1,000,000 Tyranid Assault - True Size of a Tyranid Invasion (Part 2) 3D Documentary

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need com a fullscale tyranid invasion is a horror Beyond imagining billions of bioforms raining down upon a planet in Endless waves yet the Defense Forces of the Imperium will not go down without a fight they too can bring to bear not just millions of their own troops but also the formidable might of Imperial [Music] industry claw and chitting will be met by commissar and [Applause] camot in the opening hours of an invasion these assets will be deployed with rapid efficiency to the front lines to take 16 [Music] here the humble Guardsman will prepare to meet the [Music] Invaders with the support of mechanized units artillery bombardments anti-air cover a ray of Hope still shuns for their salvation [Music] but the Great Devourer is ever evolving soon it will unleash fresh waves of tyranid bioforms of ever increasing number and complexity to wash upon the Defenders on all [Music] fronts in this episode we shall dive into the front lines to experience the true size of this second wave of a tyranid Invasion so this Series has been a massive epic undertaking it's costing us thousands of dollars hundreds of hours of work but I think it's really worth it especially when you consider what we have in store in the future when it comes to Hive cities biot Titans you name it but to keep going we truly need your support and in this case the best way to do that is by pausing the video here and checking out today's sponsor tacticus where you can actually fight your own planetary invasions and where we actually got a lot of inspiration for this episode tacticus is a 40K mobile game that I've honestly become addicted to you build squads and fight tactical crunchy battles where things like abilities positioning light of sight and elevation all matter level design enemy types and boss mechanics are all super well thought out and make for refreshing gam playay across the different modes which include theme campaigns wave based onslaughts Guild raids PVP Arena fights and tournaments now the latest update to the game introduced Guild Wars where you and your friends will establish fortifications and assault enemy positions the tiles that you're assaulting and reinforcing all matter in that they give buff to adjacent tiles and it all makes a really nice and Rich Game Play where your strategy and your coordination all truly matters now as someone who has honestly gotten addicted to this game uh over the last couple months I've unlocked most of the characters and I've completed most of the campaigns I can honestly report to you that you can get a lot of entertainment out of Warhammer 40K tacticus without spending a single Dollar on it unlike a ton of other games I feel like snow print Studios has done a good job of respecting my time and my wallet so I can strongly recommend Warhammer 40K tacticus and it would mean a lot and support the channel a lot if in these videos you can you know pause it here click the link in the description or scan the QR code above to check out the game and while you're at it be sure to use the code Invicta May for some awesome goodies from now until June 15th enjoy the scope and scale of a tyranid Invasion make such events impossible to truly capture yet in this series we can nonetheless simulate the major phases of these cataclysms as a review the first stage is one of infiltration whereby Vanguard organisms gather information about and undermine a planet here liors will stalk high value targets leapers will hunt vulnerable prey and Jean Steelers will grow cultist DS in the shadows when the time is ready the dinner bell is rung as the hive Fleet approaches it now triggers the second stage of isolation emanating from the billions of tyranids is is a vast shadow in the warp which disrupts all warp based travel and communication what defenses yet lie between the Invaders and their target will be swarmed having destroyed or simply bypassed these obstacles the high Fleet will now enter a planet's atmosphere this marks the third stage of assault fours now rain down upon the world in all forms from the tiny microbial variety meant to begin terraforming the environment to the multi-story drop pods set to unleash hordes of combat forms together these will constitute one of the many waves set to overwhelm the planet let us now take a closer look at their operations we can begin with assessing the strength of the Defenders though this planet lies on the fringes of Imperial control it is nonetheless a beneficiary of Humanity's vast Armed Forces as a result millions of professional levied and volunteer troops can be counted upon to mount a defense these have been divided into multiple Army groups each Hive City and major strategic region has been assigned an army Group which numbers at least 1 million men and boasts tens of thousands of vehicles this force is then further broken down into cores which are posted across the territories outposts fortresses and valuable assets covering an entire planet milary Invasion will be beyond the scope of our video we shall therefore narrow our Focus to the theater of war centered on the young Hive City penitent Spire its Army group cores have been split across seven areas of command once more an exhaustive review of each of these is Impractical and so we will further focus on the Southeastern sector here has been deployed an Imperial Guard Corp whose paper strength roster includes the following units one headquarters company of 400 soldiers 25 chimeras and five Leman rust tanks one line Infantry Regiment of 10,000 soldiers one Recon Regiment of 2,000 soldiers and 100 Sentinels two armored regiments of 52 Leman rust tanks five chimeras five Sentinels and 350 soldiers three artillery companies of 30 basilisks 30 chimeras and 240 soldiers four anti-air companies of 24 Flack turrets 12 missile imp placements 40 chimeras and 250 soldiers four squadrons of six Valkyries and six support companies each consisting of roughly 60 chimeras 120 engineers and 300 soldiers in addition we should include the recently formed Reserve company which consists of the Cobble together remains of outpost survivors its strength is estimated at around 300 men for an effective attrition rate of 70% in just the first days of combat in all this amounts to roughly 188,000 soldiers 645 chimeras 110 Leman rust tanks 110 Sentinels 90 basilisks 220 anti-air platforms and 24 Valkyries a poultry force compared to its equivalent within the inner planets but a nonetheless appreciable roadblock for any Invader in terms of defenses this core occupies a network of fortifications which tightly control its sector at the heart of it all lies The Garrison Fortress and its resident headquarters company this stronghold is located at top a high ground position with a commanding view of its surroundings within lie a multitude of important facilities such as Barracks armories landing pads field generators and administ ative buildings these are enclosed by an impressive Bastion wall of reinforced ferrocrete and ceramite plating capable of withstanding heavy bombardment the walls are studed with anti-air anti- armor and anti-infantry weaponry all of this is granted yet further protection by a void Shield which blankets the entire complex surrounding the Fortress are additional rings of protection and supporting infrastructure key to the operation of this battle sector is a rail line system which feeds a series of Supply depos here the first armored regiment awaits as a strategic Reserve while the valkyrie artillery and anti-air companies have set themselves up to provide OverWatch for the entire core this is a representative view of a key Supply Depot located at the Terminus of a rail line Branch it contains offloading equipment and storage facilities for both men and material these are accompanied by by air pants with the entire perimeter featuring gun in [Music] placements ever since the emergency mobilization orders were issued trains have arrived at regular intervals for the rapid deployment of the Imperial Guard cor's 10,000 Man line regiment [Music] like clockwork infantry squads pour out of cars with their combat gear at the ready they will now transfer to a waiting climas of the support companies which have been tasked with further dispers pass ing the men to their stations on the front [Music] lines meanwhile technicians and support Crews tend to the four Landing pants which currently host a squadron of Valkyrie carrier gunships nearby fuel tanks ensure they are quickly topped off at the same time an arsenal of rockets heavy Bol rounds and other Munitions are efficiently transferred from the Depo storage to the awaiting [Music] ships within minutes the crew is cleared for departure and will join their comrades in the skies [Music] around the edges of the depot anti-air imp placements are completing their warm-up procedures Tech teams man the operating stations and resupply systems while above twinlink Auto cannons cycle through their selection of available ammunition types and feed Diagnostics back to the panels below nearby the crews of the Basilisk units have also manned their stations sights are set breaches cleared and weapons loaded the Depot's defensive Weaponry comes to life just in time to meet the warning claxons heralding the approach of tyranid assault waves the anti-air Crews unleash salvos into the distant clouds targeting the dropped BS which have entered the defense sector FL backrounds burst across the sky shredding or outright evaporating the ship to surface bioforms a near constant aerial barrage keeps the skies clear of enemy drop pods and flyers the basilisks too now join the chorus artillery bombardments obliterate any Invaders which manag to slip past the aerial defenses and land in the Imperial guard's Back Field this cover fire allows the cause outer defenses to focus on maintaining a perimeter so long as the logistic system runs without interruption the tyranid hordes can be kept at arms length returning to our map of the sector we see how the various units of infantry and vehicles have been dispersed across the front much of it can be characterized by a long line of static defenses which follow a sweeping Ridgeline here the core has established multiple layers of Mine Fields barriers trenches machine gun nests and tank revetments from the ground their overlapping fields of fire make for an imposing sight up close the fortifications begin to reveal their wear from recent neglect f are nonetheless formidable reminders of Imperial engineering's rugged resilience these front lines are staed by a large proportion of the line Infantry Regiment and an entire armored regiment fresh troops continue to filter in from the supply depos and are hurriedly shuffled forward to shore up the defenses these Imperial troops have been in near constant contact with tyranid forces which have washed upon their lines in increasingly large waves no [Music] for now such assaults have been kept in check by the sheer volume of fire Unleashed by the guardsman at times the scale of enemy waves have nonetheless threatened to overwhelm the front lines yet the support of artillery and aerial strikes issuing forth from the rear have proved to be Guardian Angels scattering any dangerous concentration of enemy forces as quickly as they arise to the east a winding Gully Shields the flank with naturally impassive terrain the few Bridges which allow access to the interior have been the focal points for a tug of war between the Guardsmen and tyranids on either bank for now the Imperial Guard Engineers the support companies have managed to rig the bridges to blow destroying all but one this has successfully managed to channel the waves of turmus into a killing field where companies of line infantry and and detached artillery batteries Hammer them on the approach to the West a more permeable flank exists in the form of a landscape pockmarked by waste aluia and long dead forests it is a toxic place even for tyranid bioforms here specially equipped Walkers snipers and combat patrols of the Recon regiment l in weight these work to efficiently pick off any Invaders who managed to snake their way through the treacherous morass with this review of the defenses in mind let us now flip our perspective to that of the attacker at this point it has been but a few hours since the first wave of tyranid drop pods began raining down upon the planet yet already the Swarm has swept aside most outer defenses allowing the Invaders to establish Beach heads around each Imperial Army group now the Swarm will begin consuming all undefended sources of biomass from fields to greenh houses animal pens protein Vats and settlements this Feast will help fuel the new spawning pools which act as terrestrial factories that can begin spewing forth fresh biof fors together with reinforcements from the orbiting Hive fleets these second W forces will amass in huge numbers for the impending assault meanwhile the remnant of the first wave will be sent into the meat grinder of Imperial defenses this serves several purposes first it will keep the front lines advancing away from The Landing sites second it will put the enemy enemy on the defensive fixing them in place third it will drain the Imperial Manpower and ammunition and fourth it will grant the hive mind valuable insight about the strengths and weaknesses of any positions which have not yet yielded all of this will be achieved at the mere cost of expendable bioforms which will already be nearing the end of their limited lifespans what's more their yet freshh corpses will ultimately be reabsorbed when the tyranid waves eventually crash this Imperial speed bump such is the cold unflinching efficiency of The Great Devourer by the time the second wave assault has been prepared its composition will have been finally tuned to counter whatever straty has thus far preserved the defenses of humanity we can now review how this manifests across the various fronts of our army Corp the southern front resembles the multi-layered intrenchment of Humanity's ancient first world war here an open no man's land has allowed the Imperial Guard forces to mow down waves of frontal assaults carried out by relatively low tier troops however as in that bygone War armored behemoths now prepare to rumble unflinchingly across the plains to shatter these static positions these come in a variety of deadly forms we can begin with a review of the carifex genus and its various subspecies such bioforms act as shock assault units they're characterized by a hulking figure roughly 4 M tall with a thick carpas that is impervious to most Small Arms fire though carif effectes may take time for their muscles to accelerate them to full speed this momentum becomes nigh Unstoppable man and obstacle are crushed underfoot in close quarters the thornback subspecies features huge siing talons which rip apart soldiers like paper and tanks like butter some may even be equipped with large versions of tyranid bow Weaponry which grants them the ability to gun down any who may have evaded their charge another notable subspecies is the screamer killer this apt name is derived from its ability to emit piercing shrieks which debilitate foes and foretell the discharge of deadly bio plasma blasts first encountered by Imperial forces during boarding actions against High Fleet Behemoth screamer Killers proved to be extremely deadly Close Quarter combatants these line breaker bioforms will now be Unleashed by the hive mind on the southern front wading through swarms of gauns their hulking size is all the more apparent this fact is duly noted by The onlooking Defenders while some may feel their hearts tremble in fear officers quickly Shore up their morale some even standing up out of the trenches in open Defiance with the companies thus steal the Guardsmen fire everything at the behemoths but the carnifexes will gladly Wade through this hail storm their Hawking figures serve as living shields for the hordes of gauns that now follow in their wake soon this living tide crashes down upon the front line [Music] stalwart commissars are cut down where they stand their men now fleeing to the rear some survivors desperately make a final stand calling in bombardments to top their own positions in a bid to stop the enemy at all costs but the hive mind has made its cold calculations the momentum of the Swarm presses ever onwards yet the further they delve into the Imperial lines the more likely they are to encounter heavy weapons teams and tanks the armored regiment is especially well equipped for such encounters Leman Russ squadrons now pound the advancing carnifexes when shots find their Mark these tear vicious holes in chitter plighting severing Limbs and Blasting apart body parts behind this calry the Imperial Guard infantry units can regroup and catch their breath but such reprieve is shortlived though the tyranid second wave appears to be receding it has served its role well the distraction conif effectes have drawn disproportionate amounts of attention and fire away from their lesser Brethren who have been able to efficiently mop up the troops in the front lines this has in turn bought time for the spawning of fresh reinforcements bioengineered to crack the remaining Imperial Guard position in a coordinate move these now deploy across all fronts for a devastating third wave join us next time as we witness the unfolding of the hive mind's next move for now you can head on over to our patreon and YouTube membership to get HD downloads of all our art catch scripts previews and participates in polls a big thanks to the current members for supporting the channel and to the researchers writers and artists for making this episode possible we couldn't have done it without this team and this community we also have to shout out the folks at teale factory for supplying the awesome fortification models they're a company that designs Miniatures terrain bases and other accessories for games which you can purchase to 3D print stunning products in your own home we'll link them in the description below if you enjoyed this episode be sure to like And subscribe for more content and check out these other related videos see you in the next one
Channel: Invicta
Views: 358,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: invicta, invicta history, tyranid, tyranid invasion, tyranic war, tyranid war, tyranid lore, tyranid invasion documentary, tyranid army, space marine, space marine 2, space marine lore, space marine explained, space marine organization, space marine chapter, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, space marine 2 trailer, space marine documentary, ultramarine lore, ultramarine chapter, space marine creation, space marine chapters, space marine cinematic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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