How to Preserve Meat in the Wilderness

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hey guys we're catching and cooking all sorts of wild animals join me on this season of the Willetts living challenge I got Zach Fowler here we're catching and cooking everything we could possibly find including beaver and bear stick around we're gonna cook up this grouse and more on this episode find out how we got this guy running through the woods to the touch that's cool people used to make freezers & ice chests like this for a very very long time in ground frigerator I don't do anything about pretty control except be the top predator beaver everyday I finally got alright that bear meat is probably fine in the canoe it's pretty cold out but we're gonna pull it out just in case the Sun comes out put up in the bush and make sure at least the temperature stays low on it [Music] looks like we're gonna dig a little bit of a pit back here Chuck our meeting there anybody wants to come out and join us we got lots of food more than enough for Zach and I start feeding our community your ladies out there Zach's in the game again but he wants the right Kline so Mean Girls and what do you call people without faith ya need not apply all right guys we're gonna haul this pit out we're gonna drop our meat in it that'll be our primitive storage technique and you grab some moss we can even wet them off keep your name champ keep it even cooler but having that soil contact is key not super worried about our bear fat but there is a little bit of meat on it bear fat take quite a bit before it actually rocks hey there moss cover that up [Music] people used to make freezers & ice chests like this for a very very long time they just didn't have the benefit of the plastic yeah there we go that's pretty much does it nice little in-ground frigerator bushcraft refrigeration unit I just touching that to the touch that's cool because there's lots of moisture in there if there wasn't moist we would moisten it and that would definitely retain that cool Ness lot longer yeah that'll work you might wonder what we're doing about predator control I don't do anything about pretty control except be the top predator if any animal wanders in camp it's a dead animal and will eat it or in the short term put it over in the cooler with the rest of our food you're not worried about bears or wolves because we are top above and beyond those guys there's no concern here out of all of me we got we got two bears two beaver ducks geese no not geese yet not not geeks we're working on geese still we have not wasted a single thing yet nothing has spoiled half one and a half of our bear went in the freezer that's the feeder community but you know back home you know if you're gonna do big-game hunting you need to have a community to feed and we knew that straight out so by taking the two we knew we'd have to part with some so that what's the community for trade yeah we have not wasted anything and our intention is not to waste anything to you but out bear meats been out of refrigeration for what three or four days now exact four days I saw and nothing's nothing spoiled on it we're still eating off of it we haven't done anything to it the temperatures are cool enough that nothing's wasting and we intend to keep it that way whatever we don't eat in the next few days we'll come back with us it's ageing bacteria working on the meat and making it more and more and more tender without boiling and everybody knows that meat that hangs it ages is a lot better and the reason for that is because bacteria is breaking down over time and making it easier for us to chew and digest and that's what we like we don't like to chew we're not sure so we like the process and we're smart about it we can make me all sorts of different ways without having to chew them that duck was so good decided to go try to get some more ducks and paddling the river here I got my ear protection on I got my GoPro camera on in case there's any hot action see if we could put some more food on the table we got one one duck back Zack ate one I ate one we got lots of berry meat still got lots of beaver meat still but you know you don't not go grocery shopping just because you have food in your fridge you don't wait till you eat the last morsel so we're staying on top of that and any any surplus we'll bring home with us so we just came across a trail here off the river and it's a perfect grouse habitat so before we go up and pursuit of more ducks let's go see if we can find some grouse up here all right guys got you wired up on the mic please through here see what we can see it's looking for the outline of a grouse not a full gross looking for a flutter looking up in the trees you have rough grouse here and spruce grouse and spruce grouse have a little bit of eye makeup the rough grouse are pretty much brown with some white specks in them and this thick cover we're just looking for them to be kind of agitated that we're nearby I'm gonna check the trees up ahead you can always be one up in the roost I did walk the trail over here on the way in now I'm just walking back in the bush so I cover different ground we're often out on the road never quite figured out why they end up on the road but could be out to pick doubles for their digestion could be out to find vegetation that will grow in the sunlight having that can if he opened up at the edges could be looking for insects and worms finding grouse it's really a numbers game yeah I do you go ha I think I messed them up bad I got him oh good I why didn't you shoot him couldn't see it oh I could have moved there we go that's the one we heard Drummond probably alright so we had a little bit of team work on this guy Zach went that way I went the other way I didn't see anything on my side my twice I kind of opened up the gravel road not the best hunting the Zach's trail was pretty good but he didn't see anything on the way in and I'm just I was about to meet up with him I heard Grouse drumming you don't know what a grouse strumming is it basically flops the swings like that and it makes it yeah yeah I didn't hear it I called out I said that there's a there's a bird there we can go running maybe get it so we split up ran parallel into the woods and then just as I was turning there was one right in between us yeah about 20 feet away and Zach elected me to shoot I had a lot of trees between me it was just mad a mess yeah it was straight and you were straight behind it like 15 feet or 20 feet behind them yeah I was really close to I was like 30 feet through thickness so it's pretty easy shot so that's gonna be our well it's gonna go into the pot with the rest of the things yeah we got a duck left gross Beaver and bear we still got a pile of stuff left to go so let's go cook this guy up yeehaw that's it for a paddle down the river three hours a time one bird that's it so we didn't win on that one got a little bit of adventure in and we got some sunshine in and we got some exercise in got our appetites back well I've only eaten one meal today Zack has not eaten today nothing zero nada I've had a couple bites you duck he he bit a little bit of my duck I mean apples yet uh apples apples apples semis we'll eat some apples yeah I got to do it yeah I don't feel like I need to eat apples or anything but I don't know I'm gonna do it they're kind of bitter a little bitter I've been off the tree for a long time now so I'll cut some apples up and make knots too but uh see not Claire the clarity of thought cause it on the sugars sauce sauce so I'll do that now and Oh have some beavers bearish - yeah I guess that's what I'll do here's our water we're just using platypus so it saves us having to boil a ton of water just filter and we could boil it but that's a heck of a lot easier fill up with fresh clean water just like that it's holder yeah it's colder no yep I feel warmer feel warmer after doing all that work out that's a little on the thin side here's our Apple bags I should say my Apple bags that's not going to eat any of these so I'm going to sort myself out probably a plate flat of apples not any more than that because I didn't eat any this morning won't be able to finish heaping plateful let's try to pick the best ones Bunch they're pretty rotten on the inside and then I do want to eat this warm because I found it's pretty gross to eat them cold they get bitter brown but it makes more sense if you do all at same time and have my allotment of Apple and the apples have not caused me any problems that I know of unless they're the cause cause of my problems last night which could very well be the case pick a spot here to sit down and process apples enjoy the view as always I got my grumman knife I'm using a choten bird I used the Skinner earlier in this series for obvious reasons pick the knife that suits the job a paring knife would be nice and Grohmann actually makes a bunch of kitchenware too so you can get yourself a girl in a kitchen knife found this is a good way to get a lot of sugars into my body and and collecting them was pretty simple managed to collect all the ones you see plus an extra box that are still back at the vehicle in probably an hour an hour and a half's work primitive people obviously would have done a lot of preservation so that the apples would last all year long and then they could have their critters in the middle of winter we only have to worry about our immediate needs which I am very thankful for if anything I've learned from doing the wilderness living challenge is that I would not want to live like a really human it would have been a very difficult thing there would have been a lot of starving days that's for sure all right let's get these in the pot and we'll heat them up and turn them into apple mash and I'll take care of our sugars for the day all right so there's my allotment of apples today that'll be my sugar this is the only sugar I'm eating apples and the whole wilderness living challenge Zach's cleaning the bird over there and he's going to strip it up I think and put it in bear fat so I think I'm gonna try to convince him to add some adobo spice to that I think that'll fry it really good and aside from that we're eating our beaver stew leftovers and I said yeah running into some we're gonna get a duck I'm gonna get a duck again the duck was good yesterday it's good duck a little bit of water and it will prevent it from burning [Music] you want to put it so this is a refrigerator down here where we're storing everything here's the fat is that gonna need this exact I'll need this to cook up his Birds let's get a chunk off of here all right that ought to do a big chunk of my hair fat and then we'll throw this back in the refrigerator that's the bear fat it's been a staple for this whole wilderness living challenge that's what gets everything done and Zack rusted out the dose let it go in there once that fat renders down a little bit [Music] somewhat dobo that's the good stuff right there bring out the flavor toss it around a little bit my fingers that's how we do everything here [Music] you know let that render down and render down it was AK saying he's officially done with the beaver meat I'm gonna do my best on when I can eat last night I'm still doing my part to get rid of it yeah is doing his part he's eating he said he wasn't going to and then he hummed in hard and decided to change his mind and eat some taste mine to me but I was up last night heaving and hauling in the forest hunched over so that's probably what I should have done if I had gotten up and yakked I wouldn't be like it wouldn't have lagged on me all day you know there's a rough night well rough hour no it's all right after that nope I'm gonna just overdid it but have plenty of energy and there's enough calories in this stuff that we can basically continue indefinitely on it without just basically surviving we're actually thriving so no issues there hmm taste mind I mean but yeah it needs to be nice to variety in my life mm-hmm could see why people didn't eat this same things over and over again even though he has everything in there I have some benefits of a family right as you not everybody eats it you get it over with you can get on to the next thing so food goes doesn't go as far but you're not stuck on Beaver stew for the next six days beer every day I finally got so Zacks gonna eat like a modern man sort of I'm gonna eat right out of the cast-iron dish we've got wood oh boy yeah we got what we got fresh caught gross fried in bear fat with Widow Bo spice that's the gross we thought today we're finally kind of catching up with our meals although we are kind of neglecting or beaver me it's hanging around still but we are working with our bear pop I feel bear part in the bottom and it's hard to shoot but whatever we don't eat we'll decide to our other spoils you big piece of fat I'll probably be super gay we think about the gross awesome I feel like I could eat grouse every day for the rest of my life it's still good fry it up in the bear fat though yeah bites off it's dry um as all game is yeah student the pot that first night it would taste fine but it was dry and stringy we kind of over we got really carried away with cooking it bass but it's nice having different varieties of meat we're sure beaver bear now we're into our Birds gross talk we try to get a goose if you're just joining us this is a whole series there's multiple episodes I'm gonna put a plate on the bottom you can check it out but yeah we're living off just wild foods that's it for as long as you can we've already weighed in we're gonna weigh out at the end if we lose any weight at all we'll lose the challenge so the objective is to either gain or maintain our body weight and we deal primly every way in couple days ago Zach's already down three pounds and he didn't eat that much today so he's got a catch-up I was only I think I was even probably down maybe a point five pound and I haven't eaten that much today because last night I was feeling kind of ill with all the beaver meat so we're gonna wrap it up here for now you can subscribing I don't care subscribe to Zack he cares all that stuff will be down in the description and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 253,593
Rating: 4.7506275 out of 5
Keywords: how to preserve meat, primitive food preservation, how to store meat, storing meat, catch and cook, survival, bushcraft, survival challenge, surviving in the wild, wild edibles, cooking, catching, wild foods, bushcraft challenge, eating wild foods, catch n cook, bushcraft skills, bushcraft camp, survival tips, cooking over open fire, foraging for wild food, primitive technology, primitive living, bushcraft cooking, survival hacks, survival games, wild food cooking
Id: m8qp_PPmcCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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