How To Practice Game At Home

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I thought they took down all of Todds vids, glad seeing him back.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/kazantheraj 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Doesnt work. You need to get out there

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lordknowsidsmash 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kernul 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Can someone give me a TL;DW? I can't watch right now.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MrGiggleFiggle 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey son today I want to talk about a topic that doesn't get addressed nearly enough and that is the topic of how to learn game see all the game knowledge in the world doesn't do any good unless you can actually use it in the field and unless you can actually use it naturally and instinctively if it's either not available to you or if it's only available to you with a great amount of thought behind it it's not actually useful your game is not the amount of esoteric little theories you know your game is what comes out of you in the spur of the moment in field and so when you're practicing and learning game you want to be in graining it and making it natural to you so when I talk about today is three specific exercises that I do with students that work to ingrain the good habits in the good techniques in game so that when you're out in field they'll come to you very very naturally the first one is something I call yes and and this comes from improvisational comedy improvisational comedy it's all about like taking whatever's in the scene no matter how strange it is adding your own little piece of input and creating something unique special different than what's ever been seen before and so there's two parts of it one is yes the other is and yes means I agree with the world as it is and means here's my own little additional piece of value right I grip the world here's my own little piece of value when you're communicating this way it's very hard to be disliked who's gonna dislike someone it's like oh that's great here's my little addition okay so it's very very useful it's great for having something to say at the start of an interaction like if you're like I ran out of things to say yes and continue almost anything that comes after the words yes and is going to be a productive valuable piece of game it's also great for passing tests right there's a format for passing test which is agree in exaggerated yes is agreeing and is exaggerating so almost any test can be passed with yes and and then continue in particular direction this is a very useful format to use in game for generating content passing test etc and so what I will do typically in my trainings like group trainings or whatever from with a student will go back and forth we're first pronoun say yes and and then spit out the next thing it comes to their minds the next person says yes and and spits up the next thing that comes to their minds and we just go around and around getting used to this format now the most important part of the exercise is this don't think ahead okay if you have to think ahead and game if you have to plan something out it's never going to come off in the real world right if you girl says something and you want to come up with a witty retort you're like oh what's the witty response what's the response and they think think think oh I came up with it okay I'm gonna say it by the time you say it you're way behind that it was it's ten seconds ago or 20 seconds more even even three seconds ago it doesn't matter it's useless to you it's only worth something if you can actually come up with it on the spot so when doing this exercise what you want to do is not think ahead at all okay I call this concept putting the gun to your brains head so your brain is designed to save you from embarrassment it's designed to save you from pain so when you're sitting in silence the easiest way to save you from pain and embarrassment is to stay silence that's what your brain does as soon as in the conversation you go yes and and everybody's looking at you the easiest thing to do to avoid embarrassment is not to go silent because then you look really weird it's to finish the sentence and therefore your brain is gonna start working in your favor and start finishing the sentence so you want to program that into your brain you want to get that instinct down so that you make it happen naturally okay so in this exercise you literally just say yes and without a plan and trust your brain to finish it and do this in practice enough times that you have that belief your brain actually will finish it because you've done it tons and tons of times and your brain is used to it then when you go out in the field it's actually going to work it's incredibly valuable exercise but the most important part of it is that not thinking ahead aspect yeah the yes and form that's beautiful but not thinking ahead is even more important especially we're talking about coming up with something to say now you may ask me Todd so you just suggested this group exercise I'm sitting at home I don't have a wingman how do I practice well you can yes and anything so turn on a TV watch the scene whatever was said pause it yes and to whatever was just said turn on YouTube pause it yes and to whatever is you said grab a book read a sentence yes and to whatever just said or say something yes and yourself and then yes and the thing you just said and yes end the thing you just said okay it's very very easy to get the reps of this if you're creative and if you actually care to practice again yes and is a beautiful format okay with the world and I'ma add some value absolutely useful but even more importantly that don't think ahead aspect yeah another exercise that has that don't think ahead aspect and therefore is incredibly valuable for honing your instincts in the field is my push-pull exercise right now lots of people know that you should do push-pull lots of people knows you give like a compliment and they you should do give compliments in ways that don't give your power away but if I tell you to do a push-pull on the spot most people can't do it so having all the theory about push-pull in the world is useless unless you can execute it in practice all right so how do you do that well by practicing outside of the field there's so much that it comes naturally in the field so here's the push-pull exercise get with a partner again I'll tell you in a minute how to do without a partner get with a partner and say literally the first thing that comes to mind don't edit it don't censor it don't try and be clever don't try to be clear creative just literally say the absolute first thing that comes to your mind and then if that thing was positive follow it with a negative its negative follow with a positive if it's neutral follow with either positive or negative as long as it's a strong spike and you will have created a push-pull again don't think ahead if you try and plan out a whole push pull in advance it's gonna come off stale lame jaded that kind of stuff inset but if you do it in set again you don't know what to say just say the first thing comes your minds and then adjust it on the spot number one we come up with is going to be much more creative and interesting than it would have been otherwise number two you're learning to trust your brain and you're learning to give that emotional spike positive or negative at any moment in the set which is a truly truly powerful ability to have okay now again how do you practice this one on your own if you don't have a partner well again same kind of thing turn on the TV first thing you think about the person you see on screen turn it into a push-pull turn on YouTube first thing you think magazine first thing you think at cetera set or walk down the street you can push pull random people you don't necessarily have to like walk up to them and say push pulls to them be like that person across the street do a push pull that person over there do a push pull etc what you want to do is you want to hone the skill to the point that it's absolutely natural and in an actual interaction with a girl you do it instinctively because again it's not what's theory in your head that's going to matter it's what comes off instinctively in practice that's going to be useful to you you don't own the skill until you own it subconsciously okay final exercise I want to give you is I'm a bit of a different format than the other one and this is not one you're gonna go directly use in field but it's meant to again train your brain and hone your instincts to be communicating in a better way one of the biggest problems that most guys have is having interactions that are way too platonic interactions that don't get sexual at all because they're talking about boring thing after boring thing after boring thing and you know they want to have these like smooth transitions stay on topic they don't want to take any risks now importantly what they should be doing is finding ways to sexualize the conversation finding ways to make the conversation a little more edgy have a little more spark to it so that's what this exercise is designed for now this isn't again an exercise I want you to directly use in field it's designed to develop a skill so this exercise is called sex with me is like okay the way it works you guys say sex with me is like an object and then you're gonna give a reason why and the idea here is you're finding the sexual nature of anything or you're honing that ability to take any conversation no matter how boring lame mundane and make it man to women or sexual so for example if it was roller coaster sex with me is like a roller coaster goes up and down and up and down and up and down section is like a roller coaster it goes faster and faster and faster until you eventually get off section of me is like a roller coaster there are pictures being taken of you and you least expect it sex with me is like a roller coaster if you ride it too long you're gonna puke etc etc etc there's all kinds of reasons why don't worry at this time if it's flattering or self-deprecating just worry about finding all the different creative avenues all the different ways that you can misinterpret something cuz misinterpretation is an absolutely critical skilling game and what you're doing here is you're practicing your misinterpretation skill now you're not gonna go into a setting but should a girl be like hey sex with me is like this that's not actually a good game but the skill you learn from this of misinterpretation being able to misinterpret anything absolutely is so again this is an exercise I usually teach in a group setting like get a partner and go back and forth you do it doing he does one you do one he does one etc and eventually you know you get a lot of creativity that way what you can do is do this on your own though right pick an object and make yourself come up with five as fast as you can right sex with me is like a tree what are five reasons why sex with me is like a chair what are five reasons why and just get that rapid-fire ability to come up with these different interpretations if you can come up with it quickly outside of the field then you're gonna have a better opportunity setting up with it in the field and again what are you doing you're training your instincts you're training the synapses in your brain you're training the muscle memory to think in certain ways to act in certain ways so that when you're actually in the field all that Theory you know instead of just being useless to up in your head is actually being useful to you because you've practiced it over and over again and it's going to come out naturally right is the same as playing sports alright just watching someone play a sport on TV doesn't do anything for you you got to actually get out there and practice the moves run over and over again until they're second nature so that's what these exercises are for beautiful thing is if you practice them a little bit you're going to do more of them in field and make your field time more more powerful as well as your practice time more powerful so it's really this positive feedback loop that just helps everything okay so that is three different exercises for how to ingrain the skills of game how to make it natural so that it's going to come out so even if you're doing technical game you're not in your head about it you're truly fluent you're truly natural and it's gonna be useful and effective for you in the field and how to learn game is a huge huge huge focus a huge piece of you know why I have the job I have it's also a huge piece of my course the system so I want to talk about ever so briefly give you a quick reminder so a lot of people in ask me recently is the early bird special on the system actually over yes it is but I've been thinking about it I want as many people to have access to this program as possible so I am still keeping the the price absurdly low for a short time longer it's not the early bird special but still very very low check it out at the link below you're gonna want to access this course anybody who's who's gotten it can tell you it's pretty damn amazing alright so check that out I'll see you on the next video hopefully I'll see you inside there take care use these techniques practice ingrain these things I promise it'll help your game tremendous [Music]
Channel: Todd V Dating
Views: 466,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exercises, learn, game, push, pull, yes and, misinterpretation, flirt, flirting, sexualize, what to say, girls, women, woman, girl
Id: 183envaOYvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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