Just How Good is Skaventide!? AOS Launch Box Deep Dive!

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so age of Sigma fourth edition is upon us and we at tabletop time got sent a box of scaven Tide and we have big plans for it the very first thing I wanted to do is go through the Box contents and let you know what we think of it now rest assured we are actually painting up both forces inside this box a spearhead of each in this video so we're not dragging it out but we do want to check out the boxes as I'm sure you all do from the perspective of an actual user rather than games workshops sort of promotional photos now I'm going to get one thing out of the way and that is the steeply rising prices of Games Workshop products are something that we are all not a fan of and we certainly aren't going to shy away from saying it however that said this box game is not a huge amount more than Leviathan and I think it contains actually a lot more content and let's dive into that content so the first thing that's really different about this box is you get these two hard cover books so you actually have the core rule books for fourth edition which is a full reset Edition where everything is getting new rules you also have a hard cover book for spearhead which is their new Skirmish game system Ain to combat Patrol for warhamer 40K and what I think is actually fantastic about this is these kind of books that have a fairly steep retail price independently are often barriers to entry for gaming groups to try out these new gaming systems so making sure that these spearhead books are circulating by putting them in the launch box is a really fantastic way to make people more likely to try out the game this book contains pretty much everything for what we'll call season one of spearhead including spearheads for every faction in age of Sigma I'm actually hugely fond of this and having played spearhead before spearhead does feel to me as if it is everything combat Patrol promised to be so following that up with the fact that this box contains two spearhead forces plus more means this is already off to a pretty solid start as for the rest of the box we have a whopping 74 Citadel Miniatures for the stormcast eternals we have a lord Vigilant on Griff stalker a lord terminos a lord veriant a night quester some reclusion prosecutors and liberators and of all these models I am most excited about the prosecutors my Twilight Sentinels force of stormcast eternals were heavily inspired by my love of Diablo growing up so these golden armored angels are my absolute number one in the Army the original prosecutors for me almost got there they looked really cool but were a little bit clunky and more importantly they were a nightmare to play on the table because their wings made them impossible to navigate so I'm really hopeful for this redesign I love it I'm really excited about them and another really huge positive of this box is that scaven fill out the other half of it and scaven are a huge fan favorite faction the scaven have been itching for new models for a long time and this range does not disappoint we have a clawlord on norbe a graer a warlock engineer which I will say I don't know why it's not a warp lock engineer and that kind of bugs me we've got a rattling warp Blaster rat ogres warp loock jaaz and Clan rats we've got heaps of Clan rats in this box 40 to be precise now with all those minis it doesn't stop there because this contains all the cards templates and systems required for you to play spearhead as well as a double-sided board and I have to say this might be my favorite launchbox Games Workshop I've done and the reason for that is purely the completeness of the play experience if you're spending a bunch of money with a friend splitting this box and diving into the hobby the fact that you can actually play a robust game out of the box with everything you need including playmat there's also four bits of terrain in the Box all the cards all the templates all the the books in hard cover and all the rules and your other friends who already have spearheads or vanguards can use them with the rules in this book it just means it's a really playf friendly box and that's something I'm really excited about so that's what you're getting and what the Box contents look like but I'm biased I love stormcast eternals I have an army of them so I'm painting up the spearhead of stormcast eternals today and the rest of the gang are painting the spearhead of scaven so that we can have a game here on the channel and let you know our full thoughts about spearhead early next week in just a couple of days this is a big time for age of Sigma players and we hope to bring you some great content covering the launch both in this video and the next one so that's enough talking about boxers let's start painting them and hopefully give you some ideas of what you can do in your hobby they certainly look good in Games Workshop promo images but uh what's the reality of building these models how beginner friendly are they well it's time to find out so I have been super excited for the newest edition of a sigma to come out and scaven Tide is pretty much everything I had hoped it would be I have the lucky job of building up a bunch of rats for this box and while I'm not necessarily on the side of destraction I am excited to get my hands on these new models and have a look and see what they're like so right off the bat you can see these sprws are absolutely gorgeous there is a ton of detail and little bits of Storytelling that spread all throughout the scav and Tide box I particularly love this grayer model that's in this Edition I mentioned previously that I do think this is potentially a good sculpt for someone that's wanting to enter a painting competition or even golden demon something I should mention in this box and is the same throughout all of the other Warhammer starting boxes for the new additions is all of the models are pushed to fit this means it doesn't require any glue to put these guys together you can simply put part A Part B mush them all together and you'll have your model done however I don't particularly love this approach because I feel like sometimes it can be hard to put these models together and I did find that in this case so something I would do is trim down some of the pegs that connects these pieces together this means when you do push them together they'll be nice and snug and make sure you don't have any seams in between your pieces P other than that everything was pretty easy to put together and the instructions were very clear on which pieces went where there is a whole lot in this Edition so I highly recommend taking your time and making sure you go through the instructions thoroughly so you don't mess anything up for the scav inside of this box and making up a spearhead Force I made up all of the clan rats yes I made up all of them uh I found out about halfway through that I didn't need to make up all of them for spearhead I needed about half of them but I've made up all of them anyway because I just kind of got into this weird Madness of building all these rats and I got very excited the end of the day doesn't really matter just means it's all made up and we have more and more rats once everything was all pushed together glued in and looking nice it's time to give them their coat of Chaos Black and get a very special spray painted treatment meanwhile at the Legion of Doom so setting about building stormcast eternals from a starter box this ain't my first rodeo I started clipping out pieces to build some liberators the most basic models in the troop and the easiest to make some mistakes on always the first models I start on all the stormcast models in this kit are made up of numerous bits and many of them the head slots into the neck and then you seal the Torso on around it I've been in this hobby a very long time and I have to say these starter models for the stormcast were harder to construct than many non- pushfit models that have been released lately they look great but the push fits a nightmare also the stormcast have these daggers with handles coming up on them just another thing to be wary of be really careful where your fingers are if you're pushing these models those stormcast daggers are a recipe for broken plastic now for those who've been following the channel for a while you might know my Twilight Sentinels I mentioned that they're based off Diablo and one of the concessions I make is all my winged models have hoods with the recent advancements in stormcast law prosecutors have been moved into the ruination chamber where stormcast eternals are basically on their last legs falling apart and falling to the storm losing their humanity and becoming something else which actually works so well for my War band where only the prosecutors and winged models have these hoods so effectively they're hiding what they're becoming and I think that's that's super neat but that means I need some hoods and thankfully Games Workshop have recently released some great Hoods from this inner circle box of Dark Angels so I cut out the hoods and carved out any areas around the neck or shoulders where I would need to make them fit in the stormcast tals scaleway Space Marines and stormcasts work really well so this wasn't a problem and the only parts that look slightly out of place were the respirators and large faces which I carve away anyway because I don't want any semblance of physical characteristics to be distinguishable under the hoods these will be painted matte black later with all the faces filed down I put a little dollop of plastic glue and make it look like a perfectly smooth featureless [Music] surface what [Laughter] all right I've been building these models and honestly uh I'm going mad because these rats in the studio keep messing with everything ruin my instructions I've only Built five liberators I don't know I can't build the other five liberators I've lost the instructions just messing with me and um I think I need to get some rat traps or mouse traps yes yes half yes I'm mine jeez yes yes all right now that those pesky rats are gone I can now get back to building my stormcast without interruption I build up the characters as well as the Griff hound and then I move on to the Lord Vigilant on Griff stalker I have to say this might be one of my least favorite models I've ever assembled from Games Workshop doing my absolute best I tried to put this together but there are multiple seam lines and connection points in really bizarre places the cloak fits together in such a way that it's made up of three maybe even four pieces once the final model is assembled and with each piece glued any discrepancy in these placements basically creates a snowballing effect making the rest of the model more and more difficult to glue together without horrendous seams I did my best and I got a pretty good result but the process and experience was really frustrating and you got to remember I'm an advanced model painter I didn't enjoy building this guy but at least I enjoy the finished result because this is one lovely looking stormcast [Music] model super gross outside uh so I'm going to have to spray indoors so I'm going to go ahead and spray up these rats in a red and a greeny color undertone mared it uh I've built so many of these rats I'm it's a rat tastrophe how many rats are in this box let's spray some [Music] rats all right so while I'm hanging out by the bins and waiting for these guys to dry I want to sort of talk about why we would use the Mari method in this circumstance so the Mari method or the spray can method just is getting two different colors and laying them on top of each other it's really good for just establishing a color for your army so if you know what colors you want to use then it's really effective and once all of the spraying is done we can actually go in and start layer painting them otherwise I'm going to keep spraying these rats and we should be done very soon now painting the scav inside of the scaven tide box is a huge feed I personally love to work on bigger models and so in this box the rat ogers were the place I decided to start here I was able to lay down some of those Foundation colors on top of the marray meth me spray we had done before figuring out what worked and what didn't and just playing around with it in general I previously painted up a scaven in the color Cube video using one of the cards as a palette tester and I really liked the colors that I had used for him so I'm going to use a similar color palette here for these new scaven going in with those warmer colors and keeping in with the general theme I also decided for some bizarre reason to go with non-metallic metal for all of the scaven this was a pretty horrendous idea it at the end of the day because again there were so many rats so many rats and they all had non metallic metal I don't know why wasn't a good idea they all had metal on a lot of metal on them so I put myself into a very uh secluded box in deciding to paint not metallic metal but that being said I'm really happy with how it turned out I was able to also add in a little bit of brown for us textures which I thought looked really cool on these guys so any of the messy mistakes I just threw some rust on it and called it a day and I was really happy with how they turned out so as I was slow going insane painting up half of these rat Clan models eventually it did come to an end and I was able to call them finished all that was left was some basing which I decided to add in some muddy texture to the bottom and just some yellow colored tffs to make them look like they were Scavenging around on a Dusty dirty Planet once the clan rats were done I was happy to move on to my next solo model the Warlock engineer and I really feel like this guy should be called The Warp lock engineer because the warp Stone kind of made sense but it's fine whatever I'm probably going to call him wrong but the war lock engineer was the next model on my list again knowing I had an established color palette I could just go in with this guy and really lose myself in the process also want to mention really oddly here it's a bit of a tangent that I think the black gloves on models make them look particularly evil they remind me of like a mad scientist so I gave this guy some sick black leather gloves so I think that that's a nice little touch that I've added here with these models pretty much done I went back and added the ground texture and toughs to these as well as trimming them all off with a nice black base now since Jen was painting the bulk of the rats I got the honor of painting the nastiest dirtiest filthiest rat of them all the leader on the bigger rat I suppose now this model is entirely new and is absolutely gorgeous in the most disgusting hideous ways possible and I'm going to have a lot of fun painting it and I want to really lean on just how gross this big rat is so I'm going to start off by over brushing the entire rat this off flesh tone and then go in with gray contrast covering the entire model working in segments at a time and while this gray is still wet I'm going to mix in Greens and strong pinks to get this tortured and rank feel to it then for the fur I'll use an even darker gray mixed with dark green just to complete the look as you can see I'm really focusing on putting the pink around all the joints any areas that might be swollen or move or maybe it just sore and all the gross stuff all the time all the armor and metals I'm going to paint exactly the same way that Jen has done to make this rat fit in with the rest of the army however I'm going to be just a little bit more delicate and careful about the placement just to sell the feeling of the general of the army and that he's just a bit more special than the rest of the rats the final touches of this character all the warpstone and underlight from the unders City that are bursting through whatever he's broken through on he appears to be riding half a house so really it's amount on amount a rat on a rat on a house I'm not entirely sure what's happening here but it's kind of cool it's very scaven so for that I'm going to get the most vibr green possible and just slap it all over allowing it to get Messy as this will allow for a little bit of object light sourcing for free then while that's still a little bit wet I'm going to start over brushing with darker green basically the reverse of highlighting with a lighter color I'm going to do the complete opposite with darker colors to make it really look like it's glowing from within then for the final step I'll mix in that little bit of vibrant yellow and poke that down into the deepest recesses where I really want the glow to be and then after a few more extra details it's finished and ready to join the rest of the ratties and now let's check in with Dave now this wasn't my first rodeo we've been doing this channel since Dominion launched and that was the starter set for the last edition of age of Sigma and back then I painted up my half the stormcast half and I realized how long it took to paint this game that's why I've only Built the spearhead it's the only sensible way to approach this but even then I don't expect I'm going to finish all the models in time for this video's launch for embargo it's been a while since I've shared the Twilight Sentinels paint Scheme with you all so I'll share it with everyone again so to paint my stormcast I need to use Chaos Black and then something secret retributor armor spray this is all we have left of retributor armor the bank actually denied me the loan I would need to buy another one of these cans because they are the most ridiculously expensive product in the world I don't recommend buying them however I did use them on my Army and I found that when you use the spray retribute armor and the hand painted retribute armor the Finish is completely different so I'm I'm kind of stuck it's like a lone shark I'm kind of bound into this weird relationship with spray retributor armor so wish me Lu getting everything I can out of this can after retributor armor is laid down on the whole model it all gets washed with reand flesh shade and once this is dry you dry brush on oric Armor gold in this case I substituted for Theo's polished gold and then dry brush Liberator gold and line highlight and point highlight with some storm hose silver the process gets the gold looking really good really quickly and allows you to move on to other areas of the model I've just finished painting the gold and I'm having big flashbacks to Dominion I'm kind of getting a stretch getting some stretch on uh it's taking me a long time it feels like they're almost done cuz like 80% of the surface area is done but I know from experience I'm not almost done I've got so much more to go this is just the beginning all right wraith bone my have not yours haha [Music] mine M damn rats next up for all of the black straps you just paint them with the nicest matte black you've got on hand and then I highlight on the top edges with scaven blight dinge and storm verman fur the purple metallics are next and I use amethyst Alchemy from scale 75 give it a little soft glazy wash of luxian purple contrast and then reh highlight it with amethyst Alchemy and then a little Point highlight on the edges of storo silver the armor for my Twilight Sentinel is accented with a Diablo esque white and I paint this khy and then work up to wraithbone with a little dab of white at the very top to make them look very bright yet still weathered and battle warm I did note The Liberator hammers are kind of interestingly designed now so I decided to keep the center of the Hammers black and just have the Striking edges in this amethyst colored metallic another important factor to my models is the basing and my models are based in highish but right on the border between go and haish and this is where the Twilight realm I've come up with sort of stems from so it's a real Fay inspired strange greens and purples weird glowing mushrooms it's a little place of infinite halflight and strange magic creatures so to do these bases I spray them all wraithbone and then use a bunch of contrast Paints the turquoise contrast paint pterodon turquoise for all of the rock and gravel which I then wash in some various sections of Agra Earth shade and then Griff charger gray mixed with Space Wolves gray for the rocks and then it all gets dry brushed up with some bright highlights some toughs get thrown on some weathering pigments it all looks pretty nice but today I didn't do any of that I have to give a massive thank you to Jen who had finished her scaven with time to help me out with these bases as I was lagging behind so she painted all of these up and did an absolutely amazing job and is definitely often the unsung hero of basically getting a whole lot of work done and doing it really well and really quickly while I pull my hair out line highlighting things so thank you Jen you did a great job but while Jen has been helping me there have been some rats in the studio that have been driving me absolutely crazy and making my time painting this so much harder it's probably the reason Jen had to help out I've been delayed they've been messing with my pain stealing my models and I've had enough but I think I know how to stop them I know exactly what it is that a mouse wants [Music] hopefully that is the last of the disgusting rats around the studio dealt with and I can take a look at my prosecutors I love the new Direction the wings have gone I do love the light burst effect but they're so painful to use on the battlefield that I'm really glad they've changed the design but I have to say I'm not very fond of the way the studio chose to paint them the fact that they've got a single layer of feathers and then blue fire coming out from underneath is kind of confusing it's clear that These Wings Are mechanical in nature as they are a backpack mounted onto the stormcast to turn off so the fact that we have these pristine white feathers and then only one layer of them makes it look really odd not only from the point of view of them being a magical artifact but also strange if you were to look at them as bird feathers because bird feathers are layered so when you look at this it just kind of looks a bit weird if you separate them so instead of that I've decided to do a gradient across the whole thing and make it look like blue magic energy that is sort of fading out into fire and billowing away in the wind so it has the most structure closest to the backpack and then it loses it and turns into e fire as it spreads out so to do this I use some blue and I just do gradients painting on more and more layers of brighter blue closer to the sauce all the way up to White and then line highlighting those pinions and the flame with just some blues just toning it in basically it all just needs to look like a blended little thing where it goes from Bright to dark and I think it looks really good I think this is a relatively quick way of doing it I've done this Army painter style it's still not fast cuz there's a lot to line highlight but I think the effect on tabletop actually has a lot more Synergy uh and really pulls them together and they look awesome so I'm really happy with my prosecutors and with all those models mostly painted I'm going to admit there's a few bits that aren't finished let's check out the reveals [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so as you check out these gorgeous new age of Sigma 4.0 models I want you to also consider checking out our patreon that's right thank you to all of our patreon members for your support we've been actually getting a lot of amazing interaction with you all I've been redoing the way I do my Monday updates and it's been so good we've got a bunch of commentary Insight feedback it's fantastic to directly hear from you all about what we're doing what we should be doing what changes we're making and it's just awesome so if you'd like to join in on that Community get in on our private Discord or our Mini review or even just check out those behind the scenes videos and give your input on how we can make things better around here consider checking out our patreon it is the reason we can do this as a job and uh don't have to eat me Goring every day just some days thanks everyone [Music] [Music] thank you so much for watching Mar's here I am and we're going we're saying bye if you like this video uh like And subscribe all that stuff uh on next week we're going to be showing off spearhead yes we are Mar and I are playing it's going to be really good we've played once before exit I was half awake but hey at a secret location at a previous time yes uh time for a rematch well we never played each other no we did we played secret people it's time to go off and hard things scheme it's Friday it's beer o' we're out of here by done
Channel: Tabletop Time
Views: 29,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPG, DnD, roleplay, role play, role, play, pathfinder, stream, live, livestream, dice, dragons, dungeons, LARP, tabletop, table, game, gaming, roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, Roll Play, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Pen and Paper, roleplayoing, itmeJP, campaign, story, storytelling, matt mercer, Criticall Role, Critical Roll, D20, D6, cogent, cogent roleplay, warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, miniature, mini painting, kitbash, customize, custom chapter, greenstuff, sculpt, games workshop
Id: osKa4OJogH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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