HOW TO PLAY FACTORIO | 7000+ Hours of experience explained in 30 min

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welcome to factorio my name is nielas and this is the combination of more than 7000 hours of factorial at this point i feel qualified to make a video on how to play factorio as a single video so this is what we are this video instant is intended to be instructional informative inspirational and maybe even entertaining as well so sit back relax and enjoy the ride and by the end of it you will know exactly how to play factorio from start to finish in a very effective manner as we land on the planet the everything is manual and that's not why we play factorial we want automation so we start with some manual mining some manual tree truck chopping means some manual crafting as well and the objective is to get up a number of smelters and miners so that we can just grab materials instead of mining it ourselves good start to consider in the beginning is about 16 to 20 iron smelters for copper smelters for stone miners and 16 to 20 coal miners as well before we even can start automating we need to get a little bit of electricity and i built this little module and then we replicate it here 10 times that's as much as it can be supported and then you can upgrade it as you need more power we want to start alterating so in order to do that i laid down the foundation of the very first assemblers i want but we can't build them yet because we don't have the research so let's research automation and for that we need a science lab and 10 red science packs so let's get those built and then we can research the very first thing with automation completed we have now started our journey into the wondrous world of factorial automation and the first things we want to do is make it a little built for automation for green circuits for belts for red signs and ammo if you feel that vitals are encroaching on your territory already at this point and this is actually the first milestone we've reached and by having automation now we have a slightly more automated we can mine somewhat automated we can build somewhat automated and we have a few things available for us to build the next stage so if you are a regular channel then you know the drill please consider hitting the like button it helps a lot with the with the visibility of this video and also shows you that you like this video of course and of course if you are new around here welcome and please consider subscribing for more factory related content the next stage is what i call the jumpstart base since this allows us to jump start our real base by creating everything we need to build in one place and this includes inserters assemblers and belts as well as completing every single red and green science available in the game all in one little base this makes space creation so much easier because you have everything available in certain assemblies belt splat and science already here once you have this built it is natural to also want to expand it to include steel because we need power poles we need mach 2 assemblers and we need to be able to make steel furnaces for faster creation of faster smelting also we would also like to get stone production going so we have nice stone bricks for our sacred path as we move forward this is the next big milestone as we have now automated the creation of building materials as well as all the green science all the way from mining to finished product this will allow us to really speed up on our production or creation of the real base which we will start on if you're interested in more content then check the description or the pin comment below with everything you need there are playlists of every type of factorial content you could want to watch there's startup series there's megabasing the theft world there's modded there's master classes on designs and all the blueprints i use in all of my series are available with links below we will use the production from our jumpstart base for building our future page which means we can now focus more on designing and building while the jumpstart base is replenishing all that we consume while we continue work on while also continue working on red and green science i'm using my city block design to make it structured main bus space this gives me the structure i need and for the base allows me for easy expansion and a high degree of readability which is something i really value when making content for youtube with the structure in place the very first thing we should start on is making some big smelting columns i have blueprints already prepared for this so we'll build some copper smelting some iron smelting and some steel smelting here as well with this method completed we can now drag this material up on the main bus so it's available for our future builds together with stone bricks and coal that we also need the real advantage of the making a main bus is the scaling of raw materials and the scaling of final products are independent so you can keep extracting materials from the bus for more production and then go back and add more mining and smelting as you see fit we will be making three things initially off the bus the green circuits the science and the hub and we'll start with the green circuit the green circuit here is a small build but i'm conserving the rest of this city block for more green circuits as we scale up and progress with the base you need a lot of green circuits so let's make room for parallel builds here with the jumpstart base taking care of all of the red and green signs there's really no need for us to rebuild the screen green science here until we actually start making the military signs whether you want to focus on the military signs or the hub first is really up to you but i prefer getting the military science started so that we also have some better defenses and better ammo as well while we then work on our construction of the hub military science requires a lot of iron copper steel but also a lot of stone and coal as well so at this point we really need the bus fully operational and everything we have on the bus is being used to support the military signs the next build is the hub which will completely replace everything that we were doing in the jumpstart base the hub consists of three different tiers and three different parts one is focused on builds and inserters another on assemblers and power poles and the last on pipes trains and later on also uranium power with the hub and military signs online it's quite clear that we are using a lot more materials and way more than we can support with our with our starter base so we need to get some trains going so we can expand out to the first outpost well first of many outposts even and this is also something that i have a pre-determined or pre-designed blueprint for so it's easy to set up yet another outpost this would be a great point of the video to insert a sponsorship or an ad activation for a random product but i don't do this on this channel ever instead i rely on the goodwill of the community to support me to through patreon this is an ideological choice that i've made since i hate those fake ads that seem to be everywhere here on youtube so i hope that the content i produce will motivate some people to pitch in and help support on by pledging on patreon as that is the way that i keep this channel running thank you very much everyone who's supporting up to now things have been relatively simple we've been dealing with a limited number of products and they've all been transported on belts but the next stage this is where we have the objective of going to blue science which is a major step up both in complexity and also in capabilities the blue science requires oil refining and because it requires sulfur and red circuits which in turn require plastic so sulfur and plastic are the two oil products that we need to deal with at the at the core of this stage this stage is where a lot of new players get stuck in the game because it kind of changes from dealing with items on belts to dealing with liquids in pipes and then there are some things that changes with our military signs operational from previously it is a good time to also secure your perimeter push back some biters and also establish a wall around your base depending of course on how much pressure you are from dividers if you're running low on initial resources this is also a good time to tap a few outposts with trains we have the capabilities we've set up our train we have the blueprints so we can set up a few more extra locations to tap some more resources and bring it back home to our base with our perimeter secured and our resources increased it is time to sort of take another step up on the tech tree ladder and this is where we start working on oil design now i have a single oil design that i spent a lot of time on designing it works brilliantly because it serves in the early game and it also is possible to scale it up to the mid game and the extreme late game and thereby not tearing the whole thing down and building it but simply so having already left room for improvements and upgrades as we go forward we will of course need to get some oil into this build in order to yield some initial petroleum these are very small quantities but it's certainly enough for our sulfur and plastic build at this stage of the game for both sulfur and plastic i have a speci have specific builds these look a bit strange but the reason why they look like this is because like all of my builds they can also be scaled up and therefore they can be expanded and upgraded as we progress to the mid and late game in this space the only additional resources we need inbound is quite a bit of coal that we need for plastic but we also need a bit of iron as well as a bit of water and once you have that we have quite a bit of plastic and also some sulfur we also have a box of sulfuric acid which we are not going to use right now but it will be handy for batteries and for uranium mining much later on software and plastic go back on the bus leave two lines for plastic and one lane for the sulfur all of our liquids also go back on the bus because that makes it easy for us to drag them out into future builds the first ingredient for the blue science is done this is sulfur and we will then use the plastic combine it with some green circles that we already have together with some copper that we already have as well and combine it into red circuits it's worth noting that these are created extremely slowly so be prepared to scale this up with multiple parallel builds as needed also remember to bring red circuits back into your hub because it will be used for a lot of additional products so you combine it on the same line as the green circuits and the hub will then take care of all of the new builds that will be enabled when you have the blue circuit blue science already unlocked now we have both the red circuits and the sulfur for our blue science so the only thing we need as we build a design for the blue science is to we're paying in some iron and some steel to make the engines and then complete the blue science build and then of course lead it back onto the science lab so we can start unlocking some research here this is yet another major milestone as we now have oil and blue science unlocked and this is what really unlocks the mid game in factorio and our research should be heading towards robots because that is basically the most unique thing about factorio is how robots can help you scale exponentially if you're still watching at this point then you must be interested in the content and thank you for that i produce quite a lot of content not only here on youtube but i also stream on twitch i live stream every evening almost every evening at least at 8 pm central european time this is at twitch tvs and i'm streaming mainly factorio gay factory games so but this is always changing depending on what is new and exciting so uh feel free to drop by and say hi over there the objective of this stage is to make robots do the work for us so we can focus more on designing building and expanding and thereby grow the base faster and bigger a lot of things in this space are left at a very low throughput such as we don't really have a lot of copper iron steel smelting going on and i don't want to expand that until we have robots so they can do the work for us so this is why i will be straining my base quite a bit to get to the stage but i think it's very much worth it there's still quite a few steps remaining before we can really make robots but i've made this little robot rush design to get us there quickly this little bill contains a number of redundant products in order to make this make it simple you can even build this with just some items from boxes instead of hooking it up to the bus with the robot rush build done we are now starting to accumulate robots slowly but surely and as we start spreading out more robo ports to the base so we can get a wider coverage of a robo port cover of robots then we see the problem that robots need charging and the more we have the more charging we need and we don't have the power because we are running on a very small co power so we desperately need to upgrade our power and that's something we want to do it's also something that's super annoying to build without so without the robots so it fits perfectly to get the robots to help us on this we are going to focus on solar power to supplement our failing coal power solar power requires both solar panels but also accumulators to store the energy during the night when the solar panels are not producing we have most of the things we need for solar panels we have the steel the green circuits and the copper for the accumulators we have the iron but we don't have the batteries so that's the next thing we need to to make we built a small build for batteries which will supply the accumulator build as well as yellow signs when we get to that build with all products available they are combined into a solar panel accumulator build which will then stockpile all of the stunning things we need but it will also be available later so that when we can make when we want to make satellites at the end of the game we can take this and lead it up to the satellite production a little bonus with this build is the fact that it contains everything we need for laser turrets so i'll build it here instead of dragging batteries back to the hub when it comes to solar panel accumulated designs there are two important priorities that must be respected first is the ratio it is must be as close to 25 solar panels to 21 accumulators as possible as that is the ideal ratio that so the solar fills the accumulators during the night and the accumulators will then discharge during the night and be ready be empty by morning when the solar panels kick in again the second priority is more of a design priority you want to avoid and the unfortunate four-way rotational symmetry that so easily emerges when working on a square grid i came up with this pattern which i'm very happy with since it fulfills both of my two requirements and so i'm using this for all of my solar power moving forward it also so happens that it can be fit quite neatly into a city block with a bit of space for robo ports so the robots can actually build this for us and we can then move on to other things a few other things to take care of while letting the robots accumulate and researching all of the blue signs is expanding the trains to add more copper and securing the perimeter even further if we if you need that this is a stage where factorial really sets itself apart from any other game the exponential scaling that is achieved once you have robots is absolutely amazing and probably one of the reasons we really really love factorio isn't it this is another major milestone that is achieved and we can now look forward to the late game with yellow and purple science as we reach this milestone it seems like an opportune moment to remind you about liking the video and subscribing if you're not already a subscriber if you want to see extension of this video into the megabase domain then let me know in the comment section below with the productivity gain we now have from robots and the expansion we have of the base it is time to take another look at the tech tree and consider what is the next step we now have the choice between purple science and yellow signs and which one to do first micro explanation is to always do yellow science first even though in the crafting menu it looks like a purple science should be first the reason why i favor the yellow signs is because they check that it unlocks are way more useful to get earlier than the tech we unlock from the purple science and this includes the personal robo port the portable fusion reactor and the logistics system these technologies will further speed up your build and your convenience which is not really the case when coming to purple science for the yellow signs there are a few things we need that we don't have available on the bus as of yet and that is the processing units or blue circuits and these require a lot of green circuits also we need to make low density structures which requires a lot of copper so before we can do this it's probably a good idea to do a big upgrade of our base now that we have robots available this upgrade is something you can start scheduling and just do the upgrade then start working on expansion binder clearance this perimeter defense design whatever you choose while the robots are busy upgrading your bass you may have wondered why i'm using yellow belts so late in the game and i haven't switched to red even though we've had the capability for a long time and the simple reason is that i don't bother to do all of the manual upgrade and then wait until i have robots available and also i am building up a large stockpile of red belts so that i can start using start doing this upgrade pretty efficiently so now we can do the upgrade and we can just let the robots do the work while we focus on other things with red belts updated there is now a mismatch between the build speed and the smelting speed in our smelting columns this is fixed by upgrading all of our stone furnace to steel furnace thereby doubling the smelting speed to match the doubling of the build speed this is an easy upgrade and robots can do it because the steel and the and the stone furnaces have the same same footprint some would argue to use the electric furnace but i don't like those they are very much they're very red circuit and steel intensive and they don't give any faster production than a steel furnace and i would have to redo the entire design just to get these electric furnaces and on top of that i'd have to redo it again later on when i want to use modules and beacons green circuits must also be upgraded to match the new speed of the red belts both on the inbound and outbound side we can now get more copper and iron in and also more green circuits out and we need all the green circuits we can get to for to feed into our blue circuit build so this is yet another task that is easy to do with robots and we can just let them do the work for us and now comes the time for the processing units or blue circuits and these are as we mentioned extremely green circuit intensive the design i have here is a modular design that can be upgraded during different stages in your base development it starts out consuming two red belts of green circuits that corresponds to 60 per second but it can be upgraded to consume up to four blue belts which is 180 green circuits per second the second product for yellow science we must build is the low density structure this is a design that can be doubled because we need it both for yellow signs as well as for rocket science later on with blue circuits and low density structure created and available on the bus we can now start the design of the yellow signs yellow science will also replace our robot rush that we built earlier because we already built flying robot frames as part of the yellow science and it's easy to do an overflow so that we can have our robot production for both logistics and construction bots as part of the yellow science build on top of that i always take a little box for overflow of electric engines so that i can have 200 electric engines available by the time we need to make the rocket silo with the yellow signs now completed and working it is now time to focus on researching we need to focus on fusion power power armor mark ii and personal robo ports to get a really nice upgrade for personal mobility and construction as well as also building the logistics network this is my preferred setup for power armor mark ii as it strikes a good balance between charging power running speed and construction speed with uh with the rubber ports and this gives us a massive boost in building potential as we build new bases and then at new designs we can have our local robots help out on top of the house robots this is yet another major milestone and another step up the check tree ladder for the future the issue we have now and we need to prepare for is power even though we are good right now with co-power and solar while we have all the robots flying around then we need something more for the future and this needs to be alleviated before the final tech as the final tech will unlock beacons and modules which will increase our power consumption quite significantly all the designs you're seeing here are from amazon class series which you can find on my channel so if you want to understand the designs in detail or understand the design process then please check it out in the playlist this video is naturally skipping a lot of steps as it i want to compress a lot of information into a single video so if you're a beginner and maybe feel a bit overwhelmed then let me recommend another series that i have another playlist called let's start automating if you want to follow the construction more in detail of the base that we are we are currently viewing then that is a series called base in a book and those are also available all the links to the playlist are in the description below and also in the pinned comment our base is continually growing and purple science needs a lot of resources and the tech it unlocks is extremely power hungry so before starting purple science i will build a nuclear power plant and start the uranium processing the biggest misconception about nuclear power is that you need the coverage process to start it that is absolutely not the case and i explained this in very much detail and come to some bit surprising conclusions in the my nuclear power masterclass so do check that out if you have a half doubts the second misconception is about how much uranium you actually need the answer is pretty much nothing now before we get started on actually building a nuclear power land we need to expand our hub to make all the materials we need and we need quite a lot of these so we need to start building the stockpile while we set up the urani mining even the small deposit of one million uranium is going to be plenty of uranium for your build so don't even worry about it as long as you have one set up one build then you will have enough forever and ever unless you decide to nuke the entire map we're going to need some special trains for handling uranium because we need to bring in sulfuric acid to the mining operation as well as bringing the uranium back to the base so i'm combining this on a 1 4 train where there's one wagon dedicated to sulfuric acid and three wagons dedicated to bringing back the uranium and this will now just go back and forth only a single train is needed to support all the uranium we need for nuclear power and anything else we want a single processing line is plenty for your uranium we're processing i just bring one line in and one line out with the combined output once you have the output you filter it into uranium-235 and you took uranium-238 uranium-238 will be abundant and you just need a big storage for that so it doesn't jam when your storage fills up and then uranium-235 that's what you need for our that's what we need for our nuclear fuel this is brought into a box and what i always do is i store the first 40 in a box and then only the excess over 40 is being used to convert into nuclear fuel so i don't use all of my uranium 235 for fuel and the reason why i store 40 is because that's what i need to start coverex so we just have it in stock and ready when we unlock coverage later on you can build your uranium power plant as big or as small as you like the smallest one that really makes sense in my opinion is a four reactor build but i'm gonna go with this eight reactor build it gives us 1120 megawatts of power and it fits very nicely into a city block i'm relying on the logistics system to bring materials in bring the fuel in because it's so low quantity and also take the spent fuel out this is yet another reason why i want to unlock yellow signs before unlocking purple science by far the hardest part of building a nuclear power plant is bring enough water in in this case i need 12 000 water per second so i'm bringing in 10 lines of water to this power plant and leading in so if you want to figure out where the best place to to place your nuclear power plant the answer is it's more important to put it close to the water than it is to put it close to the actual uranium fuel with our parts sorted it's time to move on to the purple science that is the main part of this chapter pearl science is surprisingly easy to build from a design perspective because it doesn't really require any new products it just needs a lot of steel and a lot of red circuits so probably a good idea to get those scaled up before getting started on this i've upgraded my red socket build to fill up the entire city block with red circuit production and i've also upgraded my iron mining production as well as the the steel smelting production just in preparation for getting uh purple science once the purple science is built we can then take a look at the signs that it unlocks and what we will get of benefits from this well from a production perspective we get yellow assemblers and we get blue belts these are not as impactful as they may seem for launching a rocket there is absolutely no need to upgrade to blue belts they are extremely expensive and you don't really have the throughput in order to really support the blue belts for very many things in this space yellow assemblers have one advantage that we will utilize and that's the fact that it can include four productivity modules and we'll use that a few places modules mark three are essential for rockets so those are also something and that we will be using beacons is another essential it's essential for our oil and rockets to uh to get those road rolling and of course the coverage that we mentioned earlier to make uranium processing easier so basically what you can see is we get productivity improvements but now real technological d4s with the purple signs hence the reason why i do the yellow science before the purple science with the purple science now completed we have a few things that we want to upgrade the first thing i want to upgrade is implement a coverage build and this build that i have here is does not require any circuits and you can extend it with the multiple iterations of it in sequence as long as you like depending on how much you want of the uranium-235 i also want to upgrade the nuclear fuel with a yellow assembler and four mark three modules for productivity this is one of the items that uses my our uranium 235 so let's try and get as high productivity yield from this as possible we can also upgrade our oil and beacons and here you could upgrade to mark 3 modules but you don't they have enough mark 3 modules available so what i do is i just upgrade it with beacons and with modules mark 1 just to get as much oil out of our build as possible this is the last major milestone of before the final chapter towards the rocket launch and a good time for me to say the classic youtube seal though with a twist this video is sponsored by in my case these videos are sponsored by the community through the patreon support so thank you very much everyone who is supporting me and allowing me to stay unaffiliated with various brands the patreon supporters also gain access to my save games for any of the games so if you want to play around with this map or any other map in any of the games that i play then that is a that's a little perk that i give to patreon supporters for the home stretch we could limp our wage and scrounge up materials for the rockets and just get off the planet but i'd rather complete the base so that it's nice and neat and can continue to operate after the first rocket launch and continue potentially into a megabase from here on before we can get started on this there is a few scaling options or scaling requirements we need to do we need to scale up our green circuits to fill up the entire city block so we can support the blue circuit build with the green circuits done we can now scale up the blue circuits to its final form so we can get the maximum productivity out of the blue circuit build while we build our base we've been stockpiling items for the rocket silos such as the electric engines and concrete since the rocket silo is producing the most expensive intermediate products this is a crucial place to put in four mark 3 productivity modules in order to reduce the number of rocket parts needed for a launch from 1000 to 715 of each of the rocket parts we already have the low density structure but we will need to double this so we can support both the yellow signs and the rockets as well next on the list is rocket fuel i usually have a small production just to supply the trains but that is certainly not enough so we need to do a proper design for this and this is also where we need a lot of a lot more oil refining so this needs to be fully upgraded with mach 3 modules and beacons if you have that available the final rocket part is rocket control units although this is a very simple build it doesn't puts a massive strain on our blue circuit production and also our green green and red circuit production so rocket controllers are using a lot of circuit parts although it's not necessary to complete the game i do not want to launch a rocket without a satellite so what we do is we lead our solar and accumulators that we have done earlier all the way up to the rocket silo so that we can use this together with the rocket parts some radars and some blue circuits and make a satellite that we will then craft and put into the rocket when it's done at this point we will lead all the items back into the rocket silo and just wait patiently for the rocket to build so that we can launch it and complete the game i hope this video has been helpful in showing you in a very condensed manner how to play factorio i tried to include all the major points that are necessary in order to complete the game as i mentioned this channel has a lot more detailed content so if you're a beginner i'd recommend taking a look at the series called let's start automating if you're more interested in the design process you can take a look at this playlist called factorial master class or if you want to see this base being built all the way from scratch in a more extensive manner then that is the series called base in the book this also continues into the mega basin book which leads all the way up to 10 000 signs per minute so it becomes absolutely massive at some point if you enjoyed this video then please help share it so it reaches more people more views tells me that this is the type of video you'd like to see more of and a very big thanks goes out to the patreon supporters who are sponsoring this channel and make it possible for me to continue to make videos like this if you want to support the channel then check the link in the description below to patreon thank you very much for watching liking sharing subscribing all that stuff until next time take care and you know it always stay effective [Music] you
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 773,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, nilaus, nilhaus, speedrun, tutorial, guide, 0.18, 1.0, megabase, howto, how-to, master, class, masterclass, main, bus, mainbus, science, lab, layout, design, oil, processing, refinery, beacon, module, speed, refining, hub, mall, red, green, circuit, coal, liquefaction, liquifaction, petroleum, plastic, city, block, blueprint, grid, map, settings, rocket, control, fuel, unit, low, density, structure, space, train, rail, signal, chain, schedule, kovarex, uranium, u235, u238, enrichment, station, load, loading, unload
Id: chavhzKpZwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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