How to Play the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game - Part 1 - Turn Sequence and Basic Gameplay

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[Music] questions [Music] hey everybody and welcome to another how to play series today we're going to be taking a look at the Battle Frost Gilead the new Middle Earth strategy battle game two player star set coming from Games Workshop in the next few weeks um that is entirely like new terrain a couple new hero models and of course a core rule book for the Middle with strategy battle game now I've been playing this game for almost 20 years uh I was actually around back in 2001 when The Fellowship of the Ring box was first launched and actually that was my that was one of my first times ever working in this industry I was working for as a part-time sales staff member at four Games Workshop at the time and this game has a really near and dear place in my heart I love the films I love all of what Peter Jackson's done I read all the books as a child in fact the um the one of my first sort of like uh obsessions was with the graphic novel version of The Hobbit and of course when those movies came out too it was it was really cool to see it all come to life so so um what I'm going to do this following sort of four Saturdays is go through the how to play scenario set that comes the new battle of scaliath box set Games Workshop was kind enough to send along a copy of all the models from the box and I'm gonna bring you guys along with me as I build and paint this box set and for the first time in a long time dive back into Middle Earth and play some games and teach you guys how to play as we go so the first mission today focuses on two frames of the models that come in the Box the Warriors of Gondor and the Mornin Orcs and we're going to be throwing down a game against them that focuses on the core mechanics of the statlines for the models and the turn structure for the game and how to engage in combat so this is a um this is sort of like an exploration of the core mechanics the game and as we go for the next four Saturdays I'm gonna also show you uh the heroic stat line how to build a war band some Army construction stuff and it's all going to culminate um back uh with like the full sort of like battle for us gileads using all the models in the Box I also want to do some painting videos and show off the new terrain you'll see some painted here but I have a bunch more so I can actually show you how I painted it it was super easy and I think it looks fantastic on the table and basically I want to take you guys down kind of like a tale of One Gamer getting back into Middle Earth strategy battle game um and as I build paint and play the box set so I specifically kept some stuff aside so you can watch the journey and we'll kick it off today with the first mission from the new box set so here it is the models from the new battle of Australia Starter Set we have two sides already painted up as well as all the terrain that comes in the single box um although I do have more to show you guys how I did it later on I wanted to give you a sneak peek into what it looks like when I paint it this way so for this Mission the first mission of the Box you are asked to prepare two forces the first frame is the Warriors of Gondor frame which provides you with four Bowman for Spearman and four Warriors swords and shields and then one frame of morning Orcs um which gives you roughly the same thing except no bows so the more Ironworks come inside with three warriors with just hand weapons three with Hamilton Shield through a spear and three with spear and shield and those 12 will be assaulting they're sneaking back in in the dead of night we're using boats um to attack the retaken city of ozgelius other models that come in the box that we're going to show you today are the um you can see I've got them prepared I wanted to prove I was doing this in real time so I want to actually show this stuff off so I made sure it was all assembled and primed is I have 12 more in anarchs it's the other frame we have goth MOG both mounted and on foot who is the general of murder's armies during the um CJ Gondor and we have a Mordor troll with a big hammer I love this miniature and it can be built also as an isenguard troll or a troll Dumber but a bunch of different ways but I built it as the original sort of OG door knocking breaking into Gondor troll oppose this Mighty horde Of Orcs you also have some human Heroes we have the Rangers of athelian backing up the Warriors of Gondor led by bormir's brother faramir now we also on the right there have damrod and on the left have mad drill both captains of the Rangers of athelian and it's backed up by 12 Rangers a complete frame of the Rangers models uh four with Spear four with bow and hand weapon uh sorry eight eight with bone hand weapon um there's some other bows that some of them on their backs but basically these are the elite special forces who uh have defended athillian from people that would want to get into Gondor and that's the complete contents of the Box model wise it's gonna have your rules manual some tokens some dice uh to play the game itself and that's Regina layout so grab your tokens grab your dice and lay out your models now the first mission that we're going to play through is called the Orcs cross the anduin and this scenario is designed to teach us like I said the sort of like um core sort of mechanics of the game not worrying about heroes just yet but just the statlines of the models themselves so gothmog has cut cunningly you'll get there Ash I use the darkness to allow his forces to cross the river anduin all but unseen and as they close in on the Western Bank The Defenders are alerted to the attack just in time to prepare a hasty defense all across the Western Bank men have gone to already their weapons and take a deep breath as they prepare to clash with the Orcs that have just disembarked from their ramshackle boats it's wise there is a large Garrison defending the Western Bank of azgilius and an even larger force of works for print across the river as it's our first game the scenario represents just a snippet of the massive assault that's taking place across the city it's our first game I've put down a gaming mat and a little bit of train from my collection but for the most part this is just you could play this on your kitchen table it doesn't require a huge amount of space as long as the models start far enough apart from each other um you could play on a flat carpet or wherever it's easy and convenient for you the city of is Gilead has been reduced to rubble and ruin and the Porsche contain the four ruined buildings including the box if you wish you can also include any minis or scatter debris from your own train collection so I put down some dead trees that are in planters here and I use the gaming mat once we're all laid out the setup's pretty simple all of the morning Orcs are placed within 12 inches of the Eastern edge of the board and and the remaining gondorian soldiers have to be at least 24 inches away on the opposite Edge the objectives for this game is that the soldiers of Gander must eradicate the threat of the Orcs present um for their to keep their vulnerable supply lines they're wounded from getting uh taken out objectives for this Mission are that the soldiers of Gondor must eradicate the threat the Orcs present to their vulnerable supply lines and wounded allies while the Orcs Must make sure that their presence on this side of the river goes unnoticed by their enemies so they're trying to take out these sentries and continue sneaking in the player will win if there are no evil models left on the board and the evil player wins if there are no good models on the board special rules for this scenario this is just the core sort of like set up and learn to play laid out let's start looking at the rules basic principles good versus evil obviously that's the dynamic and Lord of the Rings evil forces represent the forces of Sauron good represent the forces of order such as Elvis dwarves and Men the game is played in turns like many other games you'll be divided into a series of turns where both players will move their models take actions and fight each other let's talk about dice there are d6s this is uh represented by single dice it is a higher numerical value like 2d6 that's how many d6s you're going to roll D standing for die D3 is when you roll a die and have it rounding up so that would be a three that would be a one that would be a one rounded up characteristics during the game um you'll be able to see the characteristics of your models now characteristics are the things that they sort of like can do and how they are represented in the battlefield a warrior missed here for example um has a move abbreviated there for MV of six inches per turn he has a fight value of three and a shoot value of four plus that's how good he's shooting his bow he's strength three he has a defensive five he rolls one attack diet so the a is has one wound which is how much damage you can take before he dies and has a courage of three now on top of that there's also a bunch of keywords man Gondor infantry Warrior typically these are used to trigger special rules like Shield wall I use equipped with heavy armor and a sword and his options when spending more points um are to take a war horn a banner a bow a shield or a spear and he costs seven points to include your army now we'll get to points later when we talk about building warbands because for this Mission we have to worry about it but basically it's the numerical value that you add up to play a balanced game sleep you're gonna play a hundred point game you could have 100 points worth of worries him as tirith where's the Gondor with additional equipment by contrast the more networks have a different stat line there are also seven points there have the keywords orc mortar infantry and Warrior and they also move six inches per turn their fight's also three but you can see their shooting is worse at a five plus their strength is forced they're actually stronger than a man and they have the same defense of five they have one Attack One moon but they're not quite as Brave they only have a courage of two their options are to take a banner Shield or Spear and they come with heavy armor and a swordmaster ax depending on what the model has compare the style lines you can see that men are pretty versatile they can have bows Spears and different types of hand weapons whereas the Orcs are kind of bird strength relying on their numbers and melee to crush their opponents up close other important concepts for this game would be line of sight that's going to come up with the Bowman you get down and you can see if your model can draw a line of sight to some part of the other model measuring you measure from the closest point of a model's baser stand to the closest point another model so for instance these two models from closest point would be just about an inch apart two models over here from closest point to closest point would be roughly six inches apart you have a measuring device like a little measuring gauge like this for when you get up close but you can also use a tape measure for measuring things like bow shots from further away or in the actual turn sequence of the game we've got the sort of basic understanding of what things do and we're going to get into how they do it so there's five stages in the turn starting with priority what he faces when you decide who goes first if you're playing a narrative play game um typically good players will always go first because it's story wise they have the initiative but in a match play game in a game like this we're learning We're Gonna Roll for priority now um for this Mission all of the the dice will be blue all of the evil player dice will be red and we roll off in two sides of the bin here now a roll off means rolling the dice until someone rolls higher re-rolling ties so for the good player we get a four the evil player gets a one and that means the good player has the priority for the first turn of the game it's easy to Mark by putting like a dice to one side maybe the turn marker dice that you're using or you could just use any kind of counter that you like it is important for the rest of the turn though so it's important to keep track of who has it for the move phase both players move their models first the player with priority moves any of their models they wish when they are finished the other player moves their models so movement has a bunch of restrictions but for the point of this game we're gonna go with whoever has priority and show how to move it's real simple you measure model by model the distance you want them to go from the closest point to the closest point so from the front edge not to the back though this would be wrong if you went six inches to the back whoops he carried his friend um if you go to it's from the same Edge so if you measure from the front you move to the front if you measure from the vacuum of the back it doesn't matter as long as you're measuring from the same part of the base it would be the exact same to measure from the back of this guy's base to the back of his base going like that you'd still move six inches as long as you're measuring from the same point it's usually easiest Just To Go Front to front now the guys with Spears actually will benefit from being in contact with their friends or some rules for weapons we'll get two in the fight phase so I'm gonna move these guys up each of them going six inches maintaining their sort of little formation here where each of the spearmen has a friend with a sword and shield in front to sort of defend them the last ones are gonna move up here my archers are pretty happy where they are standing up in the buildings they're kind of ready to rain down shots on the Orcs now there are some penalties to moving and firing and because we don't want to take any sort of like um penalties to our shots we're gonna stand still up there more knocks good to go and much like the humans they want to make sure that they measure from the same point of the base same point of the base these guys are going to go on a little flanking machine going over here you did start in Base to Base when I put you down earlier um and these guys are going to sort of form a line I think in the middle squaring up now the Orcs don't have any Shooters so it's going to benefit them mostly to just run as fast as they can to get into combat both sides of advanced so we're into the next step which is the shoot phase players make shooting attacks with any of their models they're equipped with missile weapons starting to play with priority once they finish with all of their models the other player makes their shooting attacks with their models so having one party with a good player they'll shoot first of course the more anarchs don't have any guns so it's kind of irrelevant they'll always be shooting first here with four shots so the shoot face is pretty simple pick a model pick a model they can see and take a shot one six-sided Dice and you have to get equal to or higher than their shoot value so if his shoot value is a four plus it means a four a five or a six will hit he's gonna try and take a shot that'll work right there he needs that four five or six now if he moved he would have a reduction to his dice roll there's usually a penalty to moving and firing of minus one so and you can and also penalty how far you can move even you can use usually move half distance and still shoot certain weapons like crossbows can't move at all he stood still took aim and does he hit on a four five or six he does his line of sight to our Target we worked at the number of models or obstacles in a way there is none we rolled the hits and now we make any in the way rules now if there was a piece of train in the way let's say this guy was standing behind this wall we would have to make an in the way check to see if there was training the way he doesn't have any train in the way somebody ignore that basically the in the way check is the bigger and tougher the thing in the way the more likely the shot hits it instead so for a wall rocker tree we have to roll four five or six to get by but like a fortification like a big like Rocky art crop or like if you're hiding behind like a parapet you might need a five or six to get by fences bushes and long grass it's a three plus to get by so basically the softer the thing in between you and your target the easier it is for the bolt to get through okay so there was no need to do it cause there was nothing in the way so now we're gonna roll the wound and that's going to use this chart right here look at the strength of the weapon now a bow has a strength of two uh and then the defense of my target that morning or without a shield is going to be a five so we go down the chart we get six to do any damage so rolling again if we get that sixth that orc gets an arrow in the eye no we're all one and nothing happens you resolve this process either one at a time or we can take shots with the remaining models at the same Target so what we can do is called Fast dice I'm gonna pick the two remaining guys whoops who are both in range and line of sight now they shoot 24 inches everybody's moved closer to each other so we know we're in range but I can use my tape measure to check if I want to we're going to roll the dice and try and get a shoot of four five or six because they're both metagond or shooting the same work and they both missed so no no chance of actually wounding there nothing was in the way and also nothing hit now let's try this last guy over here we're gonna take a shot at someone who does have an obstacle in the way the same time because he's behind a wall we're going to make it in the way test if we actually hit him so he'll take a shot we know he's inside 24 we know he has line of sight so at four five or six will hit it does because he's partially obscured by that Rocky outcropping we have to roll a four or five or six for it to get by it's not a fortification but it is a stone wall so on a four five or six he managed to get past the wall he doesn't so it bounces off this wall right here and doesn't hit him and that's our shoot phase over so we're into the fight phase now in the fight phase normally any model is in contact which is to say that the bass they're standing on is touching the base of an enemy model so a good model versus an evil model would then roll to fight we're not going to get to do that this first turn phase of the game is the end phase so the end phase is where you're gonna clear up any tokens you may have had to put out by being knocked down not relevant for this game if there's Cavalry involved you can get knocked over and stuff I'd have to stand up later on you could be paralyzed and check to see if it expires and you just reset the turn die if you're using it for priority return turn two started to turn one of the things we'd have to check is if one side or the other is broken and now when you play a game like this the more casualties you take the more likely you are to start running as soon as your army gets below half its starting number of models so in this case if there's six or more guys dead on one side every time someone tries to move they have to start making a courage test so the best hope of the gondorians is to break them around the Orcs And cause them to flee because they do have a slightly better morale again we start back at priority and we roll to see who's going first evil and good whoa evil got the priority this time they get to move first so starting in the move phase everyone's gonna move up there six inches again measuring from the same point in the base the same point in the base and continuing their little Shield wall we now Advanced up the gondorians get to do the same although instead of moving too far closely I think we're going to just sort of form up a little bottle line here not moving our entire six inches so you can just kind of shift the models around if you want instead because you know you're not moving too far and then rely on their archers to once more hit them with some arrows some combine shots again instead of rolling individually for each guy we'll roll three dice one two three and all shoot the same Target now we need the same roll to hit and wound this model so they're all going to shoot him they'll have to shoot value of four five or six which is really nice at the same time and speeds up the game a little bit they all hit once again we know that the strength two of the bow to hurt the defense five of the more in an orc they need a six to do any damage and they don't quite get it so a five five and a one swan is gonna take a shot at this flanking force over here he's a bit worried about them so four five or six to hit just like before any misses with our priority phase move phase shoot phase and once again no fight phase we move back to the end phase reset the die because they're closing in right now we're into priority no casualties yet so the evil priority rolls a three the good is a four once again the good player just wants to shift up and form their battle line just sort of ranking up and preparing for the charge which is all stand still and the Orcs make their move plowing forward to begin starting the combats so line up the middle charging forward to hopefully win the initiative next turn priority and the other two flanking forces heading towards the archers with the move phase over we're back to shooting so these guys will once again do a combined shot three shots from those three archers all at the same Target all needing a four five or six to hit they land one but once again a strength two for the bow against defensive five means they need a six to do any damage and they can't quite make it this final Archer realizing he's being threatened will take a shot at that orc and miss all right third turn over with no fights we're on to turn four and this is the turn something's gonna happen so priority red is once again evil and they win so their plan has worked and they get to now make moves to engage called a charge so charge an important kind of move because it allows you to enter someone's control Zone a control zone is a one-inch bubble that basically guys from the other team can't enter unless they're gonna pick a fight with you what it means is that you can't run around someone to go fight someone in behind until that person's already engaged so we know we're well within six inches with all these guys so we can start moving them and picking fights now a charge means you come with an inch enter the control Zone and then enter base contact with that model the front rank here is all going to charge The Swordsman they're sort of holding the line and what that does is that cancels their control Zone it means that the friends can go around now Spears allow you to do something different you can support with a spear what that means is you can fight through a friend and add your attack to theirs when you do a combat so right now the gondorians are being supported by their friends and it means that the numerical sort of advantage of the Orcs is offset by the fact that you have um you have friends in behind like poking with the spear over your shoulder but because the control Zone's gone that means that the Orcs can turn these two-on-one fights into one-on-one fights you can ignore this control Zone and go and charge the front and behind same on this flank he's going to move in and fight as well these guys don't quite have the movement to get around so instead they're going to go into base contact with their friends and do what's called a supporting attack to fight with their Spears these lone Orcs back here still a bit too far away they're gonna run towards this wall moving six and try and threaten this Archer now these two guys are already starting next to the building they're gonna make what's called a climb test they move into contact with the wall and then they get to roll a die and look on the climb chart to see what happens so rolling this die we're gonna look on the climb table roll a one oh no that work fell the model slips and falls to the ground it becomes prone so we'll take a prone marker and put it next to that orc if the model began it's climate ground level it takes no further damage but if it was higher than this it could suffer from falling damage so if it was climbing already off the ground it could fall down the second org a little more prepared than his friend walks over attempts to climb as well and rolls of three continues to climb they'll climb until they move their maximum move distance or reach the top it only took about two inches to get there so he has four more inches and that's more than enough room to get to the top roll to six he'd be able to keep moving and make a charge afterwards because he only rolled a two to five he has to stay outside it finishes his move and stay outside of the um the Zona control of that guy right and so the evil forces have moved now forces could move could move be pretty happy with happy with friend with their Spears or fight one-on-one takes us to the shoot phase now these two archers can both openly see this guy now if there's a front in the way he doesn't make an in the way test they both have a Pure Line to that uh orc so they're gonna quickly shoot using multiple Dice and try and hit them on a four or five or six for the shoot value they both hit now they need that again though they need to get those sixes to kill two against defense five nothing it had it up to six but not quite enough now this Archer can shoot an unengaged Orc in the back here that's supporting his friend so this guy's not in zone in control of a friendly model which means he's an eligible Target now the evil models if they had bows they could actually shoot into into combat with their friends because they don't care so much about the cost of the human or the orky live I guess um so it's a single shot into this unengaged orc on a four again he gets and then can he get that six we're getting sixes to hit but not six is the wound this one's unable to see reporting it's not engaged on a four five or six he misses shooting not doing so good this game finally we get to actually use the fight phase so we're gonna start with one of these one-on-one fights over here and what you do is you divide fights into one-on-one and then many on one so luckily we have one human fighting an orc one human fighting an orc one human fighting an orc both with support same thing over here and then one human with support fighting two individual Orcs fight wingern based contact and you do it in four steps you make a dual roll you roll a number of dice equal the number of attacks to see who wins the loser backs away so whoever uh like doesn't win the fight moves away an inch and the winner makes strikes whoever won the role makes strikes equal to the number of uh their attacks against the uh using their strength against the defense of the target start with the one-on-one over here this man of Gondor fighting into that orc they each have one attack on their profile so that you can roll one down additional rules they can do with their equipment here but we're just gonna do a straight up fight here one dice against one dice so the blue dye will be the managondor and the red dye will be the orc whoever rolls highest will win the fight so the man of Gondor won and that means because he rolled higher and that means he will drive back his opponent one inch case of a tie they would go to their fight values their fight value is both three so it ties again uh no one has a higher fight value it's basically your skill at fighting so in this case uh they will instead get to roll off to see who won that fight now because there was a clear winner we're gonna make some strikes from that managondor into this morning orc normally defense five he is carrying a shield which makes him defense six and now there's a strength of three and we'll look down the table to see what we need to roll to damage chart from shooting is used in combat so a strength of three against the defensive six means a six to wound both sides are very tough does not get it if I resolve we go to the next one this is going to be a more an orc against a Spearman now this morning or does not have a shield and we're gonna roll one die against one die one attack blue is Gondor all right so this time the morning orc one so he will drive that man back an inch like so it strikes now the orc is stronger strength four against a defense of six as well five plus a shield so he needs a five or six to kill that human I think does not these two resolve we're gonna work our way left to right um we have this combat here so once again we have a man with a single attack of Gondor and a more an orc now each of them is supported by a friend with a spear in contact that means they gain an additional bonus die to their attack rolls highest dice of the roll and that will be the winner of the fight so in this case the men of Gondor both roll fives and the highest is a three for the Orcs which means the Orcs win or the humans win sorry the arcs lose and are driven back models including the supporting model are driven back an inch well with dice now are used to run strikes so the duel having been won by the humans they need their strength of three against defensive six because he's still carrying a shield to guy up front and it's a 6-2 damage come on no so close the fight will be over here so we have more than orc against a man both with supporting Spears so two dice against two dice and this time the Orcs win back and strength four this time against defensive six with a shield of five or six to do damage and the Orcs oh Crush that man so the first Blood of the Orcs this managondor is killed as soon as six or more are dead we gotta start making courage tests so last but not least we have two uh Orcs morning Orcs fighting one fellow with a supporting die so it's two dice on two dice but if we wanted to we could also Shield which means that this guy could throw x-rays try and win I don't think we're gonna do that yet I'll teach you shielding when someone's outnumbered you guys against two dice and once again the Orcs win with the higher individual dice roll and a five or six would have slain that human but instead he is fine and he was already driven back an inch all right so in turn four the Orcs took the lead with their first kill so we're on the end phase now um and we would remove any tokens this guy is still prone though so it'll stay on the table and we roll for Initiative for round five oh and the humans take it all right well taking the initiative spell is going to jump on and attack that orc of Gondor will do the same just to try and block this all up this Bowman and this bone both stand still hoping for the best and then the remaining men of Gondor so he should be at seven inch we'll reform their bottom line and attempt to break or sorry hold against all these Orcs so charge a charge a charge ing in charging in charging in and supporting his friend the you got to go first they kind of got to Define how the fights are happening but there are a few loose Orcs still to get to do stuff so these two supporting Spears they're pretty happy where they are they're gonna stay in melee but this guy's gonna make a climb Jack and see if he can get up that he does but he does not get to move any further because he did not roll a six this work will do the same climb check and roll three and both of them are now on top of this building threatening this Archer stand up he can move half his normal speed which he'll use to try and climb as well and see if he can get up that wall three he does but he doesn't get to enter into zone of control with only three inches of movement that's the close you can get all right so the movement's all done we're in the shooting phase two loose archers both trying to defend their positions he's going to take a shot into this guy just came over the wall four or five or six to hit gets it and then a sixth of your damage strength two against defense five now if you're doing the same into that uh single orc four five or six misses it's combats and we'll start left and right so now over here we have a spear orc fighting a man of Gondor now we'll teach you shielding so that spirork's gonna have one die as is the managondor if he decides to do nothing but defend he can get an additional die but if he wins the fight he doesn't get to do any hits basically he's too busy turtling it's called a a defensive position so we're gonna try that this turn and because of that he wins the fight and drives this orc back but doesn't do any damage doesn't get to roll any strikes because he's fully defending same over here this work against not managondor and even though he was fully defending he loses the high dice ghost the orc so he'll get driven back an inch as well and that Network can try and make strikes strength four against defense five a six sorry is a five plus whoa kills him it's not going good for the metagondor let's fight over here two against two the supporting Spears and the bad guys win again now they can only hurt the guy in base contact but they get two dice once again to do it because that's supporting spear things are looking bad he's also dead oh no the human line is crumbling now this one Spearman is going to Shield to gain an extra die to fight against these two because it's he can feel the the the the thing the shield wall starting to collapse uh it didn't matter though a one and a two will not beat that three and so those Orcs get to roll again and get a six and kill him too finally we have a man of Gondor fighting an orc he's gonna chance it one on one our casualty here come on oh no they lose as well and that's strength four does not kill him but he is driven back and then finally this last Spearman will do the same one on one he wins this time though and on a six he will kill that orc no just can't seal the defense on those Orcs is too much all right up top the two archers trying to fight that one org so they get two diced it's one and they win with a six they need that six again to actually kill him let's see if the archers can defend their little potty Nest no didn't even add up to six and he is pushed back just barely almost off the edge whoa four men have gone door down it's not looking very good two more and they're gonna have to start making courage tests because their force will be broken for the sixth turn the arcs look like they're overwhelming they're gonna get back into the the hot in the field hospital and they win the initiative yet again and with that these guys are going to try and overrun by each engaging one model Miracle Advantage continues so he's gonna Pile in and be supported by his friend he's gonna Pile in and be supported by his friends he's going to keep the humans from getting any kind of a bottle line here and they're gonna have to fight a fully ranked up orc advance so the first model entrance out of control pins them down with the charge and the spears going in support it's the same here he's going to move into combat the spear will support does it might have gone over with a single lone Archer to try and shoot in the shoot face he's not going to bother moving but he will try and plug this orc right here maybe an Archer will do something this game so on a four plus it'll hit it does and he's at six again come on kill him not someone low on arrows they must have been things are things are all good for the shooters all right so once again left to right so it's gonna be two dice on one this Archer does not have a shield so he has to defend himself with a single dive and high dice goes to the Orcs a five six will slay that Archer no he lives but he has driven back an inch over here the same thing that human will shield and try and hold the line and they need to not lose any more men and he wins so he drives back to two Orcs but can't strike blows because he's shielding much the same over here that human will shield getting the extra Dice and win the fight and drive back the Orcs buy time for The Archers and this Duo fighting that uh man of Gondor who will shield and win the fight oh the shields are working they may not be the killiest but they are tough spearmen also shielding trying to just hold off this Advance Of Orcs food so it goes to a tie this time a four and a one so on a one to three the bad guys win on a four to six the good guys win as we break the tie four to six the good guys win so he's driven back but doesn't strike any blows the first Archer attacking this orc up top dicing off the York wins though on a five six oh no when The Archers is down when they're broken a single fight so it's gonna be this orc attacking this Archer dice on dice the human wins and this guy is trapped he can't go the full inch back he's against a wall means that because he's trapped he can't move the entire inch um there's double the amount of hits struck back against him but it doesn't it's not about to get on pushing back model finishes the move he would go this way because he can't stand his under control of him the humans are hanging in there the men of Gondor not quite out of the fight yet want to turn seven this should roll see who's going first a tie so we roll off again and it's the men are gone there's not much they can do so instead of fighting they're gonna fall back and make the fights a little more fair so falling back and falling back the Orcs however still able to get to them and support so it's going to be a big fight this turn because they are drastically outnumbered now these gondorians are just gonna Pile in try and win the fights this way and he's gonna jump off actually I moved the Orcs already but it doesn't matter he's just gonna jump down climb down and be done these guys to climb as well he does and this guy moves and does as well so both of them God the bottom make a single shot and Miss contact each with a supporting model so four red dice to two blue dice two men of Gondor one which is supporting the other the Orcs tying everybody ties so once again they're tied for fight value one to three is the Orcs four to six is the humans the Orcs win this time so four dice looking at strength four I guess defense six a five plus to kill that minigondor F they are now going to be broken at the start of the turn same thing over here uh that metal Runner is gonna Shield I think for the extra dice it'll be three dice against four the supporting guy can't Shield because he's just throwing in help and they win oh my gosh convincingly and drive back all four Orcs this guy's a hero go Warren go Warren damn Rod one-on-one up top so against that one orc oh the manigondor wins on a six ah the Archer gets the first casualty for the humans they weren't good at shooting they're good at fighting though they're bloodthirsty so that's one on one up here again and he loses oh no she's driven back and on a five six he's taken out it's just one-on-one up top now gondorians are in the game going into turn eight all right so end phase let's roll for some priority the new turn and the humans win but that's unfortunate because they're broken and that means before every model moves they have to make a courage test now courage test is your roll 2d6 and add your courage value if you get to a 10 or higher you pass so at courage three these guys need to roll um a seven plus on 2d6 to pass otherwise they're just taken off the board as they flee so does your courage hold six plus three is nine nope he decides all of his friends are dead and he goes off to the dead pile which over here also decides to flee he's going home this man of Gondor he he rallies and he piles in for a final fight his friends also rallies these guys you shall not pass and the last one also passes and goes to support his friend the Orcs Pile in and it's really not looking good for the men of Gondor he's just gonna Pile in here and a friend's gonna support him he'll continue to support his friends and it's gonna be three on one three on one two on one these guys will come around and join the fight maybe next turn he'll walk to the edge field for two dice fighting three dice for those three Orcs and their supporting model the Orcs win though and it's a 5-6 now to kill him he's driven back an inch to here and on a five six he's taking him you might have gone to remain so once again he will shield because his supporting friend can't uh help him now because he's also engaged it'll be too dice against three and it feels like we're just delaying the inevitable they win again if five is the highest ice roll and on a five six he's taken out of action as well the final Spearman stand against these two Orcs he'll shield for two dice but there's only two of them so it's two against two now they tie all over the place one to three it's evil four to six it's good it's good he's chilling he drives them back and there's a final turn phase we clear the status we're gonna turn nine and the big important thing is does this guy run off to tell Damron that the Orcs are here he sure does six plus three is going to be nine and that means he takes off and the Orcs are victorious this is episode one uh the Orcs crossed the anduin and it led to a complete route of the poor gondorians but that's okay we'll be back uh next Saturday um with the second episode of this which is Ambush which is going to talk about warband building um and the heroic stats and this is my painting stuff for this week now you're gonna get to see me do some paint guides for these on Instagram um and Facebook where I'll do some step by steps for both the Rangers of aphillian because this is my warband for next game we have damrod leading the Rangers in a counter strike against the Orcs and some reinforcements for the anarchs themselves um be taking up to 16. so basically two more just regular hand weapon Orcs And two more spear Orcs to bring them up for the next scenarios like model requirement list now I love breaking up a star set this way because I feel like the um the like the the heavy lifting of painting tons and rank and file if you don't reward yourself with a game in between then it just feels like monotonous and the fact that I only have to paint another like 15 models right 16 17 models uh to get to the next mission will be very very very very very easy to do over the next seven days you'll see it on Saturday um but the actual like paint guides and the sort of Step by Step knee painting damrod uh the Rangers and the Orcs will all be on Instagram and Facebook over the course next week I might do some shorts too because I can put the same images in the shorts on YouTube so if you see them pop up on YouTube as well then they'll be there and all the description of the steps themselves will be in the the video sort of like text and you can see how I did these morning Orcs and how I will do um the actual ranges of a Fillion going forward this week that'll be my chunk now that leaves for the next couple episodes uh the rest of the morning works as well as faramir madro gothmog and the trolls and they'll get their own separate bits as we go forward followed by this right here which is the how I painted the um the buildings video so there you go part one complete the turn sequence the core mechanics of the game and the course outlines for the Middle Earth strategy battle game um and the new battle of Australia two-player starter so big thanks to workshop for selling on the models early so I can do this series and for you guys for watching Talks Tom Ash have a good man hey there I hope you enjoyed that video there are tons of other games are recorded for you to watch click over to my channel page if you haven't already and have a look to the dozens of playlists full of videos I guarantee you'll discover a game you haven't seen played before I put out new videos seven days a week and every day is themed to a different genre as I continue to explore the wider world of Gaming of course now that's possible without you the viewer so click a like And subscribe if you'd like to stay on top of what's Happening Here daily my two kids and I are massively grateful to be able to have the flexibility of this job so I can always maximize my time with them if you want to support me continue to put out this content it's only possible because of my amazing backers on patreon we support the studio equipment and model cost as well as being how I make the bulk of my living you can also help out by buying a t-shirt through spreadshirt a measure engage or widget from duster designs or buying one of my games and supplements like last days gamma wolves and Blaster as a way of showing my appreciation patrons get early access to new games and supplements that I write throughout the course of the Year huge thanks for watching it really does help out and happy gaming [Music]
Channel: Guerrilla Miniature Games
Views: 49,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tabletop Media CoOp, Ash Barker, Guerrilla Miniature Games, Tabletop Games, Miniature Games
Id: qcG414uTmfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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