How to Play EA FC 24 with a Controller on PC!

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hello everyone this is ldb and I'm back with my channel and in today's video I'll be showing you how to or how I fixed uh a problem that's been happening with the eafc 24 uh that I'm pretty sure a lot of people have been having with the PC uh connecting your controller and trying to play uh FIFA with the with an Xbox or PS4 controller so first of all the mistake that most of people the mistake most people make is that they go into the game uh with their controller off uh and they go into it with their laptop uh with their keyboard and mouse plugged in right and so let's quickly I'm going to unplug my controller and then uh let's quickly launch the game so I'm launching it now and then once it's been launched uh I'll show you what I'm talking about that uh what you how you know if you are signed in with a controller or with your with your keyboard and mouse uh is you want to look for um the like for the control buttons where it says uh a is Select and all that stuff talking about an Xbox controller so let's just go in here uh so as you can see this is already EA Sports in the game shut up as you can see this is already a problem because uh like over here we first of all we have the mouse going around that says this is not meant to happen this means there Mouse is overriding the Xbox controller um and I can go around and click buttons and stuff with my mouse and what you want to look for is this stuff so that's obviously enter Escape Arrow uh this is all this is all lap uh it's all keyboard stuff so this is incorrect you do not want this this is where people will face their problem and then they'll turn on their controller and uh I know some people can't even the controller won't even work on the game for me the controller worked except I had a lot of problems with uh the controller had bad connection and also the controller would um like for instance in learn to play if you wanted to go to practice Arena I wouldn't be able to play it would only be mouse and keyboard so uh and a way of fixing this is you're going to have to shut down the game um and when you shut down the game when you exit you exit um then when you reopen the game make sure you reopen well basically how I did it so basically how I did it is I turned on my controller and then once my controller is on and connected to the PC so I'm just turning it on now it's on and connected to the PC I'll launch the game and uh for me how I did it is as soon as as I launched the game uh I would unplug my laptop to my PC I would unplug it and then uh as soon as obviously I'm G to have to wait for the I'm G to have to wait for the the game to open and once the game has opened uh I would unplug my mouse because as soon as that unplugs my mouse the game goes straight to thinking that it's my PC so when it's obviously my PC uh sorry the game goes straight to the controller so then when it's like my controller signed in uh I know that it's going to work so now that I'm in I'm G to unplug my thing and then here you go you'll see over here do you see how it now it's not laptop uh it's not keyboard and mouse there's no keyboard and mouse settings anymore it's now uh Xbox you see it says a to cancel and play offline so this is now obviously much better now I can walk around I can go around the menu with my controller all off my controller and it'll all work perfectly and so what basically how to tell if you're in the right one is to look for the controls like in the bottom left it takes a to select B to exit and obviously if you're doing with a PS4 controller it'll be X select and circle exit and all that stuff so yeah guys I hope uh this helped you guys this definitely helped me and this is what fixed my problem um I hope you guys enjoyed hit that like button subscribe and goodbye
Channel: LDB
Views: 77,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rexH9OUl4BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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