Deathwatch VS Orks: Kill Team Octarius - Updated Intercessor team Rules!

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hey everyone this is Space Marine Steve from play on tabletop and I want to play kill team [Music] I found three amazing players to help me do it a mountain of fantastic prizes all from the Army painter we found a great story to tell this is kill team octarian [Music] number two [Music] James Mister initiative Jones so we meet again back for a little more kill team you know what I gotta watch out or he's gonna take vengeance upon me he's mooning me right now isn't he it's time to play [Music] in our fifth game of the kill Team octarius Series we see the Undisputed All-Star and lovable poster boy a play on tabletop Space Marine Steve commanding an updated Squad of Death Watch intercessors come on down big guy I am Space Marine Steve and this is kill team octarius octarius is a super dangerous place the Orcs And The tyranids are smashing into each other and the Imperium wants to keep that action rolling I am using all intercessor Warriors all with various types of Bolt weapons oh I love bolt weapons so we are going to slay some Xeno scum and Prague this conflict on a little longer Steve is facing off against James Mr initiative Jones a close friend and regular guest on the channel piloting his orc Commando kill team welcome back James it is always a great day when you're in the studio my name is James Jones Mr initiative and I'm playing you guessed it Orcs playons brought us back I'm here to stop Steve once more so I brought over Commandos and I'm really excited about the throat slitter rule where I can be concealed and still charge into combat really Grump something good Steve always rolls ones will hide nothing to fear there James Mr initiative Jones we meet yet again on the field of battle he and I have played so much All-Star series kill team and uh you know what we always have really good games so while it's going to be a tough opponent I know for sure that it is going to be a foreign the mission that we are playing today is simple yet unique and it is going to pose a great challenge to us both we are playing the narrative Mission ambush from the octarius campaign book The Objective is straightforward the defender for this game I'm gonna be the defender needs to try and get as many of their operatives off the side of the board as possible while the attacker needs to concentrate on blocking my Escape Route and knocking out as many of the operatives as possible each operative that escapes the board is worth two victory points to me and each model that is killed by James is worth two points to him is a race through the Kill Zone and I'm excited to see what happens have a good game gentlemen before we get to the game let's talk about the sponsor of this year's kill Team Series as you may have guessed the Army painter has generously sponsored playon's kill team and provided us with enough products to test out and showcase the versatility of their range and now we have to play for it the Army painter has put their paints to the test and put their product on the line if you want to check out what we're playing for and the products we use to paint the models in this video head to the description below and check out their website and everything that they have to offer hey everybody this is space train C from play on tabletop and I'm so excited to invite you here into the studio for this episode 5 of kill team octarius and I get to play my best buddy James what's up dude how you doing man I'm excited I'm really excited too and today we are playing for Boom the Army painter brush set the mega brush tent but I'm actually very excited about because there's four seven ten brushes in this bad boy brushes are pricey so I'm gonna need these dude so I really need those dude I've licked all the bristles out of my other brushes ew I am playing the intercessors uh kill team which because this one is filmed like behind all the other ones because we did all the other ones due to scheduling all of them together but this one's filmed much after I can use the sixth one so I have six interceptors instead of five and I'm using the updated data slate too I've brought back the bog standard or kill team I've been playing the whole time oh yeah yep got to keep it simple for my op brain so uh please note that uh we are playing a very open and narratively and this is a much more akin to what is open play in the book however uh because of all your fantastic suggestions uh in the series that has already been released uh we are updating a couple of things and we also are using these barricades and these barricades here are a little bit bigger than the barricades that they recommend to use in the actual rules however because we are playing on ontarius we have these awesome Orc barricades and we are going to use these uh as the barricades for this Mission today attack Defender side to his attacker Defender no I oh my God oh my God that's gonna be a good game Tire Defender what do you want I want to be back here I want to kill you all right cool sometimes I gotta run for it uh Defender has to place uh one of these little barricades yep but I can't place it on terrain or anything like that I think what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna put one right there [Music] I'll slow you down yeah totally will a little a little roadblock yep it'll slow down let's slow me down a little bit I gotta go up and over that yep so we placed all of our barricades which is great we've got our deployment zones uh marked out so uh normally what we would do is we would deploy alternating however the mission states that we need to deploy the attackers models uh all of them in concealment and without my knowledge of which one goes where so we've indicated which of these are going to be which of those and Nick both both Nick and uh James both know what those are I have absolutely no idea uh we're gonna see how uh how this shakes down I know that I'm getting a little nervous you should basically just be lined up in in cover yeah that's good so it's very clear here that uh James is selected to hide his Orcs Behind These large um Factory buildings and I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see wait and see which one of them is where I'm also very concerned to know you know where this knob of yours is that's I think what I want to know is where did you put it on you can't wait to see the knob all right so I'm gonna start and uh uh so uh my leader uh is going there [Music] so all of my intercessors are all equipped identically the leader went down along with uh two intercessors one of them is hiding just under here um just under this Factory uh piece put another one [Music] I think it's best if I just get up and in there as fast as possible especially since the updated data slate is giving me three AP instead of two I want to make sure that I can use that to my advantage as best I can so we are going to make sure that if I can if there's an opportunity for me to shoot I'm gonna shoot sniper boy and comms boy they go together I will also put over Dhaka boy and then we've got um two regular boys there got the boss knob we've got rocket boy burnaboy and two regular boys here as well uh so with the uh data slate update uh the great thing about uh the Space Marine Schnauzer uh just riddled with with great new rules and so uh I have chosen a pair of rules to represent the chapter tactic that I'm going to be using and I've selected that I'm going to gain an additional uh triangle of movement so my guys can be a little speedier and then I have also elected that I'm going to have one additional wound so instead of the regular intercessor Warrior having 15 wounds now I have 16 wounds that much more heartier solid choices for the mission yeah foreign [Music] as the attacker you get to decide who has the initiative so would you like to go first or would you like me to go first as I am Mr initiative I believe I'm going to allow you to have the initiative this round okay so uh we're going into the Strategic deployment phase we've got uh three command Points each are you gonna use any I'm not and you know what I don't think I'm gonna use any right now either I think I'm good uh and we move right along I'm gonna start with this uh this agenda back here [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that's that I'm just gonna do about it so I'm gonna have com's boy he's going to give his first APL over to sniper boy okay sounds good and then he's just gonna move and just waddle that way a little bit yep well I'm gonna take uh this uh in here one dash again now we're going to have sniper boy Ascend yep checks out checks out and then he's going to spend his two remaining APL because of his generosity of comms for it to unload into this here's Space Marine on the far side yep that sounds good here we go whoosh three criticals I like it uh I get three dice for my defense and I get three UPS and I get uh two of them yeah I take out the two regular hits so that is going to be six mortal wounds yep and two damage per hit so 12 total wounds all right good thing you took that extra wound on yeah good thing uh so he's got four wounds remaining which is just fine but he is working a little bit you didn't think he could shoot at all but then he did this intercessor Warrior here in the middle is gonna move just right here behind this Rubble pile uh this guy is gonna Dash he's actually just gonna go this way just gonna move over to here okay uh so then uh the next intercessor Warrior is going to do the same thing and just saddle up right next to his buddy I'm gonna go with rocket boy he's just gonna he's just gonna run up to the wall here staying staying hidden uh I'm gonna go with the inner sister Warrior that's right back here and he is gonna jump up onto this vantage point right here it isn't going to help him score points no however I think I I feel like I might need a turret of sorts and I think that he's gonna be have to be that turret that is actually true and fair this orc boy on this side he's good yeah he'll just saddle up and hide on the corner there uh I've got my leader and I think the leader is just going to move right here behind this big piece of cover this guy is just gonna run up behind his buddy another regular orc boy is just going to run up and uh reinforce his friends uh Badonkadonk uh the boss knob is going to just shim me up to the corner uh from my vantage point I'm gonna shoot at your DACA boys make sense so instead of Threes I'm hitting on fours because it's the OverWatch rule yep here we go uh so one critical and one regular hit I automatically retain one for my cover yep and I failed the other two sounds good so you get one success you take away my success but you get a critical hit which is four damage okay takes four damage puts him down to six I've got the wounded token on him I will Mark him down to six wounds remaining sounds good work boy just moves up to take position of the impending movement of these Space Marines this guy will back him up now I have just the Burna Boy left he's gonna Dash and then he's gonna climb up top one turn down boom look at that point done how do you feel uh right now the score sits at zero to zero because I uh James has killed none of my operatives and none of my operators have made it off of his table Edge which I'm hopefully going to uh probably going to change pretty quick here so I think things are going to get pretty rough and a tumble next turn but we'll see how it goes so we flip on over boom boom boom boom boom flip on through to the other side you won Steve King initiative depict I'm gonna go first so I'm gonna use one of my command points whew and I'm gonna use the Tactical Doctrine strategic Ploy so the Tactical uh Doctrine uh strategic play allows me to reroll one attack dice whenever I make a shooting attack within the red Pentagon of uh any of your models also going to spend one command point on skulkabout okay so any of my Orcs that have a conceal order yep May retain one additional save as long as they have concealed order Ah that's pretty good uh intercessor Warrior is a really wounded one so I'm moving uh one Circle less but that's okay because I'm going to be able to escape the view if you're silly of sniper boy he is also going to be concealed let's go with orc Boy near the corner of the wall do it he is going to declare a charge and away he goes I'd like to charge him right to the far side of you if possible sure four attacks on threes four attacks hitting on threes uh and you'll be hitting me back on Floors wounded yeah okay two two hits no no uh nothing crazy nothing crazy here I like crazy so four Dax but I'm hitting on fours because I am wounded so uh from threes down to fours I get uh one so I hit you with uh the first attack four four damage just kills me Crump so my inner intercessor warrior up on the Vantage Point yeah he's going to uh engage and uh he's gonna take his audible rifle and he's gonna shoot um the DACA boy DACA boy so uh three three rolling once pretty good Steve three successes and one critical okay so I get to retain two saves one for cover yep and one for skulk about full on now if I could just roll a crit on this one that would be sweet I did I did I agree one uh so one goes through and you take three points of damage so I'm going to so you have me for one how much damage did you say three three I think now is the time we'll play just a scratch yep and ignore the single shot you had going through wild stuff okay great however uh what I will do uh is I am going to uh use its bolster discipline okay so hitting on three three ruining one uh so this exact same lineup so three uh hits and one critical so I do three saves so I take the critical hit so you take four okay putting him down to two wounds remaining we are going to go with comms boy okay and he's going to zip over the corner here okay and he's going to give his other APO up to sniper boy okay and he'll be done so we're gonna go up here this uh the the extra triangle that I get in movement helps me get up here so I'm gonna get to this vantage point and then I am going to uh use my bolt gun and I'm going to shoot at the dashboard here okay so uh on freezer ruin ones so I retain two and then I'd block them all all Jay Steve no what's happened uh he's gonna use the Bulger discipline weapon and just do it again light him up super good so you just gotta roll six here save yourself well or or a regular block even a regular five would do it because two regulars block acre oh that's true yeah no taste that's officially too much work for one deck apart uh we will go with sniper boy he's going to shoot into uh this guy down here on the ground yep your regular intercessor there he is going to spend two APL to do the best spot yep so you can shoot here we go so I do have some cover so I get uh to automatically retain one then I gotta get some fixed up and hopefully I can block this critical uh nope so I I've only blocked two of them uh I blocked two so I take eight yeah so he takes eight and is wounded and then he's just gonna use his other APL just to uh readjust himself a little bit yeah okay that's good the this guy here said he doesn't get hit again uh he's gonna charge uh this Commando here he's not wounded so in we go uh oh so one crit and one regular so I just cranked the hit through for four and then you block nothing he is dead he's gonna take four eight twelve moves yeah he dies yeah I'm gonna go with the boss knob okay he is going to pass an APL up to burn a boy sounds good and then he's just going to so I'm just going to move him over here next to uh rocket boy that extra triangle actually gets me pretty far it's a good choice uh and then he's gonna shoot at this thing it's going to be awesome so on threes re-rolling ones uh four hits do still have the concealer so I do can do uh get to retain and then I roll uh okay so I blocked three of them so you take uh three points of damage uh and then uh I will use uh bolster discipline and shoot you in again okay all these bolts are just going to shoot you again whoosh whoa wait there it is I think I'm in trouble now yeah you can't he does and I'll throw it anyway oh he's dead oh no okay see a guy he will uh Dash to the corner okay and then climb up foreign okay so I'm going to use my action to climb over this Rebel pile and then I'm going to Dash so now we go into OverWatch time so up here uh he is going to OverWatch here okay fours because it is a voltage discipline from this intercessor Warrior right down here sounds good uh re-rolling ones okay yeah uh two Critical Hits I retained two yeah hope for this six you got it oh boy well Dash and then he's going to uh use his action to climb up forward I am going to uh take the OverWatch action with this model here yep and we're just gonna go right into that thing or before you didn't quite make it across yep make sense or if you're only one hey so I retained two on regular and I roll another six no not this time you block one of the criticals yeah so you take seven in total so you take seven in total putting him down to three absolutely this guy is going to move two circles because he has to uh climb a little bit so he's gonna move two circles which will get him to here okay it's gonna change his order to a attack order and he's going to fire a rocket into this intercessor here hit all no give him alive do it Steve roll it oh block that crit and I'm gonna go from uh three command points down to two command points um and what I'm going to do is uh re-roll this roll right here yep make sense here we go got it you're only taking four damage yeah four hole damage which isn't bad at all okay with that the one that you just shot the shot at you're going to shoot back at your rocket boy make sense rocket boy let's do this whoosh uh so I've got three hits uh two hits I do block two though okay yeah all right so uh all I've got left is Burna Boy that's it man is I mean he's got an extra action but I really don't think it helps him right now he's gonna Dash towards this Edge yep and then he's going to scale down and just drop down okay sounds good that's turned two turns down Steve turns down and right now you're up you're up right now four to nothing so the end of turn one I got two command points you've got two command points you've killed two of my operatives giving giving you a four points and I've killed two of yours giving me nothing because I need to escape off the board Edge so hopefully in the next two turns I can make that happen with at least one or two of my operatives and even up the score let's take a quick break from the game to talk about something that is near and dear to all of our hearts the hobby we say it often at play on tabletop that this is so much more than a game and it really is we use a variety of techniques and tools all of them available from the Army painter line for the Death Watch intercessors we use the Army painter acrylic War paints nothing fancy just a good range of colors some very techniques and a great finish on a really accessible paint line something that I really appreciate about the Army painter paints which I have been using long before they sponsored this series ultramarine blue on my ultramarines take a look at these and demonic yellow on my Imperial fists for instance take a look at those something I really appreciate is how they use something called the color match system to match their spray paints with the bottled acrylics the colors are fantastically close and it has made painting Space Marines uh dream I would encourage all of you to pick up a can and a bottle and give it a whirl it's made my life easier let it make yours this year too all righty turning point three one yep uh so you get to you can just pick do you want me to go first I think I'm gonna go first where's your shoes on probably I think oh we each have three command points back to three I'm going to do one CP to skulk about some more yeah so I'm gonna strategic play for the assault Doctrine basically what happens is when I roll a dice for my attacks and for my parries I get to re-roll one of the results so I get to go first yeah ah so uh I'm going to start with yep you guessed it Rockets Rockets yeah I bet rocket boy rocket boy is going to fire into the same tactical Marine he fired he has five dice hitting on fours because he didn't move he gets to re-roll all his hits some rough stuff here we go hey looking pretty good so far looking good so far okay AP1 so you will have one last defense dice yeah so I go from uh three defense dice down to uh two defense dice I'm looking for boxcars right now to stop all this down these uh these crits are also going to Splash onto your captain uh I get uh two successes so I blocked the other two but the crits go through unfortunately so I'm gonna spend one command point and I'm gonna use transform and Physiology and it's going to take one of my regular savings instead checks out makes sense so two of these go away yep exactly so he takes nine damage to your regular uh intercessor uh this guy uh this guy is gonna start okay and he's gonna shoot and he's gonna shoot at um your injured or boy right there so three regular hits okay I retain one but you're concealed so you have another one oh right he is concealed sorry basically I need to not make this five up so I rolled another five yeah and also I'm gonna use my second APL and I'm just going to sorry second ab and I'm gonna fire into him again make sense uh so now it's one crit and two sorry and three regular hits but I'll roll it anyway for the show up he takes it on the chin okay so he gets out of there uh and then uh what I'm gonna do move action so right into there sniper boy is going to spend both his APL to fire from concealed and he's going to fire into the critically wounded guy okay yeah I use a retain one for cover uh and then oh yeah there's no possible way I pass this it doesn't matter and then I die yeah so I'm going to spend one command point so as he dies I'm gonna use Wrath of edges and lets him shoot uh on his death so he's gonna go into the rocket boil make sense yep here we go re-rolling the ones you're just looking for credits I blocked one I block one crazy brought one crit and I block your one regular hit oh yeah that's true yeah so I take one critical hit four damage but I'm gonna spend one command point right just to scratch oh so you do nothing so man that is so agitating yep he's gonna charge into your comments boy love it right in there and we go with the Fists oh baby my regular orc boy uh no that's the Convoy oh no I only hit one uh you block one so you take four five six seven eight nine ten exactly enough to kill him look at him go I'm gonna have this guy charge into him in retaliation okay there's been nothing else that speed bumps you and we can do that's true uh nice Steve uh yeah so because of the assault Doctrine I do get to reroll one of these dice so thankfully I go from 15 to 11. I block one of your hits yep I'm gonna hit you so you take four uh and then I give you four sure Oh no you're right you kill me now hit you for four yep and then I hit you for four again and then you finish yeah come on so my turn I do Fair charge with this work boy [Music] whoa oh dude all right well let's let's see maybe I can maybe I can stop it I cannot I'm not gonna happen you're hitting on fours uh I do get uh to re-roll one because you sure do nope sorry I just don't like you one bit Yeah so so you take uh five damage yeah I die alrighty so you have scored two four six eight points uh the maximum amount of points that I can score now is for four we're going into turning point we're going into turning point four there's no way that they can actually make it that way I went out swinging you did you know what sometimes you go into a match-up or it's just not going to work out and I also like my dice were you Dice they were on fire yeah um but you know to be to just be reflective like you were right when you said like I should have just overloaded one side and went right for it yeah you should just a flanked aside and just push through the five orclays that are on that side whatever they beat yeah that's what I should have done but you know what I didn't gunned him down on the approach yeah exactly I should have just done that but you know what it happens and it was a great game nonetheless it's always good playing with friends congratulations to our winner and To the victor goes the spoils a big thank you to all of our players the Army painter and to all of our patrons and YouTube members you help keep the computers on here in the studio a giant thank you and of course this is Space Marine Steve signing off saying until we see you again in the far flung future of this Grim Dark Universe play on [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 93,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: 2shkll5mK7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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