which throughout an entire song can take a while to do so even if you are not using a kit that has a different left and right sample if you're programming death metal or anything that's fast with a lot of double kicks i suggest mapping even the same sample to two different notes so that you can have a left and a right kick because as i said it makes it easier to simulate a harder hitting drummer with his right foot so there we go that's okay for now with the snares we want a similar velocity to where we went with the hammer blast which i'm going to set that to 82 and we're going to set this to 78 and we're going to hit go and see what that sounds like yep happy with that and we're going to just drag down every other note a little bit more and then the hi-hats hi hats we're going to do the same thing we're going to select every other note and we're going to pull him down a little bit so as if the drummer is sort of hitting relatively speaking hard with both hands and then a lighter hit following it up and then hard light hard light with both hands at the same time see what that sounds like here so that there is the bomb blast so next one is the gravity blast which is i guess less common more extreme personally not one of my favorites i i use it quite sparingly in my music so a gravity blast is kind of the inverse of a bomb blast so once again we're starting off with eighth notes on the kick then we're going to select them all put them on the snare and double them up so this in essence is a gravity blast again we're gonna pull them down just because that's very distracting when we're trying to program and we're gonna put every eighth note on the where should we go let's use the ride why not we haven't used the ride yet so we're going to start with the cha with the crash symbol that is closest to the ride because that leaves the drummer's hand free to go to the ride if you started on the other on the left crash then he'd have to move all the way across the kit which he would probably not be able to do in time so just little things like that make drums sound that much more human so again we're going to stick the kicks between 110 and 120 and i'm going to do the snares last this time we're going to do the ride so we're going to select every offbeat on the ride bell and we're going to pull it down [Music] so that kind of thing stops it from sounding quite as i guess monotonous it needs to have some kind of rhythm to it so this one here was too quiet so with the gravity blast the drummer is not even really hitting the snare it's it's a very fast one-handed roll so he's using the rebound from the snare head in order to bounce into another hit essentially so i find the velocities if they're much higher than sort of 45 to 55 it just doesn't sound right and right now they're at 67. so let's yeah that that just sounds a little bit silly so we're going to select these we're going to go 45 no we're going to set that to 50 minimum 45 maximum of 55 go and now we'll just have a listen so even that sounds a little bit too high so we're gonna pull him down a little bit more so with something that's this fast um it doesn't make sense really to have a huge amount of variation between each hit i know he's not playing this with left hand right hand like he would in a drum fill this is all left-handed but due to the speed of it it doesn't really make sense to be alternating each hit and having it go hard light hard light the only other thing really to just keep in mind is that this velocity here of like 40 might not work on another sampler so don't just copy these numbers even if you are using invasion i strongly suggest learning the velocity layers yourself but if you're using something that is an invasion these numbers probably won't work at all so just mess around with it until it sounds right anyway that brings us to the end of part two of how to program blast beats i hope you found it useful and informative please let us know what you think in the comments and be sure to check out the brick wall sounds website facebook and instagram and we will see you soon
Channel: Brickwall Sounds
Views: 1,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drum, beats, midi, program, programme, gravity blast, bomb blast, blastbeat, traditional blast, euro blast, hammer blast, push-pull blast, heel-toe blast, freehand blast, brick wall sound, brick wall sounds, brickwallsounds
Id: Xl0lWsHdHc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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