You Might Be a Forge Cleric | Cleric Subclass Guide for DND 5e

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hey do you have a knack for Metallurgy and biceps as big as your thighs do you often fall asleep to the hypnotic rhythm of hammer on steel well congratulations you might be a forge cleric but what is a forge cleric well dust off the Anvil light a bunch of on fire and prepare to put every blacksmith in a 5m radius out of business because we're going to bring the hammer down you guys know the feeling of making something with your bare hands even if it's as complicated as a wooden sailboat or as simple as macaroni art there's a sense of Pride that comes with knowing that you've created that thing but for some that sensation goes beyond winning first prize of the craft fair for your erotic soaps and becomes a more religious experience that's where we find the forge cleric much like guys who spend way too much time watching sword crafting videos on YouTube or Dad's obsessed with the History Channel this subclass dives into that feeling of creativity through elbow Grace but being a forge cleric goes much deeper than doing a few prayers while you hammer out a horseshoe instead your passion for the craft of smithing has granted you divine favor from the gods of creation and while a forge cleric can be from any race or nationality dwarfs are usually the favorites among the gods of smithing especially the soul forger himself moriden but don't let those old Celestial dorks Force you down a path you don't agree with your talent for turning slabs into stabs sets you apart from the amateurs so much so that even the grumpy Sky daddies have to take notice whether you follow them or not but first do you guys remember obvious mimic do you need a little more DND D in your life but can't find the right Outlet well you're in luck because today's sponsor has you covered that's right I'm here once again to talk to you about the solo Adventure book The Wolves of Langston as it is one of my favorite ways to introduce a new player to the flow of DnD D this 5e compatible Adventure requires no players no DM just you the book and a character sheet I had a ton of fun on my playthrough of the Wolves of Langston and the pdf version comes with clickable prompts making the progression through the story an absolute Breeze but obvious mimic has also come out with a line of DN t-shirts like my favorite Al Bear Ridge bed and breakfast or try out some brain altering mind bending at mind flayers hypnotherapy you can get these and many more and their wish you were here in side hustle collections at the links in the description so go there and look as cool as I do in my underd dark shirt or grab the Wolves of L in today but tell them yima sent you a big thanks once again to obvious mimic for sponsoring the show and now back to the video so you've decided to pick up a hammer and embrace well while the job may be tough luckily it comes with a lot more benefits than just the smell of soot and many many calluses Instead at level one you get spell casting and of course domain spells domain spells are flavorful spells unique to each cleric domain and make incredible tools for your character to utilize maybe never more so than with with the forge cleric right off the bat we get the spell identify which will be super useful for you seeing as you may stumble across a rare magical item that inspires that Smithy Instinct but we also get searing Smite this allows you to take your Hammer cuz let's face it you probably have at least one on you somewhere and light it up as a bonus action if that weapon connects on a bad guy within a minute you deal an extra 1 D6 fire damage and the target ignites in Flames at the start of each of their turns the creature can make a con saave or use their action to put the Flames out or they take an extra 1 D6 fire damage every round the spell is up plus the idea of setting goblins or Brin on fire for attempting to rob a buddy's weapon shop is just really funny to me any boys smiies hell yeah you are with your proficiency and smithing tools you also get at first level that comes with a bonus proficiency of some heavy armor that is of course handmade but you wouldn't be a forge cleric without the blessing of the forge looking to protect yourself or deal some damage well you can pull off either by using your Forge magic to enchant a non-magical weapon or armor to a plus one until you take a long rest a plus one at the very first level is huge any way you shake it especially in high-risk campaigns so magic up that battle axe to become a Frontline damage dealer or switch the enchantment to your chain mail and become the party's battle mage tank at second level we can Channel our Divinity to turn Undead causing any zombo ghost or Dracula they can see or hear you to make a wisdom saving throw or Sprint away making sure they never get their dirty Undead fingers on your Immaculate plate mail but you also get The Artisan's blessing this is less of a buff and more like an all-around utility ability letting you create non-magical objects out of random pieces of scrap metal lying around by spending a channel Divinity you can conduct a ritual that can create anything from a suit of armor to a weapon to a frying pan as long as said object is at least made partly of metal and worth less than 100 gold you can even copy existing metal objects like a key in order to infiltrate enemy comp compounds or never get locked out of your apartment again it's a really fun flavorful ability and I truly wish 5 had more creative stuff like this for every subclass but I guess that's just how it goes you also get harness divine power as an optional ability to expend a channel Divinity to gain back a spell slot which can be useful but don't do that make the fighter a bucket helmet out of an actual bucket that's way more fun at third level we get two more domain spells and magical weapon lets you turn a non-magical weapon into a plus one weapon for an hour without concentration which increases to a plus two and three with higher level spell slots but honestly we're here for heat metal heat metal is a nasty little spell in FV it allows you to essentially reintroduce the enemy's weapon or armor back into the fire with which they were smelted this causes the wielder or wearer to take 2 d8 fire damage and an extra 2 d8 every turn in which they're in contact with the object and remember it takes 10 rounds to take off a suit of play mail so just cast this on an enemy and run away as their skin slowly fuses to the inside of the armor that's a pleasant thought at fifth level our turn Undead becomes destroy Undead because smithing this good belongs to the living but we also get two more domain spells here we get protection from energy and Elemental weapon which are kind of two sides of the same anvil in a way that's a phrase I'm I'm sure of it but essentially allows you to imbue your defenses in order to resist the effects of acid Coal fire lightning or thunder damage or load up your weapon with a plus one and deal a D4 of acid coold fire lighting or thunder damage on a hit both are great in different strategic situations but I'm taking the fire Hammer because I'm a glutton for punishment speaking of that all your time spent over hot iron has given you permanent resistance to fire damage with soul of the forge and if that wasn't cool enough you also get an additional plus one to your AC as long as you're wearing heavy armor that's on top of any fighting styles or the bonuses that a magical piece of armor may give you already they all stack together and because fire damage is one of the most commonly used damage types in 5e your Forge cleric just became the party tank shrugging off hits and damage like an absolute Pro seventh level gets us two more domain spells and while wall of fire is incredible and let you raise a firey barrier to surround your enemies or protect your allies I want to talk about fabricate this is an odd little spell that essentially lets you create objects over a 10-minute period as long as you already have the raw material but the interesting part is that right at the bottom of the spell the description says you can't make things with a high degree of craftsmanship unless you are already proficient in the proper tools which of course we are which means we can make weapons and armor with this spell like our Artisan's blessing ability or even more complicated metal work for example you could make a cage out of metal or Rock to trap a captured enemy until they cough up some information or take it one step further and just craft an Iron Maiden at eighth level we get Divine strike not blessed strike letting you add a d8 of fire damage to every weapon attack and that increases to 2 d8 at level 14 but it's ninth level where we pick up those last two domain spells animate objects is cute letting you enchant a number of things around you to act as your allies or reenact the BR guest song from Beauty and the Beast but the creation spell has me puzzled while I like the idea of being able to create things out of thin air I'm actually very confused by the time limit aspect of this spell you see you can create things like vegetable matter for a day stone for 12 hours or precious metals for an hour but what happens after the time limit if you make a bunch of iron ingot for crafting it seems like whatever you make will disappear here when the time is up which is odd you can create a gem worth a ton of money for only 10 minutes but if you want to make something like myth roll or rarer it'll be gone a minute later I'll be honest I'm a little stumped by this one if anyone has a bunch of uses for this in the comments please let me know cuz I'd love some inspiration but all I've got at the moment is having the wizard cast fly so you can hover about a mile over an enemy stronghold cast creation to make a 5x5 foot cubic tungsten and just let it drop 10th level we get the ultimate cleric ability with the divine intervention this allows you to communicate directly with your God meaning your DM and call on them for some Divine Aid this can come in many forms usually the effect of a cleric spell but be specific in what you need and your DM should facilitate like asking for a new weapon that can defeat the big bad evil guy you're gaining knowledge on the location of the L's felter just remember there's only a one in 10 chance this actually works at this level so make sure to spam this abil every single day if you really need something quickly but skipping ahead to 17th level makes us a saint of Forge and fire becoming a saint makes you immune to fire damage which is amazing allowing you to finally do your forging in the belly of a volcano but as long as you're wearing your heavy armor you now have resistance to all bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage from non-magical attacks with all the work we've put into making this play mail both stylish and functional we don't want just any plean scratching it up you got to be something real nasty to even make make a dent and that's pretty much our Capstone sure at 18th level we can Channel Divinity three times per day and at 20th level we can automatically succeed in our divine intervention but I'd say becoming a saint is pretty much the clerestories crafty as it appears to be I mean what can I say I think I'm smitten guys you know this Series has its ups and downs and while I have a lot of love for many of the sub classes I've done every once in a while I get to dig into something I haven't really explored yet and it just tickles that D and D lizard brain in a new way needless to say the forge cleric does just that with its endlessly creative options and mountains of Versatility not to mention this subass is just a love letter to dwarves in general being perfectly suited for their unique dispositions on top of that I really love the way you can just make stuff all the time to outfit your party like a genuine blacksmith which gives you a distinctive role in the party over just team healer you can heal but you can also fight and oh boy can you defend getting all those Buffs to your AC lets you do a lot more than just get in the way it lets you mix it up with the best of them add on top of that your immunity to fire damage and permanent resistance to the most common damage types and you are just a wall of nasty daring a baddy to take the first swing I didn't really even get a chance to mention all the cool flavorful cleric spells you can pick up but the versatility to be a backline battle mage or a Frontline brawler make for a genuinely impressive combat cleric but your true home is behind the crafting weapons and armor for your crew your abilities to change things into other things gives you the options needed to load out your party and whatever the upcoming fight may require especially at lower levels this becomes even more beneficial in high-risk Adventures where magical weapons are much rarer making your abilities to craft those on your own much more important so if you can somehow make a battle axe out of a few boxes of Rusty Nails have ever used an active volcano as a makeshift jacuzzi and or the bane of every small town Smithy with your proclivity for making their armament store look like a place even a horse wouldn't buy their shoes in guess what you might be a forge cleric hey everybody once again thanks for watching and if you like the video make sure to leave a like or a comment or subscribe you know the drill however leaving one of those not only tells me how I'm doing but pushes us a little further in the algorithm so others can join in on the fun the poll will be out soon so make sure to vote in that and tell me what you want to see next but until next time thanks again and I'll see you very soon
Channel: You Might Be A DND
Views: 47,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, 5e, guide, dnd one, dnd 5e, dungeons and dragons, ymba, you might be a, cleric, guiding bolt, healing spells, cure wounds, forge cleric, dwarven smith, moradin, smithing, blacksmith
Id: rQXpsqU8xGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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