How to Play Chaos Daemons in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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so I think probably the most also include arm model in any army right I'll happily be I'm happy to be proven wrong hello and welcome to this how to play video I am Jordan and I'm joined here with Jake Falton Harden yeah I'm really excited today to be able to talk about chaos demons well the first thing obviously is just to thank GW because um without GW we wouldn't have any of the data cards given to us so we can actually analyze um this Army and look at how it works you've had experience with it now so I'm going to be leaning on you for these um these rules um but yeah chaos demons so they're basically just denies into the wall they're the reflections of their gods right yeah so like the I'm not very good with the law I'm not gonna lie so the main thing they are is like they are the embodiment as clearly represented of each God so so you know when you look at them you know this is like a version or a type of that that God's yeah mainly the greater demons are yeah um but then you have all the little ones as well you've got zinc which is a bit more of the Trixie one yeah you've got Spanish which is a bit more about the god of disease in life and all that yeah yeah each got has their own thing and they're all very cool and you've also got some instances where someone doesn't have a mark and they are just a demon which obviously seen by them we've got the big man himself and when he's the first demon Prince of chaos yeah we will come to Bella core eventually because he's a standout index isn't it he's good he's good he's good he's good yeah um but yeah do you want to just tell me about their faction rule to begin with then so their faction rule is the shadow of chaos okay so this is broken into sort of three parts right so the first part is how what is a shadow of chaos okay yeah so the shadow of chaos is an area of the table okay so if we break it down into the three stages so the first your deployment zone is always considered to be in this shadow of chaos awesome okay right and then at the start of any phase if you control at least half of the No Man's Land objective markers so not half or more just half okay um you that area then at the start of that phase is considered in Shadow chaos keyword their phase okay so you could move on to it start you're shooting phase it becomes right okay finally if at any point you who control the objective marker from your opponent's deployment zone right um that area also becomes the shadow of Chaos the main thing it does for your army rule it means while your opponent has to take battle shock in it they're a minus one to do say right and they do that in their battle shot yeah so if they had to take battle shock so it's not you making them take back oh okay it's just if they are ever forced to take battleship in a shadow of chaos okay and then minus one to the roll oh right okay yeah yeah in addition to that if they do fail the test they take D3 mortal wounds okay right flip side of that right if you are demons yeah um and you're in your shadow of chaos so keyword again you're not just a so if you have two demon armies playing each other you've got to keep track of who's who's Shadows were yeah um then you get plus one to the role right and if you pass the role you heal the three wounds if that unit is Battle line however you return D3 models to the unit which can get quite big when we go into the units yes so you've told me a few spicy combos with them yeah um so yeah so that is the shadow of chaos and the other Army where they have is demonic packs this is the Detachment rule right yes I'm sorry sorry okay so this is the second like thing they have right this isn't more this is more tailored towards the Ally system oh okay cool cool so demonic pack means that depending on what size game you're playing so an incursion 250 points uh Strike Force up to 500 and an onslaught 750. you can take that much as a demon Ally right in a different chaos Army oh okay um the only things you have to mention are the following so if you are a um World eater Army you can only take corn demons oh okay if you are a fan Sun's Army can only take each demons right or death guards you're going to take Noble demons and then finally um this is the more unique one if you're warlord in a chaos Spaceman Army as leash is the Eternal right yeah slash demons yeah if you're not if you're just normal care space when you say or cast Knights or anything like that you can take any of them Okay cool so it's a very thematic rule um just to allow that um representation on the board of the Demons helping their mortal allies on the battle right yeah exactly that is you know it's a bit more thematic but the other thing it does it means that you could it's going to be very rare I think that you that you that you don't see a demon Ally in like a cow Spaceman Army I found sons are right yeah maybe not as much in your world eaters and your death guard yeah but um that's maybe maybe a little hint towards which yeah yeah exactly um but yes there's a lot of choice that's really good and it's awesome to see that you can still take care of space from his own demons together yeah it's it's it's very thematic isn't it so yeah that's good um then moving on we've got the actual Detachment rule yeah what's that say this is called warp riffs so when each time a demonic unit decides to come into the battle via deep strike cool if you're doing it in the shadow of chaos you can instead of deep striking nine away you can deep strike six away right that's really powerful yeah so it's very similar to their ninth Edition rule if you were familiar that if you're not um it's just an extra three inches closer so well that's really good with deems obviously primarily a combat Army yeah yeah so it means your charges will be easier you only get six rather than a nine um it means you can set up certain plays Easier by like bringing units in and there are some more tricks as we go into the stratums as you'll see during the video um that will allow you to maybe even manipulate that even yeah sure sure so yeah super powerful really likable very simple um not one of the best army rules if you look at it from a general point of view right in actual fact like as for this Army in particular where every unit can deep strike yeah yeah it's really good nice nice I like it and and obviously as you said it's it's a powerful rule isn't it it's good yeah I can't wait to see some of the shenanigans that you've um you've been saying yeah it's insane some good stuff yeah exactly exactly all right well cool seems like a pretty good um well good Detachment but in terms of the army rule seems all okay I think yeah the shadow chaos is a bit odd um it's definitely like it I think it'd be two I don't know maybe it would be too powerful if it was all like the moment you control that area that's it forever yeah sure um but again like I more found the Army rule shadow of chaos coming up with units as again we'll speak about where I more felt that they were the only things that really would ever have Shadow for us um but it's a cool rule of the same very thematic very cool yeah um and yeah it interacts a lot in this circle so awesome all right well we've looked at them so we'll come back and look at some um enhancements yeah but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today Link in the description below okay Jake so tell me about these enhancements then mate yeah so there's four as there is for every Army pretty much um each one this though this is what's bit more unique with the demons is that actually each one is is depending on what God okay right so if we start off anglath the king of blades as a corn one so in short you get plus one strength and attack on your melee weapons okay well actually on all your melee weapons yeah um however if you're in the shadow of chaos you get plus two okay so we're seeing the interaction with the Army yeah and uh this is the common train uh Trend with the enhancements that you'll notice you'll get something a little buff you've got a bigger buff if you're in Shadow okay um pretty good you can take this on a blood first for demon Prince and it just makes them a bit more hitty yeah um it's only like 20 points or something like that as well so really really solid little cheap upgrade it makes that blood first a hit very hard yeah I can imagine um so yes that's really good so is that is this one you're just going to put on though if you have a special if you've got points and you know what I I found in this making it's quite common you have points first yeah um so again it's not too bad I think not dropping out the extra model and stuff like you was in ninth Edition it it leaves room for that yeah this is this is I found in temples more dropping units out and swapping them for other units or flipping characters down yeah and all of that so yeah really good little upgrade there next we'll go with the endless gift so this is the Burger one this one's super easy right yeah five plus two or no pain cool if you're in Shadow chaos four plus four no pain right cool it is it is quite strong it's very um you know any feel no pain type ability is really good it's arguably the best defensive ability I mean obviously you do have um minuses to damage yeah but that is is up there right yeah and then obviously it being four plus in Shadow of chaos really really good and the problem is only real Target you've got first debate and clean one okay and he's really cool he's really cool I know you love the great I love the models yeah I own one right yeah but he's not right yeah okay and that is what's sad and the fact it's like a 30-point enhancement as well 30 points yeah again it's it's good though like yeah if you think you've got a 22 win model I believe he is or 21 for toughness twelve four four up involved four feel no pain like that is hard to shift yeah it would be even better if you actually did any damage true the game was true um doesn't mean I don't like hate I doesn't mean I hate him I just writes there's better choices okay cool well we've got two more so what's what's the next one man say next one soul stealer the slash one cool this one I actually think is amazing yeah this is 15 points okay okay and then it's each time the bearers destroys an enemy model with a melee attack you roll a dice adding one to the result if you're in Shadow chaos and another four plus you heal a wound okay so on threes in the shadow of Kelsey Halo Wings yeah that's nice it's great honestly great the fact that it's all your melee attacks as well you've got to keep your secrets potentially pumping out a maximum 13 attacks that's making the keeper of Secrets pretty tiny there's no there's no cap on this either say like that's that's the other one because they cap on how many wins you can heal back so it's unlike before we saw previously all in some other armies you see a cap of six yes doesn't have that and again slash demon Prince that's really good on yeah just maybe even on a chariot something like that Chariot would be pretty cool but again I think that again as we go into and as you'll see more into the forts we look at the units the keeper is really good but there is a certain keeper there is a lot better or a certain way yeah who I think to take the Shadows here yeah but going on to the last one this is the one I think if you take that model and you are going to be probably taking this model yeah you take this upgrade this is the everstave this is the zech one if you if you couldn't figure out and I'll guess who have I was gonna say it's corn mate but oh okay all right yeah um so how this one works get plus one strength and uh plus free range on your ranged weapons okay if you're in Shadow accounts you get plus two strength and plus six inches on your range weapons okay so I'm guessing load of change Lord of change yeah this is this is the primary target for this I wouldn't take this on a demon Prince the law to change um and the Lord of change has got some really good shooting as well yeah he gets like nine shots of his bolt of change and potential sustain hits D3 as well on it um the fact is extra range which will synergize with more units as we come into extra strength as well he he himself gives him plus one strength on all of his um shooting and yeah within six anyway so the fact you've got a law to change there then just adds to that yes and so again this is plus three strength then if we gave her that yeah really really solid um love I love the everstave I think if I'm looking at running a lot of change um just on its like as in not on its own like but just having one in my list this is what I do this is the upgrade I'll take on it and the Lord of change is really cheap so just giving him this is not too bad oh that's good that's good but it seems like I mean they all have a place but it's also the some of them I mean the nurgle stuff then I think the problem is is like so the issue the issue that I had was the noble one was really really good is just the models that you'd look to take on aren't the best yeah so you're restricted right whereas we look at the other way around with a zinch one is that like the model you would take this on is really good yeah so it's just great so yeah those are the enhancements really like them I think overall they're all great yeah it just depends on the type of list or build yeah yeah sure sure awesome all right well sure we move on to some stratums let's do it let's take a moment to appreciate color Forge our fantastic sponsor their range of spray paint has become our go-to for making our Miniatures come to life quickly and efficiently the quality and variety of colors they offer are truly unmatched providing a smooth application for stunning effects every time check out colorforge for your next hobby project okay Jake so what are these uh stratums that we've got yeah so so we've got six like every Army does awesome um so they do a whole plethora of thing they range from a bit of damage to maybe a bit of utility nice so we're going to start off with some utility and one of my favorite ones which is a corrupt real space one one command point this costs yep start of any command phase so mine and yours it's important then that is so key to Nate with this yeah you pick one of your demonic units that's on an objective okay that objective now becomes as we refer to Sticky so it's under your control until your opponent takes it off you okay in addition to this as well while you're within six inches of that objective marker you count that area is in Shadow of Chaos okay oh wow okay so I think the the thing is with that right I think that's like an added bonus to what is already really great yeah um so the fact that you're making an objective stick at the start of any player's command phases already it's very good because it because it means that you could have even on an objective and you're paying to go I'll just shoot you off it so I hold more yeah like well now you son that's not the case no sun you're gonna have to put this you're gonna have to put models on it which then could then bait them into positions they don't want to be in cool of a really good way of this is obviously when we look at it from the shallow chaos point of view yes um so having that or if they're within six they're going to be taking worse battle shot um equally on the flip side you know um you could bring the units six or six yeah sure so just super powerful there um I really like it for one CP I think it's definitely one of the standout straps for me yeah um just from how I like to play yeah yeah definitely um one that may not be a standout Strat but I still think has some use okay what is this one short of Terror oh okay right fight phase or shooting phase you you do this when you select one of your units to fight yeah or sheep that unit's AP is increased by one okay in addition to that if the unit is Battle shocked you can read all your wings okay okay really cool really good little strap it makes flamers ap2 that's yeah the ap's nice yeah he's nice downside with it is that normally what I found with playing my Army the you have quite High AP anyway yeah so you're not having to worry too much about uh people like like if you're if you're increasing that AP by one if it's not taken to their own vulnerable table just not ignoring their save it's not that great yeah sure sure um that's what I found with that but again that it just hasn't again it's just like a little bonus if they're battle shots we will lose that's when like their Battleship I definitely use this yeah but it's quite rare at the moment you're seeing like people getting battle shot but it's not like your Army Force battle shot continually you have standout units that will force it out of phase or anything no that was that would have been the thing I would have liked if with the shadow of chaos if it meant that they always had to take that walk right yeah sure um again there is ways of manipulating it will come into but I just think it's it's an okay strike it's all right right what's the third one then say warp surge I think it's really good in your charge phase you select one demonic unit in your army that's in your Shadow chaos right this unit can advance and charge so if it Advanced you can now charge oh okay um really good the fact that how because you use this in the charge phase yeah it's really good because it means you can set up for shadow of chaos and then get it uh okay whereas if you had to use this in the movement phase or sorry like if if you had to use this you know let's say it was in your movement phase if this model was in Shadow chaos you can do this I just like the sequencing of it yeah and the other thing I like about it as well is that it's only one CP so yeah yeah it's pretty cheap for for an advancing charging instead it gives you that option right also it's any unit you don't have it's not locked by marks that's good so this is the other thing I like about the demon strats they're not locked by what God you are okay so um or they give you a bonus if you're a different God I think if they did that they would be very restricting wouldn't it yeah because because you would think that this draw of chaos would be more use each one yeah sure but then you would maybe look at this one like a skull Cannon go I'd prefer 30s on yeah so um yeah so I really like how they're designed um next one probably my favorites like I know I said the corruption of real spaces that's right I'll do this in every video yeah this one was my favorite but now this one this one this one this one is really really really good yeah um and more how it synergize with another strand okay but we'll talk about this one first this is denizens of the warp cool um in your movement phase you select one demonic unit from your army that is arriving on the table from Deep strike ability right key thing you use this when the unit is deep striking right okay so you're not having because it just says in your movement phase yeah so you're not having to preempt this or anything like that yeah you just pick like if you if you're Torn Between Two you can have a bit of a measure and go yeah well I'll get there at least that unit can set up more than three inches away from all enemy models okay nice but they can't charge right okay honestly that didn't matter yeah they need to be charged because the unit you're probably gonna be using this on is your flamers right because they can get in outside free shoot and then they're there ready poised for an OverWatch right okay um I think this is a fantastic stratagem yes and also how this synergizes with the neck strangen yeah that's that's pretty tasty actually the realm of chaos oh God so this one is at the end of your opponent's turn yeah you select two up to two demon units from your army if you're in Shadow of chaos if you're not you just pick one right that unit is removed from the table it gets put into three reserve and must arrive in your next at the end of your Next Movement phase deep strong step okay right so you was telling me something so this isn't something you can do because of the wording of this it says you place them into yourself and then they will arrive back on the battlefield in the reinforcement step your Next Movement face yeah it means you can do this turn one yeah if your opponent goes first yes because because they would go first they do their Turn end of their turn you pick your models up then you then you have to bring them and you bring them back yeah so it means you can do this with a really good Alpha strike yes um other thing because it's specifically States you're arriving at the Deep strike ability yeah and then the denizens says when you're set up using the Deep strike ability exactly you can use them in tandem to create this like I'm going to turn off outside it's a nice combo and then use better calls auras and all of that so which we again we'll go into I'm just going about his auras but um he's quite easy he's the cheeky boy yeah and only restriction on this you can't use this stratum if they're in engagement range okay so you can't just pick them up yeah because I think that would be very powerful yeah yeah so that's fair enough but as you said this is the niche of it is also term one yeah you've got you've got a good Niche I found myself using this every turn oh okay cool because it's good for just placing units like you can also preempt things by going oh I've got you know nerdlings there you know I'll pick them up if I if you're playing tactical I may draw a card where they're super useful there equally I can get a move block going on these different bits so super good there really love that stratage and finally we sadly we've we've hyped them up a lot but then we're gonna have to go on a bit of a downer to end oh Jay yeah I know oh come on demonic invulnerability right it's not a bad Strat but well it is a bad strand it's not a bad struck okay right cool so let me read it to you your opponent's shooting phase just after an enemy has been selected the target you select one of your units that was the target of that attack okay and you can re-roll ones to save your vulnerable saves okay okay my my thing I don't like about it is just the fact you can't use it in fight phase yeah sure um and then on top of that as well is where I've found with the demon armies which again will speak about you're using more big models um you may be best because of the type of shots that's going into them just saving for a CP reroll yeah it has the same effect really doesn't it I think yeah maybe one way it would become more important is potentially if your opponent has a vect yeah it's good for vect um it's also good for um little units so yeah like you know pink Horrors they're just potentially will be constantly splitting it can be really annoying with them you know let's say you make them take 10 saves you know you don't want to use a cpv roll there you may go okay I need this unit to survive I'll pop this let's say you know you've got two two ones that that's then worth it right because then that's two CPU yes what I'm getting at is that unless you're maybe made to take a lot of saves it's not really that worth it yeah yes if you're being able if you're making take two saves you're doing one at a time I passed that one I failed that one I'll see people that one yeah exactly um so yeah so overall great strats I think um really good utility pieces that allow you to play the mission super well allow you to get the hard hitters in there exactly a bit more damage it's got a bit of everything really yeah it's really thematic I think as well quite a few of them um maybe is that last one could be a little bit yeah do you know what though I don't really know what you'd do maybe give them a film no pain yeah you've got at least four solid strats there right which um which which is is great because you've also got all of the core strats so yes it's brilliant you've got plenty to choose from right like this is the thing is like when we say it's a bad Strat it's probably more bad in comparison to what you want to spend exactly exactly because like you said you've got um the rapid Ingress is a fantastic stratage of in demons especially you know for those types of plays um OverWatch is fantastic for flamers yeah they're just the command point re-roll in general yeah and so yeah so I think grenades oh wait that's right I don't have grenades or Mitch is very sad imagine if demons had grenades what would they throw like I just imagine them throwing Like a Rock no like bolts of like demonic energy the Demonic grenade yeah oh yes but it blows up in the shadow of chaos comes out yeah and then you can deep struggle your monitor yeah we're inventing rules now guys well you know who knows um awesome so that's stratagem's enhancements Army rules all that what what are we doing there so we're going to be looking at some units so you've you've gloriously picked I've picked some units yes you have pics so we'll be back and um we'll we'll look at the units you've chosen with the release of Warhammer 40 000 10th edition avanga tactics we've put together the perfect course for you if you're already playing ninth Edition but you want to seamlessly transition into the new edition leave behind everything you know about ninth and understand everything you need to know about 10th then this short course is going to be ideal we break down all the complexities and give you step-by-step guidance on how to really make the most from 10th edition we're going to help you understand all the basics of the game and then some top tips along the way to help you really get the most from your army and your playing experience and if that's something you want to do and get signed up on our short course which you can study in your own time then do check out the links below and get signed up to our accelerator program okay right so who's the first character you want to look at so first we're going to look at bellicor so I think probably the most Auto include arm model in any army right I'll happily be I'm happy to be proven wrong I think I actually think that he's so integral to the army that armies are significantly worse without him really that important yeah and he's 325 points so I don't say it lightly okay um so main reasons for him really good first one while within six inches of him you count as being in Shadow of chaos brilliant your opponent and yourself okay right that's really important right because of synergies we're strapped yeah you've got strats worsening their battle shot um deep striking six of six yeah really good for that um I think he's that's really great yeah definitely next thing with him is he has like we've seen this a lot in other armies the three types of abilities okay um I'm only going to talk about two because there's only two I think that are actually good okay and the first one will start small um while I'm in six inches of him you have to take battle shot if you're just below starting strength okay not below half right okay so your single models your single models like your big tanks and stuff will be taking if they've just taken a wound right um again if you're with insect spell in Shadow chaos meaning you minus one to do you say yeah three more wins if you fail it but you are banking on your opponent failing is that most of the time it's on an eight plus with a minus one yeah like it's nothing to sniff out like I've I've found that a lot more people fail it than you think no to be fair Dante does it as well Mate A minus one so Dante does he's done it to some I'm not it's not his I'm sorry I knew we're gonna get a blood sorry but um but then his other rule which is significantly better right um units within six not wholly within just within okay and you cannot Target them as a part of a shooting attack unless you're within 18 inches of them so it's like a mini loan operative right but it's an aura as extremely powerful so really good for the monsters it means that you reliably can start your monsters on the table not have to worry about Knights being towering shooting you unless you don't get too close yeah wraith nights yeah at indirect fire as well it means that you can't just be a guard Army sit at the back towel all those armies um other things you can do you can string your units out onto objectives have Bella call within six and then know that they have to come and get because it doesn't does it have to be holy it's not holy no okay right so just within so you can have one model within the six inches that's really nice and I found that it's such a game-changing piece it actually can just change matchups that on paper will look awful for you yes into the best matchups possible yeah um again we'll talk about it more when we do more demon videos yeah sure and which if you stick around to the ends well yeah we've got our cheeky surprise um but they're you know in matchups like your guard or your indirect matchups where they don't want to be near you yeah you then go well if you're not going to get with an 18 of me you're not doing anything exactly and it then just changed the dynamic it can even like just frazzle people yeah I mean in a matter where shooting is so prevalent right it's it's such a key rule I mean the games of combat armies is not really good because I I consider demons more of a combat Army yeah they are so the fact that like you've got a piece that goes okay well shooting's really good like you said I've now just neutered it and you have to get in my fret range yeah and I think that's the biggest thing so I think he's absolutely incredible people if you're going to be doing a demon Army yeah the first name on that list like you all your lists started you're actually building a 1675 list yeah sure okay because it's free because you've got 325 points on it yeah exactly if you're not doing it I'm happy to be proven wrong yeah genuinely happy to be proven sure um but I just don't think I would be that's how confident I am annually I agree I haven't seen a demon's list played without him yeah and I think that's that's a the fact that every like at least like some armies you're seeing a bit of variety in terms of like that character section um but with demons like you said the consistent factor is this model this model is in every list and I think it's just one of them he has to be in it right yes he has to be he he just literally saves the Army yeah um which is great yeah it's great awesome well is there any other units yeah we got we've got two more I want to just talk about a bit more in depth so we've got shellaxi Albany yeah yes um not gonna lie when you look at this model you get 400 points it's the most expensive model in the whole book right um and you go what are you really getting for 400 points right are you getting worth you're banging so on paper I didn't think you did okay and I'll happily hold my hands up and say this was definitely an instance of me where I was like don't really like that yeah too expensive when you play with her right oh my a day she just won shots things for fun so we'll just go through it quick so main thing is she said 20 wound toughness 10 model yeah with a four plus one will save and a five plus feel no pain so she's really tanky she's really blanky right okay then we enter the more like damaging profiles yep so from range she has a 12 or 12 shot a 12 inch range 12 shots six shots strength six minus one two damage gun nice on top of that she has the vein I believe it's called which is a um you always in my opinion you go with the average charge profile all the time anyway so I'll just tell you that one 18 inches D6 shot strength nine minus two D3 damage has this but devastating wounds and sustained free all right so she's just there shooting things for fun as well profile right so she's got her soul soul splitter Soul Pizza whatever it's called it's basically a big spear yeah what this does it's six attack take on twos strength 14 minus three D six plus two damage Precision Precision as well so she can just blap a character out if she needs to in a spear fishing or something she's got more she also has extra attacks right um four attacks strength eight minus two three damage devastating wounds oh my Lord so she just hits things for fun right and on top of all of that she's got her actual ability so her first one is that while with an engagement range of her your minus one attack nice so so not great into a single model amazing into little models well don't forget what that's doing against big like even units are 10 right you're reducing the output of that unit and when you look at her defensive profile on top of that well if you think that like in a 10 models charges into you and let's say has free attacks each yeah you've just made it one third less effective yeah um again in the bigger models it's not that big of a deal because well it can be depending because like normally you're Knights or something like that a lot of these attacks have actually gone down though I feel so they're just making it even yeah that's right um on top of that then she has her best role right which is she always re-roll charges okay which is fantastic just having that in the pocket so you don't have to use a CP you could advance and charge you could you could come outside six and then you know you need a six for a re-roll yeah so you could use that CP elsewhere yeah she also then re-rolls in melee her hits wounds and damage versus monsters vehicles and character units okay so again if you're unfamiliar with with why that's really good for the character side of it is because if a character joins the unit that character that unit now becomes a character because they gain the character keyword from the character yeah and we've said character a lot yeah there's the characters to about name characters yeah or epic Heroes it's like we're in a paradox of characters and characters there's too many characters and this and because of that it means that she's pretty much 99 of the stuff she's gonna be hitting she's re-rolling her hip swings and damage into yeah yeah and damage is a really key one right because you know it's all good well and good re-rolling your hits and wounds but if you like for example when I've played with her on one of the games I've hold four ones and a two so I could just pick up all those right so instead of cping one yeah I pick up all those ones yeah honestly she's amazing I think I don't think she I think she's one not like Bella call where she has to be in every list yeah because equally you could take a keeper with the soul spit um soul stealer like we said yeah yeah and you get a very similar role but she's just very reliable like that's I think the things that I'm liking in demons is that the stuff you're wanting the stuff you're needing to do because you're having to commit them in combat yeah they need to be reliable yeah and that's what I think she does really well with 400 points you want to do that point to return right you wonder what you've invested to come back yes and she she will do that she pretty much always try Fades up it's very rare she doesn't but equally if she doesn't trade up points wise she'll trade up in Effectiveness yeah like even if she just hits that character out that's been really annoying or just something like that so I think she's great I think she's really really good final one we're going to talk about is Kairos my personal favorite Demon's character yeah I love him I've always loved him um in every list I've tried to get him in and there's a good reason for it right so first thing he has is his shooting okay 24 inches yeah and again I normally just always do the overcharged profiles that's what I want to talk about yeah the three plus six shots blast hazardous indirect ignores cover okay strength nine minus two D3 damage wow and it's indirect right yeah you've got 24 inch range yeah and with Bella cause Aura he can sit outside 18. you'd have to be an 18's Target so it's pretty safe like yeah because he's behind the building and if he's not behind the building he's within bellicals right well yeah exactly that's making Garden direct really jealous when they're looking at it yeah yeah you can't see me yeah um and then on top of that as well he's got two really cool rules so the first one is that if it's each demon unit within six inches uses a stratagem you roll a dice if you roll above the current battle round number you get a CP back okay right so on turn one on a Tuesday yes if we look at it like it does get worse as the game goes on yeah um but you're normally finding like he's giving you two to three CP back I found at least yeah um which really good yeah if he and also again like if he's targeting himself with a stratagem yeah you can just use that um again it's just use it's just nice right um the main reason the main reason I like him is because he has what we like to call a vect so yes if you're unfamiliar that terminology a vect is basically where you pick one of your opponent strategums after they used it yeah and that will cost one more for the rest of the game yeah um in in a really key thing to note with this in the designers commentary they actually clarified that if you make a strategy because serial CP it will actually cost one CPU exactly selected and it's a very common ability now it's very common in life and I think on a side note if you can ever take it unless you do exactly and that's why I really yes so he's got in like fantastic indirect shooting he's a tanky monster 20 wins toughness 10. and he has a vet yeah like there's so many upsides to him I think that he's fulfilling a lot of roles that you wouldn't normally have in the Army isn't he anything when you can plug in gaps in your list yeah it is a good utility piece in that sense yeah I think he's overall fantastic I think he's a great little model and I definitely would recommend people using them yeah um I think there's a debate between him and the Lord of change I personally say why not both yeah why not have both why not have your chips and eat them too and then we've got some honorable mentions yes so the first one nergan's um sadly they have been hit by the dreaded curse of OC zero oh um that's a shame but still if we look above that they're 40 points for three of them they're battle line um okay so you can bring back D3 so you bring back D3 models if they pass Battleship not wounds yeah four wings of Base yeah um they're infiltrate so that you can stop Alpha strikes you can block your opponent's infiltrators as well yeah um you block Scout moves all that type of stuff um you they're great Mission playing pieces because they're just a small footprint yeah so if you want you can start them in reserve and then deep strike them down to maybe investigate signals or behind them yeah uh teleport home or something like that say love them for 40 points they're great next we've got flamers as each oh these guys yeah they're great um they were Menace In night vision yeah they're definitely not as good now but they're quite cheap um right so they're 65 points for free 130 for six um they have D6 shot strength four minus one one damage torrent weapon okay um they also can a retreat and sheep which is really nice um and then on top of that they're free wins each toughest four you know all this all that's good okay um main reason I really like them you can combo this with the denizens of the warp Strat deep strike outside free yeah you shoot something off and then you're there ready for your opponent to move something right if you're playing something like a cult of GNC Colt Elder all those sort of menaces people are saying about a lot yeah they're really good they're gonna get two shooting faces effectively when and when they do that thing off yeah and if they're within six of cars for any reason you can roll so you get to see people yeah that's that's really good great um again if we look at it from a unit of three very small footprint to play that mission yeah they fly they do all sorts so really really useful there um number one pink Horrors uh yes the ability to split is super powerful yeah just Russian doll in the entire Battlefield yeah it can get quite annoying if you're just tying a unit up in combat and they're just constantly spitting yeah really cool plague bearers they have sticky objectives nice they also toughness five of two Wings each okay um so again they're just tanky battle line yeah uh blood crushes they do Mortal wounds on the charge which is it's very it's actually like it's quite funny there's not a lot of ways doing reliable mortal wounds and demons so having a unit like that even seeing a three maybe New Year six right really good um and the final one I will just quickly mention is the changeling yes um just a lone operative that's super cheap yeah you won't mention this one yeah and has some really funky rules as well so they're the units I'd sort of look at not honorable mentions but the main three I went through the ones I'd probably look at a bit more yeah yeah definitely it seems like so from what you've told me it seems like a monster heavy Army right it's yeah big characters maybe a few small utility Pieces Just to go and finish them do you think you can get you two ways you can go the Monster Mash and have lots of monsters okay or you can go like some like lots of blood crushes lots of flames yeah um I personally think the better way is the Monster Mash yeah just because of um there's less things the game that can hurt it yeah sure because if you think like you can't shoot me unless you're with an 18 Isabella core you then add into the fact of okay so you have to now get with an 18 of me if these guns don't kill these models my models are going to die and it's just from a from a tactical point of view it's easier for you to analyze your opponent's Army and go okay well if I just kill XYZ yeah I know you can't hurt me anymore yeah yeah sure whereas from the little armies you've got like well all this indirect's gonna do this or like this is going to do this so it does indirect is is really strong in terms of yeah um but can so I've got a question of can you build your list in one God way do you reckon that stuff could be successful yeah I think um as each mono's each build would be great the Lords of change are amazing yeah um I do think it gets a bit stale though because like I think if you go that sort of way you're looking at running maybe like three loads of change and yeah there's not as many data sheets and then you then you run then you want to run Bella core yeah we have a lot left yeah um I think maybe a better way with looking at maybe like two laws of change or one law to change Kairos you've got 100 pink hearts loads of flamers yeah um you can go horn you know you could have like a whole corn Army but again you've got like no real shooting or Mission playing pieces yeah no you're just not doing enough damage Spanish is I think one of the ones you could gay pure God like and it'd be well mostly it's dead wings on these things you've got the mask that interacts really nicely with all the units the keeper Secrets interacts really well with a lot of the units as well um but I think the personally the best way of playing is just having a mix just a mix nice and the strats work with that which is good it's good as you said at the start it's good it's good to see that you can have a mix yeah like if you look at my like well I say my list which will work okay yeah yeah okay spoilers okay which I guess we'll mention now like but we do have a members video dropping regarding a demon list I actually took to a tournament yeah um so if you want to check that out obviously make sure to go check the members content side it should hopefully be published soon yeah it'll be it should be coming straight after this so um yeah maybe like a day or something yeah exactly um but like in that I I my list actually does have at least one unit from every God okay um and I gave through it all in depth so again if you like this sort of content and you wanted to actually learn a bit more about it a bit more in depth that's the best place to go so membership content there yeah definitely do well last question how does this Army play with missions so what what would be a tactical fix I think tactical um I think tactical just allows you a bit more freedom to be able to play these things like I think the good armies in the game at the moment the ones that can play tactical or fixed because if you can play fixed it doesn't really matter if you can play fix right yeah if you can play fixed in terms of like you know like into your opponent normally you're looking at things where they're giving up a lot of points on the kills for a reliable one yeah yeah equally if you're looking at that Behind Enemy Lines teleport home is combo they can do that super well yeah but I think the best armies in the game the ones that are scoring higher the ones that can play tactical yeah because you can go through that deck of cards you've got lots of little units that can do stuff you've got the big units for the damage output yeah and it's just primary you can sometimes struggle with but if you're playing it right with bellacor and everything you should probably be nice nice all right then dude well thank you for running through the demons with me um it felt a bit heretical listening to it I'm not gonna lie to it but yeah I don't like it anyway yeah but thank you for um running me through that and guys if you have any questions make sure to put it in the comments any combos or anything maybe challenge Jake's thought I'm taking Bella core if you have any other ideas um put it all in the comments and don't forget to like comment and subscribe and yeah we'll be back for another video very soon amazing
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 13,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Warhammer40K, #new40k, #HowToPlay, #10thEdition, #TabletopGaming, #VanguardTactics, #WarhammerGuide, #40KTactics, #Chaos, #ChaosDaemons, #Khorne, #Nurgle, #Slaanesh, #Tzeentch
Id: YOT1H_TpoQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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