I Downloaded EVERY *NEW* FC 24 MOD and it FIXED Career Mode!

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fc24 mods are here they finally dropped and today I've compiled the best of the best PC mods to Showcase to you all by the end of this video you guys are going to understand the real power of these bad boys like if you don't play career mode on PC like what are you doing bro these modos have been hard at work already cooking up realism mods new player faces unlocking features and cosmetics Creator Club editions adding more national teams to the game licensed teams extending name pools for Youth Academy players new kits a better career mode menu unlocking icons and women in career mode and we're just scratching the surface you guys absolutely froed over my FIFA 23 mods videos so we're here to run it back here are all the mods I've got running right now and if I decided to apply them all it is nearly 40 mods with almost 1 gab of new content nothing crazy but a decent start to a modded experience the console player could never how how how and at the time of recording there's actually a brand new title update the patch Title Update 6 that he had just dropped overnight I'm going to run the game in offline mode just so all these mods actually work look I've had to unapply a few just because a couple of the mods kind of clash together and it won't let the game Run as normal so bit by bit I want to show off the incredible power and the full potential of the game in an alternate reality where EA cared about something other than ultimate team there was no licensing Wars and if EA actually went above and beyond and added these attention to detail type features to offline modes we're still only a couple months deep into FC 24's release and usually the more time the game is out the better the mods so they're just going to keep on getting better and better and I'll be there no matter what you're already going to see something a little bit different with a brand new opening menu like that just looks so much better it is not just a blank Bland slab you've got Harland you've got a little bit of color the fc20 24 theme it's just Good Vibes and a decent first impression straight off the bat I swear these random unpaid moders actually work harder on the game than a multi-billion dollar Corporation EA Sports does in its whole development cycle I wish that wasn't the case for real but it is what it is as always like every mod I use in this video it'll be linked down in the description for you guys to try out for yourselves at home now one of the first things I want to show off to you guys are some of the new player faces these mods add especially to new hyped up Wonder kids who haven't been scanned by EA yet just like the new Turkish Talent exploding onto the scene at uve we've got Kenan yiz who'll probably be added sometime in the future maybe later in an update for FC 24 but thanks to a face mode I have installed we have the Turkish Rising Star just scored against Germany he's getting some decent game time for UV and it doesn't end there with the new swed on the Block Rooney Bary he just scored against Manchester United in the Champions League and just like that he has got the face scan thanks to these mods these PC mods might be a game changer but now it's time to talk about the best in the game when it comes to top quality Men's Grooming the sponsor of today's video manscaped helping man and you take care of our family jewels like never before because manscaped is standing on business with the new lawn mowa 5.0 Ultra a shaver with more grooming flexibility than ever before with their nextg Jewel skin safe blades and an interchangeable foil blade for enhanced performance not to mention a you two tone LED light so you don't miss anything simply put it's a Precision Powerhouse that gets the job done with 99 finishing BL wait there's more with the weed whacker 2.0 ear and nose hair trimmer they've left no stone unturned to keep your face grooming game on point enough to make dragowski proud all the devices are waterproof cordless and rechargeable perfect to take with you on the go or traveling G to the days of the bulky charging stand now you're just a USBC cable away from a fresh shave on your next a day elevate your self-care routine with the crop Soother and crop preserver that keep even the most precious silverware in top-notch quality so you haven't got any excuse to smell like you've just finished the con training session anymore make the switch in 2024 just like I have for years now an iconic bit of kit that all features in the new performance package 5.0 Ultra it's a must have come Christmas and New Year so head to the link in the description and in the pin comment to score yourselves 20 % off free international shipping and two free gifts included in your order when you use my promo code bchd anyways now back to the video we've even got the Talk of the Town a player who isn't even in FC 24 yet probably won't get at it until next year's game it's linum m thanks to barca's partnership with Pez I think he's actually in E football but not in FIFA and what these mods have done is take his face from Pez and just apply it into the game simple as that and it looks damn better than any default face at EA could come up with and if you haven't noticed already we have unlocked the ability to have a much more in-depth player editor we can edit his name commentary name his gender we it actually turns their Emory into a female Chang his nationality date of birth which not only goes for players but a fully unlocked manager Creator 2o we can get detailed with things we can go intricate if we really wanted to changing height and weight and the tallest we could go this year he head's popping out of the screen but 8'4 not even basketball players can dream of that height and the heavy is 330 lb this guy's going to be moving on the football pitch like me after Christmas dinner and the shortest week can go what 4 fo3 get him in Santa's workshop and the lightest weight 66 you could just pick him up and throw him the level of customization you get is just unprecedented we can go in change his position if we really wanted to make him a goalkeeper F tune and upgrade or decrease his attributes wherever we see fit and if he was an actual player with a default face we could go in and completely change his featur Fe but considering I've got a face modifer none of these will work and that goes the same for his actual animations in game like his celebrations his running style his penalty kick and set piece animations it just makes sense unfortunately this tab here the tattoos don't work you can't apply tattoos to already existing players you can't even do it to created players only in my player and Pro Club so this feature still needs a little bit more work but everything else is pretty much more fleshed out it also allows us to access more aesthetic options like instead of having normal default gloves we now have some atadas gloves so that's a nice touch and probably one of my most favorite features is the boot unlock mod where we just have so many more options to choose from like look how many more boots we have to select from compared to what you get like it just keeps going and going like I wish I could show you every single one it just doesn't end you get some Volta boots unlocked some boots in the code that aren't actually available in the normal base game we are eating good right here on PC people and this is barely the first feature it is just an absolute banquet to choose from and to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way after this you can never go back to normal vanilla FIFA on console and it just doesn't end if you really wanted to go fully in detail you could like select shoes you could select retro boots or just like normal indoor football runner shoes like what's available in Volta it's all here to choose from it's all here for you to test and experiment with the possibilities are endless man you can't even see this but look at that you can have the guy rock out in Jordans after you've run through that entire ction you've got even more things to customize like you could completely take off his kit in general and just fit him out in some clothes now look I honestly don't know why you do this on the football pitch but definitely like in my player if you want a little bit more immersion okay you can just take your shirt off let's hope I don't get demonetized for that but I'm trying to show you just what the possibilities are with these mods you basically get the entire Volta shop catalog that's locked behind a pay wall and all the FIFA points free and available to you right here it is just what the game really should be instead of having to unlock everything by playing a game mode you don't want to play it's all here for you to select some of the items are a little bit broken some of them don't appear how they should but again it's better than nothing and it's better than the current customization options we have now in the game yeah this would be sick in my player like if they had cut scenes you could change his outfit like you could do back in the journey I know this probably doesn't mean much to the majority of FIFA or online players of this game but to the career mode faithful this is just must have stuff and if you're wondering if all those unlocked features car over to create a player if you just wanted to make one from scratch yes they do all of that is available at your disposal with all the new boots and selections and if you wanted to edit an already created player it's the exact same go you jump in and everything is unlocked unlike if you were to do it with the base game FIFA where everything is just locked I think everyone can agree that it's quite the step up and even more good news when it comes to career mode we have fully licensed teams yes that's right in Italy we've got a couple of clubs that are exclusive to Pez we had juuve for ages but now we've got fully licensed Lazio Napoli Roma and Atalanta both back in the game fully licensed yes they're still called ber ccho and Latium but you know the kits the badges and all that stuff still there Italy can't catch a break man in is not going to be in 2025 either they've got a new exclusive deal with Pez now another small cosmetic detail that you could probably notice already is that there is the nice little poppy available pretty much in all the Premier League kits EA have never really added that in the game before so a nice little onetime feature it's a very nice little touch and for this mod it is exclusive only to the Premier League now on the flip side manager customization gets a nice little facelift in the process no matter if you're already in a career mode save or starting up a new one if you thought the player closing Cosmetics were absolutely insane you've got a whole another thing coming because there are over thousands of options to choose from even though some of them make this guys torso disappear if you mix and match the right Combos and pair them up it is like opening up a whole new world I don't have time to individually go through everything but just imagine all the volter cloes unlocked at your disposal like this is some Next Level stuff right here and this doesn't just apply for when you're creating your own manager 2 but real life ones are also in the mix because today I'm in the mood to drip Roy hodon out in whatever this drip is just because I can now something you'll notice straight up without even going into a game or whatever in the news tile cutcenes we now have exclusive branding like Sky Sports or basically whatever news pops up you're going to see Sky Sports instead of EA or whatever they had in place so it feels like it's actually a news article they actually had this back in the old retro fifas and something else that Springs to mind is the 500 updated player mini faces so all those 2D photos there you bound to come across one no matter where you're managing in the world and it's updated those players who've had the same mini face for like two three fifas in a row now or it just gives them a fresh new look that was much needed you can see its effect on Arsenal's team right here nearly every single player no matter how young they are actually have a 2d face so going to the days of the no Face Gang This mod will reduce the chance of you running into them tremendously and in addition the big teams pretty much get all their major players a brand new photo something else that is a nice little attention to detail feature that is just a nice quality of life update it's the better menu mod and let me just speak for itself it unlocks a feature that has been missing in career mode ever since like what FIFA 15 or FIFA 16 it's the injury list where you could basically I only see your club but every other club in the League's injury list it's an OG feature that desperately needs to come back you can see they a couple of days played yeah Tyro massia injured touche you've got the likes of Burnley Charlie Taylor currently with a bruised leg out for 4 days it's a very nice tool to have at your disposal you can access player stats straight from the standings menu if you really wanted to and just take a look at all the top goal scorers all the assists clean sheets leaderboards and it provides a nice little couple of shortcuts like a the start button to save your game game so you can save your game with the click of a button just like the old days instead of scrolling all the way to the end of the menu access the calendar instantly by pressing right Trigger or if you wanted to Tinker around with the settings without going through all the menus you can just click the start button and there you have it you're in the game settings another fun little feature that this model allows you to do is actually like select what team you want to play as usually in career mode if you're managing a team obviously you can only play as a team you're managing but this actually just allows you if you wanted to play as the opposition why not if it looks like they've signed a couple of decent players have a nice little Squad assembled you can go ahead and play as a team you're coming up against maybe if you want to see if you can actually beat the team you've created in game like the possibilities you could create here at endless like I'm saying PC mods just open up everything to your advantage something though it doesn't bring back is the OG pre-match lineups where you see all the players come out of the tunnel you get to see the full broadcast package like you're watching on Match day maybe there will be a mod that comes out for that in the future but for now it is still just straight into the action you're thrown in straight to kickoff and you can see right there it's working because I'm controlling Manchester United even though I'm managing Arsenal and what I've currently got running right now is just a nice little Graphics mod that improves like the visual quality on display in the game and also UPS the frame rate makes the transitions nice and smooth because especially on PC people are having a lot of problems and performance issues because lag the animations and the frames don't drop it's very nice and smooth it's easy on the eye and again it's only possible by having these PC mods installed anything that makes the game Run better anything to do with frame rates I'm all ear I'm intrigued I don't know you guys might not be able to see it but I 100% can see the difference wait if I'm controlling the other team what if I jump to the Sim I'm in control of United bro I could do their subs yeah let's put Sancho on and just sabotage everything let's put hland and martial at Center back ju basaka on for rashford let's jump to the result and see if we pull the back oh my goodness me it was absolutely Carnage another facet of career mode that is impacted by these mods it's the training and all the development plans that you can put on your players I actually didn't cover this in my FIFA 23 mods video so I'm glad I can come back and explore this feature again because it's made a return in fc24 and in every position you've got new development plans at your disposal so for the ungun Louis Skelly right here we can have two different options free kick myestro if you want to make the guy a setpiece specialist or just a classic number eight for fullbacks we've got the likes of setpiece Maven or just false fullback that just works on different attributes that the other default EA plans just don't work on it's crazy that ever since FIFA 21 EA haven't changed career mode development plans whatsoever so I'm glad these add a couple of more options in because for center backs you can train them to be a libero or manipulator which just sounds like my ex nothing new for goalkeepers unfortunately however for Strikers you've got the likes of T artista and of course the old school Striker if you just want a Brute Force old school goalgetter nothing new for Wingers I though but it is what it is you can't complain when you've got so many more options than you do in the vanilla version and the develop and plan editions keep coming I've downloaded another one of the mods like I can't run them both at the same time so I don't get all the options at my disposal this mod gives you the option to train as a brutal fullback this one lets you upgrade more than a couple of things at a time when it comes to the skill move stars and defensive work rate you're working at a lot of things at once it's just an overpowered training plan I can see the theme of this mod everything is just brutal working on everything at once it would be so overpowered if it was in the main game and just when you thought Wingers weren't getting shown any love we've got the pace Merchant development plan which is all about that pace skill moves weak foot passing and dribbling categories all worked on and there's no brutal version for the strikers it's only a controlled Striker development plan however there is some love shown to the goalkeepers because you can be a brutal goalkeeper I love to see that you can work on stats individually like shot accuracy free kick accuracy positioning and stamina for a shot stopper which I don't know why you want to do that but the option is there if you really wanted to now another pretty major section of ker mode that gets a mini overhaul is the Youth Academy thanks to this extended name pool mod right here it adds over 5,000 last names and 3,000 first names to the game so you won't be seeing the same five names pop up over and over again when you Scout a country and we can see right here with our generated Youth Academy we've loaded up straight into the game and already you're starting to see a couple more different unique names yes you've still got those generic ones around in the mix but you're not going to see like the same five calenos if they're Ukrainian especially like the Chinese names in the game they can get really repetitive we've got a Zapata from Chile Ukrainian C moros is something you don't really see in the base game either I'm going to try test this feature to the best of my ability I want to see it to believe it as we've tried to scout in different countries I mean to Costa for a Belgian haven't really seen But the likes of merens you usually see all the time I think you can definitely see the difference when it comes to first names like I don't think I've ever seen a Youth Academy play with the name Christal yeah I'm loving this name variety right now like you're not coming across the same two players with the same name you're not coming across multiple brothers and families not going to lie these Belgian names are pretty wild to be honest I'm just going to let the mod speak for itself I feel like I'm a little bit more qualified to comment on the variety of Italian names they've got an offer you know what these Italian names they're all different at least you don't get any double UPS you don't get three fros and five costers it's well balanced and you kind of see some new ones in the mix too and this name pool mod also applies to Regens randomly spawned free agents it's a godsend if you're sick of seeing the same old names pop up if you're a Youth Academy Enthusiast you know the youth name pool is absolutely terrible so this is a game changer right here going to test this with ax 2o just cuz you know they're going to have a whole parade of Youth Academy players already and yeah okay there are some different names in there this mod isn't going to guarantee you not seeing the same name or seeing duplicates but hey it's better than nothing giving the Youth Academy a much needed overhaul I have seen Peters a fair few times for The Dutch however an Argentine Adrien sto and Frederick Knudson as a Norwegian a Finnish vho Meo there's definitely a little bit more variety if this mod doesn't make you want to start scouting new Youth Academy players I don't know what will now if you know one of my main gripes about career mode it's Creator club and these moders have blessed us they've cooked up a lovely little career mode Creator Club overhaul delivering us all the features and additions we loved from the FIFA 23 mod boy oh boy unlike EA they actually deliver first up we've got newly added custom crests that you can select from some are random and some are actually real life teams like FC United of Manchester or just Concepts like Red Bull London you've got San Marino # United Birmingham United there's only nine to choose from but I'm sure this will get updated over the course of the year but it's a decent start better than these random EA generated logos that haven't changed for years now and the real major selling point here is the Custom kit yes we have sponsors thank the Lord you know how EA said they were going to add some sponsored kit templates in fc24 this mod actually goes ahead and does it you've got the likes of Amazon Emirates multiple different variations in some instances some brand new kit templates we've got bun T-Mobile Monster Energy I'm not sponser to say any of this so I'll just let you view the rest of the brands you've got some stunning selections to choose from and they just keep getting better and better Apple TV Paramount plus ah they've got a YouTube kid in there for me Spotify voltswagon Champions League style kit we are living the dream right here with this creative Club mod Red Bull it just keeps on going and going so if you want to make that Red Bull London concept you've got a ton of Red Bull kits to work with and there just seems to be like way more options than usual and if you just want to go sponsorless there are some sponsorless options for you it just takes this be bones Creator Club feature to the next level we've got we got multiple kit choices multiple Club sponsors because why not because we can with all these beautiful sponsored shirt options Unfortunately they haven't really touched the goalkeeper choices so we're still stuck with these generic goalkeeper kits but hopefully later down the line they can improve on that and added in another feature that doesn't make a return so far choosing a real life stadium so if I wanted my Creator Club to play at the bnab bayau unfortunately we can't do that right now we still have all these generic stadiums new kit design sponsors templates it's all there for you to play with and it's just another fun feature that I'm sure the career mode player base would absolutely eat up if it was actually available it's sad to see that EA have barely touch Creator Club just added it in in FIFA 22 to tick it off a list honestly I think they just added it in to make people happy and like they haven't touched it and they thought yeah you know what the job's done when look at what's possible look what people can do with the power of PC mods yeah at this rate guys I'm never updating my FIFA I'm keeping it as is another mod that helps me out personally it helps me out massive ly when I'm doing videos is to reveal all player data so it completely removes any scouting you have to do this gtn scouting Network that's haunted us ever since FIFA 14 Sim ahead a couple days and Bam everyone's overall is known and it saves you weeks and weeks worth of player scouting cuz you can see pretty much the entire database everyone's attributes and ratings I've also got a couple of realism mods that are kind of running in the background and doing their thing some key areas that you can see the realism mod work its magic is definitely in the financial department definitely makes things harder for you like hiring youth Scouts it's more expensive so if you want a fivar fstar you have to Fork out nearly 7 million pounds for their services it lowy kind of makes the game harder for you as well so basically the money you carry over from Seasons actually diminish they try to improve the Kemo teams AI so they make smarter transfers don't spend as much money and player values definitely adjusted in some cases they have crazy release Clauses their values are just through the roof it's actually harder to lure like the the top tier players like Harland kavar Donna you're going to need to pay top dollar in order to sign them and it's just like career mode on hard mode there's going to be less free agent pre-contract opportunities that pop up because the K mode AI will actually like sign the players and not let them go for a free if also offer 100 million for kavar Donna yeah they're going to slap back with over 140 they're given 110 now they standing on business they want 139 minimum and something else you'll notice is that you get less money back from selling a player so right here we've sold Guerrero to Juventus for £ 36.3 million we started off this save with 500 million in the budget and guess what we have right now 530 so not all the money from the sale goes straight back into your transfer budget hell even less 529 million because that's definitely the case in real life like not all the money that clubs sell players for goes back into buying more players there's a lot more layers to a football club than just a transfer budget these Spanish release Clauses aren't here to play around you've got 131 Mill million for Rafia fan sorz 133 Usman demele 212 million release Clause whoever pays that is just downright getting scammed all my days 275 million for Frankie dong and 289.50 smarter AI smart smarter business done by the CPU let's to analyze all the summer business and we shouldn't see some oh okay we do see some big spending 112 million for Rodrigo from Man City Martinelli to Liverpool don't think that one's in the realm of realism there's been like one major transfer and then the drop off from first to second place over 100 Mil for Rodrigo Martinelli for 62 and then lorente in the top three with a 44 million move to PSG you've got jolton to Chelsea which I guess I can see maybe happening Morata to Bayern you've gotas to Barcelona immobile to Manchester United Okay at least he's not going to around Madrid as long as we don't see B to Man City I'm happy martial to Aston Villa Fred to seevilla Alis to Arsenal you can kind of have a case you can kind of argue are these a little bit realistic like Brian guilda Crystal Palace these mods are still getting worked on they're getting better and better every day and this career mode code that they have to work with you're going to need a modern day miracle if you want to see it actually fixed and do its job you're seeing Young upand cominging players on the rise moving to juggernauts like Real Madrid and you're also seeing a 33-year-old benetta move there so it's a little bit of ying and yang some of the transfers are spot on with the realism some are just downright ridiculous but that's just career mode as a whole but the main takeaway here is that you're not seeing three or four nine figure fees being spent it's a little bit more conservative now we all know the international side of FC 24 is to put it lightly lacking so with this national teams patch it adds a couple not every national team into the game but a fair few that aren't present in the normal FIFA also gives them updated 2024 kits like Belgium and Argentina now for some reason I haven't been able to get the model working perfectly as intended because you've got the likes of Algeria and Brazil chilling in India it also adds the likes of Japan we've got Nigeria Sagal Switzerland and turkey plus you require or make an appearance a spotted another random Nation added to the game somehow Ecuador have taken up the mantle of the MLS All Stars the math isn't mathing things are making sense but at least the nations are back in the game some with even new updated 2025 kits like the big Nations you've got Spain Portugal with an absolute stunner the Netherlands have got a new one the Italians yeah that is an absolute Beauty Germany Euro 2024 hosts in France and okay yeah England also have their new one as well then you could probably use them in your own custom tournament offline and then host your own and have your own little mini World Cup or whatever else you want to do with some extra added Nations now we we all know one of the main L's that EA took with this new fc24 branding departing from the FIFA brand the FIFA licensing is that they lost the World Cup FIFA 23 will be the last time you see it especially in its own exclusive little mode but thanks to this mod we have the trophy back in action but just only for career mode it doesn't show up in the menus or in any of the like menu cut scenes like in the news but here when you build up into the match when you make it to a World Cup final it's back in the game people and it looks better than ever looks just like you remember oh my God no the camera is broken this is the angle you get oh my God I'm just discovering more broken things about this game I don't think the mod is doing this I think it's actually like EA's camera angle let's have the there we go there's the trophy I mean it looks huge maybe it is the mod doing this to the game can fc24 handle this many mods operating at once that is a very big World Cup trophy it's been super sized here in 2026 you've got the trophy it's not that generic Golden One it might be a little bit too big it might be looking a little bit goofy but it is what it is this mod has thrown in a couple more surprises and at least it's here in the game at least you get to see your nation that you've taken to World Domination World Glory actually interact with the real thing do we get to see it in like the postmatch locker room cut scenes I don't think they show the trophy in this which is just a major R but hey it's back and it's not some shitty little DLC that EA decid to tack on halfway through the game cycle once you load back into the menus that's what I was talking about like you don't get to see it like when you're in the tournament tree however if we go to the men's international Cup champions okay does appear in the new style cutcenes it has returned back with a bang I want to know what they've been feeding that thing at least it makes this men's international cup kind of worth playing in kareer mode despite you know all of its obvious flaws at least we've got a little bit of the real thing back with this mod what you've also been witnessing throughout this whole modded experience is some brand new leaked 24/25 season kits now I've got a preface these are all Leakes nothing is confirmed but just think of all the major teams they've got their 24/25 rumored kits in game you get a nice little look at fc25 before it comes out Liverpool Man City who I think have probably the best one that is a solid kit even as a United fan myself they've got the new Snap Dragon sponsored logo on the kit big Angel Spurs have their new ones and that includes goalkeeper kits they get a nice little touchup my favorite out of the bunch though it's going to be this new home kit for Atletico Madrid that is oh chef's kiss that is cold my friends just get rid of that Rider air kit sponsor play Spider-Man 2 back on the crest and and you're you're destined for a 10 out of 10 o B's new 20 if this is real if these 24 25 kits are the real deal my wallet is about to be drained this also includes a away kits too and alternate versions of the current day kits right now so we've got Juventus oh that licked alternate kit is actually Saucy like I I hate Juventus just like every other Italian but you got to give them props for this one Bayern they've got oh that is man these kid with the OG Adas logo too do they have to go this hard surely these Spanish kits have got to be fire o Atletico Madrid with that little purple Vibe I see the vision the other Barca kits they just can't compare to the home one I'm sorry what a real Madrid working with though let's see what they've got cooking up for next season yeah it could be better h no man city have only got the home Liverpool on the other hand are actually kind of classy with the with the what the Nike symbol for some reason is sideways but it still looks all right United I think a pretty mid yeah oh yeah no okay that that that third alternate kit is salvageable that does look promising but Snap Dragon just looks too weird for me now we already saw PSG before but damn if true the shirt sales are going to go through the roof they're going to sell bucket loads of these kits because that is just a PSG classic and these spurs kits oh oh that met we're getting the early fc25 experience right here before your very eyes man this video is going to go on forever bro just show Cas in these mods because you've got these new international kits too Prime Time ready for Euro 2024 cop America 24 France to bringing it back with that little retro look I'm a fan now that's enough gassing up these new 2425 kits I know what you're saying it doesn't mean too much when you're not actually playing in that season yet however this cheeky little mod changes the timeline of career mode Skips a year and starts you off right at the beginning of the 2425 season that's right we've loaded up into the game July 2024 you love to see it people now I know they can't get the fixtures on point because obviously the fixtures don't even exist yet but they've randomized it from the 23 24 fixtures you're not going to see the same old opening fixtures to what you used to now it shakes things up enough where you feel like you're in 2024 already who needs a time machine when you've got career mode mods at your disposal and it means that everyone's going up an age so Scott Carson right now is 38 we've got Harland turn 23 33-year-old de bruer with some new international premier league and major new kit it just throws you straight into the deep end it's a nice little mod add-on if you want to experience the fc25 hype early who needs to buy fc25 anyway when we can just mod this game to the max I feel like I'm saving the best to last when I load up this men's team overhaul mod because this adds both icons and heroes into the mix free for you to use in your career mode experience so for Arsenal you've got bur Camp pz back in the squad at Chelsea drug bar Lampard Ramirez even non ion players like Willian ex players back at their former teams it's just a fun little experiment if you want to use them in your game like you've especially with the big teams for Liverpool you got the likes of Fernando Torres jabby Alonzo Gerard back in the starting 11 combine them with the present day greats it is like building your alltime Liverpool 11 oh I don't know if the icons of old of yester year could help Manchester United right now but you've got the likes of igar in up top Ronaldo's come back to Old Trafford hell even prime Nani is in the mix we've got all the favorites Rooney skulls vidit Ferdinand it literally just creates a whole new world for you to go crazy in another way you can add them back into the game is by applying the old icons overhaul which pretty much just gives back all the players that your favorite Club had in the '90s the 80s hell even the 70s and although my boys Frozen on don't have any icons to boast about yet you've got the likes of let's just take a look at Milan every single player in their team besides magnan is an icon like this is just absolute Insanity Nesta Bari Malini at left pack the whole current squad on the bench and to make it even better they're defaulted to 18 or 20 like they are young U have Del Pierro back in the mix a 21-year-old Del Pierro zamb on the right at 20 nedved on the bench balandor winner on the bench at 18 is crazy that is a lowkey fire attack in Duo crbo and closer up top for Lazio Real Madrid is another one of those teams that just have icons Galore LED throughout there entire 11 just pick at a bunch type stuff zidan pus gas Figo and look you've even got a women's overhaul you can apply to the game which you guessed it adds women into career mode and what this women overhaul actually does has more of an effect on Career Mode than I thought it adds like the women managers of the real life clubs and they actually have face scans which is quite insane to think about and as you can see it's quite a different experience compared with the common theme what you usually used to you've got the women's Chelsea team in place of the men the men's team of just given up they can't be bothered sitting midt in the Prem and this Chelsea team would probably cook up a better finish than last season and you can start to see its effect on your entire career mode save there are women at pretty much every single club or every single club that have a women's Squad so if you wanted to do a women only career mode because why not the option is there for you and you're probably wondering how that affects the international scene like what players get caught up women or men well hold your horses we're about to show you that's just F that just looks that just looks wrong but it's possible here with mods baby when it's time for the international juty to go ahead it pretty much converts or pretty much combines the best female and male players all onto one team so right now for England you've got Kane rashford and scker up top with hersing net Bri at the back King leading from the backline bronze at right back it's the best of both worlds the best of both genders at play and one of my favorite features is that it allows you to use my wife in career mode yes Mary Fowler I will buy you I don't care what the price is take my whole credit C I don't care whatever it takes I will sign wifey at all costs all jokes aside the real power of this mod is that when you come up against a team that doesn't have a female Squad The Impossible becomes possible and it's going to be men's verse women's it's Newcastle with Alan shirer up top versus the Chelsea women's Squad in Kareem mode I know it's unrealistic I know it's never going to happen in real life but isn't it just cool that you get the chance to do this there's the possibility to have women's teams in career mode and for them to face off against the best yes Samy ker ready to drop a hat-trick on Newcastle you can't do this in normal fc24 only possible on PC and with all the mods installed it is something else and you can kind of just create your own world at Free Will what of a wacky experiments or simulations you want to run it just makes the game and the career mode experience so much more enjoyable I can't stress it enough icons women heroes in the game it's all there alongside all those other features that I've shown off today that is a true power of fc24 mods now let me know if you're going to make the switch to PC are you going to download the mods are you Keen to test them out because trust me it makes recording a hell lot more fun and just makes life easier in general it's just a blast getting to explore all these mods and you just know EA you're never going to add these into the game anyway so you might as well make the switch they never come in a console it won't be possible and that is the true power the true capabilities that this game have that EA just don't care to add I wish everyone can have this experience I wish it was the norm but it just isn't and then yeah it is what it is if there are any mods I missed out on please let me know down in the comments if there are any new ones that come available to me any other mods that pick my interest I'll definitely be making videos on more if you've made it this far and enjoyed the video make sure to drop it a like down below hit subscribe turn on the notification so you never miss out on any content and future modding videos follow me on all my socials the links are down in the description below as always I've been your boy SBD have a great day I'll catch you all in the very next video bye-bye
Channel: BCHD
Views: 750,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fifa 24, fifa, mod, mods, modding, fifa live editor, realism mod, career mode mod, fifers realism mod, fifa modding, fc24 cheat engine, fifa cheat engine, fc 24 pc, fifa mods, fc 24 mods, fifa mod download, installing every fifa mod, modding fc, realism mod career mode, fc 24, eafc 24 mods, modded career mode, fc 24 realism mod, downloading fifa mods, mods fifa, fc 24 mods gameplay, fifa mods ps5, bchd, career mode mods, fifa pc mod, s2g, cheat engine fc 24, bford, fifermods
Id: XJ0qwQ4j_Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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