How to Plan a Trip to Athens Greece! | Athens What you NEED to Know Before Visiting Athens

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00:00:00:00 - 00:00:03:26 Unknown  My Hun and I spent a wonderful  five days in Athens, Greece, 00:00:03:26 - 00:00:05:08  Unknown We navigated the city. 00:00:05:08 - 00:00:09:20 Unknown  saw the amazing sights and learned about  the culture, the food and the people. 00:00:09:20 - 00:00:12:00 Unknown  So in this video, I'm going to share with you 00:00:12:00 - 00:00:14:05 Unknown  how to plan a trip to Athens, Greece. 00:00:14:05 - 00:00:14:22  Unknown What you need 00:00:14:22 - 00:00:17:02 Unknown  to know before visiting Athens for the first time. 00:00:17:02 - 00:00:23:27 Unknown  Hi, everyone. I'm Antoinette and welcome  back to my channel at Frolic & Courage   I like to help you plan well,  have fun, and travel the world! 00:00:23:27 - 00:00:28:08 Unknown  Today y’all, I'm helping you plan well  for your first trip to Athens, Greece, 00:00:28:08 - 00:00:29:12 Unknown  So let's get straight to it. 00:00:29:12 - 00:00:33:13 Unknown  Why should you visit Athens, Greece?  And what is the history of Athens? 00:00:33:13 - 00:00:42:12 Unknown  Athens, Greece stands as an  irresistible destination for   travelers seeking a rich tapestry of  history, culture and scenic beauty. 00:00:42:12 - 00:00:47:06 Unknown  It is also the perfect central location  to visit the many famous Greek islands 00:00:47:06 - 00:01:00:01 Unknown  Located in the picturesque Attica  region of southeastern Europe,   Athens is celebrated as the  cradle of western civilization,   offering visitors iconic landmarks like the  Parthenon and the temple of Olympian Zeus. 00:01:00:01 - 00:01:12:00 Unknown  What you need to know before visiting Athens  is despite economic challenges, Athens   thrives with its vibrant markets. Cozy tavernas,  flourishing artisan scene and delicious cuisine. 00:01:12:00 - 00:01:21:04 Unknown  Athens promises a captivating blend of ancient  wonders and modern charm. So while you're there,   you'll see antiquities right next to  modern structures. It's really cool 00:01:21:04 - 00:01:26:07 Unknown  to plan well for a trip to Athens, Greece,   you need to know the city has  multiple ways of saying its name. 00:01:26:07 - 00:01:30:12 Unknown  In the US we say Athens, but it's  actually written Athina in Greece. 00:01:30:12 - 00:01:34:29 Unknown  as you're navigating the city,   addresses might reference the city  of “Athina” instead of “Athens” the 00:01:34:29 - 00:01:36:01 Unknown  names are interchangeable. 00:01:36:01 - 00:01:42:06 Unknown  city of Athens, Greece derives its  name from the ancient goddess Athena,   who was a central figure in Greek mythology. 00:01:42:06 - 00:01:48:10 Unknown  According to the legend Athena and Poseidon,   the god of the sea, competed  for patronage over the city. 00:01:48:10 - 00:01:54:14 Unknown  Athena won the contest by presenting the city with  the olive tree, a symbol of peace and prosperity. 00:01:54:14 - 00:02:01:04 Unknown  In honor of Athena's victory.  The city was named Athens,   and the olive tree became a symbol  closely associated with the city. 00:02:01:04 - 00:02:03:17 Unknown  And olives are definitely  something you need to try 00:02:03:17 - 00:02:04:22 Unknown  while you’re visiting Athens. 00:02:04:22 - 00:02:10:04 Unknown  Athena was known as the goddess of wisdom,  courage, strategy, warfare and arts and crafts 00:02:10:04 - 00:02:14:13 Unknown  and was celebrated for her intelligence,  strength and strategic thinking, 00:02:14:13 - 00:02:16:24 Unknown  all qualities that are fitting for the city today. 00:02:16:24 - 00:02:26:07 Unknown  Athens follows the Eastern European  time, or EET, which is 7 hours ahead of   the east coast of the U.S. and 10 hours  ahead of the West Coast Pacific Time. 00:02:26:07 - 00:02:31:20 Unknown  if you're looking at how to plan a trip to Athens,   Greece. One thing you need to  know before visiting Athens is 00:02:31:20 - 00:02:32:28  Unknown how to get there. 00:02:32:28 - 00:02:38:23 Unknown  one question you might have is  do I need a visa to visit Athens,   Greece as an American citizen? And no, you don't. 00:02:38:23 - 00:02:45:20 Unknown  A visa is not required for  U.S. citizens. And typically   U.S. citizens can stay in Greece for up to 90 days 00:02:45:20 - 00:02:49:27 Unknown  within a 180 day period without  a visa for tourism purposes. 00:02:49:27 - 00:02:52:25 Unknown  If you're not from the U.S., definitely  check your country's requirements. 00:02:52:25 - 00:02:53:25  Unknown In Athens, Greece, 00:02:53:25 - 00:03:10:07 Unknown  The major airport is Athens International  Airport, also known as Eleftherios Venizelos   International Airport (ATH). It is  the primary gateway for international   and domestic flights to and from Athens and  where you will likely fly into upon arrival. 00:03:10:07 - 00:03:15:17 Unknown  As for train stations, the main one in  Athens is the Larissa station or Stathmos. 00:03:15:17 - 00:03:16:17  Unknown Larisis. 00:03:16:17 - 00:03:22:07  Unknown which serves as   a hub for both national and international  rail connections. If traveling by land, 00:03:22:07 - 00:03:24:14 Unknown  another way you can travel into Athens is by sea 00:03:24:14 - 00:03:25:28  Unknown The port city of Piraeus, 00:03:25:28 - 00:03:28:13 Unknown  which connects Athens to destinations 00:03:28:13 - 00:03:28:28  Unknown beyond. 00:03:28:28 - 00:03:31:00 Unknown  It is also where cruise ships and ferries 00:03:31:00 - 00:03:31:24  Unknown are located. 00:03:31:24 - 00:03:33:29 Unknown  Whether you arrive by air, land or sea, 00:03:33:29 - 00:03:37:19 Unknown  Let's talk about the best time to visit Athens 00:03:37:19 - 00:03:39:14 Unknown  the weather and what you should pack. 00:03:39:14 - 00:03:43:09 Unknown  What is the best time of year to visit  Athens in terms of weather and crowds? 00:03:43:09 - 00:03:48:03 Unknown  Athens has a mediterranean climate with  hot and dry summers and mild winters, 00:03:48:03 - 00:03:50:11 Unknown  making it the perfect  weather for me when I travel. 00:03:50:11 - 00:03:56:15 Unknown  The best time to visit Athens, Greece is between  March and May, and from September to November. 00:03:56:15 - 00:04:00:29 Unknown  August is a holiday month, so restaurants  and shops may be closed and it's also hot. 00:04:01:00 - 00:04:02:26 Unknown  So try to avoid August if you can. 00:04:02:26 - 00:04:08:15 Unknown  The rainy season is November to March,   but there are deals to be had if  you travel during those months. 00:04:08:15 - 00:04:19:27 Unknown  There are pretty mild temperatures  year round, like a high or low of 56   to 45 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter, 68/53 in  spring, 90/73 in summer and 74/60 in the fall. 00:04:19:27 - 00:04:23:13 Unknown  Athens receives little rain about five  days a month from November to March 00:04:23:13 - 00:04:28:14 Unknown  and year round it helps to  pack a light jacket for the   evenings and the mornings when it's the chilliest. 00:04:28:14 - 00:04:34:23 Unknown  No matter when you visit, always  research the weather during your   travel dates and pack the appropriate clothing. 00:04:34:23 - 00:04:40:27 Unknown  I pack some sturdy shoes with  a good grip for walking and   the terrain changes there, so be mindful of that. 00:04:41:00 - 00:04:42:18 Unknown  I also packed a light jacket 00:04:42:18 - 00:04:47:20 Unknown  as well as jeans and something nice  for a nicer restaurant that we were   going to. Other than that, it's pretty casual. 00:04:47:20 - 00:04:53:12 Unknown  I would avoid wearing heels in Athens because  the terrain changes and it's kind of treacherous. 00:04:53:12 - 00:04:56:21 Unknown  We traveled in early October  and the temperature was perfect. 00:04:56:21 - 00:04:59:00 Unknown  But what months are you  planning your trip to Athens? 00:04:59:00 - 00:05:02:24 Unknown  Will it be a cruise or inland adventure?  Let me know in the comments down below. 00:05:02:24 - 00:05:05:22 Unknown  We flew into Athens Airport  and stayed during the fall. And 00:05:05:22 - 00:05:07:12  Unknown it was beautiful 00:05:07:12 - 00:05:11:06 Unknown  Now that you know more about Athens, how  to get there, and the best time to visit. 00:05:11:06 - 00:05:14:09 Unknown  Let's now talk about currency and money matters. 00:05:14:09 - 00:05:16:21 Unknown  If you're going to travel, you got  to have a little money on you, right? 00:05:16:21 - 00:05:21:16 Unknown  One thing you might ask yourself is what is the   local currency in Greece and  where can I exchange money? 00:05:21:16 - 00:05:23:05 Unknown  The currency in Greece is the euro. 00:05:23:05 - 00:05:27:25 Unknown  You can exchange money at home for your local  bank, through AAA, or at an ATM at the airport. 00:05:27:25 - 00:05:31:17 Unknown  We like to use the ATM at the airport, but  you can also exchange money at local banks 00:05:31:17 - 00:05:34:27 Unknown  That's cash, but our credit cards  are widely accepted in Athens? 00:05:34:27 - 00:05:41:14 Unknown  Credit cards are widely accepted  in major establishments,   and we never had an issue paying  with our credit cards at all. 00:05:41:14 - 00:05:45:20 Unknown  Visa, MasterCard, American Express.  It was all accepted, but always check 00:05:45:20 - 00:05:47:01  Unknown before you buy something. 00:05:47:01 - 00:05:48:16 Unknown  If your credit card is accepted. 00:05:48:16 - 00:05:54:08 Unknown  And also check your credit  cards to see if your bank   will charge a foreign transaction  fee or not and plan accordingly. 00:05:54:08 - 00:06:03:10 Unknown  it's a good idea to have some cash on hand for  smaller businesses, taxis and markets. Nothing   larger than a 20 euro note because then some  people may not be able to break the change. 00:06:03:10 - 00:06:06:24 Unknown  And if asked to convert your credit  card bill from U.S. currency, 00:06:06:24 - 00:06:10:04 Unknown  always decline the conversion  because banks charge a higher fee 00:06:10:04 - 00:06:12:04 Unknown  to convert it on top of the exchange rate 00:06:12:04 - 00:06:13:09  Unknown and it's not worth it. 00:06:13:09 - 00:06:15:20 Unknown  Always pay in euros - the local currency. 00:06:15:20 - 00:06:25:22 Unknown  And what is the cost of traveling  to Athens, especially in terms of   accommodation and dining? We found  Athens to be incredibly affordable,   especially after visiting  cities like Paris or London. 00:06:25:22 - 00:06:26:29  Unknown For both my Hun and I, 00:06:27:00 - 00:06:28:29  Unknown Our meals were around 25 00:06:28:29 - 00:06:36:07 Unknown  to €40 per a large hearty meal. And because  we traveled during the fall month of October, 00:06:36:07 - 00:06:39:25 Unknown  accommodation prices were less  than the peak summer months. 00:06:39:25 - 00:06:46:15 Unknown  Matter of fact, we actually book one of  the best rooms in the hotel we stayed at   at a very reasonable price. And we'll talk  about that a little bit later in this video. 00:06:46:15 - 00:06:50:01 Unknown  Another piece of critical information you  need to plan well for your trip to Athens 00:06:50:01 - 00:06:51:27 Unknown  is learning more about the language. 00:06:52:00 - 00:07:03:11 Unknown  The official language of Athens  is Greek. And while many people   in the city and tourism industry speak English,   learning a few basic Greek phrases can enhance  your experience and interactions with locals 00:07:03:11 - 00:07:05:04 Unknown  because it's a sign of respect, you know. 00:07:05:04 - 00:07:11:11 Unknown  as you're learning how to plan a trip to Athens,   Greece, one question you may have after  learning this piece of information is 00:07:11:11 - 00:07:15:01 Unknown  how do I greet and interact with  locals if I don't speak Greek? 00:07:15:01 - 00:07:19:08 Unknown  that was actually one of my concerns because I  have never had a conversation in full on Greek 00:07:19:08 - 00:07:20:11  Unknown ever in my life. 00:07:20:11 - 00:07:24:02 Unknown  So I took the time to learn these few  phrases that I'm going to share with you. 00:07:24:02 - 00:07:28:00 Unknown  You can greet people with a smile  and say, “Kalimera” or Good morning, 00:07:28:00 - 00:07:32:13 Unknown  “Kalinychta,” which is good evening  or “Yasou” which means hello. 00:07:32:13 - 00:07:37:08 Unknown  can say “Yammas: as you're cheering your  drink or ”Efcharisto”, which means thank you. 00:07:37:08 - 00:07:40:15 Unknown  Those are just a few phrases to  help you speak Greek on your trip. 00:07:40:15 - 00:07:42:13 Unknown  Also, note the Greek language uses 00:07:42:13 - 00:07:45:15 Unknown  Greek symbols, which are different  from the Latin based language 00:07:45:15 - 00:07:49:03 Unknown  characters that use a majority of  the same letters as we do in the US. 00:07:49:03 - 00:07:53:04 Unknown  and if you're part of a fraternity or sorority,  you know what I mean by those Greek letters. 00:07:53:04 - 00:07:58:23 Unknown  when trying to navigate in  the city to destinations,   restaurants, shopping, etc. using a digital map. 00:07:58:23 - 00:08:02:05 Unknown  It may take a few seconds to  translate the words to English. 00:08:02:05 - 00:08:06:12 Unknown  If it doesn't, a majority of the street  signs have English spelling underneath, 00:08:06:12 - 00:08:10:13 Unknown  and even then, if they still don't, then it  helps to recognize the symbols on your map 00:08:10:13 - 00:08:14:23 Unknown  versus what you see in the screen  and just match up the shapes and   you know you're going in the right direction. 00:08:14:23 - 00:08:16:12  Unknown to be extra prepared. 00:08:16:12 - 00:08:19:11 Unknown  You can download a language  translation app to use in your trip. 00:08:19:11 - 00:08:27:13 Unknown  I personally use Google Translate,  which can quickly translate text,   voice, and image prompts to English  or any language of your choosing. 00:08:27:13 - 00:08:30:09 Unknown  It's free and it works really, really well. 00:08:30:09 - 00:08:34:10 Unknown  I also downloaded an offline  version of the map of Athens, 00:08:34:10 - 00:08:41:06 Unknown  so that if I'm disconnected or can't  get to wi fi or my service is down,   I will always have a way to get around and 00:08:41:06 - 00:08:42:08  Unknown to communicate. 00:08:42:08 - 00:08:44:21 Unknown  just remember, those are extra precautions. 00:08:44:21 - 00:08:54:09 Unknown  All of the menus and literature that we read  during our trip had English translations and   we had no problems communicating or  reading or navigating around the city. 00:08:54:09 - 00:08:59:19 Unknown  So we're talking about how to  plan a trip to Athens, Greece,   and what you need to know before visiting Athens. 00:08:59:19 - 00:09:01:11 Unknown  let's talk about accommodations as 00:09:01:11 - 00:09:04:28 Unknown  One of the questions I had was Where  is the best place to stay in Athens? 00:09:04:28 - 00:09:09:27  Unknown Well, the most   popular and historical neighborhoods of  Athens are located in the city center. 00:09:09:27 - 00:09:13:12 Unknown  Monastiraki, Syntagma, Plaka, Acropolis. 00:09:13:12 - 00:09:14:07  Unknown And Thiseio. 00:09:14:07 - 00:09:19:07 Unknown  those neighborhoods are centrally located and   are great places to stay for  first time visitors to Athens. 00:09:19:07 - 00:09:21:20 Unknown  I recommend staying in any of these neighborhoods. 00:09:21:20 - 00:09:30:14 Unknown  I personally stayed at the Editor Hotel,  a boutique property in Monastiraki   because it was centrally located within  walking distance to great restaurants 00:09:30:14 - 00:09:31:21  Unknown near the flea market, 00:09:31:21 - 00:09:40:24 Unknown  a 15 to 17 minute walk to the Acropolis and  Museum and less than a five minute walk to   the Monastiraki metro and train stations  that will take you to and from the airport 00:09:40:24 - 00:09:42:13 Unknown  and connect you all throughout the city. 00:09:42:13 - 00:09:45:18 Unknown  You can also book Airbnbs in Greece as  well if you want to stay at a hotel. 00:09:45:23 - 00:09:51:11 Unknown  But if you do want to stay in a  hotel, you might ask yourself,   what are the best hotels with an Acropolis view? 00:09:51:11 - 00:09:55:13 Unknown  To be completely honest, those hotels  tend to be priced at a higher price point. 00:09:55:13 - 00:10:00:20 Unknown  And a lot of them offer rooftop dining views  as opposed to views directly from your hotel. 00:10:00:20 - 00:10:01:09  Unknown But 00:10:01:09 - 00:10:02:08  Unknown I've got a list for you. 00:10:02:08 - 00:10:04:16 Unknown  Check out the Electra Palace. Athens, 00:10:04:16 - 00:10:05:29  Unknown the Herodian Hotel, 00:10:05:29 - 00:10:08:28 Unknown  AthensWas Hotel, and the King George Hotel. 00:10:08:28 - 00:10:13:11 Unknown  I'll put links in the description box down   below so you can compare prices  and see what the room is like. 00:10:13:11 - 00:10:18:21 Unknown  Another important tip if you need to plan well for  your trip to Athens is learning how to get around. 00:10:18:21 - 00:10:30:19 Unknown  How do I get from the Athens International  Airport to the city center? There are   multiple ways that you can do that. You  can take the metro, the bus or a taxi,   and it'll take you about 45 minutes to one  hour. It's pretty simple and pretty easy. 00:10:30:19 - 00:10:33:20 Unknown  And once you're there, what is the  best way to get around the city? 00:10:33:20 - 00:10:42:14 Unknown  Is it public transportation? Do you  take a taxi? Do you walk? And honestly,   Athens has an extensive public transportation  system, including the Metro busses and trams. 00:10:42:14 - 00:10:46:08 Unknown  You can buy a single ticket or a multiday  transportation pass for convenience. 00:10:46:08 - 00:10:49:09 Unknown  But honestly, walking is one  of the best ways to get around. 00:10:49:09 - 00:10:57:09 Unknown  Does Athens, Greece have an Uber or  Lyft? And Athens has Uber and Lyft?   And it's not your typical Uber  experience. You want to download 00:10:57:09 - 00:11:01:24 Unknown  the Free Now app because taxis are a great  way to get around Athens on a budget. 00:11:01:24 - 00:11:08:10 Unknown  because this topic is so important,   I did an entire video dedicated to  how to get around Athens on a budget. 00:11:08:10 - 00:11:16:04 Unknown  which goes over the transportation  tickets and passes, costs, maps,   and the best ways to get around with  detailed step by step instructions. 00:11:16:04 - 00:11:17:02  Unknown So definitely 00:11:17:02 - 00:11:21:12 Unknown  check that out in my head to plan a trip to  Athens playlist at the end of this video. 00:11:21:12 - 00:11:31:27 Unknown  Now let's talk about activities and attractions.  What are the must visit historical sites and   landmarks in Athens, like the Acropolis and the  Parthenon? What can I see when I'm in Athens? 00:11:31:27 - 00:11:39:01 Unknown  Athens is rich in history and boasts iconic  sites like the Acropolis and the Parthenon,   the ancient Agora, the Erechtheion. 00:11:39:01 - 00:11:45:16 Unknown  plan, your visits and consider  getting a combined ticket,   which gives you access to multiple  sites over a certain number of days. 00:11:45:16 - 00:11:54:10 Unknown  I dedicated an entire video to the Acropolis  talking about tickets, prices, how to get reduced   price or even free admission, and whether  or not the Acropolis Museum is worth it. 00:11:54:10 - 00:11:58:05 Unknown  Don't forget to check that out in my planning   a trip to Athens playlist.  You don't want to miss it. 00:11:58:05 - 00:11:59:17  Unknown In addition, the National 00:11:59:17 - 00:12:04:02 Unknown  Archeological Museum showcases a vast  collection of ancient Greek artifacts, 00:12:04:02 - 00:12:04:09  Unknown while the 00:12:04:09 - 00:12:05:24  Unknown Temple of Olympian Zeus 00:12:05:24 - 00:12:11:07 Unknown  in the Panathenaic Stadium offer further  insights into Athens, illustrious past. 00:12:11:07 - 00:12:14:14 Unknown  you may also want to know is  Athens, Greece, near a beach? 00:12:14:14 - 00:12:16:28 Unknown  yes, the Athens Riviera is accessible by tram. 00:12:16:28 - 00:12:20:22 Unknown  are there any other DAY TRIP options  from Athens that are worth considering? 00:12:20:22 - 00:12:22:04  Unknown Absolutely! 00:12:22:04 - 00:12:28:14 Unknown  there are trips you can take by land or sea and   consider taking day trips from  Athens to nearby destinations. 00:12:28:14 - 00:12:37:12 Unknown  There are ships on land you can take  to the Athens Riviera, to Delphi,   to Thessaloniki or Thessalonians, if you're  familiar with the Bible and Cape Sounion. 00:12:37:12 - 00:12:40:06 Unknown  Most notably, you can take day  trips to the Greek islands. 00:12:40:12 - 00:12:42:04 Unknown  So consider a day trip to one of the 00:12:42:04 - 00:12:44:08  Unknown over 6,000 Greek islands 00:12:44:08 - 00:12:54:11 Unknown  just an hour or two boat ride from Athens.  You can check out a Visit Greece page to   explore what each island has to offer and  visit Greece that are back slash islands. 00:12:54:11 - 00:12:55:27 Unknown  Some notable islands to look 00:12:55:27 - 00:13:00:00 Unknown  into are the islands of  Crete, Naxos, Hydra, Aegina. 00:13:00:04 - 00:13:07:17 Unknown  And we visited Agistri, Aegina, and swam outside   of Moni in one day trip. And if you want  to check that out, Check out my best 00:13:07:17 - 00:13:09:19 Unknown  day in Athens, Greece vlog. 00:13:09:19 - 00:13:17:04 Unknown  continuing with how to plan a trip to Athens,   Greece. What you need to know before visiting  Athens is the food and drink are amazing 00:13:17:04 - 00:13:23:11 Unknown  you're planning your trip to  Athens, you may ask yourself   what is the typical tipping etiquette  for restaurants and other services? 00:13:23:11 - 00:13:26:02 Unknown  Well, tipping is appreciated, but not obligatory, 00:13:26:02 - 00:13:31:00 Unknown  leaving a 1 to €3 tip in restaurants and  for good service is a common practice. 00:13:31:00 - 00:13:32:22 Unknown  If you feel that it's necessary 00:13:32:22 - 00:13:34:29 Unknown  is the tap water is safe to drink in Athens. 00:13:34:29 - 00:13:46:24 Unknown  And yes, the tap water in Athens is generally  safe to drink, but bottled water is readily   available if you prefer, and for visiting  the islands. I hear that bottled water is   the way to go, but that's not so much So  in Athens you can drink the tap water. 00:13:46:24 - 00:13:50:24 Unknown  And what are some recommended authentic  Greek dishes? And where can I find them? 00:13:50:24 - 00:14:01:04 Unknown  For the local cuisine, you definitely want to  try traditional Greek dishes like moussaka,   souvlaki, gyros, and Greek salad (Horiatiki).  Don't forget to also enjoy the local olives. 00:14:01:04 - 00:14:06:26 Unknown  there are actually a lot of recommended dishes to  try. So much so that I created an entire video. 00:14:06:26 - 00:14:07:24  Unknown Dedicated 00:14:07:24 - 00:14:09:06  Unknown to the best foods to try. 00:14:09:07 - 00:14:13:20 Unknown  Where to find them and other helpful restaurant  recommendations like the tipping culture. 00:14:13:20 - 00:14:14:11  Unknown It's called How 00:14:14:11 - 00:14:17:11 Unknown  I found some of the best food in  Athens, Greece, and the link is from the 00:14:17:11 - 00:14:21:02 Unknown  description box below and in the  planning a trip to Athens playlist. 00:14:21:02 - 00:14:31:20 Unknown  I'll also link my blog in the description  box below so you can read through all this   information that I'm giving you so you  don't have to frantically write it down   or take notes unless you want to have  my blog link there for ease of access. 00:14:31:20 - 00:14:47:22 Unknown  What you also need to know about planning a trip  to Athens is there is a lot of seating outdoors in   the alley that is totally normal. Since the  weather is nice, people like to enjoy meals   outside if possible. So finding restaurant  seats in the alleyway is a common experience 00:14:47:22 - 00:14:56:05 Unknown  so are multilevel businesses. So if you  go to a restaurant, you can possibly sit   on the third floor of the establishment, on the  second floor or on the street or ground floor. 00:14:56:05 - 00:15:02:00 Unknown  Don't be surprised if your GPS takes you to a  restaurant that's actually kind of underground. 00:15:02:00 - 00:15:05:06 Unknown  The entrance is below street  level, almost like a basement. 00:15:05:06 - 00:15:12:01 Unknown  It might look sketchy, but it's  completely legit. And the same   goes for shops. Watch your step so  you don't fall down those stairs. 00:15:12:01 - 00:15:14:17 Unknown  speaking of safety, is Athens safe for tourists? 00:15:14:17 - 00:15:22:14 Unknown  Athens is generally safe for  tourists, but like any major city,   be cautious of pickpocketing and keep an eye  on your belongings. Pack light, pack tight, 00:15:22:14 - 00:15:27:01 Unknown  and mind your bags. Especially in crowded areas  like the metro stations and train stations. 00:15:27:01 - 00:15:32:04 Unknown  And the same with health precautions. There really   are none. You don't need any  vaccinations to go visit Greece. 00:15:32:04 - 00:15:36:02  Unknown Now that you're   equipped with essential information for  planning your trip to Athens, Greece, 00:15:36:02 - 00:15:43:25 Unknown  Let's explore Sample one three and  five date itineraries. To answer   the burning question How many  days in Athens are sufficient? 00:15:43:25 - 00:15:45:19 Unknown  How long should I stay in Athens? 00:15:45:19 - 00:15:51:19 Unknown  Honestly, spending three days is  enough to see the major attractions,   taste the local cuisine and enjoy the sights. 00:15:51:19 - 00:15:54:20 Unknown  Most cruises only stop for  one day are really 8 hours 00:15:54:20 - 00:15:56:25 Unknown  and we personally stayed for five days. 00:15:56:25 - 00:16:00:20 Unknown  But here's what I would do if I  only had one, three or five days. 00:16:00:20 - 00:16:04:12 Unknown  For a one day itinerary, this is  perfect for cruisers. In the morning, 00:16:04:12 - 00:16:12:22 Unknown  Grab a breakfast, grab a Greek coffee, and  immediately head to the Acropolis for about   a two hour visit, followed by the Acropolis  Museum, which is another two hour visit. 00:16:12:22 - 00:16:18:21 Unknown  In the afternoon, you can casually  stroll through the beautiful,   picturesque Plaka neighborhood  and visit the flea market. 00:16:18:21 - 00:16:19:22  Unknown In Monastiraki. 00:16:19:22 - 00:16:24:02 Unknown  Grab a gyro or souvlaki platter  for a hearty lunch or dinner. 00:16:24:02 - 00:16:28:02 Unknown  If you have three days to spend in  Athens, here is my three day itinerary. 00:16:28:02 - 00:16:32:02 Unknown  on day one, do the exact same things I  recommended for the one day itinerary. 00:16:32:02 - 00:16:34:14 Unknown  But on day two, add additional historic sites 00:16:34:14 - 00:16:39:20 Unknown  like the Temple of Zeus, the Ancient Agora,   Hadrian's Library and the  National Archeological Museum. 00:16:39:20 - 00:16:40:18  Unknown On day three, 00:16:40:18 - 00:16:50:15 Unknown  get a hands on food experience going  to food tours, take a cooking class,   visit a michelin starred dining restaurant on  the water and land, eat all the food you can. 00:16:50:15 - 00:16:51:14  Unknown You can also visit 00:16:51:14 - 00:16:54:29 Unknown  Parliament for the changing of the  guards and visit the National Garden, 00:16:54:29 - 00:16:57:03 Unknown  or even take a Greek dance lesson. 00:16:57:03 - 00:16:58:22  Unknown For a five day itinerary, 00:16:58:22 - 00:17:02:10 Unknown  you have more time to dig into the  city and even take multiple day trips. 00:17:02:10 - 00:17:07:04  Unknown For the first   three days, do exactly what I recommended  for the one day and three day itinerary, 00:17:07:04 - 00:17:08:25 Unknown  and on day four, take a day trip, 00:17:08:25 - 00:17:13:24 Unknown  go to Agistri, Aegina, Meteora,  Poros Hydra, Cyprus, Crete, Naxos. 00:17:13:24 - 00:17:17:11 Unknown  The monastery of Delphi. Get out  and see the surrounding areas 00:17:17:11 - 00:17:21:15 Unknown  on day five you can hike Mt. Lycabettus  which has amazing views of the city. 00:17:21:15 - 00:17:28:09 Unknown  And you can watch a performance  at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus,   which is an outdoor amphitheater  located on the Acropolis. 00:17:28:09 - 00:17:32:14 Unknown  End your night with a rooftop meal  or a cocktail at the AthensWas Hotel. 00:17:32:14 - 00:17:35:09 Unknown  If you're wondering, how else  can I plan for my trip to Athens? 00:17:35:09 - 00:17:36:22 Unknown  let me share some bonus tips. 00:17:36:22 - 00:17:40:26 Unknown  Are there any cultural norms or etiquette I  should be aware of as a visitor in Athens? 00:17:40:26 - 00:17:45:17 Unknown  yeah, there is a couple of things generally,   except food when offered by  a host, when you're visiting 00:17:45:17 - 00:17:49:16 Unknown  if you have any health concerns, alert  them. The Greek people are very hospitable. 00:17:49:16 - 00:18:01:29 Unknown  And is there any specific dress codes to  follow when visiting religious sites or   upscale restaurants? And yes, generally  dress on the conservative side and   cover your knees and shoulders and any  exposed parts for the religious sites. 00:18:01:29 - 00:18:11:15 Unknown  most of the dress code in Athens is casual and  there's a lot of people who wear blacks and   grays. So if you want to blend in, definitely wear  darker colors, but generally wear what you'd like. 00:18:11:15 - 00:18:21:20 Unknown  make sure you wear comfortable clothing  that you can walk around all day. And if   you're going during the warmer months,  the summer is hot. Wear your sunblock,   bring your shades and maybe even a  hat and definitely some hair ties. 00:18:21:20 - 00:18:26:18 Unknown  Okay. So are there any other tips that’ll  help you plan well for your trip to Athens? 00:18:26:18 - 00:18:28:09 Unknown  Absolutely. Absolutely. And 00:18:28:09 - 00:18:34:12 Unknown  based on my experience, look,  before you cross the street,   because the drivers may not  stop driving is a little wild. 00:18:34:12 - 00:18:37:00 Unknown  and also look before you flush toilet paper. 00:18:37:03 - 00:18:37:12  Unknown Yeah, 00:18:37:12 - 00:18:45:19 Unknown  because plumbing is not the  best and it is an ancient city,   after all. So you may see saying  do not flush the toilet paper. 00:18:45:19 - 00:18:53:27 Unknown  if you see the sign that says don't  flush, and you decide to flush,   you can run the embarrassing risk of being  mortified while standing over a clogged toilet. 00:18:54:05 - 00:18:59:04 Unknown  So if you see a sign, follow it and throw the  toilet paper in the waste bin after you use it. 00:18:59:04 - 00:19:07:01 Unknown  Hotels may not require this,  and they didn't at our hotel,   but restaurants and other establishments  might just look for the signs and follow them. 00:19:07:01 - 00:19:14:07 Unknown  There's also graffiti everywhere,  and as our tour guide told us,   just because there's graffiti around  doesn't mean that it's a bad neighborhood. 00:19:14:07 - 00:19:19:23 Unknown  the city was named after Athena,   which is a goddess of arts and crafts.  So there is a lot of artistic people 00:19:19:23 - 00:19:23:06 Unknown  in Athens and one of the ways they choose  to express themselves is through graffiti. 00:19:23:06 - 00:19:25:07 Unknown  See it, note it, and keep it moving. 00:19:25:07 - 00:19:37:25 Unknown  Another thing you need to know to  plan well for your trip to Greece   is that there are a lot of cats, a lot of  stray, random cats that you will encounter,   whether you're eating in an alleyway outside or  just walking the streets. There are a lot of cats 00:19:37:25 - 00:19:45:05 Unknown  they're pretty harmless. They won't bite you,  but they may come up to you kind of begging for   food with their little cat eyes. And it's up  to you whether or not you want to feed them. 00:19:45:05 - 00:19:47:29 Unknown  Also, to help you plan well  for your trip is to pack light. 00:19:47:29 - 00:19:53:29 Unknown  The streets are not made for luggage and the   traffic is pretty bad. So be  prepared to carry your items. 00:19:53:29 - 00:20:01:22 Unknown  You will also see different types of flooring like   marble to concrete to stone,  and it can be really slippery. 00:20:01:22 - 00:20:05:23 Unknown  If you're at the flea market In  Monastiraki you may be able to haggle with 00:20:05:23 - 00:20:06:16  Unknown Some vendors 00:20:06:16 - 00:20:10:23 Unknown  don't haggle at, you know, the  mall. That's not the place! 00:20:10:23 - 00:20:16:11 Unknown  But you might be able to get  a little bit of a discount at   the Monastiraki flea market. So definitely try. 00:20:16:11 - 00:20:17:11  Unknown Don't forget to use 00:20:17:11 - 00:20:20:27 Unknown  cash at the flea markets and don't touch the items 00:20:20:27 - 00:20:23:02 Unknown  You can look, but don't touch.  The vendors will show them to you. 00:20:23:02 - 00:20:27:00 Unknown  Don't just grab stuff and start,  you know doing whatever with it. 00:20:27:00 - 00:20:38:00 Unknown  Smoking is actually really common in Greece.  So as you're walking through the cities,   don't be surprised if puffs of smoke come at you,   you know, just either wear a mask or just keep  it moving, keep walking. The smoke will go away. 00:20:38:00 - 00:20:41:00 Unknown  Also, watch your step. There is marble everywhere. 00:20:41:00 - 00:20:45:12 Unknown  And we learned from another  tour guide that marble is   actually cheaper than any other building material. 00:20:45:12 - 00:20:49:03 Unknown  So you'll just walk the streets and  you'll see gorgeous marble floors. 00:20:49:03 - 00:20:56:19 Unknown  in the United States, marble is seen as like  a luxury and a high end product. And it's   just so funny to see it on the floor  with people just walking all over it. 00:20:56:19 - 00:20:58:16 Unknown  I mean, it's durable, it's beautiful. 00:20:58:16 - 00:21:04:10 Unknown  But don't be surprised if you see a lot of marble   on the streets. And that's  also why I do not recommend 00:21:04:10 - 00:21:08:15 Unknown  wearing any shoes that don't have  a grip to it, because once it rains 00:21:08:15 - 00:21:15:04 Unknown  or if it's dewey the morning,  you will slip and fall. So wear   those shoes with good grip and  admire the marble on the floor. 00:21:15:04 - 00:21:21:08 Unknown  If you found this video helpful, please  give it a thumbs up and don't forget to   subscribe to my channel and share it with a friend 00:21:21:08 - 00:21:28:29 Unknown  If you're looking for food recommendations,  tips on visiting the Acropolis or went to see   what it's actually like visiting Athens for  the first time and getting around a budget, 00:21:28:29 - 00:21:32:07 Unknown  check out my planning a trip to  Athens playlist after this video 00:21:32:07 - 00:21:35:05 Unknown  If you're excited for your trip and have  any questions, let me know in the comments 00:21:35:05 - 00:21:39:09 Unknown  down below. And if you've been to Athens,  share your experience in the comments. 00:21:39:11 - 00:21:43:25 Unknown  Thank you so much for watching and  I'll catch you in the next video by.
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Keywords: frolic & Courage, frolic and courage, Antoinette Harris, things to see and do in athens, visiting athens greece, Athens Greece travel guide, Athens history and attractions, Best time to visit Athens, Athens transportation tips, Must-visit landmarks in Athens, Sample Athens itineraries, how to plan a trip to greece, best time to visit athens, traveling to athens greece tips, how to plan a trip to athens greece, athens greece, athens greece travel, athens travel tips
Id: t3dV9BY9emI
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Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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