Approaching Girls made Easy! (For Introverts & Beginners)

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i want to ask you a question if we're sitting here right now and a gorgeous girl walk by what would you do about it if you're most guys the actual answer is nothing they would do nothing and then they'd sit there stewing about it and hating themselves for the rest of the day because i know this is a problem for probably most of you watching this video i'm going to give you the simplest most practical solution to get through this instantly right here right now i'm literally going to break it down for you step by step exactly what to do exactly what to say even exactly what to think i literally cannot make it any simpler stay tuned and get this handled right now before i get into step one couple things you need to understand about this process number one understand that this is not about you and the girl just yet this is about you and yourself it's about you versus you you're your own biggest obstacle so what we're trying to do here is get you over your fear get you doing the right things therefore what comes back your direction from her doesn't matter yet it will eventually but not yet right now your main goal is to master yourself master your own emotions master your fear and take action in spite of it second thing is what we're going to do is we're going to gradually desensitize you we're going to do something that's very easy for you then something that's a little harder a little harder a little harder and the idea is that each step along the way the difference is so small it doesn't seem like a big deal for this reason it's okay if it starts out too easy it's better to start out too easy and let the process be gradual than it is to dive right in make it scary and then quit on yourself okay so be patient with yourself and understand this is your journey with yourself and against yourself it's not about anybody but you and if you do the right thing be proud of yourself regardless of the results also it's okay to be a beginner we were all beginners once and we all got through that you need to just be where you are and do what's right for you don't compare yourself to anyone other than yourself step one leave the house now that seems really obvious really basic really intuitive but the fact of the matter is most guys don't even do that they sit around in their living rooms thinking about doing this and they don't even get to the step one of meeting the girl seeing the girl having the opportunity to approach the more times you put yourself in the situation the better off you're gonna do and even more so the more you put yourself in the situation with the proper intention the better off you're gonna do so step one get out of your house go somewhere where there are actual women step two possibly the most underappreciated step in the entire process physically walk over say literally anything and then you're free to go the moment after if you like that's the basic idea i'm going to give you some tips to make it a little bit easier a little bit more concrete but that's the basic idea and what we're trying to do here is just get an approach in it does not have to go well you do not have to have an ego about it you don't have to attach your self-worth to it please do not do that you're just understanding that approaching is primarily a physical act it's the act of putting one foot in front of another and then saying something that gets somebody's attention if you do that you have approached get over that threshold get okay with doing that in public get okay with the idea of interrupting someone's conversation or life for a fraction of a second it is completely okay and it will be okay and you know what if it's not okay your next step is leave anyway if you feel like it so you can walk away no harm no foul nobody damage whatsoever now the easiest way to do this is usually with a question because a lot of people they want to have like a premise or a reason for the conversation that's something that holds a lot of people back so there's some simple questions that work pretty well um one that's not actually a good game but good for this part of the drill is just ask for directions hey do you know where the nearest starbucks is fine she answers you can leave right even if she doesn't answer you could technically still leave you've still done your mission although it's very rare that someone's not going to give you at least some answer to a question other good questions hey i love that shirt where'd you get it something like that hey do you know a good bar around here if you want you can ask an opinion about something that's current in the news anything like that is completely fine and you know what a conversation might just accidentally blossom out of that if it does great but that's not the point the point is just to have done it and again you have the freedom to walk away at any moment if it's a bad reaction you can leave if you say the thing and then you don't know what to say next and it's awkward you can leave if they give you a good reaction and you just don't feel like being there you can still leave all you're trying to do right now is just get over that first step we're gonna go one step at a time it's like learning to walk right first you learn to like get up on your hands and knees then you learn to crawl then you learn to take a step or stand up take a step etc one step at a time if you do each step you're gonna get there for step three we're gonna do is basically add on to step two so before we went over and said basically anything and then we were free to go now we're going to say basically anything and then we're going to add a compliment and then we are free to go you can also do this by just skipping the first part and doing just the compliment you're free to go the point is that now you're not just saying something you're saying something nice and something that might lead a little more likely to a conversation something that shows a chance that it might be amanda woman now it's not completely committing right you're not saying hey you're sexy i want to sleep with you or something like that you're just saying hey nice dress where'd you get it or hey i love your look something like that just some positive comments and again you're free to go afterwards or if you like ask the question and then say hey do any good bars around here oh you know that's actually a really good one i can't believe it i think about it you have very good taste there you did you said something nice now you're good to go if the conversation blossoms great if it doesn't you're still free to go take the pressure off you're just doing the next step remember the key is desensitization it's not about what she gives you it's about what you do for yourself over time each step of this exercise gets easier and what you actually should do is do each step until it seems easy and then move on to the next one and then do that until it seems easy move on to the next one it's a very easy progression step four as with previous steps what we're going to do is we're going to layer one more thing on top of what we've already done in this case what we are layering on is introducing ourselves because once two people introduce themselves there's a level of intimacy that didn't exist before before that it's just two random strangers talking about random things now there's the idea of a future right why would you introduce yourself unless you're going to see the person again it only makes sense so this is a big step in terms of the intimacy so there are a few different ways you can do this one is you can layer everything together you can do ask the question give the compliment and then introduce yourself or if you like you and just give the compliment and introduce yourself if you want you can even ask the question and introduce yourself you could technically just walk up and introduce yourself but that tends to be a really bad approach and i don't recommend it okay but all you have to do is let add in one more thing which is that introduction and now you basically have done what most people would consider to be a full cold approach you've addressed them you have given a compliment you've shown premise in some way and you've introduced yourself that's where most people stop it in terms of you've now done a cold approach i'm gonna take it one step further because i want you to actually do a good cold approach in step five so why do we need a step five well after introducing yourself you've done what you need to to present yourself to the girl and hopefully she's given you a positive reaction if she hasn't don't worry about it for now because you're just doing the exercise but in the scope of real game and really trying to get results in the real world you would like to get some kind of reaction and have her carry the conversation however a lot of times she won't in fact maybe more often than not she won't and so you're going to do one more step which is introduce a further conversational topic i mean put yourself in the girl shoots charming guy has just come up and very pleasantly confidently introduced himself given her a compliment she's feeling great about it but she doesn't know what to do next she's maybe surprised to have been approached she doesn't have a plan and so if you keep talking it allows her to naturally kind of get into the conversation and start participating instead of having that awkward silence so the next step is introduce one new topic to the conversation now in a perfect world the new topic wouldn't even be completely new it would be actually you've indicated you like the girl or you're interested you've indicated who you are and then the next step would be trying to find out if you and she like each other that's bonus that's as you get more and more advanced for now just understand that you need to have one more topic you need to carry the conversation on your shoulders for another 10 to 30 seconds so that she can kind of get used to the fact she's in a conversation and begin to participate herself and again as with all the steps if at this point it kind of dies out or it's not going well you are still free to leave but at this point you've done a legitimate true attempt at creating connection with a stranger congratulate yourself be happy you're now doing actual cold approach so i hope you enjoyed that there's a couple final points i want to give you so you get the absolute most out of this video the first is understand this is an action-based video this isn't the type of video i want you to watch it and then be like oh i learned some theory i'm gonna sit around in my room remember step one get out of your house all right get out there and actually apply this be patient with yourself allow yourself to learn allow yourself that progression but do something as long as you're doing something you're winning if you're sitting around doing nothing you are not winning you are not progressing you are wasting your time you're not getting any better so that's the first thing second thing is understand that what we've done here is we've layered on steps to get you to basically doing an approach this progression can be taken further with the rest of my videos by layering on skills so instead of learning on new steps you're going to layer on a technique a push pull some kind of a qualifier all these different other techniques can be layered on as well and it's the same idea take that core of what you're already doing layer on one new thing get used to it layer on another thing and the same progression that you're starting from the beginning as a beginner can be taken and used throughout your entire progression in game all the way to an advanced level if you're smart about it so take this do it and then use that foundation to use all the other videos and all the other resources that i've given you on this channel and elsewhere i hope you enjoyed it see you next time take care
Channel: Todd V Dating
Views: 262,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2bQjfTHlwzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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